Dreamland                                                                                                                                        last updated Feb 2005.


Dual band antenna for starters.

Corner reflect antenna.

Invisible antenna farm and wire beam.

Wire beam for field days activity.

Mini 3 element Yagi for 14MHz

6 element Yagi for 440MHz

Audio processor for SSB operation

UHF/VHF duplexer under $10.

DTMF decoders and remote control.

Canadian Amateur Radio Examination model

Toronto Internet/radio conference hub system.

Global Cantonese repeaters conferencing network.

VOX for SB-16 sound platform.

Tuning / modifying cavity duplexer.

Transmission line fault finding.


Sites and technical reference on other home-brew projects :

2.4GHz long range WiFi network supporting technologies

AGW packet radio engine (window sound card)

Amateur Radio modification data

Battery University (all about NiCad, NiMH, Lithium Ion…)

Jims' page (cellular concept, home brew duplexers)

Steve's Ontario cellular sites guide

Steve's B.C. cellular sites guide

Circuit diagram for various ham radio transceivers

CCI R.F. transistors, kits and components

DTMF/CTCSS… decoding with Sound card

E-H and cross field antenna

Electronic tools developer

Electronic components and kits

NTE(ECG substitute) electronic components

Epanorarma.net (electronic technology digest in multiple subjects)

GPS/Amateur Radio work station (ELT ,ATIS, APRS…)

GPS receivers and related mapping technology

GPSS mobile voice tracking / map database

Ham transceivers modification data

Home brew receivers

HARRY'S home brew projects

Home brew hams stuff (made in Tai Po - Hong Kong)

IRLP Internet Repeater Linking Project

QEX (ARRL experimenter's forum) digest

G1IVG home page (radio modification)

Surplus commercial radio and components

Ramsey kits in Canada

Packet Radio via sound card host driver

R.F and homebrew project digest from Antennex

High capacity solar power projects....

Rainbow antenna analyzer home brew project




Sites of manufacturers

Amidon Inc

Andrew Corporation

B.C.E.Mobile Communication

Decibel Products

Icom radio equipment

Kenwood radio equipment

LCC cellular testing equipment

Mini-circuits Inc.

Motorola Inc.

Northern Telecom

Yaesu radio equipment


Grey out items means the link document is still under construction, please be patient.


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I hope Mr.Dale Brown can visit here some day. Patrick Wong