↑ Real-time HF Propagation Reports

This page is part of the project "Understanding HF Propagation"
by Doron Tal, 4X4XM

Real-time reports on established radio connections help amateur radio operators select the optimal bands at specific times.

The following maps DX clusters and reporters show the actual ham bands activity, open bands and regions:

    Popular DX maps:
  1. Real-time Watch of World Wide Communications Map
  2. DXMAPS shows the most recent QSOs on selected bands, which may indicate a real-time DX opening.
  3. Popular DX Clusters:
  4. DXWatch - "filter" - alerts interested hams when a specific DX station is on the air.
  5. DXZone - Amateur Radio Internet Guide; incl. curation of 51 DX clusters nodes.
Reporters of digital modes:
  1. PSK Reporter - amateur radio signal reporting and spotting network
  2. WSPRnetmap, WSPR Rocks, WSPR Live, etc.

Read more about Real-time HF propagation report.

The project "Understanding HF Propagation" provides a detailed overview and tutorials on HF propagation.

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Current HF Band Conditions Online Map

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Current HF Bands Conditions Charts for Radio Hams

Current HF Band Conditions Maps For Radio Operators