Revised 09-09-2013
è Jefferson
County ARES meeting is the third Thursday of the month next meeting
Sept 19th 2013 … 216 10th
These agencies and
businesses have supported JCARC though donations, goods, repeater sites,
equipment, finances and services... Thanks to each and every one of them...
Barnett Construction Inc.
Newtron Inc.
ACE House Leveling and Repair
Legion Butler-Reed Post # 493
Port Arthur Twin City Hwy
St Mary Hospital Port Arthur, Texas
Arthur, Texas Emergency Management.
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Click here for Map to Club House
Pictured above are the
Club meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All that are interested please plan to attend, even if you are not licensed, you can come find out how to get licensed... A little interest can go a long way... We also have scheduled Ham Classes …. Come and find out… See ya there...
The larger Building in the background is
the meeting room. Also, has a kitchen for special events and is used for VE
Test sessions. Monthly Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month. VE testing is available on request. Club
house meeting is at
Jefferson County ARC has been affiliated
with ARRL since Nov. 1941 and has over 100 members. It supports a repeater,
ARES group, tailgate sales and Ham radio classes.
For information contact Email:
Chuck Vincent [email protected]
President: Chuck Vincent KB5NBJ email to: [email protected]
Vice President: Kirk Mahaney N5WKM Phone: 409 962-9375 email to: [email protected]
Secretary-Treasurer: Doug Thomas N5BST Phone: 409 344-1966 email to:[email protected]
Mic & Key Editor: Doug Thomas N5BST Phone: 409 344-1966 email to:[email protected]
Jefferson County Office of Emergency
Department of Homeland Security
Big Thicket Amateur Radio
New Bandplan with the new
band limits
Big thanks to W5XOM
for the use of their repeater.
Thanks to MERC (Mobil Emergency Radio Club) for the use of the repeater, sponsored by
Exxonmobil Beaumont.
The 145.470 is up at the Chevron Refinery, doing real good...
52.525 MHz. 6 Meter Simplex
144.390 MHz. APRS
145.010 MHz. BPT (W5SSV) Packet node
* 145.210- MHz. SWLARC (pl. 103.5) (W5BII)
* 145.230- MHz. Kountze (pl.103.5) ( N5BTC)
145.350- MHz. Sulphur ARC (pl. 103.5) (KC5PNH)
* 145.470- MHz. Nederland (pl. 103.5) JCARC
146.450 MHz. Mid
146.520 MHz. National Simplex Frequency
146.580 MHz. Simplex Freq used for events
* 146.700- MHz. Beaumont ARC (pl 107.2)
# 146.730- MHz. SWLARC (pl. 173.8) (W5BII)
* 146.760- MHz. Bmt ARC
(pl 107.2) (W5GNX)
* 146.860- MHz. Port Arthur (103.5 pl)
*# 146.980- MHz. Devers (pl. 103.5) (N5FJX) Wide range repeater
*# 147.000- MHz. Jasper (pl. 118.8) (W5JAS)
147.060+MHz. Dupont (AA5P) (pl. 103.5)
* 147.180+MHz. Orange ARC (pl. 103.5) (W5ND)
*# 147.200+
* 147.300+MHz. Mobil Oil Repeater (pl.
103.5) (W5XOM)
147.440 MHz. Simplex (Mauriceville)
223.800- MHz. Downtown Beaumont (pl.123.0) KA5QDG Down
224.920- MHz. Devers (KA5QDG) (pl.123.0) Down
442.575+MHz. Devers (pl 103.5) (KA5QDG) Down
444.700+MHz. Bmt ARC (pl. 107.2) (W5RIN)
444.900+MHz. Mobil Oil (pl 103.5) (WB5HRF)
* Denotes Transmit PL
# Denotes Echolink
ARES net is each Wednesday following the JCARC weekly 8:00 PM net on 145.470 MHz. - offset (W5SSV) (pl.103.5)
ARES meets on the third Thursday of each month at the JCARC
clubhouse (
Additional ARES information to be added in the future.
Monthly club meetings are the second
Tuesday of the month at the JCARC clubhouse,
A weekly 2 Meter net is held each Wednesday at 8:00PM
on 145.470 MHz. - offset (W5SSV)(pl.103.5) Stop by and check in!! ARES Net follow the JCARC net, ARES meeting
the third Thursday of each month at JCARC club house
ARES meets
the third Thursday of each month at the JCARC clubhouse.
Field Day – Emergency Preparedness drill each year, last full weekend in June… Make plans to attend…
November Sweepstakes – Radio Contest each November
Don Allen Wildwood Sports Day @ Wildwood,
March of Dimes – Walk A Thon
V.E. Testing – Available Call to find out next time and date, Mike Faucheaux N5KBW – (409) 727-1071
The Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club, Volunteer Examiners (VE’s) provide periodic testing for Amateur Radio licenses.
For testing contact Mike Faucheaux, N5KBW @ 1-409-727-1071.
Classes for Technician class licenses are held through out the year. Date and times will be announced in club newsletter, 2M nets, and local newspapers and on this webpage.
National Weather Service Forecast Office - Lake Charles, LA
Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN)
“Pray for Our Troops”
Revised 09-09-2013
Under Construction
Webmaster: Mike Faucheaux Email Comments to Webmaster [email protected]