Index of mods

Name Size Date Description
2010.txt 4445 10-25-96 adjustment revisited
2010freq.txt 4494 10-25-96 2010 SSB Adjustment
56kbfix.txt 1145 10-25-96 modem fixes
adi200rx.txt 1625 10-25-96 RX for the ADI AT-200 - 130-173.995 mHz
adi200tx.txt 1620 10-25-96 RX and TX range for the ADI AT-200
adi201.txt 1663 10-25-96 RX and TX range for the ADI AT-201
adi400tx.txt 2131 10-25-96 RX and TX range for the ADI AT-400
adiar146.txt 320 10-25-96 TX for the ADI AR-146
adiar446.txt 302 10-25-96 TX for the ADI AR-446
allband.txt 2936 10-25-96 IC-2AT, IC-02AT Mods
alr22t.txt 2203 10-25-96 frequency rx and tx of the ALR22T & ALR22HT
aor1500.txt 16908 10-25-96 AOR AR-1500 handheld scanner
aor300pr.txt 1361 10-25-96 AR-3000 changing priority channel test time.
ar1000.txt 8809 10-25-96 the AR1000
ar3000.txt 5095 10-27-96 Audio mod for the AR3000
ats803a.txt 1915 10-25-96 Anti-chuffing Mod
bbc_txt.txt 1799 10-25-96 BBC reviews
bbcest.txt 1747 10-25-96 BBC reviews
bc175xl.txt 992 10-25-96 Bearcat 175xl mod.
bc200.txt 20000 10-25-96 Bearcat 200XLT Modifications
bc200xlt.txt 2514 10-25-96 CPU pinouts!
bc205xlt.txt 4273 10-25-96 BC200/205XLT
bc2500.txt 3273 10-25-96 BC2500 cellular mod
bc2500xl.txt 2587 10-25-96 BC2500xl cellular mod
bc760xlt.txt 490 10-25-96 Bearcat 760xlt Mods
bc855.txt 3089 10-25-96 For Bearcat 855xlt
bc855xlt.txt 3772 10-25-96 For Bearcat 855xlt
bc890xlt.txt 680 10-25-96 full restore
c508a.txt 2415 10-25-96 functions for Standard C508A
c520.txt 9989 10-25-96 functions for Standard C528/520
c528.txt 10246 10-25-96 HT 528 mods (999MHz)
c52x.txt 7300 10-25-96 C528
c52x_2.txt 4904 10-25-96 functions for Standard C528/520
c558.txt 4265 10-25-96 REAL Standard 558 radio mod
c5608.txt 1242 10-25-96 C5608DA 800MHz rx keyboard mod file
c5608da.txt 5975 06-25-96 C5608DA 800MHz rx keyboard mod file
c568.txt 1107 10-25-96 Standard C568A - TX Mod
c5718da.txt 707 10-25-96 C5718DA wide band xmit mod file
c5900da.txt 1744 10-25-96 C5900DA Mod file
c628a.txt 1645 10-27-96 C628A Radio Mod
crdlsphn.txt 4500 10-25-96 Phone Modifications
dj120.txt 1173 10-25-96 DJ120 extended transmit mod file
dj160.txt 3709 10-25-96 MODS
dj162.txt 1692 10-25-96 DJ-162 Mod - (Here's How)
dj500.txt 2956 10-25-96 DJ-500 Mod
dj560.txt 1303 06-25-96 ALINCO DJ-560T D/B HH
dj580.txt 1993 10-25-96 ALINCO DJ-580T D/B HH
dj580_2.txt 1414 10-25-96 DJ580.MOD
dj580t_1.txt 786 10-25-96 DJ580 800 MHZ.1
dj580t_3.txt 1573 10-25-96 DJ580 keypad mods
dj_580.txt 159066 10-25-96 DJ580 Operating Manual
djf1.txt 848 10-25-96 DJ-F1 2 METER HANDHELD
djf1t.txt 2672 10-25-96 DJ-F1T mods
djg1t.txt 924 10-27-96 DJ-G1T mods
djg5t.txt 659 10-25-96 DJ-G5T mods
dr110.txt 1356 10-25-96 DR-110 mod file
dr110d.txt 430 10-25-96 DR110D 45w 2m mobile.
dr110p.txt 4941 10-25-96 baud mod for Alinco 110, 112, 1200 radios
dr110t.txt 452 10-25-96 FOR OUT OF BAND ENABLE
dr119t.txt 1101 10-25-96 FREQ MOD FOR ALINCO DR119T
dr1200.txt 1430 10-25-96 ALINCO & 9600
dr1200_1.txt 2282 10-25-96 InterMOD reduction mod file
dr1200t.txt 2261 10-25-96 DR1200t full band mod file
dr130.txt 1356 10-25-96 DR-130 MARS mod file
dr180t.txt 2706 10-25-96 1600 Packet Mod/Interface, Archive
dr430.txt 3679 10-25-96 DR-430 Extended TX modification.
dr510.txt 4238 10-25-96 DR510 Crossband Repeater Mod
dr570.txt 963 10-25-96 DR-570 MODS
dr570t.txt 605 10-25-96 FOR OUT OF BAND ENABLE
dr599t.txt 1856 10-25-96 extended RX mod file
dr600.txt 1648 10-25-96 DR-600 Mod
dr610t.txt 1095 10-25-96 DR-610T Mod
drm06.txt 1684 10-25-96 Mods for Alinco DRM06?
drsi_19k.txt 4570 10-25-96 Packet Modem Mod
dx440.txt 1915 10-25-96 Anti-chuffing Mod
dx440_2.txt 2221 10-25-96 DX-440 mod
dx440_3.txt 1915 10-25-96 DX-440 Anti-chuffing Mod
dx440txt.txt 2273 10-25-96 DX-440 mod
dx_440.txt 2471 10-25-96 ATS803A/Realistic DX-440 Radio Modification
f723txt.txt 16787 10-25-96 FT-23R 2m walkie talkie anthology
ft10.txt 1543 10-25-96 FT-10, here it is
ft1000.txt 1285 10-25-96 FT-1000 extended xmit mod file
ft1000mp.txt 704 10-25-96 FT-1000MP extended xmit mod file
ft101e.txt 2691 10-25-96 mods so you can use USA final tubes
ft11r.txt 5079 10-25-96 FT-11R Xtend Tx Mod
ft209rh.txt 1086 10-25-96 Yaesu FT-209RH mods resolved
ft212rh.txt 1370 10-25-96 Yaesu FT-212RH mods
ft2200.txt 2408 10-25-96 FT-2200 2m mods
ft233373.txt 5428 10-25-96 33, 73 extended range mods
ft23_211.txt 4887 10-25-96 FT73 & FT211 mod files
ft23r.txt 837 10-25-96 FT-23R EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE:
ft2400.txt 1026 10-25-96 FT2400H frequency mod
ft2400_1.txt 1140 10-25-96 FT2400 mod file
ft2500.txt 951 06-25-96 FT2500M MARS/CAP Mod
ft2500m.txt 916 10-25-96 FT2500M MARS/CAP Mod
ft290.txt 2120 10-25-96 info wanted
ft33r.txt 5375 10-25-96 33, 73 extended range mods
ft411.txt 4830 10-25-96 FT-411 modifications
ft411_1.txt 7816 10-25-96 FT-411E Mods
ft411_2.txt 1054 10-25-96 MOD FOR FT-411
Name Size Date Description
ft415815.txt 1700 10-25-96 & 815 mod files
ft4700.txt 1266 10-25-96 4700 Mod
ft470_1.txt 37600 10-25-96 FT-470 mods?
ft470_2.txt 9942 10-25-96 FT-470 extended VHF xmit mod file
ft470_3.txt 1716 10-25-96 FT-470 mods
ft470_6.txt 1521 10-25-96 FT-470 Crossband Repeater Function
ft470_7.txt 956 10-25-96 Effects to the FT470.8 MOD and Fix
ft470pkt.txt 2991 10-25-96 Packet Radio Mod
ft50.txt 1065 10-25-96 FT-50 Handheld
ft50r_1.txt 12346 10-25-96 FT-50R Guide V 1.1
ft51.txt 4711 10-25-96 FT-51 Handheld
ft5100.txt 2477 10-25-96 FT-5100 Help
ft5100_1.txt 1599 10-25-96 Extra feature on Yaesu FT-5100
ft5100_2.txt 17782 10-25-96 FT-5100/5200 mods
ft5100_4.txt 2958 10-25-96 FT-5100 CAT/Remote Control Mike Interface
ft5200.txt 5258 10-25-96 crossband mod file
ft5200_2.txt 2372 10-25-96 Extended Freq Mod
ft5200a.txt 14472 10-25-96 5200A Mod
ft530.txt 3103 10-25-96 mods wanted!
ft650.txt 1078 10-25-96 noise blanker mod file
ft726r.txt 1022 10-25-96 for ft726r to do 9600
ft726r_3.txt 970 10-25-96 FT-726 MOD
ft727.txt 1291 10-25-96 FT-727 MODS
ft727cat.txt 2570 10-25-96 CAT interface
ft727r.txt 1132 10-25-96 FT-727R
ft736r.txt 1826 10-25-96 2m RX mod!
ft736r_1.txt 1124 10-25-96 - VHF Attenuator Mod
ft73r.txt 5375 10-25-96 33, 73 extended range mods
ft73r_2.txt 4835 10-25-96 FT73 & FT211 mod files
ft747.txt 1483 10-25-96 FT-747 mod file
ft747gx.txt 1273 10-25-96 coverage mod for YAESU FT-747GX
ft757.txt 1182 10-25-96 mod file GX and GXII
ft757gx.txt 1241 10-25-96 Convert to broadband a Yaesu FT-757GXII?
ft767gx.txt 2649 10-25-96 FT767GX mod
ft815.txt 1503 10-25-96 & 815 mod files
ft840.txt 4344 10-25-96 FT-840 general TX mod
ft8500.txt 698 10-25-96 FT-8500 Need Mods
ft890.txt 1635 10-25-96 FT-890 mod file
ft900.txt 1828 06-25-96 FT-900 mods.
ft902.txt 6005 10-25-96 FT-902 mods.
ft990.txt 1227 10-25-96 FT-990 mod file
ft990_1.txt 1219 10-25-96 YAESU FT-990
ft990_2.txt 1233 10-25-96 FT-990 and 1000 extended xmit mod file
ft990_3.txt 2679 10-25-96 FT-990 mod for extended tx
ft990_4.txt 1219 10-25-96 YAESU FT-990
ftr146.txt 1407 10-25-96 FTR-146 and FX-440 squelch mod
fx146.txt 1150 10-25-96 FX 146 mod for packet file
fx440.txt 1407 10-25-96 FTR-146 and FX-440 squelch mod
ge_mvp.txt 11676 10-25-96 MVP to a Repeater (Instructions)
ge_phone.txt 582 10-25-96 GE Manuals
grund500.txt 6126 10-25-96 Satellit 500
hb232txt.txt 11220 10-25-96 Announcement
hb_232.txt 11175 10-25-96 2006 <-> computer interface
hf250txt.txt 4008 10-25-96 HF-250 Update
hf_250.txt 3956 10-25-96 HF-250 Update
hr2510.txt 1622 10-25-96 Uniden 2510 AGC speed mod for packet
hr2510_2.txt 4425 10-25-96 HR-2510 slow on agc???
hr2510_3.txt 1645 10-25-96 HR-2510 Headphone Jack Mod
hr2600.txt 2098 10-25-96 HR-2600 QSK MODIFICATION
htx100.txt 6824 10-25-96 HTX-100 Modifications
htx101.txt 7080 10-25-96 Shark HTX101 mod file
htx202.txt 3671 10-25-96 HTX-202 IS NOT MODIFIABLE!
hw24t.txt 3666 10-25-96 Expansion for Std. C528A or Hth. HW-24-T
hw_24.txt 1012 10-25-96 Extended RX mod file
ic02.txt 2107 10-25-96 EXPANSION MODIFICATION FOR IC-02AT
ic02_2.txt 1216 10-25-96 Icom IC02 Modification
ic02_3.txt 856 10-25-96 MODIFICATION FOR ICOM IC02 AND IC04 RADIOS
ic02a.txt 2556 10-25-96 IC02A mod
ic04.txt 1937 10-25-96 OF BAND MODIFICATION FOR ICOM IC-04
ic2000h.txt 519 10-25-96 IC2000H extended tx/rx
ic22s.txt 1847 10-27-96 IC-22S packet mod
ic229.txt 8246 10-25-96 IC-229H, and AM aviation band modification
ic229h.txt 1728 10-25-96 CPU RFI
ic2330a.txt 1036 10-25-96 IC2330 extended tx/rx
ic2340h.txt 2780 10-25-96 IC2340H att modification.
ic2350.txt 544 10-25-96 Icom IC-2350 Dualband
ic2410.txt 6760 10-25-96 IC-2410 mods
ic2410_1.txt 2169 10-25-96 IC2410 wideband RX
ic2410h.txt 2713 10-25-96 VHF TX
ic24_2.txt 964 10-25-96 New Info
ic24_3.txt 5273 10-25-96 for IC-24AT
ic28.txt 540 10-25-96 IC-28A AND IC-28H
ic281.txt 2998 10-25-96 IC-281 Mods
ic290.txt 2719 10-25-96 I290 Modification
ic2at.txt 2749 10-25-96 mod file for the IC2AT
ic2gat.txt 2418 10-25-96 2GAT Mods
ic2gxat.txt 1154 10-25-96 for ICOM 2GXAT
ic2ia.txt 1365 10-25-96 microphone mod
ic2sat.txt 5046 10-25-96 TX/RX mod
ic2sat_2.txt 8131 10-25-96 IC-2SAT enhancements, part 2
ic2sra.txt 8620 10-25-96 IC-2SRA Mods
ic32.txt 2522 10-25-96 IC-32AT Mod
ic3200a.txt 504 10-25-96 IC-3200 packet QSOs / dual band rigs?
ic32_2.txt 2719 10-25-96 Modifications
ic32at.txt 1937 10-25-96 32AT MODS
ic37.txt 3952 10-25-96 IC37 mods
ic4sat.txt 4316 10-25-96 IC-4SAT xtnded transmit mod - how to
ic706_1.txt 3165 10-25-96 IC-706 extended RX (yellow wire mod)
ic706.txt 1302 10-25-96 IC-706 MARS/CAP Mod (here it is!)
ic706.txt 1302 10-25-96 IC-706 extended RX
Name Size Date Description
ic706_1.txt 3165 10-25-96 706 - modified
ic706_2.txt 13447 10-25-96 706 Review
ic706_3.txt 2740 10-25-96 Service Manuals are HERE!!!
ic706_4.txt 3202 10-25-96 IC-706 Extended RX mod
ic7100.txt 15399 10-25-96 ICR7100 RECEIVER (365 lines)
ic720.txt 188 10-25-96 IC-720 extended xmit
ic725.txt 3183 10-25-96 Help on Mod for Icom 725
ic728.txt 88 10-25-96 728 mod
ic735ibm.txt 1492 10-25-96 735 <-> IBM Notes
ic737.txt 4769 10-25-96 737 Transmit Mod File
ic745.txt 186 10-25-96 IC-745 extend xmit
ic751.txt 7991 10-25-96 split mode mod
ic751_2.txt 224 10-25-96 IC-751 extended xmit
ic765.txt 4482 06-25-96 IC-765 mod for improved monitor volume
ic900.txt 2998 10-25-96 IC-900 mods
ic900mem.txt 2563 10-27-96 IC-900 Memory Modification
ic901a.txt 4192 10-25-96 Frequency Ranges
ic_24.txt 2071 10-25-96 Receive Mods
ic_p2at.txt 1188 10-25-96 P2AT keyboard mods
ic_u16.txt 4614 10-25-96 U16 mod
ic_x2a.txt 1463 10-25-96 IC-X2A Mods.
ic_z1a.txt 2296 10-25-96 for IC-Z1A
icdelta1.txt 986 10-25-96 Delta-1 Mods
icom32at.txt 1989 10-25-96 32AT MODS
icom735.txt 3531 10-25-96 Mods for IC-735
icom735b.txt 635 10-25-96 Mod For ICOM 735
icom735c.txt 3509 10-25-96 Mods for IC-735
icom_mem.txt 1480 10-25-96 Memory Notes
icom_ram.txt 2267 10-25-96 ram adaptor for use with eprom programmer
icommem.txt 1318 10-25-96 Models
icp2at.txt 1188 10-25-96 P2AT keyboard mods
ict7a.txt 329 10-25-96 T7A keyboard mods
icw21at.txt 1268 10-25-96 mods, con't
icw21at2.txt 4345 10-25-96 mods on ICOM W21AT
icw2a.txt 13750 10-25-96 W2A Mods
icw2a_1.txt 2654 10-25-96 receiver modification
icw2a_2.txt 5351 10-25-96 version of IC-W2 extended xmit mod
icw31.txt 360 10-25-96 W31 RX mod
kam.txt 1012 10-25-96 hf carrier detect mod.
kdk2016a.txt 2936 10-25-96 DEFEAT DURING XMIT FOR KDK 2016A
ken_mic.txt 4008 10-25-96 MIC MODIFICATION.
m700.txt 280 10-25-96 M-700 Marine Transceiver
maxar.txt 2918 10-25-96 temp drift mod
maxtrac.txt 5775 10-25-96 info on Moto gear for 902mhz FM?
micor.txt 34691 10-25-96 MICOR and MITREX Mods
micordup.txt 9053 10-25-96 of MICOR UHF to duplex mobile (long!)
micoruhf.txt 12119 10-25-96 UHF mobile to repeater conv. instructions
mitrek.txt 2360 10-25-96 MITREK TO 9600 BAUD MOD. MOST ALL MAKES
modserv.txt 1038 10-25-96 database server
mr8100.txt 934 10-25-96 MR8100
mserver.txt 984 10-25-96 database
pa20.txt 359 10-25-96 PA20 power amp
pagers.txt 4630 10-25-96 pagers - undocumented test features
pcs300.txt 1637 10-25-96 of PCS-300 PLL
pcs_4000.txt 2406 10-25-96 the Azden PCS-4000
pk232lok.txt 1940 10-25-96 Lockup Cures
pro2004.txt 5239 10-25-96 cellular mod
pro2005.txt 2654 10-25-96 modifications
pro2006.txt 2954 03-22-97 RS PRO-2006 Mod
pro2006n.txt 1993 10-25-96 celluar mod
pro2006s.txt 3364 10-25-96 SSB MOD HERE!
pro200sb.txt 3416 10-25-96 SSB MOD HERE!
pro2020.txt 4824 10-25-96 2020 SCANNER MOD
pro2021.txt 3666 10-25-96 Pro 2021 Mod
pro2022.txt 2537 10-25-96 PRO-2022 Cellular Restoration
pro2026.txt 1582 10-25-96 MODS!!!
pro2030.txt 2668 10-25-96 PRO-2030 Information
pro2032.txt 1082 10-25-96 MOD
pro23.txt 2583 10-25-96 Mod
pro34.txt 1291 10-25-96 Scanner Modifications
pro37.txt 16806 10-25-96 Scanner Modifications (Long)
pro37_1.txt 694 10-25-96 mod
pro38.txt 5451 10-25-96 (useless?) modification for the PRO-38
pro39.txt 3560 10-25-96 Memory Life
pro42aus.txt 3271 10-25-96 for PRO-43
pro43.txt 5883 10-25-96 (870-890 MHz) and low band (51-88 MHz)
pro43_1.txt 2676 10-25-96 frequency mods for the PRO-43
pro43_2.txt 2302 10-25-96 audio for the PRO-43 portable scanner
pro43aus.txt 3215 10-25-96 for PRO-43
pro43mtr.txt 4335 10-25-96 S-Meter!
pro51.txt 9026 10-25-96 MOD
pro_46.txt 2295 10-25-96 x
ps50fix.txt 1806 06-25-96 fix
pulsar.txt 13093 03-22-97 Motorola Pulsar II Mods (makes a repeater)
r5000.txt 1245 10-25-96 x
r7000.txt 3456 10-25-96 Display/Sensitivity Problem
r7000_2.txt 26886 10-25-96 Anthology modifications
rad_mods.txt 2230 10-25-96 Mods email server
radio.txt 4939 10-25-96 file is called: RADIO.MOD - email server
radiomod.txt 2217 10-25-96 Radio Mods
ramseyfx.txt 1451 10-25-96 FX transceiver kits
rci2950.txt 4965 10-25-96 for RCI-2950
rci_2950.txt 4490 10-25-96 for RCI-2950
rs12140.txt 1713 10-25-96 Weather Alert Radio
rs_freq.txt 2356 10-25-96 Function for Radio Shack Frequency Counter
sat500.txt 5612 10-25-96 fix of the synchronous detector of Grundig
scanner.txt 5539 10-25-96 Improvements for Scanners
sg2000.txt 1764 10-25-96 AM filter BYPASS modification
tapr9600.txt 11915 10-25-96 9600 MODEM MODS PART 1
Name Size Date Description
tc2duplx.txt 1657 10-25-96 Duplex Mod
th215.txt 2279 10-25-96 TH-215A modification
th21tnc.txt 817 10-25-96 TH-series HT TNC Interconnection
th225.txt 2803 10-25-96 TH225A modifications wanted
th22at.txt 2573 10-25-96 extended frequency operation.
th25.txt 7863 10-25-96 HT-45A mods? ( and TH-25AT )
th26.txt 6639 10-25-96 Kenwood TH-26A and TH-46A Mods
th2600a.txt 1119 10-25-96 TO OPEN TX ON THE KENWOOD TH-2600-A
th27a.txt 7806 10-25-96 Mods
th28_1.txt 1404 10-25-96 TH28 Mod
th28a.txt 2682 10-25-96 TH28A Mods (here they are)
th45.txt 7811 10-25-96 HT-45A mods? ( and TH-25AT )
th45_2.txt 7203 10-25-96 diodes
th47a.txt 1605 10-25-96 File for Kenwood TH-47A 440 Mhz HT
th75.txt 1437 10-25-96 TH-75A MOD
th77a.txt 7364 10-25-96 are the Kenwood TH-77A mods!
th78_new.txt 3529 10-25-96 mods for newer radios
th78a_0.txt 8711 10-25-96 to Undocumented Features of the TH-78A
th78a_1.txt 4573 10-25-96 TH-78 mods / Game
th78a_2.txt 7635 10-25-96 mod file, crossband repeat, cloning
th78a_3.txt 13341 10-25-96 TH 78 Mods
th78warn.txt 910 10-25-96 TH-78A MOD WARNING
th79a.txt 18426 10-27-96 TH79 Dual Bander Mods
thx5pwr.txt 3201 10-25-96 and 45 automatic power off defeat
tiny2tnc.txt 1483 10-25-96 tnc fix
tm211.txt 1548 10-25-96 TX mod file
tm221fix.txt 1388 06-25-96 no TX in high power mode fix
tm221_2.txt 480 10-25-96 RANGE !!
tm231fix.txt 653 06-25-96 Low Mic Audio Fix
tm241.txt 1653 10-25-96 TX mod file
tm2530.txt 889 10-25-96 MARS/CAP
tm321a.txt 661 10-25-96 Mars/cap mod
tm321a_2.txt 957 10-25-96 weak mic audio fix
tm321a_3.txt 1415 10-25-96 mod for TM321
tm421.txt 1492 10-27-96 TX Mod
tm631fix.txt 2429 06-25-96 Service Bulliten
tm701.txt 3031 10-25-96 CROSSBAND MOD
tm701a.txt 331 10-25-96 TM701A mods
tm721.txt 4280 10-25-96 modification
tm721_2.txt 2784 10-25-96 TM-621,721 mods ?
tm721_3.txt 6073 10-25-96 UHF Extend Mod
tm731.txt 1664 10-25-96 RPTR & OUT-OF-BAND MODS
tm732a_1.txt 1118 10-25-96 TM-732A Extended Receive Mod
tm732a_2.txt 5853 10-25-96 MODIFICATION MATRIX
tm732a_6.txt 831 10-25-96 to TM-732 Mod
tm733a.txt 31159 10-25-96 TM-733A Mods/Undoc Features
tm733a_2.txt 5346 06-25-96 TM-733A Mods
tm741.txt 17771 10-25-96 Mod
tm741732.txt 4812 10-25-96 Kenwood Features/Games TM-741/TM-732
tm741_1.txt 4516 10-25-96 TM-741a GAME Dox!!
tm741_2.txt 2763 10-25-96 741 Out of Band Problem
tm742.txt 5662 10-25-96 Remote Control
tm742_1.txt 3177 10-25-96 freq extension .1
tm742_2.txt 2364 10-25-96 Beyond Mars/CAP Mod. Guide
tm941a.txt 4653 10-25-96 mod
tm941a_2.txt 2787 10-25-96 TM-941A UNDOCUMENTED FEATURE
tm942.txt 2545 10-25-96 Beyond Mars/CAP Mod. Guide
tm96baud.txt 2495 10-25-96 721 731 9600 baud mod file
tm_741_m.txt 18067 10-25-96 TM-741 Mods. PLEASE READ.
tm_96kb.txt 2495 10-25-96 721 731 9600 baud mod file
tnc2.txt 1649 10-25-96 MOD FOR TAPR-2's
tnc220.txt 914 10-25-96 FULLDUPLEX on the Pac-Comm TNC-220
tnc2a.txt 3413 10-25-96 up MFJ 1270B
tr2400.txt 3599 10-25-96 repair notes
tr2500.txt 1913 10-25-96 TR-2500/3500 DIP SWITCH SETTING
tr2600a.txt 963 10-25-96 extended xmit
tr7625.txt 1283 10-25-96 intermittant TX fix
tr7930.txt 1888 10-25-96 MOD FOR KENWOOD TR7930/7950 TRANSCEIVER
tr7950.txt 869 10-25-96 power output
ts140fix.txt 1632 06-25-96 intermittant loss of TX power fix
ts180.txt 9948 10-25-96 notes (long)
ts2400fx.txt 3547 06-25-96 repair notes
ts2545at.txt 3038 10-25-96 and 45 automatic power off defeat
ts2600.txt 394 10-25-96 2600 extend
ts430.txt 7172 10-25-96 - Kenwood TS430 extended coverage
ts430_2.txt 845 10-25-96 AND CAP FREQUENCIES FOR THE TS430S
ts430fix.txt 6294 06-25-96 intermittent power output
ts440fix.txt 2172 06-25-96 Q33 protection
ts440_1.txt 1396 10-25-96 receiver audio mods file
ts440_at.txt 980 10-25-96 MOD TO USE ANTENNA TUNER FOR XT AND RX.-
ts450690.txt 4154 10-25-96 and TS690 TX mod file
ts450s.txt 4067 10-25-96 Mars/CAP Antenna Tuning
ts45at.txt 3038 10-25-96 and 45 automatic power off defeat
ts50.txt 4423 10-25-96 Power Mod for QRP
ts50_1.txt 1133 10-25-96 extended xmit
ts520.txt 7005 10-25-96 service notes
ts530.txt 1526 10-25-96 WARC bands mod file
ts680.txt 575 10-25-96 Freq Extend mod
ts680_2.txt 2940 10-25-96 TS-680 mods
ts690.txt 4233 10-25-96 and TS690 TX mod file
ts711.txt 205 10-25-96 TS-711A Mod
ts790a.txt 5147 10-25-96 X-Band Repeat Mod
ts820fix.txt 8063 06-25-96 Receive AUX band installation
ts830.txt 3462 10-25-96 frequency shift, low volt fix
ts850_2.txt 9021 10-25-96 features and mod file (long)
ts850s.txt 21365 10-25-96 TS850S features and mod file
ts850s_1.txt 410 10-25-96 sidetone mode
ts930fix.txt 8329 06-25-96 repair notes (long)
ts940.txt 3817 10-25-96 erratic display or control fix
ts940ibm.txt 2622 10-25-96 Control Program
Name Size Date Description
tw4000.txt 1403 10-25-96 mod notes
tw_4000.txt 1092 10-25-96 for Kenwood TW-4000 for CAP
u2at.txt 3213 10-25-96 xmit mod for the Icom IC-u2AT handheld
uni2510.txt 1674 10-25-96 file: Uniden 2510 AGC speed mod for packet
wilson.txt 1121 10-25-96 FOR THE WILSON MARK II AND MARK IV & MARS
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