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2023 Amateur Radio Weblog by Philip G0ISW
2012-2022 Amateur Radio Weblog by Philip G0ISW
50 MHz (6 metres)
70 MHz (4 metres)
144 MHz (2 metres)
432 MHz (70 Centimetres)
Advice for beginners
Aircraft & Airband

APRS tracking
Aurora forecast (Ovation)
AuroraWatch UK
Aurora 27 day forecast
Band plans UK by RSGB
Barometric Air Pressure Map for UK
Beacons (VHF Region 1)
British Geological Survey (Earthquake Monitoring plots)
British Geological Survey (3-Day Space Weather Forecast)
Discover Penrith

DX Records Region 1 VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF

DX Summit Spots database search
DX Summit
Earth-Moon-Earth (EME)
EchoLink Link status
eHam product reviews
ENIGMA Simulator & Challenge
ENIGMA Cipher challenge
Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Equipment dealers
eSSB - HiFi audio NU9N
Find your computer IP address

Five (5) MHz RSGB information

Flightradar24 (Use for ACS propagation)

FMLIST database of all VHF/UHF radio station frequencies

G3CWI flea market
Games page
GB2RS News
GB7MBC DXcluster
GridMapper (Grid and Station locator)
Help for Heroes

Help for Heroes

HF Propagation prediction from UK by G0KYA


HF Propagation real-time map by NG0E

IARU Region 1 Intruder reporting
Ionograms for Sporadic-E cloud heights
ISS position
ISS packet activity
ISS G0ISW messages
ISS Fan Club EU
ISS flight schedule
ISS Radio Status
ISS SSTV Gallery

Please do not attempt to connect to the old International Space Station Packet BBS system, callsign RS0ISS-11, as you will block the whole 8 minute pass for all other European stations who can digipeat only if the BBS is not being used. The BBS was established many years ago before the advent of e-mail, the crew DO NOT READ IT, and in order to obtain a QSL card from the ISS you only now have to now digipeat once through the ISS using the callsign RS0ISS-4, which takes no longer than 3 seconds.

Internet Linking

Ionograms in Europe active Map


JT9 HamSpots


Lightning map Europe #1
Lightning map Europe #2
Lightning map Europe #3
Links to other VHF/UHF sites
Locator Map of Europe (Maidenhead & QRA)
Maidenhead Locator finder (Map based)

Meteor Scatter Reporting System

First number (burst duration)  

Second number  (signal strength)

2: < 5 s

6: Below S2 or 5dB

3: 5-20 sec

7: S2 to S3 or 5dB-10dB

4: 20-120 s

8: S4 to S5 or 10dB-15dB

5: > 120 sec

9: above S5 or 15dB

Meteor Scatter  Periods

Northbound & Westbound

1st Period

Southbound & Eastbound

2nd Period


NASA live TV

Number StationsNumber Stations
Operating in the UK (for visitors)
Operating outside the UK
PCSAT satellite packet activity
Propagation Identification for VHF
PSK Propagation Reporter
QRZ callsign lookup:
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QSL card printer FDS Graphics

Radio meteor Observatorys Online (RMOB)
Radio Astronomy G0ISW
repeater lists
RSGB QSL Bureau  
Satellite tracking N2YO
Shortwave Listening
Shortwave Schedule frequency lookup
UK snow forecast map
Software (Ham)
Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Solar Cycle Progression
Space & Satellites
Space Weather
SOTA - Summits On The Air
Television Interference (TVI) & EMC
Tourism, Local history & visitor information
Tropo ducting maps
Tropo ducting temperature readings
VHF Contest dates (RSGB VHFCC)
The VHF DX Podcast

VHF/UHF spots Real-time maps

Virgo Meteor Sky view

VOACAP online HF propagation prediction tool
VOACAP online HF coverage maps
Weatherline forecast Lake District mountains
Where's the Path
WOTA - Wainwrights on the air
WSJT software
WSPR (Distant Whispers G4ILO)
BBC News
BBC Radio Cumbria
BBC Weather
Cumbria Crack | LinkedIn
BBC Weather


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Since 21st September 2009


As a service to  all Radio Amateurs, the science and technology community and for the general public, this site was created by me on 1st September 2000 and has been maintained and updated every day since, voluntarily in my own spare time, for the benefit of all. It is also intended to enhance Britain's reputation and to help generate new scientific innovations.

© Copyright G0ISW.

Page last modified

July 2024

All Rights Reserved.