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Please click on the following link to subscribe
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Club Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month.

Meetings are now being held in person and also on the Zoom platform. If you wish to attend the online meetings, please notify club President, Gary N6BLU.

Please click here to download a copy of our membership form.

Members now have the option to either send your dues to the post office box
or pay your dues online through either PayPal or by using most major credit cards.
In order to properly process your dues be sure to include your name and callsign when making online payments.

CCRC membership

If you are a club member and have not yet joined our mailing list
Please click on the following link to subscribe
  To unsubscribe click on the following link Unsubscribe

Coos County Radio Club serves the general amateur radio community in Coos County, OR. and vicinity. Our members are dedicated Ham radio operators and in the traditional spirit of amateur radio, are active in numerous public service activities.

If you are interested in amateur radio, electronics, public and emergency service, or would just like to learn more about us, please join us at any of our informal meeting places, regular club meetings, or just grab the next guy (or girl) you see with a funny antenna sticking up from belt/ car/ truck/ house/ rv/ or beany cap and you will have found a friendly, helpful and technically competent amateur radio operator.

Our activities are always open to the public. We offer classes, license testing, first class repeater coverage, and a great family atmosphere, Come join us anytime.

© Copyright  2025 - Coos County Radio Club

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