↑ HF radio propagation for radio amateurs

This page is part of the project "Understanding HF Propagation"
by Doron Tal, 4X4XM

Understanding HF propagation is essential for radio amateurs, particularly skywaves, which bounce off the ionosphere over long distances

The ionosphere, formed by solar activity, is characterized by Sunspots and is more reflective to HF radio waves during high activity, enabling better communication over long distances, while low solar activity results in poorer propagation.

Skywave propagation is influenced by time of day, seasons, and solar activity. solar radiation ionizes ionosphere, enabling distant HF radio waves, while at night the range is shorter.

In conclusion, skywave propagation is crucial for radio amateurs using HF bands, requiring understanding of factors and modes for successful communication.

The project "Understanding HF Propagation" provides a detailed overview and tutorials on HF propagation.

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