My Personal Information Policy at Southern Outer Banks News is very simple:  I don't collect it!

When you eMail Southern Outer Banks News, I will use your eMail address to reply to your message.  I don't have "newsletters", "surveys", "contests", or any mess like that ("newsletters", "contests", and "surveys" are the way websites trick you into giving them your eMail so they can share it with their marketing partners).

If you submit a DMCA notice request in accordance with the proceedure on my copyright page,  the information you provide that is required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) assists Southern Outer Banks News to locate the information you are contacting me about and to respond to your DMCA request.

When you click on a link on the Southern Outer Banks News website, you may be taken to an external website. Southern Outer Banks News does not own, control, or manage that website, that website has it's own privacy policy.  Please review the privacy policy of that website if you have concerns about what information they collect, and how they use that information.

Southern Outer Banks News does not collect, store, share, sell, give away, trade, or use any information you voluntarily provide, or use your information for any other purpose than to fulfill your request.  My interest is community journalism, not the data mining business.

This privacy policy may be amended at any time wthout notice, and in the unlikely event that it is, the changes will be posted here.

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This page was last updated 01-05-2025