Anyone with an interest in radio communications is welcome to join the PAWA, whether a licensed Amateur Radio Operator or not! Dues for PAWA memberships are per calendar year (January through December). Membership fees are: Individual Membership.............................................................................$ 25.00 per year Family Membership (all licensed amateurs in one household)...........$ 37.50 per year Student Membership (under 18 years old)............................................$ 12.50 per year Associate Membership (support the PAWA without voting privileges)..$12.50 per year Newsletter via US Mail................................................................................$42.00 per year Newsletter via Email....................................................................................$ FREE Acceptable payment methods are: In person at a monthly PAWA club meeting or event: Cash, Check or Money Order By US Mail: Check or Money Order What are the advantages of membership? Voting rights at meetings (full membership) Right to hold office in the club (full membership) Right to nominate candidates for the PAWA Ham of the Year (full membership) Right to be selected as PAWA Ham of the Year (full membership) Club Newsletter (by email) $ 1.00 discount for hamfest admission $ 2.00 discount on tables at the hamfest No fee for items placed on the consignment table at the hamfest No fees for club functions (such as annual Field Day BBQ, annual September BBQ and annual December Banquet) |
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Member Roster | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Repeaters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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License Testing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For New Hams | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ham of the Year Awards | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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What are my dues used for? Rent at the Legion Hall - Supporting: Monthly Meetings, Classes, Exam Sessions, Hamfest and Club Station PAWA events - Supporting: Field Day, Public Service Events, September Tailgater and Annual Dinner and Awards Night Equipment purchase and maintenance - Supporting: 146.73 and 444.10 Repeaters and Club Equipment The monthly newsletter Mail application and dues to: Portland Amateur Wireless Association P.O. Box 1605 Portland, ME 04104 In mailing in your dues, please include your name, address, call sign and current e-mail address |