Het Bestuur
Maandelijks Vergadering
Ons Contest-QTH
De Repeater ON0NL
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NOL Historie
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Het Feestcomite
Packet node ON0NOL
Bokkenrijders Award
Driemaandelijks Clubblad
Hambeurs 1999
ARDF Lommel 1999
VHF vieldday 1999
ARDF Kolis Neerpelt 2000
CQWW 1998
Friedrichshaven 1999
Dag van de amateur



DE Packet node

De node is nog steeds in opbouw en is deze informatie niet helemaal corect. Momenteel staat de node in testfaze bij ON4AKL (Luc) te Gruitrode.

..en dat geeft de nodige problemen

Good news !!

After almost 2 months of problems with the 23cm link to ON0RET... the ON0NOL node is again available on the Flexnet network. Thanks to the guys of EURO<>LINK Liege who repaired our 23cm transceiver. I'm currently working on a brand-new Linux server running the latest CLX DX cluster and a new mailbox. We received our new IP subnet a few weeks ago - so it will also be implemented in the comming weeks...

73!! Filip, ON1AFN

ON0NOL 144.8125 1200 RMNC JO21SD Gruitrode
ON0NOL 433.7500 1200 RMNC JO21SD Gruitrode
ON0NOL 438.2250 9600 RMNC JO21SD Gruitrode

©ON1DDA Marc Collaer 2001