Cobra UltraLite

Above pictures courtesy of K1JEK

I bought this antenna (the Senior version) direct from the USA after reading the many eham reviews about this antenna. I had been using a DX Engineering multi band dipole which had been performing very well. All opinions were that I had wasted my money as a linear loaded dipole would null out the signals. However, the proof is in the pudding (as they say) and since installing the antenna, I was told that my signals were better than what they ever have been. I made a couple of modifications - such as using the DX Engineering dipole centre piece, and also soldering the elements rather than leaving them crimped. I am not using the full 100ft of 450ohm supplied ladder line. The Cobra UltraLite! I still have this antenna and may experiment with this in place of the doublet currently in use.

You can see the crimped ends on the supplied centre piece

One end of the dipole in the old back garden

The end of the dipole - the picture clearly shows the 3 wires and their 'join'. I soldered them, rather than leaving them crimped.

Lastly the supplied 4:1 balun in use!

© m0mrr 2021