Advancing the state of the art.                                       HAM RADIO spans the globe.
AMATEUR RADIO, over 100 Years of operation,  in the public interest, convenience and necessity.
 HOW's DX?                                                                                      Our SPOTS are fading! (SUN SPOTS)

  Amateur Radio Station:  KA4INM         

                   (I've No Money, my wife has 6 horses)
  Ron is a Broadcast Engineer by day, and a HAM by night.
                                                                                 the Amateur Radio Relay League

The roots of HAM radio are CW! Born in Gary, Indiana  (raised in Aetna)  CW is the art of Morse code by RADIO.
Without the CW  HAM radio would be little  better than Citizen Band radio!
 - Member -
American Radio Relay League - Brandon Amateur Radio Society - Amateur Radio electronics Union

Photo by Art Beck (xym of KD4WDJ)
(can you see two `not obvious' antennae?)

Home QTH =      505 N. Wheeler Street, Plant City, FL 33566 - G.S. EL88
Hillsborough County, South East U.S.A
E-mail address: [email protected]

This site was created with Netscape and maintained exclusively with LINUX.

     Visit my friends  WEB sites:
        Tim's at:
        Daryl's at: Christmas wonders

Documents: Remember a few of these articles are COPYRIGHTED,
do NOT re-use them,
all others are in public domain, do with them as you wish.

    Amelia Earhart?     I found this QST article very interesting. Neat huh!
   Do you know what is the  ARRL is?
   Do you know about What Bible?
   I have heard: "you are not the only one!"  Ron's Biography
   Think about Chess?
   What is CW?
   Do you know what a perfect DOUBLE is from?
   I'd rather be Hamming!         A funny story I think, a short story, I know !
   What if you drop your HT in the drink?  (besides cry)
   Why should we have a HAM School?
   What is the Local HAM Society?
   What is the World Wide HAM Society?
   Are you ready for lightning?
   What is a Marconi?
   The point of Morse  is?
   What are NETS?
   Where is . . . Plant City, Florida  (besides G.S. EL88) 
   What are Radio Cops?
   Ron's Rigs                  (A brag sheet?)
   Want to read about A Strange Occurrence?
   What is HAM Traffic?                                       A left'ee!
    I think that I . . . Tree?

    Comments?  Or if you have anything about these subjects that you would like to share with the world of HAM radio;
    (PLEASE) Send Ron an E-gram.  [email protected]
                                                                         See Ron's MOTTO!

               73 (HAM for Best regards!)