10M AK9DX | 15M AK9DX | 20M AK9DX | 40M AK9DX | DIGITAL AK9DX |
AK9DX's SSTV Latest Pictures on 10 Meters
IU1PZM - Torino, Italy | DC9DD - Germany | OZ1QX - Copenhagen, Denmark | G8IC - England |
K6HR - Norwalk, California | MA3107 SWL - England | PA11246 SWL - Dutch | PA0041 SWL - Netherlands |
PA11246 SWL 10M Dutch | WA9TT - Appleton, WI | AK9DX 15M - Grayslake, Illinois | KO6KL - California |
KE5RS - Lander, Texas | AK9DX 10M - Grayslake, Illinois | PI1DFT 2M-Netherlands | VA3ROM - Ontario, Canada |
M6JNA - England | F4CYH - France | YO3FWL - Bucharest, Romania | AK9DX Digital - Grayslake, Illinois |
P Signal Reporting (Click This Link For Directions to Modify Your Software Settings)
P5: Broadcast Quality | P4: Very Good, Some Noise | P3: Good, More Noisy |
P2: Fair, Noisy | P1: Barely Visable | P0: Unusable |
World Famous WD9IDV is now AK9DX.
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