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Introduction, "Phonetic Alphabets"

This page carries the postings created by Brian Kelk (page) of Cambridge, UK. plus other information.
Full credit and thanks are given to Brian for his work which he has updated with new listings. (Jan 2000)

His postings continue to be listed here and by Fuat Baran at Columbia, USA.,

"Phonetic Alphabets"; as listed herein are not truly phonetic as they do not describe the sounding of the letters represented. The need arose after the invention of the telephone and more so of radiotelephony for means to correctly identify letters and words sent by these equipments.
Lists of words were devised which were incorrectly called -
"Phonetic Alphabets" - by the military and this nomenclature has stuck.

Research Material Wanted

The following material / information is sought for further research -

  1. 1857 US 'National Telegraphic Review & Operator's Guide' - Numeral Codes.
  2. 1891 'Manual of Instruction in Army Telegraphy: Field Telegraphs' HMSO.
  3. 1899 US 'War Dept. Telegraphic Code'. Wash.DC: GPO.
  4. 1908 'Instruction in Army Telegraphy and Telephony' London. HMSO.
  5. 1913 Royal Navy - 'Handbook of Signalling'
  6. Services Signal Manuals between the years 1911 - 1952.
  7. 1923 OU 5371 'British Army W/T Operating Signals. X-Codes'.
  8. 1931 OU 5371 'British Army W/T Operating Signals. X-Codes'.
  9. 1938 Royal Signals - 'Sig. Training Vol 5. Sig. Office Org and Procedure'
  10. US Army Dot Code, Details and method requested.
  11. The X-Codes, used by Brit/Aust forces until c1943. Replaced by Q-Codes.
  12. 1952 British Army 'Signal Training Pam 7, Voice Procedure'
  13. US or Other Language Manuals or References.
  14. Original or Photocopy wanted, willing to buy or pay costs.
  15. Info on the WW2 Cairns to Coffs Harbour Heliograph Links.
  16. US 1857 Numeral Codes for no's 11,16,20,40,41,45-54,56-72,74-76,78-87, 89,90,94,96,98,101-133, any over 134.
  17. US Police 11-Codes 1-6, 8-10, 11-23, 31-39, 67-70, 72-77, 87-93, 100.
  18. US Police 12-Codes 8,11,13-15,18,19,22-24,27,30,36-38,42,46-48,51-56.
  19. CB 10-Codes 47-49,51-54,56-59,61,72,76,78-80,86,87,96,98,101,103-199.
  20. Trucker's 12-Codes 4-23,26-34,36,40-44,51-60,62-64,66-68,70,71,79-82.
  21. CB 13-Codes 8-19, 27-39, 48,49, anything over 53.

    Phonetic Alphabet Listings and Accents.

    Many non-English languages use accented letters and as it is mostly not easy or possible to print these on some mailers, viewers or printers, codes have been devised to indicate these accents.
    Lists inserted by me are signed off by - (JWA).
    I have adopted the system mostly used by SIL-IPA in their TT fonts.
    I use the convention where the accent follows the accented letter.
    This is not universally used and varies with different methods.
    Lists not composed by me retain the originator's system.
    Where no code is practical, the unaccented letter is used.

    Accent Example Substitute
    Acute á = a-acute a' (/ over letter)
    Cedilla ç = c-cedilla c, (,like under letter)
    Circle above å = a-circle a* (o over letter)
    Circumflex ê = e-circumflex e^ (^ over letter)
    Grave è = e-grave e\ (\ over letter)
    Hacek š = s-hacek s+ (inverted ^ over letter)
    Tilde ñ = n-tilde n~ (~ over letter)
    Umlaut ö = o-umlaut o" (two dots over letter)

    The NATO Phonetic Alphabet

    This Alphabet, also known as the ITU, International, Aircraft and other names, was developed after World War II. The most common one then in use was that of the Allied Armed Forces. These were, however, based on the English language using words not suitable in other languages.
    Postwar Aviation was becoming very internationalised so the "experts" from many nations drew up word options looking for phonetically suitable words that were commonly used in as many languages as possible.
    By 1952 the ICAO adopted a version which with minor changes was adopted by the Allied Forces then by NATO and by the ITU in 1956.
    This is becoming a world standard but is not compulsory.
    Within national boundaries and jurisdictions nations can and do use their own versions if they wish.
    Even within the USA it is not used widely by the civil authorities.

    Spelling variations occur within different languages.
    Column alignments vary with different browsers and monitors.

    The NATO Phonetic Alphabet - (Basic)

        A - ALPHA	   G - GOLF	  M - MIKE	  T - TANGO
        B - BRAVO	   H - HOTEL	  N - NOVEMBER	  U - UNIFORM
        C - CHARLIE	   I - INDIA	  O - OSCAR	  V - VICTOR
        D - DELTA	   J - JULIETT	  P - PAPA	  W - WHISKEY
        E - ECHO	   K - KILO	  Q - QUEBEC	  X - X-RAY
        F - FOXTROT	   L - LIMA	  R - ROMEO	  Y - YANKEE
    			 	  S - SIERRA	  Z - ZULU

    Letter and Figure Spelling Tables                                                de JWA 27 Oct '99

    International Code of Signals 1987

    LETTERS: Note: The block syllables are emphasised.
    FIGURES:  Note: Each syllable should be equally emphasised.
    The second component of each figure is the codeword used in the Aeronautical Mobile Service.
    Letter Code Word English French
    A Alpha ALfah ALfah
    B Bravo BRAHvoh BRAvo
    C Charlie CHARlee* TCHAHli*
    D Delta DELLtah DELtah
    E Echo ECKoh EKo
    F Foxtrot FOKStrot FOXtrott
    G Golf Golf Golf
    H Hotel HohTELL HohTÈLL
    I India INdeeah INdiah
    J Juliett JEWleeÈTT DJOUliETT
    K Kilo KEYloh KIlo
    L Lima LEEmah LImah
    M Mike Mike MAÏk
    N November NoVEMber NoVÈMMber
    O Oscar OSScah OSSkar
    P Papa PahPAH PahPAH
    Q Quebec KehBECK KéBÈK
    R Romeo ROWmeoh ROmio
    S Sierra SeeAIRrah SiÈRrah
    T Tango TANGgo TANGgo
    U Uniform YOUneeform* YOUniform*
    V Victor VIKtah VIKtar
    W Whiskey WISSkey OUISSki
    X X-ray ECKSray ÈKSSRÉ
    Y Yankee YANGkey YANGki
    Z Zulu ZOOloo ZOUlou
        *or *ou
        SHARLlee CHARli
        OOneeform OUniform
    0 Nadazero Nah-dah-zay-roh Na-da-ze-ro
    1 Unaone Oo-na-wun Ouna-ouann
    2 Bissotwo Bees-soh-too Bis-so-tou
    3 Terrathree Tay-rah-tree Te-ra-tri
    4 Kartefour Kar-tay-fower Kar-té-fo-eur
    5 Pantafive Pan-tah-five Pann-ta-faif
    6 Soxisix Sok-see-six So-xi-sicks
    7 Setteseven Say-tay-seven Sét-té-sev'n
    8 Oktoeight Ok-toh-ait Ok-to-eit
    9 Novenine No-vay-niner No-vé-nai-neu
    . Decimal Point Day-see-mal Dé-si-mal
    . Stop Stop Stop

    BOOK - Q, X, Z Codes, Phonetics, Abbreviations etc.

    Have YOU wanted to know, or have a reference to all those Telegraph Codes etc? Why not !

    A book containing these listings in table format plus Q, X and Z Codes, Prowords and Abbreviations and other information has been published for the
    Summerland Amateur Radio Club,
    at Lismore, N.S.W. 2480, Australia. - It is :-


    "Radiotelegraph and Radiotelephone Codes, Prowords and Abbreviations"

    Click for details and availability -

    Copies also available from "Morsum Magnificat"

    Listings from Brian Kelk, as at 4 January, 2000.

    Article 127719 of sci.lang:
    From: [email protected] (Brian.Kelk)
      [email protected]
    Newsgroups: sci.lang,
    Subject: Phonetic alphabets (Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta) (Jan 2000)
    Date: 4 Jan 2000 20:40:19 GMT
    Organization: University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
    Lines: 1363
    Summary: phonetic/spelling alphabets for various languages
    Keywords: phonetic alphabets
               Phonetic Alphabets (Alpha Bravo etc)
                            January 2000
    There is a widely known alphabet Alpha Bravo ... Yankee Zulu.
    Such alphabets are variously known as phonetic/radio/
    spelling/telephone alphabets, and the term analogy alphabet
    is also used. This collection currently includes alphabets
    for the following languages:
    English, French, German, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish,
    Portuguese, Italian, Romansh, Danish, Norwegian,
    Swedish, Finnish, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian,
    Croatian, Serbo-Croat, Greek, Romanian, Turkish, Hebrew,
    Russian, Ukrainian, Swahili, Kwanyama, Ndonga, Afrikaans,
    Chinese and Esperanto.
    This posting supersedes the one of 27th April 1999.
    New this time: Unaone Bissotwo, and further alphabets for Spanish, Italian and Turkish.
    My thanks to the many contributors, not all of whom are
    acknowledged below. Particular thanks to Gwillim Law
    [email protected] for numerous contributions and for
    looking after the posting for a while.
    Please report any errors. I will be glad to receive new material;
    further references; anecdotes; whatever.
    A Web copy of this article, together
    with some further material, can be found at:
    FUAT BARAN, Columbia, USA.
    Also, but not currently up to date:
    News Answers
    Editorial comments are in square brackets [  ].
                                   Brian Kelk.  [email protected]
                                   4 January 2000
    ***** ENGLISH *****
    The NATO phonetic alphabet:
    Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India
    Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo
    Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
    [This alphabet dates from about 1955 and is approved by the
     International Civil Aviation Organization, the FAA and the
     the International Telecommunication Union; note that
     different bodies prefer different spellings, so one also
     sees: Alfa Juliett Juliette Oskar Viktor]
    [The alphabet above is from the Cambridge Encyclopedia of
     Language. An alphabet with Alfa X-ray can be found in The
     U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military Terms.
     Alfa Juliett X-ray, which is the ICAO version, appears in
     A Concise Dictionary Of Slang And Unconventional English
     and also a Langenscheidt dictionary]
    [UK police use Indigo(???) instead of India.
     German army handbook 90/91: Alfa Foxtrott Juliett.
     Italian version: Alfa Charly FoxTrot Giuliet Romio Wiskey.
     An Indonesian phrase book: Beta Ultra Volvo Whisky X-ray.
     A precursor of the present alphabet (1952?) had: Alfa Coca
     Metro Nectar Siera Union Whisky Extra]
    Phonetics for digits (from an amateur radio FAQ):
      zero one two tree fower fife six seven eight niner
    From the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language:
      zero wun too tree fower fife six seven ait niner
    Atlantic City ITU convention 1947:
      Nadazero     NAH-DAH-ZAY-ROH
      Unaone       OO-NAH-WUN
      Bissotwo     BEES-SOH-TOO
      Terrathree   TAY-RAH-TREE
      Kartefour    KAR-TAY-FOWER
      Pantafive    PAN-TAH-FIVE
      Soxisix      SOK-SEE-SIX
      Setteseven   SAY-TAY-SEVEN
      Oktoeight    OK-TOH-AIT
      Novenine     NO-VAY-NINER
    'Telecom B':
    [Note similarity to Apples Butter Charlie]
    Alfred Benjamin Charles David Edward Frederick George Harry
    Isaac Jack King London Mary Nellie Oliver Peter Queen Robert
    Samuel Tommy Uncle Victor William Xray Yellow Zebra
    [Found also in Swedish, Dutch, Hungarian telephone
     directories. An 'analogy alphabet' in a Kenyan directory
     has Charlie and no Y. A Swiss directory: Andrew Charlie
     Lussy Queenie Sugar. French/German vocabulary books: Andrew
     Charlie Lucy Mike Nelly Sugar Xmas. English phrase books
     for Spanish/Italian speakers: Charlie. A 'British English'
     alphabet in a Langenscheidt dictionary: Andrew Charlie Lucy
     Queenie Sugar Xmas]
    [Used as an English alphabet by telephone operators in
    'British A':
    Amsterdam Baltimore Casablanca Denmark Edison Florida
    Gallipoli Havana Italia Jerusalem Kilogramme Liverpool
    Madagascar New_York Oslo Paris Quebec Roma Santiago Tripoli
    Uppsala Valencia Washington Xantippe Yokohama Zurich
    [An 'international' alphabet in a Dutch telephone directory
     has: Danemark. A 'French' alphabet in a Hungarian dictionary
     has: Cassablanka Danemark Que'bec Upsala Zu"rich.
     An 'international' alphabet in a business book for French
     has: Italy Kilogram Zu"rich; the corresponding book for 
     German has: Italy Kilogram Xanthippe Zu"rich.
     An 'international' alphabet in a Langenscheidt dictionary:
     Danemark Madagaskar Que'bec Upsala Xanthippe Zu"rich]
    [West Berlin telephone directory 1965: Danemark Je'rusalem
     Madagaskar Que'bec Upsala Xanthippe Zu"rich.
     Santa Fe (Argentina) 1955: Dinamarca Habana Jerusale'n
     Kilogramo Nueva_York N~andubay Upsala Wa'shington Xantipo
     Azores 1966: Danemark Ita'lia Jerusale'm New-York Que'bec
     Upsala Yokoham]
    [Used as a French alphabet by telephone operators in Israel]
    Bombay telephone directory 1962 (also a later source):
    Army Brother Cinema Doctor English Father Gold Hotel India
    Jam King Lady Mother Navy Orange Paper Queen Raja Sister
    Table Uncle Victory Water X-ray Yellow Zero
    Kenyan and Tanzanian telephone directories 1966:
    Africa Bombay Charlie Durban England Freddie George Harry
    India Japan Kenya London Mombasa Nairobi Orange Peter Queen
    Robert Sugar Tanga Uganda Victory William X-Ray Yellow
    Johannesburg telephone directory 1965:
    [Note similarity to Alfred Benjamin]
    Arthur Betty Charlie David Edward Frederick George Harry
    Isaac Jane Kate Lucy Mary Nellie Olive Peter Queen Robert
    Simon Thomas Union Violet William X-Ray York Zero
    Malayan telephone directory 1964:
    Australia Bombay China Denmark England Fiji Ghana Hongkong
    India Japan Kedah London Malacca Norway Osaka Penang
    Queensland Russia Singapore Turkey Uganda Victoria Wales
    X'Ray Yokohama Zanzibar
    Used by police in New York City:
    [Note similarity to ARRL and Western Union]
    Adam Boy Charlie David Edward Frank George Henry Ida John
    King Lincoln Mary Nora Ocean Peter Queen Robert Sam Tom
    Union Victor William X-ray Young Zebra
    [Variants: Eddie Larry Nancy Thomas Yankee Yellow]
    Used by police in Nassau County, Long Island, New York
    Adam Boston Chicago Denver Edward Frank George Henry Ida
    John King Lincoln Mary Nancy Ocean Peter Queen Robert Sam
    Thomas Union Victor William X-ray Young Zebra
    Used by police in San Diego, California:
    Adam Boy Charles David Edward Frank George Henry Ida John
    King Lincoln Mary Nora Ocean Paul Queen Robert Sam Tom Unit
    Victor William Xray Yellow Zebra
    Used by police in Hutchinson, Kansas:
    Adam Boy Charles David Edward Frank George Henry Ida John
    King Lincoln Mary Nora Ocean Paul Q.. Robert Sam Tom Union
    Victor William X-ray Yankee Zebra
    Alternative phonetics sometimes used unofficially in amateur
    America Boston Canada Denmark England France Germany
    Honolulu Japan Kilowatt London Mexico Norway Ontario/Ocean
    Pacific Radio Santiago/Spain Tokyo United Victoria
    Washington Yokohama Zanzibar
    [Also: Amsterdam, Baltimore, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Finland,
     Geneva, Greece, Guatemala, Hawaii, Italy, Kentucky, King,
     Luxembourg, Montreal, Nicaragua, Portugal, Romania, Russia,
     Sweden, Texas, Uruguay, Venezuela]
    The ARRL (American Radio Relay League) alphabet (1948):
    [Note similarity to Western Union and Able Baker]
    Adam Baker Charlie David Edward Frank George Henry Ida John
    King Lewis Mary Nancy Otto Peter Queen Robert Susan Thomas
    Union Victor William X-ray Young Zebra
    [Nowadays the ARRL endorses the NATO/ICAO/ITU alphabet]
    Pre-1954 U.S. Navy Radio Alphabet:
    (Communications Handbook, 1945)
    [Note similarity to Able Buy Cast]
    Able Baker Charlie Dog Easy Fox George How Item Jig King
    Love Mike Nan Oboe Peter Queen Roger Sugar Tare Uncle Victor
    William X-ray Yoke Zebra
    [formerly used by IBM engineers for hex digits and pin
    "Used by Armed services of USA & GB" (ARRL Handbook, 1945)
    Able Baker ... Easy ... Tare ...
    Allied Services 1945:
    Able Baker ... Edward ... Tape ...
    From a book entitled "The Complete Morse Instructor..." (1944):
    Able Baker ... Easy ... Tare ...
    RAF 1943-56:
    Able-Afirm ... Item/Interrogatory ... Jig/Johnny ...
    Nab/Negat ... Peter/Prep ...
    U.S. Army/Navy 1941:  Sail
    [In similar alphabets: affirm, cast, hypo, inter, negat,
     option, over, prep]
    RAF 1942-43:
    Apple Beer Charlie Dog Edward Freddy George Harry Ink
    Jug/Johnny King Love Mother Nuts Orange Peter Queen
    Roger/Robert Suga Tommy Uncle Vic William X-ray Yoke/Yorker
    [cf. aircraft in Dambusters raid: A-Apple B-Baker C-Charlie
     E-Easy F-Freddie G-George H-Harry J-Johnny K-King L-Leather
     (officially L-London) M-Mother N-Nuts O-Orange P-Popsie
     S-Sugar T-Tommy W-Willie Y-York Z-Zebra]
    U.S. Navy 1940:
    Affirmative  Baker  Cast  Dog  Easy  Fox George  Hypo
    Interrogatory  Jig  King  Love  Mike  Negative  Option  Preparatory
    Queen  Roger  Sail  Tare  Unit  Victor  William  Xray  Yoke  Zed
    Western Union:
    Adams Boston Chicago Denver Easy Frank George Henry Ida John
    King Lincoln Mary New_York Ocean Peter Queen Roger Sugar
    Thomas Union Victor William X-ray Young Zero
    British Army 1927:
    Ack Beer Charlie Don Edward Freddy George Harry Ink Johnnie
    King London Monkey Nuts Orange Pip Queen Robert Sugar Toc
    Uncle Vic William X-ray Yorker Zebra
    RAF 1924-42:
    Ac Beer Charlie Don Edward Freddie George Harry Ink Johnnie
    King London Monkey Nuts Orange Pip Queen Robert Sugar Toc
    Uncle Vic William X-ray Yorker Zebra
    Royal Navy 1917:
    Apples Butter Charlie Duff Edward Freddy George Harry Ink
    Johnnie King London Monkey Nuts Orange Pudding Queenie
    Robert Sugar Tommy Uncle Vinegar Willie Xerxes Yellow Zebra
    U.S. Army 1916:
    Able Buy Cast Dock Easy Fox George Have Item Jig King Love
    Mike Nap Opal Pup Quack Rush Sail Tape Unit Vice Watch X-ray
    Yoke Zed
    British forces 1904:
    Ack Beer C D E F G H I J K L Emma N O Pip Q R Esses Toc U
    Vic W X Y Z
    [The OED has a reference for Beer and Emma dated 1891]
    ***** FRENCH *****
    [style: A comme Anatole]
    Contributor: Erik Tjong Kim Sang 
    anatole bernard c'ecile denise 'emile fran5cois g'erard
    henri isidore jean kl'eber louis marcel nicole oscar pierre
    quital robert suzanne th'er`ese ursule victor wagon xavier
    yvonne zo'e
    Contributor: Rudolf Lais 
    (Swiss telephone directory 1993)
    Anna Berthe Ce'cile Daniel Emile Franc,ois Gustave Henri Ida
    Jeanne Kilo Louise Marie Nicolas Olga Paul Quittance Robet
    Suzanne The're`se Ulysse Victor William Xavier Yvonne Zurich
    [also Geneva directory 1966]
    (OUP vocabulary book)
    Anatole Berthe Ce'sar De'sire' Euge`ne E'mile Franc,ois
    Gaston Henri Irma Joseph Kle'ber Louis Marcel Nicolas Oscar
    Pierre Que'bec Robert Suzanne The're`se Ursule Victor
    William Xavier Yvonne Zoe'
    (Langenscheidt phrase book)
    Anatole  Berthe  Ce'sar  De'sire'  Emile   Franc,ois  Gaston  Henri
    Isidore  Jean  Kle'ber  Louis  Marie  Nicolas  Oscar  Paul  Que'bec
    Robert  Suzanne  The'odore  Ursule  Victor  Wagon  Xavier  Yvonne
    (Larousse business book)
    Anatole  Bruxelles  Caroline  De'sire'  E'mile  Fre'de'ric  Gustave
    Henri  Isidore  Joseph  Kilogramme  Le'opold  Marie  Napole'on
    Oscar  Piano  Quie'vrain  Robert  Suzanne  Te'le'phone  Ursule
    Victor  Waterloo  Xavier  Yvonne  Ze'ro
    (Berlitz and AA phrase books; Larousse business book)
    Anatole Berthe Ce'lestin De'sire' Euge`ne Franc,ois Gaston
    Henri Irma Joseph Kle'ber Louis Marcel Nicolas Oscar Pierre
    Quintal Raoul Suzanne The're`se Ursule Victor William Xavier
    Yvonne Zoe'
    [With the addition of E'mile for e-acute this is the 
      official Post Office alphabet]
    Similar alphabets:
    Collins vocabulary book:   Bertha
    business book:             E'mile
    Cassel business book:      Zoe"
    BBC business book:         Emile (for e-acute) Nicholas
    telephone French book:     Rene'
    Collins phrase books:      Victor/Viktor
    Pitman business book:      E'mile (for e-acute)
    (also Langenscheidt dictionary, Longman business
      book and Loire-Atlantique telephone directory 1966)
    ***** GERMAN *****
    [style: A wie Anton]
    [some alphabets have phonetics for umlauts, ch, sch, ss]
    Contributor: Hermann Schumacher 
    (official alphabet for emergency services,
     from "KatS-Dv 810 - Sprechfunkdienst", 1977)
    Anton Berta C"asar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Samuel Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xanthippe
    Ypsilon Zacharias
    "Arger  Charlotte  "Okonom  Schule  "Ubermut
    [also Langenscheidt Standard German Dictionary 1993
     and West Berlin telephone directory 1965]
    [Collins dictionary and grammar: similar but Bertha  Peter/Paula
    Contributor: [email protected] (Michael Rosa)
    Anton Berta Caesar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Karl Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle Richard
    Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xanthippe Ypsilon
    A"rger  O"dipus  U"bel
    More recent replacements:  Konrad Zacharias
    Contributor: Erik Tjong Kim Sang 
    anton bertha c"asar dora emil friederich gustav heinrich ida
    julius kaufmann ludwig martha nordpol otto paula quelle
    richard samuel theodor ulrich viktor wilhelm xanthippe
    ypsilon zacharias
    "arger  charlotte  "okonom  schule  "ubermut
    Contributor: Rudolf Lais 
    (Swiss telephone directory 1993)
    Anna Bertha Ca"sar Daniel Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Jakob Kaiser Leopold Marie Niklaus Otto Peter Quelle Rosa
    Sophie Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xaver Yverdon Zu"rich
    [also Geneva directory 1966]
    Contributor: Christof A Neumann 
    (issued by Deutsche Bundespost)
    Anton Bertha Caesar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Jakob Konrad Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle Richard
    Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xantippe Ypsilon
    Contributor: Steve Dunham 
    Anton Berta Caesar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Johann Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula quer
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xaver
    Ypsilon Zeppelin
    (OUP vocabulary book)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Konrad Ludwig Martin Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xanten
    Ypsilon Zeppelin
    A"rger  O"konom  U"bel
    (Collins vocabulary book)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Jerusalem Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Samuel Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xanthippe
    Ypsilon Zacharias
    (Cassel business book)
    Anton Berta Caesar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xanthippe
    Ypsilon Zacharias
    A"rger  O"konom  Schule  U"bel
    (BBC business book)   "standard phone alphabet"
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried/Samuel Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm
    Xanthippe Ypsilon Zeppelin/Zacharias
    A"rger  Charlotte  O"konom  Schule  U"bermut
    (BBC business book)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xanthippe
    Ypsilon Zeppelin
    A"rger  O"konom  scharfes_s  Schule  U"bermut
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Anton Berta Caesar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Samuel Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xanthippe
    Ypsilon Zacharias
    A"rger  Charlotte  O"konom  Schule  U"bel
    (Austrian telephone directory)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Konrad Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xaver
    Ypsilon Zu"rich
    A"rger  O"sterreich  scharfes_S  Schule  U"bel
    (Collins phrase book)
    Anton Berta Caesar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Konrad Ludwig Martin Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Victor Wilhelm Xanten
    Contributor: Gwillim Law 
    (Vienna telephone directory)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Konrad Ludwig Martha Norbert Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xaver
    Ypsilon Zacharias
    A"rger  Christine  O"sterreich  U"bel
    (BBC language book)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Siegfried Theodor Ulrich Victor Wilhelm Xanthippe
    Ypsilon Zeppelin
    (Hugo business book)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
    Julius Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paris Quelle
    Richard Samuel Theodor Ulrich Victor Wilhelm Xanthippe
    Ypsilon Zacharias
    A"rger  Charlotte  O"konom  U"bermut
    (Langenscheidt phrase book)
    Anton Berta Ca"sar Dora Emil Friedrich Georg Heinrich Ida
    Johann Kaufmann Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula Quelle
    Richard Samuel Theodor Ulrich Victor Wilhelm Xaver
    Ypsilon Zeppelin
    A"rger  O"konom  U"bermut
    Contributor: Anno Siegel 
    Arno Borvaselin Coburg-Gotha Doria Ernst Friedrichsroda
    Gomorrha Herrenzimmer Ida Jawohl_Odol Kolberg_Ost Leonidas
    Motor Nora Oekonom Per_Motorrad Quohnsdorf_bei_Forst
    Revolver Sabine Tod Uniform Verbrennungstod Weltnordpol
    Xolabaphon York_Yellowstone Zoroaster
    oe      Oekonomie
    ue      Ueberkonto
    [This alphabet provides mnemonics for Morse code: a syllable
     corresponds to a dash if it contains 'o', a dot otherwise.]
    For another alphabet of this nature see
    ***** DUTCH *****
    [style: A van Anna]
    Contributor: Erik Tjong Kim Sang [email protected]
    anna bernhard cornelis dirk eduard ferdinand gerard hendrik
    izaak jan karel lodewijk marie nico otto pieter quotient
    rudolf simon teunis utrecht victor willem xantippe
    ij: ijmuiden ypsilon zaandam
    [Berlitz phrase book: bernard quadraat]
    (Collins phrase book)
    Amsterdam Bravo Charlie Dirk Edam Freddie goed help Isaac
    Jaap kilo lasso moeder Nico Otto paard Quaker Rudolf suiker
    tafel uur vogel wind xylofoon Yankee zout
    There used to be a Morse code mnemonic alphabet at
    ***** FLEMISH *****
    [the N.O.D.E. defines Flemmish as the Dutch language
    as spoken in Flanders]
    Contributor: Erik Tjong Kim Sang [email protected]
    arthur brussel carolina desire emiel frederik gustaaf
    hendrik isidoor jozef kilogram leopold maria napoleon oscar
    piano qualite robert sofie telefoon ursula victor waterloo
    xavier yvonne zola
    ***** SPANISH *****
    [style: A de Antonio]
    [some alphabets have phonetics for ch, ll, n~, rr]
    (BBC business book, Collins and Berlitz phrase books)
    Antonio Barcelona Carmen Chocolate Dolores Enrique Francia
    Gerona Historia Ine's Jose' Kilo Lorenzo Llobregat Madrid
    Navarra N~on~o Oviedo Pari's Querido Ramo'n Sa'bado
    Tarragona Ulises Valencia Washington Xiquena Yegua Zaragoza
    [an AA phrase book has "i griega" for Y]
    [Collins dictionary and grammar: similar but Ine's/Israel
    Querido/Quebec  Ulises/Uruguay]
    Contributor: Paul Driessen 
    (used in ministries in Madrid in the 1960s)
    Alicante Bilbao Ca'diz Dinamarca Espan~a Francia Girona
    Huelva Italia Jae'n Kilo Lugo LLamar Madrid Navarra Oviedo
    Portugal Queso Roma EreDoble Sevilla Toledo U'nico Valencia
    UveDoble equis Yugoslavia Zaragoza
    (business book)   "The telephonist's alphabet"
    Antonio Barcelona Carmen Domingo Espan~a/Enrique Francia
    Gerona Historia Italia/i_latina Jose'/Jaen Kilo Le'rida
    Llave Madrid Navarra N~ando Oviedo Portugal/Pari's Queso
    Ramo'n/Roma Sevilla Tarragona/Toledo Ursula/Ubeda Valencia
    Washington Xilofo'n Yegua Zaragoza
    (Langenscheidt phrase book)
    Antonio  Bogota'  Carmen  Chocolate  Dora  Enrique  Francisco
    Gibraltar  Historia  Ine's  Jose'  Kilo  Lorenzo  Llobregat
    Me'xico  Nicaragua  N~on~o  Oce'ano  Paraguay  Querido  Ramo'n
    Sa'bado Toma's  Ulises  Venezuela  Washington  Xiquena  Yegua
    (Berlitz phrase book)   [Latin American]
    Amalia Beatriz Carmen Domingo Enrique Federico Guatemala
    Honduras Ida Jose' Kilo Lima Llave Me'xico Nicaragua N~on~o
    Olimpo Pablo Quito Rafael Santiago Teresa Uruguay Venezuela
    Washington Xilo'fono Yucata'n Zorro
    (AA phrase book)    [Latin American]
    Ana  bueno  Carlos  chocolate  dedo  Eduardo  Francia  gato
    historia  Ine's  Jose'  Kilo  Luis  Llanes  Madrid  Norma  n~on~o
    Omar  Pedro  querido  Ramo'n  sa'bado  Teresa  Ulises  Victor
    Washington  Xiquena  i_griega  Zaragoza
    Contributor: "Francisco Andragnes" 
    (used in Argentina)
    Alicia Beatriz Carolina Dorotea Eva Federico Guillermina
    Hombre Ines Josefina Kilo Lola Doble_Lola Maria Natalia
    N~andu Ofelia Pandora Quintana Rosa Sara Teresa Ursula
    Veronica Washington Xilofon Yolanda Zapato
    ***** PORTUGUESE *****
    [style: A de/como Aviero]
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Aveiro Braga Coimbra Dafundo E'vora Faro Guarda Horta
    Ita'lia Jose' Kodak Lisboa Maria Nazare' Ovar Porto Queluz
    Rossio Setu'bal Tavira Unidade Vidago Waldemar Xavier York
    [Azores telephone directory 1966: Braganc,a Kilograma
    (Collins phrase books)
    Alexandre Banana/Bastos Carlos Daniel Eduardo Franc,a
    Gabriel Holanda Ita'lia Jose' Lisboa Maria Nicolau O'scar
    Paris Quarto Ricardo Susana Teresa Ulisses Venezuela Xangai
    (AA phrase book)
    Ame'rica  Bernado  Colo'nia  Dinamarca  Espanha  Franc,a  Gre,cia
    Holanda  Irlanda  Japa~o  Kremlin  Londres  Madrid  Na'poles  Oslo
    Portugal  Quilo  Ru'ssia  Sue'cia  Turquia  Uruguai  Vito'ria
    Washington  Xangai  Zurique
    (Collins dictionary)
    Anto^nio  Beatriz  Carlos  dado  Eliane  Francisco  Gomes  Henrique
    Irene  Jose'  Ka'tia  Lu'cia  Maria  Osvaldo  Pedro
    Quintela/Quinteta  Roberto  Sandra  Tereza  U'rsula  Vera  William
    Xavier  Yolanda  Zebra
    ***** ITALIAN *****
    [style: A come Ancona]
    Contributor: [email protected]     (Elizabeth Buie)
                 [email protected]
    Ancona, Bologna, Como, Domodossola, Empoli, Firenze, Genova,
    Hacca, Imola, Jolly, Kappa, Livorno, Milano, Napoli,
    Otranto, Pisa/Palermo, Quartomiglio, Roma, Savona/Siena,
    Torino, Udine, Venezia, Wagner, Xilofono, York, Zara
    Contributor: Rudolf Lais 
    (Swiss telephone directory 1993)
    Anna Battista Carlo Davide Ernesto Federico Giovanni acca
    Isidoro i_lungo cappa Luigi Maria Nicola Olga Pietro
    Quintino Rodolfo Susanna Teresa Umberto Vittorio vu_doppia
    ics ipsilon Zurigo
    [also Geneva directory 1966]
    (Cassel language book)
    Ancona Bologna Cagliari Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova
    Hotel Imola Jolly Kappa Londra Milano Napoli Otranto Palermo
    Quarto Roma Sondrio Torino Udine Vicenza Vdoppio X
    Yugoslavia Zagabria
    (Cassel business book)
    Ancona Bologna Como Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova Hotel
    Imola I_lunga Kursaal Livorno Milano Napoli Otranto Padova
    Quarto Roma Savona Torino Udine Venezia Washington Ics
    York/yacht Zara
    (BBC language book)
    Ancona Bologna Como Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova Hotel
    Imola Jersey Kilo Livorno Milano Napoli Otranto Palermo
    Quaderno Roma Savona Torino Udine Venezia Washington ics
    York Zurigo
    Contributor: Salvatore Innaimi 
    Ancona Bari Como Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova Acca
    Imola Jolly Cappa Livorno Milano Napoli Otranto Palermo
    Quartomiglio Roma Siena Torino Udine Venezia Walter Ics York
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Ancona Bari Catania Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova Hotel
    Imperia i_lunga kappa Livorno Milano Napoli Otranto Palermo
    cu Roma Sassari Torino Udine Venezia v_doppia ix i_greca
    (Collins phrase book)
    Ancona Bari Catania Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova Hotel
    Imperia Livorno Milano Napoli Otranto Palermo quarto Roma
    Savona Torino Udine Venezia
    (Collins phrase book)
    Ancona Bari Como Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova Hotel
    Imola Livorno Milano Napoli Otranto Palermo Quarto Roma
    Savona Torino Udine Venezia Zara
    (Pitman business book)
    Ancona Bologna Como Domodossola Empoli Firenze/Forli` Genova
    (acca) Imola (i_lunga) (cappa) Livorno Milano Napoli Otranto
    Palermo (cu) Roma Savona Torino Udine Venezia Washington
    (ics) (ipsilon) Zara
    (Berlitz business book)
    Ancona  Bari  Catania  Domodossola  Empoli  Firenze  Genova  Hotel
    Imola  Livorno  Milano  Napoli  Otranto  Palermo  Quarto  Roma
    sassari  Torino  Udine  Venezia
    (Langenscheidt phrase book)
    Ancona  Bologna  Como  Domodossola  Empoli  Forli  Genova  Hotel
    Imola  Jolanda  cappa  Livorno  Milano  Napoli  Otranto  Pisa
    Quattro  Roma  Salerno  Torino  Udine  Venezia  Washington  ics
    ypsilon  zeta
    (Routledge grammar book)
    Ancona Bologna Como Domodossola Empoli Firenze Genova hotel
    Imola i_lungo/Jolly cappa/Kennedy Livorno Milano Napoli
    Otranto Palermo cu/quaranta/Quarto Roma Salerno Torino Udine
    Venezia Washington ics ipsilon zeta/Zara
    ***** ROMANSH *****
    [aka Rumansh]
    Contributor: Rudolf Lais 
    (Swiss telephone directory)
    Anna Berta Carla Dora Emil Flurin Guido Hugo Ida Judit Kilo
    Luisa Maria Nesa Otto Paula Quirin Rita Silvia Toni Ursin
    Victor Willi Xaver Yvonne Zita
    ***** DANISH *****
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Anna Bernhard Cecilia David Erik Frederik Georg Hans Ida
    Johan Karen Ludvig Marie Nikolaj Odin Peter Quintus Rasmus
    Soeren Theodor Ulla Viggo William Xerxes Yrsa Zacharias
    ae: Aegir  o-slash: Oeresund  a-circle: Aase
    [Copenhagen telephone directory: Cecilie Nikolai]
    Contributor: "Per K. Nielsen" 
    The Danish military use the following additions to the NATO
    Aegir  Oedis  Aase
    but air traffic uses - Oeresund
    ***** NORWEGIAN *****
    [style:  A for Anna]
    Contributor: [email protected] (Terje Trane)
    (telephone directory)
    Anna Bernhard Caesar David Edith Fredrik Gustav Harald Ivar
    Johan Karin Ludvig Martin Nils Olivia Petter Quintus Rikard
    Sigrid Teodor Ulrik Enkel-V Dobbelt-V Xerxes Ynling Zakarias
    ae: Aerleg  o-slash: Oern  a-circle: Aase
    [Berlitz phrase book: enkelt-V dobbelt-V Yngling Aerlig]
    [Oslo directory 1965: enkelt-v Yngling Aerlig Oesten]
    [Dictionaies:  similar but with Sigurd]
    [the forms Ynling and Aerleg are considered incorrect]
    ***** SWEDISH *****
    Contributors: [email protected] (Simon Tardell)
                  Jonas Wallgren 
                  [email protected] (Thomas Green)
    [also used officially in Finland]
    Adam, Bertil, Cesar, David, Erik, Filip, Gustav, Helge,
    Ivar, Johan, Kalle, Ludvig, Martin, Niklas, Olof, Petter,
    Quintus, Rudolf, Sigurd, Tore, Urban, Viktor, Wilhelm,
    Xerxes, Yngve, Z{ta, ]ke, [rlig, \sten
    where { is a with dots
          ]    A with ring
          [    A with dots
          \    O with dots
    [Berlitz phrase book:  Qvintus]
    [telephone directory:  Qvintus  Willhelm]
    Sometimes used: Fredrik, Olle, Rikard
    Stockholm police use Kryss (meaning cross) for X.
    ***** FINNISH *****
    Contributors: Jukka Rahkonen 
                  Kaita Seikku 
    Aarne Bertta Celsius Daavid Eemeli Faarao Gideon Heikki
    Iivari Jussi Kalle Lauri Matti Niilo Otto Paavo Kuu Risto
    Sakari Tyyne Urho Vihtori Viski [ks{ Yrj| Tseta ]ke [iti
    Uppercase   Lowercase
           ]           }     a with circle (Swedish)
           [           {     a with dots
           \           |     o with dots
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Anna Bertta Cecilia Daavid Erkki Faarao Gabriel Heikki
    Iivari Jaakko Kalle Lauri Mikko Niilo Otto Pekka Quintus
    Risto Sakari Tauno Urho Va"ino" kaksin/kertainen_v Xeres
    Yrjo" Zeppelin ruotsalainen_o a"iti o"ljy
    Morse code:
        .-.-      a-umlaut
        .- -.-    a-circle
        - - -.    o-umlaut
    ***** CZECH *****
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Adam Boz~ena Cyril David 'Dumbier Emil Frantis~ek Gustav
    Helena Ivan Josef Karel Ludvi'k L'ubochn~a Marie Norbert Oto
    Petr Quido Rudolf R~ehor~ Svatopluk S~imon Toma's~ T'epla'
    Urban Va'clav dvojite'_ve' Xaver ypsilon Zuzana Z~ofie
    ***** SLOVAK *****
    Contributor: Martin Votruba 
    (telephone directory)
    Adam, Boz~ena, Cyril, C~adca, Da'vid, D~umbier, Emil,
    Frantis~ek, Gusta'v, Helena, CHrudim, Ivan, Karol, Ludvi'k,
    L~ubochn~a, Ma'ria, Norbert, N~ - Nitra, Oto, Peter, Quido,
    Rudolf, Sva"topluk, S~imon, Toma's~, T~ - Tepla', Urban,
    Va'clav, W - dvojite' ve', Xaver, Ypsilon, Zuzana, Z~ofia
    ***** POLISH *****
    Contributor: Michal Jankowski 
    (Warsaw telephone directory)
    Adam Barbara Celina Danuta Ewa Franciszek Genowefa Henryk
    Irena Jadwiga Karol Leon L/ukasz Maria Natalia Olga Pawel/
    Roman Stanisl/aw Tadeusz Urszula Wl/adysl/aw Xantypa Ygrek
    [Collins dictionary:  Cecylia/Celina  Dorota  Quebec  S'wiatowid
    Violetta  Wacl/aw  Ypsylon]
    Contributor: Gyo:ngyo:si Jo'zsef 
    (used in amateur radio)
    Adam, Bozena, Celina, Dawid, Ewa, Franek, Grazyna, Henryk,
    Irena, Janusz, Kilo, Ludwik, Maria, Natalia, Olga, Pawel/,
    Quido, Roman, Stefan, Tomasz, Urban, Violeta, Wanda, Xawer,
    Y-grek, Zygmunt
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Adam Barbara Celina Dorota Ewa Franciszek Grazyna Henryk
    Iwona Jan Karol Leon L/ukasz Maria Natalia Olga Piotr Quiz
    Roman Stanisl/aw Tadeusz Urszula Violeta Wacl/aw Xymena
    Ypsylon Zenon
    ***** HUNGARIAN *****
    (telephone directory)
    Andra's Be'la Cecil Do'ra Eleme'r Ferenc Gizella Hajnalka
    Istva'n Ja'nos Katalin Luca Ma'tya's Na'ndor Olga Piroska
    Queen Ro'bert Sarolta Ti'mea Ubul Vilmos Walter Xe'nia
    Ypsilon Zolta'n
    Contributor: Gyo:ngyo:si Jo'zsef 
    (used in amateur radio)
    Antal, Be'la, Cecil (Ce'za'r), De'nes, Eleme'r, Ferenc,
    Ge'za, Hele'n, Ibolya (Imre), Ja'nos, Ka'roly, La'szlo',
    Ma'ria, Nelli, Olga, Pe'ter, Kvelle, Ro'bert, Sa'ndor,
    Tama's, Ubul, Viktor (Vilmos), dupla-ve' (dupla-Vilmos,
    "viszki"), "x-es", "ipszilon" (jenki), Zolta'n
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Alada'r A'gota Bala'zs Ceci'lia De'nes Erzse'bet E'va Ferenc
    Ga'bor Hele'n Ilona Jo'zsef Ka'roly La'szlo' Mo'nika Na'ndor
    Olga O:do:n Pe'ter Ku' Ro'bert Sa'ndor Tivadar Ubul U:ro:m
    Vilma duplave' iksz ipszilon Zora'n
    ***** CROATIAN *****
    Contributor: [email protected] (Ivan Drzanic)
    Adria, Biokovo, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Europa, Frankopan,
    Gospic, Hrvatska, Istra, Jadran, Karlovac, Lika, Mostar,
    Novska, Osijek, Pula, Q, Rijeka, Split, Trogir, Ucka,
    Vukovar, W, X, Y, Zagreb
    ***** SERBO-CROAT *****
    (phrase book)
    Avala Beograd Cetinje C~ac~ak C'uprija Dubrovnik Djakovo
    Dz~amija Evropa Foc~a Gorica Hercegovina Istra Jadran Kosovo
    Lika Ljubljana Mostar Nis~ Njegos~ Osijek Pirot Rijeka
    Skopje S~ibenik Titograd Uros~evac Valjevo Zagreb Z~irovnica
    Kvadrat Duplo_V Ipsilon Iks
    ***** GREEK *****
    (AA phrase book)
    Ale'xandros  Vasili'os  Geo'rgios  Deme'trios  Ele'ne  Zoe'
    Erakle's  Theo'doros  Ioa'nnes  Konstanti'nos  Leoni'das
    Mene'laos  Niko'laos  Xenofo'n  Odusse'as  Perikle's  Ro'dos
    Sote'rios  Timole'on  Upsela'ntes  Fo'tios  Chre'stos  Psa'ltes
    ***** ROMANIAN *****
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Ana Barbu Constantin Dumitru Elena Florea Gheorghe
    Haralambie Ion Jiu kilogram Laza~r Maria Nicolae Olga Petre
    qu Radu Sandoo Tudor T,ara~ Udrea Vasile dublu_V Xenia
    I_grec zaha~r
    ***** TURKISH *****
    Contributor: Gorkem Cetin 
    ankara bursa ceyhan CankIrI denizli edirne fatsa giresun
    hopa Isparta izmir jale kayseri lUleburgaz manisa nazilli
    ordu OdemiS pazar rize samsun SarkOy trabzon urfa Unye van
    yalova zonguldak
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    adana balIkesir ceyhan Corum diyarbakIr edirne fatsa giresun
    hatay Irmak istanbul jandarma kastamonu lUleburgaz manisa
    nazilli ordu OdemiS pazar quebek rize samsun trabzon urla
    Unye van dubel_v xavier yozgat zonguldak
    Contributor: Fuat C. Baran 
    (1982 diary)   "standard" for telephone
    ankara bursa ceyhan Canakkale denizli edirne fatih giresun
    hakkAri Ilgaz izmir japonya kayseri lUleburgaz malatya
    nevSehir ordu OdemiS polatlI rize sivas Sile trabzon uSak
    Unye van yozgat zonguldak
    (AA phrase book)
    adana bursa cide Canakkale denizli edirne fethiye giresun
    hatay Isparta izmir lUleburgaz malatya  nevSehir ordu Oren
    pamukkale  rize sinop  Sirvan tokat  urfa  UskUp  van yozgat
    Contributor: [email protected]
    adana bursa ceyhan Canakkale denizli edirne fatih giresun
    yumuSak_ge hatay Isparta izmir jale kayseri lUleburgaz
    malatya nevSehir ordu OdemiS polatlI rize samsun Sile
    trabzon urfa Unye van yozgat zonguldak
    ***** HEBREW *****
    (phrase book)
    (phonetics for Roman alphabet)
    Affula Binyamina Carmel Dalia Eretz France Gedera Haifa
    Israel Jaffa Karkur Lod Moledet Naan Ogen Pardes Queen
    Rishon Sefer Tveria Urim Vered Wingate Express Yavniel
    [used by telephone operators in Israel]
    Later edition:
    afula  binyamina  karmel  dalya  eretz  frans  gedera  h.eyfa
    yisrael  jafa  karkur  lod  moledat  naan  ogen  pardes  kvin  rishon
    sefer  tverya  urim  vered  vingeyt  ekspres  yavniel  zikhron
    Contributor: Alon Tal 
    Aleph Boaz Gimel David Hagar Vav Ze'ev Hava Tiach Yona
    Carmel Lea Moshe Nesher Samekh A'in Pesel Tsipor Korakh Ruth
    Shamir Telem
    Contributor: [email protected]
    Osnat  Bela  Gila  Dalia  Hagar  Vered  Ziva  Hava  Tova  Yona  Carmel
    Leytal  Miri  Nurit  Smadar  Einat  Fani  Tzila  Korina  Ruth  Sarah
    ***** RUSSIAN *****
    Contributor: [email protected] (Thomas Planke)
    Aleksej Boris Vasilij Grigorij Dmitrij Elena Zhenja Zoya
    Ivan Ivan_Kratkij Kilowatt Leonid Maria Nikolai Olga Pavel
    Roman Sergej Tatjana Uljana Fjodor Hariton Zaplja Chelovek
    Shura Schuka Tviordiy_Znak Igrek Miagkiy_Znak Emilija Yuri
    Contributor: "Oleg.A.Chernozyomov" 
    (used in amateur radio)
    Anna Boris Vasiliy Galina Dmitriy Yelena Yozh Zhuk Zinaida
    Ivan Ivan_Kratkiy Konstantin Leonid Maria Nikolay Olga Pavel
    Roman Sergey Tamara Ul'yana Fyodor Hariton Tsentr Chelovek
    Shura Shchyuka Tvyordy_Znak Yery Myagkiy_Znak Ekho Yuliana
    Variants: Anton Grigoriy Yolka Zhenya Zoya Irina/Igor Yot
    Kilowatt Lyubov Mikhail Nadezhda/Nina Oleg Polina Radio
    Semyon Tatyana Tsaplya Znak/Iks Igrek Znak/Iks
    Used informally: Borya Vasya Grisha Galya Dima Zina Kosta
    Kolya Lyonya Lyuba Misha Masha Nadya Pasha Roma Sasha Tanya
    Fedya Yulya Yasha
    Morse code is as follows:
    A  B  W  G  D  E  E  V  Z  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T
    U  F  H  C  /- - -./- - - -/  Q  X  Y  X  /..-../..- -/.-.-
    and the same mapping provides a system of phonetics for
    Roman letters (used in parallel with Alpha Bravo). [The
    mapping is similar to KOI-7 but not identical]
    (AA phrase book)
    Anna  Boris  Viktor  Grigoriy  Dmitriy  Elena  Yolka  Zhenya  Zoya
    Irina  Yod  Konstantin  Liza  Mariya  Natasha  Ol'ga  Pyotr  Ruslan
    Semyon  Tat'yana  Ukraina  Fyodor  Khar'kov  Tsaritsa  Chekhov
    Shura  Shchuka  Erik  Yuriy  Yana
    ***** UKRAINIAN *****
    Contributor:  Valery Kharchenko  RA6YR
    (used in amateur radio)
    Andriy  Bogdan  Vasil' (W)  Grigory  Dmitro  Yenei (E)  Zhuk (V)
    Zenoviy (Z)  Igrek (Y)  Ivan (I)  Izhak (I)  Yosip (J)  Kilovat  Levko
    Mariya  Natalka  Olga  Pavlo  Roman  Stepan  Taras  Ukraina  Fedir
    Khristina (H)  Tsentr (C)  Cholovik  Shura  Shchuka (Q)  Znak (X)
    Yuri  Yakiv
    [also used for Roman alphabet, as the above tries to indicate]
    ***** SWAHILI *****
    (Berlitz phrase book)
    Aali Bibi Cyprus Daniel Elfu Fiwi Gombe Henry Ida Jinja
    Kenya Leso Mtu Nairobi Olga Paul Quebec Robert Sana Tanga
    Unga Victor William Xavier Yatima Zanzibar
    Later edition:
    Ali  Banda  Chakechake  Dodoma  Entebe  Fumba  Gogo  Homa  Imba
    Jambo  Kenya  Lala  Mama  Nakuru  Ona  Punda  Kyela  Rangi  Simu  Tatu
    Uganda  Vitu  Wali  Eksrei  Yai  Zanzibar
    ***** KWANYAMA *****
    [South-western Bantu; northern Namibia]
    Contributor: [email protected] (Jouni F Maho)
    (school book)
    Anna Beata Cesilia David Eva Feni Gerson Hosea Immanuel
    Johanna Kayosho Lamek Maria Nande Otto Pauli Quini Rauha
    Simon Tuuli Ulania Vilho Wilkka Xokulu Yoleni Zola
    ***** NDONGA *****
    [South-western Bantu; northern Namibia]
    Contributor: [email protected] (Jouni F Maho)
    (school book)
    Anna Beata Cesilia David Eva Feni Gerson Hosea Immanuel
    Johanna Kayoso Lamek Maria Nande Otto Pauli Quini Rauha
    Simon Tuuliki Ulania Vilho Wilika Xerxes Yoleni Zola
    ***** AFRIKAANS *****
    Contributor: Gwillim Law 
    (Johannesburg telephone directory 1965)
    Andries Boetie Christo Dawid Eva Fanie Gert Hendrik Isak Jan
    Karel Lena Marie Nellie Oom Pieter Queenie Roos Sannie Tom
    Unie Venter Willem X-straal Yster Zoeloe
    ***** CHINESE *****
    The Chinese armed forces use the following in connection
    with Romanised Mandarin:
    Aiya Boli Ciqi Desheng Egu Fuzhuang Geming Heping I: Yifu
    J.. Keren Leguan Mofan Nali Ouyang Polang Q.. Riguang
    Sixiang Tebie U: Weida V: Wudao W: Wuzhuang X.. Yisheng
    ***** ESPERANTO *****
    Contributors: [email protected]
                  David Lane 
    (Yearbook of Universala Esperanto-Asocio 1995)
    Asfalto Barbaro Centimetro \^Cefo Doktoro Elemento Fabriko
    Gumo \^Girafo Hotelo \^Haoso Insekto Jubileo \^Jurnalo
    Kilogramo Legendo Ma\^sino Naturo Oktobro Papero Rekordo
    Salato \^Silingo Triumfo Universo Universo-hoko Vulkano
    [An earlier version had Omnibuso instead of Oktobro]
    Non-Esperanto letters:
    q = kuo
    w = \^germana vo
    x = ikso
    y = ipsilono
    Morse code (approved by UAE and FCC in 1963):
    ^c  -.-..     ^g  - -.-.    ^h  -.- -.
    ^j  .- - -.   ^s  ...-.     ~u  ..- -
    ***** END *****
      Brian Kelk
      [email protected]  

    Listings Added by JWA

    ***** Anglicised East European Alphabet - 1987 ***** (JWA) - 19 May '00 NEW
    Contributor: Zyg Nilski, G3OKD.  From Telephone Instruction Sheet.
    Ada    Bobby   Car     Diana   Elspet   Farrel  Gringo  Helen   Inna
    John   Kate    Lilly   Marry   Nora     Oleg    Peter   Quince  Ronald
    Suzan  Toledo  Ursula  Violet  William  X-ray   Yellow  Zina
    ***** English / French International ***** (JWA) - 30 Apr '00 
    Contributor:  Ted Bastow,  VK2WL,  from -
    "Codes and Abbreviations for use of the International Telecommunications Services."
        (Third issue)   ITU.  Geneva, 1975.    (1932 - 1975)
    From Article 40 of the   "Instructions for the International Telephone Service."
    Code A - (French)
    Amsterdam   Baltimore  Casablanca  Denmark  Edison  Florida  
    Gallipoli   Havana   Italia  Jerusalem   Kilogramme   Liverpool
    Madagascar  New_York   Oslo  Paris  Quebec  Roma  Santiago  Tripoli
    Upsala    Valencia   Washington    Xanthippe    Yokohama    Zurich
    Code B - (English)
    Alfred  Benjamin  Charles  David  Edward   Frederick  George  Harry
    Isaac  Jack  King  London  Mary   Nellie    Oliver    Peter   Queen
    Robert  Samuel  Tommy   Uncle  Victor  William  Xray  Yellow  Zebra
    ***** English ***** (JWA) - 5 Sept '97 
    Contributor: Tony Smith, G4FAI, from Morsum Magnificat #53.
                 D.V.System - Mnemonic Morse learning method, 1942.
    A.D.     Buoy    Code     Dee   E      (F)airy  Gnu      (H)ooey    I.E.
    (J)ests  Kim     (L)ibya  M.M.  No     (O)dds   (P)enny  Qvid
    (R)ely   (S)oya  T        Uit   (V)aal (W)asp   (X)rays  Yank    Zzoo
       Vowels & 'Y' = DOT, Consonants & 'Y' in Yank = DASH 
       Bracketed letters are ignored.

    ***** Japanese Phonetics ***** - (JWA) - 18 Nov '99.- Contributor: Atsu Taniguchi JE1TRV - JARL A1 CLUB - Email [email protected] Goto Atsu Homepage Extracted from a Japanese radio operator’s text book. The Japanese alphabet consists of 50 basic Characters and 25 variations in pronunciation. As you see, popular and simple words are applied for the phonetic codes. Eg. TO = “Tokyo no TO” means “TO for Tokyo” O = “Osaka no O” means “O for Osaka” FU = “Fujisan no FU” means “FU for Fuji-yama”, etc. A - Asahi no A I – Iroha no I U – Ueno no U E – Eigo no E O – Osaka no O KA – Kawase no KA, GA – Kawase no KA ni dakuten KI – Kitte no KI, GI – Kitte no KI ni dakuten KU – Kurabu no KU, GU – Kurabu no KU ni dakuten KE – Keshiki no KE, GE – Keshiki no KE ni dakuten KO – Kodomo no KO, GO – Kodomo no KO ni dakuten SA – Sakura no SA, ZA – Sakura no SA ni dakuten SI(SHI)– Shinbun no SI(SHI), ZI(JI) – Shinbun no SI ni dakuten SU – Suzume no SU, ZU – Suzume no SU ni dakuten SE – Sekai no SE, ZE – Sekai no SE ni dakuten SO – Soroban no SO, ZO – Soroban no SO ni dakuten TA – Tabako no TA, DA – Tabako no TA ni dakuten TI(CHI)- Chidori no TI(CHI), DI – Chidori no TI ni dakuten TU(TSU)– Tsurukame no TU(TSU), DU – Tsurukame no TU ni dakuten TE – Tegami no TE, DE – Tegami no TE ni dakuten TO - Tokyo no TO, DO – Tokyo no TO ni dakuten NA – Nagoya no NA NI – Nippon no NI NU – Numazu no NU NE – Nezumi no NE NO – Nohara no NO HA – Hagaki no HA, BA – Hagaki no HA ni dakuten, PA –Hagaki no HA ni handakuten HI - Hikouki no HI, BI – Hikouki no HI ni dakuten, PI-Hikoukino HI ni handakuten HU(FU)-Fujisan no FU, BU – Fujisan no FU ni dakuten, PU-Fujisan no FU ni handakuten HE – Heiwa no HE, BE – Heiwa no HE ni dakuten, PE-Heiwa no HE ni handakluten HO – Hoken no HO, BO – Hoken no HO ni dakuten, PO-Hoken no HO ni handakuten MA – Match no MA MI – Mikasa no MI MU – Musen no MU ME – Meiji no ME MO – Momiji no MO YA – Yamato no YA YI – Ido no YI YU – Yumiya no YU YE – Kaginoaru YE YO – Yoshino no YO WA – Warabi no WA WO – Wowari no WO N – Oshimai no N . – Kugiriten 0 – Suuji no Maru 1 – Suuji no Hito 2 – suuji no Ni 3 – Suuji no San 4 – Suuji no Yon 5 – Suuji no Go 6 – Suuji no Roku 7 – Suuji no Nana 8 – Suuji no Hachi 9 – Suuji no Kyu 73! CU ON THE AIR de JE1TRV Atsu Taniguchi

    ***** Modern Greek ***** (JWA) - 10 July '97 Contributor: Gwillim Law from AA Phrase Book. Ale'xandros Vasi'lios Geo'rgios Deme'trios Ele'ne Zoe Erakle's Theo'doros Ioa'nnes Konstani'nos Leoni'das Mene'laos Niko'laos Xenofo'n Odusse'as Perikle's Ro'dos Sote'rios Timol'on Upsela'ntes Fo'tios Chre'stos Psa'ltes Ome'ga

    ***** Turkish ***** (JWA) - 10 July '97 Contributor: Gwillim Law from AA Phrase Book. adna bursa cide Canakkale denizli edirne fethiye giresen hatay Isparta izmir iUleburgaz malatya nevSehir ordu Oren pamukkale rize sinop Sirvan tokat urfa UskUp van yozgat zonguldak Contributor: [email protected] (JWA) - 21 June '99 adana bursa ceyhan Canakkale denizli edirne fatih giresun yumuSak ge hatay Isparta izmir jale kayseri lUleburgaz malatya nevvSehir ordu Odemus polatilI rize samsun Sile trabzon urfa Unye van yozgat zonguldak

    ***** US Army Alphabet - 1916 ***** (JWA) - 6 Jun '00 Contributor: David W. Gaddy. From: "Signal Book, United States Army. 1916." War Dept. Doc. 500. Able Boy Cast Dock Easy Fox George Have Item Jig King Love Mike Nan Opal Pup Quack Rush Sail Tare Unit Vice Watch X-Ray Yoke Zed.

    ***** US Army Alphabet - 1919 ***** (JWA) - 6 Jun '00 Contributor: David W. Gaddy. From: "Signal Communications for All Arms (Provisional)," (AEF No. 2-R) GHQ, AEF, France. 4 June 1919. Ack Boy Cat Don E F George H I Jig K L Emma N O Pip Quash R Esses Toc U Vic W X Yoke Zed (Note: - Partial phonetics were similar to then British practice. - JWA)

    ***** US Joint Army/Navy Alphabet - 1941 ***** (JWA) - 6 Jun '97 Contributor: Lee Aurick, W1SE. (QST - April 1997 p.56) Able Baker Charlie Dog Easy Fox George How Item Jig King Love Mike Nan Oboe Peter Queen Roger Sail Tare Uncle Victor William X-ray Yoke Zebra

    Mnemonic or Rythmic Morse Code Lists

    These are sequences of words usually meant as training or learning aids to assist various methods of learning the Morse Code.
    Some consist of words whose vowels etc. represent dots or dashes in the relevant Morse letter.
    Others use rhymes or phrases whose initial letters indicate incrementing dots, dashes or combinations of the Morse letter.

    ***** US Civil War Phonetics - ca1860 ***** (JWA) - 26 Jun '97
    Contributor: Canadian Railway Telegraph History. Inventor - S.F.B. Morse.


    Ag-ainst       Bar-ba-ri-an    Cont-in-ent-al   Dah-li-a   Egg
    Fu-ri-ous-ly   Gal-lant-ly     Hu-mi-li-ty      I-vy       Ju-ris-dic-tion
    Kan-ga-roo     Le-gis-la-tor   Moun-tain        Nob-le     Off-ens-ive
    Pho-tog-raph-er       Queen-Ka-tha-rine         Re-bec-ca  Se-ver-al
    Tea            Un-i-form       Ve-ry-Va-ried    Wa-ter-loo
    Ex-hi-bi-tion  Youth-ful-&-Fair     2long-2short [Morse for Z ]

    Mnemonic Alphabet where 1-2 letter syllables = 'dot' and 3+ letter syllables = 'dash' of the International Morse Code.
    BUT Six letters (L,P,Q,S,V,Y) do not conform.
    This and other anomolies must cast doubt on this Alphabet. (JWA)

    ***** Chart c1908 at the Low Head Signal Station, Tasmania.***** - (JWA) - 6 Jun '97
    - Published by Brown & Son, Glasgow. c1908-1921.

    E-nglishmen  I-nvariably  S-upport  H-igh  A-uthority  U-nless  V-indictive.
    T-he  M-anaging  O-wners  N-ever    D-estroy  B-ills.
    R-emarks  W-hen  L-oose   P-lay     J-angling.
    F-ractious  G-alloping  Z-ig zag  K-nights  X-peditely C-apture Y-our Q-ueen.

    ***** Dutch Scouts Mnemonics 1950's? ***** - (JWA) - 10 Jun '99. - de MM57 de Tony Smith G4FAI, de Bert van Kleef PA0GVK.

    An-ton Bok-ke-wa-gen Com-man-do-brug Dors-vle-gel Eend Feest-ge-no-ten Groot-moe-der Huis-be-zit-ter Ie-mand Ja-o-zo-mooi Kloos-ter-poort Lik-doorn-snij-der Mo-tor Noor-den Oor-logs-vloot Per-mo-tor-fiets Quols-dorp-in-nood Re-vol-ver Sein-sleu-tel Toon U-ni-form Va-kan-tie-woord Waar-borg-som Zon-der-slag-woord Yor-ker-moor-kop Zoe-loe-kaf-fer * Syllables with an 'o', 'oo' = DASH, others = DOT in Morse.

    Other examples occur in the above lists and from
    Siegfried Rambaum at [email protected]


    "Radiotelegraph and Radiotelephone Codes, Prowords and Abbreviations"

    ISBN - 1 86384 424 4

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       *  Denotes New or Amended Information.
     6      Codes ARL, PRB, RRR
     6 - Q Code
            QAA - QNZ   Civil Aviation
    11      QOA - QQZ   Maritime Services
    11      QRA - QVZ   Radio Telecommunications Service (All Services)
    15 - Z Code
            ZAA - ZCZ   Air Traffic Control Services
    18      ZDA - ZFZ   Message Procedures
    19      ZGA - ZGM   Calling Procedure
            ZHA - ZHM   Interference and Delay Procedure
            ZHN - ZHZ   Automatic Transmission Procedure
            ZIA - ZIZ   Serial Numbers
            ZJA - ZJZ   Optical Services and Equipment
            ZKA - ZKZ   Radio Guard Procedures
            ZLA - ZLM   Facsimile
            ZLN - ZLZ   Radio Navigation and Landing Facilities
            ZMA - ZMZ   Direction Finding
            ZNA - ZNZ   Communications Security
    20      ZOA - ZOM   Relay
            ZON - ZOZ   Routing Procedures
            ZPA - ZPN   Strength and Readability
            ZPN - ZPZ   Search and Rescue Procedures
            ZQA - ZQZ   Take Off and Landing Instructions
            ZRA - ZRZ   Frequencies
            ZSA - ZSZ   Air and Sea Traffic Control
    21      ZTA - ZTZ   Equipment
            ZUA - ZUM   Miscellaneous
            ZUN - ZUZ   Meteorology
            ZVA - ZVZ   Relay Procedure
            ZWA - ZWZ   Communications Exercises
            ZXA - ZXZ   ? Not Known
            ZZA - ZZZ   Communications Exercises (One of these may be wrong)
    22 * X-Codes - British Empire Forces, c1923 to c1943.
               Addresses, General, Communications, Note and Strength.
    23         Calls, Answers, Messages, Defects, Delays, Time, W/T Guards, Duties.
    24         Frequency, Interference and Operating, Tuning.                   
    25    Radiotelegraphy Abbreviations List
    40 *  Royal Navy Convoy Codes - WW I.
    41    Abbreviations - Phillips Press Code.
    46    ARRL - ARL Radiogram Abbreviations List. (1949).
    47    Radio Signal Reporting Codes - QSA, QRK, Tone, SINFO, SINPFEMO
    48    Phonetic Alphabets and Numerals etc.
    48-49        "          ( British, Australian, USA )
    50           "          ( USA, Allied, International, NATO.)
    51           "          ( International, Brit. PMG., Western Union Tg Co., Amat., Brit., DV.)
    52           "          ( RSGD, Brit., ARRL, Afrikaans, Austria, Czech. )
    53           "          ( China, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto )
    54           "          ( Finnish, Flemish, French, German - WW1,  WW2, > 1993 )
    55           "          ( German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian )
    56-57        "          ( Hungarian, Indian, Italian )
    58           "          ( Kenya, Kwanyama, Latin America, Malaya, Ndonga, Norwegian )
    59           "          ( Polish, Portuguese )
    60           "          ( Romanian, Rumantsch )
    61           "          ( Russian )
    62           "          ( Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Sth. Africa, Spanish )
    63           "          ( Swahili, Swedish,
                              Switzerland - [French, German, Italian, Romansh])
    64           "          ( Turkish,  USA Police )
    65    USA Numerical Code - 1857, 1859 - Incomplete.
    67    USA Police - Ten-Code - Postwar - 1996 - Incomplete.
    68    USA Police etc. - 11-Codes, 12-Codes, 1996.
    69    CB Radio Operator's  Ten-Code - 1996. - Incomplete.
    70    CB Radio Trucker's. 12 - Code - 1976.
    71    CB Radio Operator's 13 - Code - 1996.
    73    Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary, 1996.
    75    Telegraph Transmission Codes, Code Chronology.
    76    Chronology Early Machine Codes and Wireless Telegraphy.
    77    Information Sought.
    77    Wireless or Radio ?
    77    Morse and Other Telegraph Codes - Introduction.
    78    The US General Service Code ( Myer, Army/Navy Code ) 1860-1912.
    79 *  1912 Flag usage, USA Morse. Conv. Signs for Flag, Torch, Helio, Flash Lantern.
    80 *  Morse, Vail, Bain, American, International, Myer  - Incomplete.
    81 *  Phillips, Buckingham, Barclay, Anderson, US Navy Bugle, Vietnam POW Codes.
    82    International, USA (American) and Arabic Morse - 1943.
    83-84 Greek,  Russian,  Turkish  and  Japanese Morse - 1943-1997.
    85    Chinese Morse.
    86    The Heliograph.
    88    Early Hughes, Wheatstone and Baudot Telegraph Systems.
    89-90 Bibliography and References.

    Additional or corrected information is sought for future editions of these lists.



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