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High Speed Meteor

If You Are Looking For WSJT/FSK441 Meteor Scatter Information You are on the Wrong Page.
Some Other Web Sites Only Have Links To This Page. For WSJT/FSK441 Meteor Scatter  Look Here.


HSCW/WSJT Flow Chart (Sized to Print Out/View On-Line). What to send back when.

WSJT/HSCW Operating Chart

My WSJT Personal Notes on Rig/Sftwr Setup and Trouble Shooting

Help and advise for 1st time WSJT FSK441 users

WSJT Flow Chart for working with Portable and CQ stations by WA5UFH

HSCW Operating Procedures


9A4GL Winmsdsp 2000 Software Page Main HSCW sftwr used for HSMS

WSJT High Speed (8820 LPM) Real Time Decode Digital Meteor Scatter Software by K1JT.
EU Mirror Site for WSJT Download

MS-Soft sftwr by OH5IY. Excellent Meteor shower tracking/prediction sftwr. Look on page for download area.

IZ8BLY Hell for MS software . Runs at 5x or 10x speed ( approx 610 or 1125 lpm)

Dimension 4 sftwr.   (keeps your PC clock set to Universal Standard Time). I like this sftwr the best.

My Dimension 4 Setup Options Page

Fix for Dimension 4 software when using Windows XP. May also apply to Windows NT/2000 not sure.

Windows XP comm port stuck in operate . Look here for the fix.

About Time sftwr . Another good program to keep your PC clock set to Universal Standard Time

Atomic TimeSync  (keeps your PC Clock set to Universal Standard Time).

MeteorSim Software  by AE4JY. Simulates MS pings on your PC.


Ping Jockey Chat Server  for Real Time Skeds 

MS-Rocks Page  for Real Time Skeds  

HSMS "Hot News"  by W8WN

WSJT Registery  database by AA1YN

North American HSMS List Directory  for HSMS

HSMS Reflector"Look for Subscribe to Reflectors" then SELECT [HSMS].

WSJT Group on

The American Meteor Society . A must see info. on Antennas/ Polarization/Path loss/ etc etc.

SpaceWeather.Com  (latest info on AU and Metors etc)


W8WN High Speed CW Meteor Scatter  Page

Make More Miles on VHF web site by DK3XT. Lots of good MS and more.

OH5IY Meteor Web Site . A must see web site for MS

W6/PA0ZN Meteors,MS,HSMS  Page

N1BUG Meteor and EME  plus more.

N0UK Ping Jockey Web Site

KM5ES 2 Meter and Meteor  Web Site

WA5UFH WSJT/Meteor  Web Site


RIGblaster "HSMS/PSK31/RTTY etc" rig to sound card interface unit

Directo.exe sftwr  to allow Windows 2000 or Windows NT to work with comm ports etc.

Rigblaster Fix for stuck Comm Port on "Windows ME"  boot up. Look for FIXCOMSTART.EXE on this link


432mhz WSJT  ping