G3VGR Amateur Radio Homepage      
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· Soonwaldsteig
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· Hochschwarzwald
· Albsteig
Welcome to my Amateur Radio Website. I have been licensed as G3VGR since May 1966 and I've enjoyed periods of HF activity mixed with various long absences from the hobby caused by work and family commitments. The home rig until 2020 was an Elecraft K2, used mainly on 40 through 10 metres with a Doublet antenna. Most operation is on 40 metres CW, which is my favourite band and mode. I rarely use any other modes from home.
One of my interests is QRP (low power) operation, especially portable QRP using homemade equipment. I have occasionally taken QRP equipment abroad when on business or hiking/backpacking trips and have operated from various CEPT countries.
Since April 2012, I've been in a period of low activity as interest in operating has waned somewhat and my latest passion is landscape photography. We hope to move house sometime in the near future, but I did have a temporary antenna up and occasionally operated QRP on 40m CW using my trusty Sierra. Unfortunately, the antenna broke in the high winds during the winter of 2017 and it has yet to be replaced. Occasionally, I used to operate CW from GB2RN, but the station was closed down a few years ago. Nowadays I have very little interest in Amateur Radio.
I am a member of various radio societies and clubs:
· Radio Society of Great Britain (since 1964)
· G-QRP Club (member #9891)
· DIG - Diplom Interessen Gruppe (member #6059)
· AGCW-DL Club (member #3105)
· FISTS CW Club (member #7180)
· RTC - Radio Telegraphy Club (member #335)
· HTC - Helvetia Telegraphy Club (member #202)
· GACW - Grupo Argentino de Radiotelegrafia (member #624)
· CTC - Croatian Telegraphy Club (member #154)
· SP-CW-C Club (Poland) (member #315)
· JARL A-1 CW Club (Japan) (member #691)
· North American QRP CW Club (member #521)
· Russian CW Club (member #897)
· CQCW International CW club (member #337)
· Straight Key Century Club (member #22886)
· Essex CW Amateur Radio Club (member #684)
· DL-QRP-AG Club (member #1940)
· Flying Pigs QRP Club (member #72)
· Adventure Radio Society (member #725)
· Brave Radio Friends