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Milpitas ARES®/RACES

Ham Radio is a Hobby...
Emergency Communications is a Commitment

Forms & Documents

Blank ICS Forms You Should Have in Your GO-KIT

ICS 205 SCCo RACES Communications Plan (min. qty. 5)
Rev 07/09/18
ICS 211 SCCo RACES Check-In List (min. qty. 5)
ICS 213 SCCo ARES RACES Message Form (min. qty. 10)
Rev. 06/28/07
ICS 214 SCCo ARES/RACES Unit Activity Log (min. qty. 5)
Rev 09/25/09
ICS 309 SCCo ARES/RACES Communications Log (min. qty. 5)
Rev. 12/18/14
Milpitas CERT Damage Assessment Form (min. qty. 5)
Rev. 04/05/19
Milpitas CERT DA Form Sending Instructions (min. qty. 1)
Rev. 10/11/19
Milpitas RACES Incident Report Form (min. qty. 10)
Rev. 08/02/16

Additional message forms are needed for county assignments or use at an EOC. These can be found on the county web site:

Other Forms

Milpitas RACES ID Badge/Qualification Record
Rev. 07/21/10
Type IV Credential Candidate Record - Rev. 02/16/20


City of Milpitas SOP 4.6  (11/2002)
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Activation
City of Milpitas SOP 4-32  (04/2015)
Office of Emergency Services (OES) Communications Van
City of Milpitas SOP 4-33  (12/2002)
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Equipment
Packet Tactical Call Signs

Can be accessed from groups.io "Packet" discussion group.
Standard Operating Procedures

Can be accessed from groups.io "Active" discussion group.


SAFE Team Map
Can be accessed from groups.io "Active" discussion group.

Last Updated:  August 1, 2020