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100W PA for 70cm


Since the closes digipeater at my portable QTH was switched off I had to search for another. I had great troubles to reach these since i can only use simple antennas on the balcony to the backyard there. For every solution there was too less power. After many thoughts to buy a 35W tranceiver or to buy a power amplifier I decided that this is too much money. The solution was found when I saw 70cm power modules M67729H2 for about DEM 30,- each. These were not specified for 430-440MHz but seemd promising according to the datasheet. At the same time I found a solution to run 4 of them in parallel. So this was the final goal. For about DEM 200,- I got a fine PA with 2W input and 100W output, which allows me to continue to use my handy.

Large Circuit diagram 70cm PA

The principles of the parallel connection of these power modules are not limited to the ones I use. I am very awaiting that one who tries to connect 4 pieces of high power modules capable for SSB and a 5th as driver, that would result in a PA with 5W input and app. 260W output.

Front View

Circuit Description:

Two power moduls are parallel connected, which results in a 25 Ohms impedance. Using a quarter WL line this impedance is transformed into 100 Ohms. There again two of these are parallel connected and deliver the needed 50 Ohms. There is the same connection at the input and the

For the connections I use Semi-Rigid cable (SR). Since I had lots of 2mm diam. cable I took that. But I suggest to use thicker one at the output, since mine becomes a little bit warm.
The T-connections are made with copper foil as connection of the screens. First dismantle the SR for about 1-1.5mm. Then tin the shield and cut the (growing) isolation. After that solder the three inner wires, place a small piece of foil below and solder the SR screens to it.

The modules are also mounted and connected with copper foil. For each module take a piece of copper foil and place it between the module and the heat sink. Between each there is a small amount of heat compound. The ground connections of the module are directly soldered to the foil, also all blocking capacitors and the ends of the SR. The 10pF trimmers are used to align the SWR and to align the coupler. The power supply of the modules is separatly connected for the final and the driver stage. The driver stage's power is supplied by the VOX unit, the final stages's power is connected to the DC input straigt forward.

By the way, I mounted my modules wrong, since I have the long wires on the output side. Take care to have the two short wires which connect two modules together at the output side.

Back View

NOTE: The Mitsubishi modules M67729H2 that I used have the output on the left, the input at the right side. There are older datasheets where this is noted wrong. Since I prefer closed cabinets against open heat sinks because they are easier to staple and since there are only short transmission periods in PR I used only a small heat sink. This is cooled by a temperature controlled blower. Further on there is an overtemperature detection on the VOX decision logic "VOX4B" which can disable all.



(C) 2001 Gyetvai Zoltán OM7AQ