
Ham Slang

Dec 01st, 2011

A Basic CW Operating Manual pdf
CW QSO pdf


AA - All after..
AA - End Of Line..
AB - All before..
ABT - About..
ABV - Abbreviate..
ABVE - Above..
ABD - Aboard...
ABS - Absent...
AC - Alternating Current..
ACG - According..
ADEE - Addressee..
ADR - Address..
ADS - Address..
AF - Africa...Audio freq..
AER - Aerial..
AGE - Age..
AGN - Again..
AHD - Ahead..
AL - All..
ALNG - Along..
ALSO - Also..
AM - Amplitude Modulation.Before noon..
AM - I am..
AMI - Friend..
AMT - Amount..
AND - And..
ANI - Any..
ANS - Answer..
ANT - Antenna..
ANTENNA - Antenna..
AO - At once..
APC - Appreciate...
AR - End of message..End of this transmission..
AS - Stand by; wait.,
AS - Asia..
AT - used for the @ sign for E-Mail Addresses New proposal is AC run together..
ASM - Wait....minutes..
AT - At ... hours...
ATFIK - I am giving exact address..
ATU - antenna tuner..
AUD - Audibility..
AUSSIE - VK ham..
AVB - Available...
AWARD - Award..
AYB - Anybody...
AYG - Anything...

BA - Buffer..
BAD - Bad..
BC - Broadcast.. BCI - Broadcast Interference..
BCL - Broadcast Listener..
BCNU - Be seeing you..
BCR - Broadcasting receiver..
BCSTN - Broadcast station..
BCUZ - Because..
BD - Bad..
BEAM - Beam..
BEACON - radio lighthouse..
BERE - Before..
BEST - Best..
BFT - Breakfast...
BIZ - Job, occupation..
BK - Break, Break in.."I'm back now" or "Back to you"
BKN - Broken...
BLO - Short circuit..
BLV - Believe..Suppose..
BLW - Below..
BN - All between; Been..
BT - Separation (break) between address and text; between text and signature..
BOTTLE - Valve..
BT - But..
BUT - But..
BND - Band..
BRAGS - Brags ..
BTH - Both..
BTR - Better..
BTU - Back to you..
BTW - By The Way..
BTWN - Between ..
BUG - Semi-Automatic key..
BURO - Bureau..
BUX - Dollars..
B4 - Before..
BF - Before..
BY - By ..

C - Yes, Correct..
C - Celsius..
CALL - Call..
CANS - Earphones..
CB - CallBook..Give reply..
CC - Crystal Controlled Transmitter..
CBA - Callbook Address..
CELSIUS - Celsius..
CF - Chief...
CFM - Confirm; I confirm..
CFUD - Confused..
CHC - Chance...
CHG - Charge...
CHIRPY- Chirpy..
CHRIO - Cheerio..
CK - Check..
CKT - Circuit..
CL - I am closing my station; Call.. (end of all transmissions)
CLBK - Callbook..
CLD - Called..
CLDY - Cloudy..
CLOUDIS - Clear sky..
CLG - Calling..
CLR - Clear (usually a description of the weather)
C/O - Care of..
COIL - coil..
CMG - Coming..
CMS - Coming soon..
CN - can..
CNT - Can't..
CNU - Can you...
CO - Crystal Oscillator..
CONDS - Conditions..
CONDX - DX Conditions..
CNDX - DX Conditions...
CONGRATS - Congratulations..
CONTACT - Contact..
CONTEST - Contest..
COS - Because..
CPI - Copy..
CPY - Copy..
COPY - Copy..
CQ - Calling any station.. Seek You..
CQD - To all stations - we are in distress
CP - Counterpoise..
CPM - character per minute..
CRD,CARD - Card..
CS - Callsign..
CTR - Country..
CTS - Countries..
CU - See You..
CUAGN - See You Again..
CUD - Could..
CUDNT- Could not
CUL - See You later..
CUM - Come..Transmit,please..
CUZ - Because..
CW - Continuous wave..

DA - Day..
DAU - Daughter...
DB - dB..
DBL - Double..
DC - Direct Current..
DCN - Direction..
DCT - Direct..
DE - From, This Is..
DEG - Degree..
DIFF - Difference..
DLD - Delivered..
DLVD - Delivered..
DN - Down..
DNR - Dinner...
DNT - Dont..
DOLS - Dollars...
DR - Dear..
DSW - Russian CW abbreviation for goodbye..
DUNNO - I dont know..
DUZ - Does
DWN - Down..
DX - Distance..

EJO - Enjoy...
EL - Element..
ELBUG - Electronic key..
ELE - Element..
ELINK - Echolink..
EM - Them..
EMGY - Emergency..
EQPT - Equipment..
ER , RE - Here..
ES - And..
ESPY - Especially...
ENUF,ENAF - Enough..
EU - Europe..
EX - previous..
EXCUSE - excuse..
EXK - Expect...
EVE - Evening..
EYB - Everybody...
EYG - Everything...

FAN - Amateur..
FAR - Far..
FB - Fine Business, excellent..
FD - Freq doubler..
FDR - Feeder..
FED - Feedback...
FER, FR - For..
FEW - Few..
FINAL- Final ..
FIO - for information only..
FIRST - First..
FM - Frequency Modulation, From..
FONE - Phone..
FQ - Frequency..
FRD - Friend...
FRI - Friday...
FRM - From...
FREQ - Frequency..
FT - Foot..
FWD - Forward..
FWIW - for what it's worth
FYI - for your information

GA - Go ahead; Good Afternoon..
GAIN - Gain..
GANG - Group..
GB - Good bye, God Bless..
GD - Good, Good Day..
GE - Good Evening..
GESS - Guess..
GG - Going..
GL - Good luck..
GLD - Glad..
GLS - Girls...
GH - Good Hunting..
GM - Good morning..
GMT - Greenwich Meat Time..
GN - Good night..
GND - Ground..
GP - Ground Plane..
GS - Green Stamp..
GUD - Good..
GV - Give..
GVG - Giving..

HAM - Amateur..
HAGD - Have a good day..
HAGWE - Have a good week end..
HH - Error in sending..
HET - Heterodine..
HF - High Frequency..
HI - The telegraph laugh; High..
Hello - Hello..
HLO - Hello..
HM - Home Made.., Him..
HNY - Happy New Year..
HOME MADE - Home made..
HOMEBREW - Home made..
HP - High Power..
HPE - Hope..
HPN - Happen...
HQ - Headquarters..
HR - Here; Hear, Hour..
HRD - Heard..
HRS - Hours..
HT - High Tension..
HUM - Hum..
HV - Have..
HVE - have..
HVNT - havent..
HVG - Having..
HVR - However...
HVU - Have you...?
HVY - Heavy..
HW - How, How Copy?..
HWS - How is?..
HWSAT - How is about that?..

IF - If..
IM - I am..
IM - Immidiately...
IMY - Immensely...
IS - Is..
II - I Repeat..
II - Short form of ..
IMI - Repeat, Say Again..
IMHO -In my humble opinion..
IN - inch, in..
INFO - Info..
INPT - Input..
IRC - International Reply Coupon..
IRPT - I repeat..
ITD - Intend...

JA - Japanese Station..
JF - Justify..
JN - Join...
JOB - Job..

K - Invitation To Transmit..I'm done, your turn..
KA - Beginning of message..
KEY - Key..
KEYING - Keying..
KHZ - kilohertz..
KLIX - Key Clicks..
KN - Go only, invite a specific station to transmit.I'm done, but only you (callsign given) come back to me..
KNW - Know..
KP - Keep...
KWOF - Key with other foot..

LID - A poor operator..
LIL - Little..
LIS - Licence , Licensed..
LON - Longitude..
LAT - latitude..
LKG - Looking for,waiting,looking..
LNG - Long..
LFT - left..
LOC - Location..
LOG - Logbook..
LOTSA - A lot..
LP - Long Path..
LS - Loudspeaker..
LSN - Listen..
LTR - Later; letter..
LV - Leave..
LVG - Leaving..
LW - Long Wire., Long Wave..
LWR - Lower..

MA - Millamperes..
MAG - Magazine..Magnetic..
MERRY XMAS - Merry Christmas..
MDA - Monday...
MGHT - Possible..
MGR - Manager..
MHZ - Megahertz..
MI - My..
MIKE,MIC,MK - Microphone..
MILL - Typewiter..
MILS - Millamperes..
MISD - Missed..Lost..
Mistake - Mistake..
MK - Make..
MMY - Memory...
MNG - Morning...
MNI - Many..
MNL - Manual..
MO - Master Oscillator...
MO - Month...
MOPA - Master Oscillator and Power Amplifier..
MOM - Moment..
MPH - Miles per hour..
MSG - Message; Prefix to radiogram..
MSK - Mistake...
MST,MUST - Must...
MTR - Meter..
MTR - Matter...
MX - Merry Christmas..
MULT - Multiplier..
MY - My..

N - No, Negative, Incorrect, No More..
N - Nine (as in Signal Report)..
NA - North America..
NBR - Neighbour...
NAME - Name..
NEWS - News..
NCS - Net Control Station..
ND - Nothing Doing ..
NG - Not good..
NIL - Nothing; I have nothing for you; Not In Log..
NITE - Night..
NM - No more..
NN - Noon..
NR - Number, Near..
NOT,NO - not...
NUP - Newspaper...
NVR - Never..
NW - Now; I resume transmission..
NY - New Year..

OB - Old boy..
OC - Old chap..
OC - Oceania..
ODX - The farthest DX..
OFT,OFTEN - Often..
OFS - Office...
OFY - Oficially...
OK - All Correct..
OM - Old man..
OOTC - Old,old Timers CLub..
OP - Operator..
OP - Opportunity...
OPN - Open..
OPR - Operator..
OR - Or..
OSC - Oscillator..
OT - Old timer; Old top..
OTR - Other, others..
OUT - out..
OW - Old Woman..
OWG - Owing...
OWZ - Otherwise...

P - Pressure..
PAC - Pacific..
PA - Power Amplifier..
PART - Partly..
PBL - Preamble..
PBS - personal bulletin system = MAILBOX..
PBY - Probably...
PC - Per cent...
PDC - Perfect Direct Current..
PIX - Photo..
PKG - Package..
PKJ - Package...
PLSR - Pleasure...
PM - Post Meridiem..
POX - Police...
PP - Push Pull..
PSE - Please..
PSED - Pleased..
PSK31- PSK31..
PSU - Power Supply..
PT - Point..
PWR - Power..
PX - Press, Prefix..

QKY - Quickly...
QSO - 2 way contact..
QRM - man made interference..
QRN - natural interference..
QSL - Do you acknowledge receipt? I acknowledge receipt..
QRPP - Less than 1 Watt operating power..
QSN - Queston...
QT - Quite...
QTN - Quotation...
QTY - Quantity...

R - Received as transmitted; Are..
R - Decimal Point (with numbers)..
RAC - Rectified AC..
RADIAL - Counterpoise..
RANGE - Range..
RC - Ragchew..
RCC - Rag Chewers Club..
RCV - Receive..
RCD,RCVD - Received..
RCTF - Rectifier..
RCVR - Receiver..
RD - Road...Read..
RDI - Ready..
RE - Concerning; Regarding..
REF - Refer to; Referring to; Reference..
RELAY - Relay..
REM - Remarks..
REMOTE - Remote..
RFB - Received Fine Business..
RFI - Radio frequency interference..
RFU - Refuse...
RIG - Station equipment..
RIPPLE - Ripples..
RG - Regular...
RGR - Roger..
RITE - Write...
RJ - Reject...
RMB - Remember...
RMKS - Remarks..
ROK - Received all correct..
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing..
RPT - Repeat, Report..
RPRT - Report..
RPM - Rotates Per Minute..
RPY - Reply...
RR - All received OK..
RR - Railroad...
RTBM - Rotary Beam..
RTTY - Radio teletype..
RST - Readability, strength, tone....
RU - Are you...
RUNNING - Running..
RUF - Rough...
RX - Receive, Receiver..

SA - Say..
SA - South America..
SASE - Self-addressed, stamped envelope..
SAT - Saturday...
SED - Said..
SAE - Self-Addressed Envelope..
SDY - Sunday...
SEC - Second..
SEND - Send..
SET - Device..
SEZ - Says..
SGD - Signed..
SH - Such...
SHACK - Shack...
SHUD - Should..
SIG - Signature; Signal..
SINE - Operator's personal initials or nickname..
SK - Out; clear (end of communications, no reply expected.)..
SK - Silent Key..
SKED - Schedule..
SKIP - Skip..
SKJ - Schedule...
SHORT SKIP - Short Skip..
SLITE - Weak..
SMG - Something...
SN,SOON - Soon..
SOLID - Solidly ...
SP - Short Path..
SPARK - Spark..
SPK - Speak..
SPO - Suppose..
SPZ - Surprise...
SRI - Sorry..
SRL - Phone number..
SS - Sweepstakes ..
SSB - Single Side Band..
STABLE - Stable..
STAGE - Stage..
STD - Standard...
STDI - Steady..
STICK - Pencil..
STN - Station..
STO - Store...
STRONG - Strong..
SUGN - Suggestion...
SUM - Some..
SURE - Sure..
SVC - Service; Prefix to service message..
SVL - Several...
SWOF - Send with other foot...
SW - Short wave..Switch...
SWL - Short Wave Listener..
SWR - Standing Wave Radio..
SYS - System...
/ST - short timer on check in..

T - Zero (with numbers)..
TAP - tap..
TAPE - tape..
TB,TBS - Tube..
TEMP - Temperature..
TEST - Testing or Contest..
TFC - Traffic..Regular QSO...
TGR - Together...
THRU - via..
THD - Thursday...
THR - There..
TIA - Thanks In Advance..
TK - Take...
TMW,TMR - Tomorrow..
TO - To..
TONITE - Tonight..
TK - Take..
TKS - Thanks..
TNKS - Thanks..
TNX - Thanks..
TIL - Until..
TR - Transmit..
TRAFO - Transformator..
T/R - Transmit/Receive..
TRBL - Trouble..
TRC - Traffic..
TRI - Try..
TRIX - Tricks..
TRX - Transceiver..
TT - That..
TTS - That is..
TU - Thank you..
TUY - Tuesday...
TVI - Television interference..
TX - Transmitter; Transmit..
TXT - Text..

U - You..
UCN - Uncertain...
UF - Unfortunate...
UFB - Ultra Fine Business..
UKN - Unknown...
ULY - Usually...
UN - Until...
UNLIS - Unlicensed..
UNSTDI - Unsteady..
UR - Your; You are..
URL - Universal Resource Locator.. - Address For a WebPage..
UTC - Universal Time Coordinated..
URS - Yours..

VB - Valuable...
VCY - vicinity
VE - Understood (VE)..
VERT - Vertical..
VET - Veteran...
VFB - Very fine business..
VFO - Variable Frequency Oscillator..
VIA - via..
VKN - Vacation...
VOL - Volume...
VSB - Visible...
VSR - Visitor...
VST - Visit...
VU - View...
VY - Very..
VYG - Voyage...

W - Watts..Word..
WATTS - Watts..
WA - Word after..
VALVE - Valve..
WATSA - What Say..
WB - Word before..
WB - Will be..
WD - Word..
WDA - Wednesday...
WDS - Words..
WELL - Well..
WGT - Weight...
WID - With..
WK,WEAK - Weak..
WKD - Worked..
WKG - Working..
WL - Well; Will..
WN - When...
WPM - Words Per Minute..
WRD - Word..
WRK - Work..
WT - What...
WTV - Whatever...
WUD - Would..
WW - Would..
WW - world wide..
WX - Weather..

XCVR - Transceiver..
EXCUS,XCUS - Excuse...
XJ - Explain...
XMAS - Christmas..
XMTR - Transmitter..
XPER - Experimental..
XTAL - Crystal..
XVTR - Transverter..
XYL - Wife..

YDAY - yesterday..
YDY - yesterday..
YF - Wife..
YL - Young lady..
YR - Year..
YRS - Years..
Z - Zulu Time..
ZONE - Zone..
ZX - zero beat..

2NITE - tonight
30 - I have no more to send..
33 - Fondest Regards..
55 - Best Success..
73 - Best Regards (NOT 73'S)..
88 - Love and kisses (NOT 88'S).....Hugs and kisses..
99 - Go out,dont transmit..
161 - 73+88=161

French abbreviations:
BCP - Beacoup - A lot
BJR - Bonjour - Good morning
BN - Bon - Good
BNE - Bonne - Good
BSR - Bonsoir - Good evening
HRX - Heureux GLÜCKLICH happy
MCI - Merci -Thanks
PR - Pour - To
SVP - S’il vous plaît -Please
TJRS - Toujours - Always , still
VA - The end of transmission..
VCI - Voici.. Tu jest
VS - Vous, vos .. You
VTRE - Votre - Your
88x - Baisers extra - extra kisses
ICI - Here

AA - End Of Line
AAA - Full Stop
AR - End of message
AS - Stand by; wait
BT - Separation (break) between address and text; between text and signature.
HH - Error in sending. 8 dits - Transmission continues with last word correctly sent.
II - Short form of above
IMI - Repeat; I say again. (Difficult or unusual words or groups.)
NR - Number follows
SK - Out; clear (end of communications, no reply expected.)

The following without the < > are other commonly used two letter procedural signals -- some Hams run them together -- others do not:
BK - Break
CL - Going off the air (clear)
CQ - Calling any amateur radio station (Many add a space between the C and the Q)
DE - This or From
KA - Beginning of message
KN - Go only, invite a specific station to transmit
VE - Understood (VE)

THe Weather:

BBL - I'll Be Back Later
BRB - I'll Be Right Back
J/K - Just Kidding
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
NP - No Problem
RR - Roger Roger (ok)
WB - Welcome Back
WFWL - Work First, Worry Later