G0HVQ's Blog - Notable stuff from the bands, mainly VHF 2m/6m and new HF DXCCs

3 Dec 2024

More 6m F2, worked VU4A (NK61) Andaman & Nicobar Isl for 6m DXCC #190.

30 Nov 2024

More 6m F2, worked HR1JBR (EK64) Honduras for 6m DXCC #189.

20 Nov 2024

Another good 6m F2 opening, worked XV9T (OK33), 3W9A (), DU6/PE1NSQ (PK10).

13 Nov 2024

Worked S9Z (JJ30) Sao Tome & Principe for 6m DXCC #188.

11 Nov 2024

Worked 4U1UN (FN20) UN HQ New York for 6m DXCC #187.

10 Nov 2024

More great 6m F2, worked  PS8RF (GI84) for a new Field, VU3WEW (MK71), VU3RGB (MK72), VU2DCC (MK80) for 3 new Indian grids, and HC1DAZ (FI09) & TR8CA (JJ40).

1-7 Nov 2024

The first week of Nov has been incredible with daily 6m F2 openings. Highlights were....a big NA opening on the 2nd. A good opening to VK4 on the 4th (none worked). A big opening into the Pacific on the 5th with VK3GA copied (QF22, 17045km), worked 4S7KKG (MJ96) for a new field/grid, missed KG6DX due to a hospital visit (he worked many locals in IO81). On the 6th worked HC2GRC (FI07) & 13 NA stations. On the 7th worked YB5QZ (OJ00) for 6m DXCC #186, also VO2AC (FO93) for a northerly Canadian grid.

29 Oct 2024

More extensive 6m F2, worked UN1L (MO12), UN7LEW (MO13), UN7BI (MO43), UA9MA (MO43), copied 4S7AB (NJ07), YB5QZ (OJ00), DU6/PE1NSQ (PK10), VK6OZ (OF77). Band open to central Asia for over 4 hours.

28 Oct 2024

Huge 6m F2 opening to VK6, JA, 4S, VU. All on a skewed path 90 degrees. 4S7AB (NJ07) worked for 6m DXCC #185. VK6KXW (OF87) worked for a new ODX on 6m 14,717km. At the peak was getting 30+ JA decodes each period.

27 Oct 2024

6m F2 has really started, band open to VK most days. Copied and was copied by VK2IR QF55 Sydney over 17,000km away but band faded before we could complete.

20 Sept 2024

First winter F2 QSO on 6m, VK6NH (OG65) worked around 1000z.

19 Sept 2024

Excellent 2m tropo to LA/SM/OZ/SP, best DX SP1FJZ (JO84) 1267km.

14 Sept 2024

First sign of winter F2 on 6m, VK6NH (OG65) copied around 1000z. Other Gs also copied VK6s.

12 Aug 2024

Another big aurora,worked DL/OK 2m CW. Visual here again but too late for me, past midnight.

8 Aug 2024

Amazing late-season 2m Es, best opening of the season and probably the latest I've ever worked 2m Es. 47 QSOs made with I/HA/OE/YU/YO/LZ best DX LZ2BBA (KN13) 2128km.

New HF ATNO, N5J Palmyra & Jarvis Islands, DXCC #324.

29 July 2024

6m TEP, worked CE2EP (FF46) & LU2GPB (GG03).

28 July

Late-season Es to NA on 6m, worked VO1AW (GN28), more Ws and VO1s copied. Later, TEP to Indian Ocean, worked FR8UA & FR8TZ (LG79).

4 July 2024

Right on target, 6m TEP returns from the middle of July (TEP usually disappears in June up to the middle of July). PY2JA (GG65), PU2UAF (GG66), PY2EPL (GG58) worked.

24 June 2024

Excellent 2m Es opening to the south, lots of EAs working but the highlights were 2 new DXCCs: Morocco (CN8LI, IM63) and Algeria (7X2RF & 7X2HF, both JM16), taking me to 53 DXCCs worked on 2m.

20 June

6m path to NA has been poor this year so far, finally a few W5s in EM12 & EM29.

13 June 2024

Huge 6m JA opening at dawn, 22 JA QSOs, just one new grid JA8JTZ QN01.

2 June 2024

Early 6m opening to Japan with 3D2AG worked by DLs, followed by China mid-morning, worked BD7IS (OL63), BA7NQ (OL63) & BA7IO (OL73). Then the band opened to VK8, VK8AW (PH57) worked and in here for 50mins peaking +4dB. And later a new DXCC, 5A1AL (JM62 Libya) 6m DXCC #184.

28 May 2024

First JAs of the season on 6m, worked JA7JPZ (PM98), JA7CSS (QM09) & JH7BKN (QN00). Also copied KG6DX (QK23) for the first time in 33 years. And 3 new grids worked taking me over 1000 on 6m: UR5RP (KO51), RA3CQ (KO85) & RO1M (KO59).

27 May 2024

First good 6m opening to NA of the season followed by TEP to South America, scratchy QSO with LU6FOV (FF98).

13 May 2024

Worked FH4VVK (LH27) Mayotte for 6m DXCC #183.

10 May 2024

Multiple X-class flares (5 or 6) resulted in a huge aurora, the best since March 1989. Visual here about 1130pm, first time seen, then the following day Sat 11th there was a radio aurora most of the day: on 2m worked many stations to the south inc YO5LD (KN05), OK2WO (JN89), OM3WC (JN88). This is the furthest south I've ever worked via aurora.

20 Apr 2024

6m TEP: worked PY3FOX (GF49), PY2RN (GG66), PY5AM (GG44) & PY5HOT (GG46).

18 Apr 2024

Big swings in SFI, dropped down to the 110s now back up to 217. Nice Long Path on 10m at sunset into the Pacific, VKs and JAs worked. SFI went up to 227 on the 19th & 23rd April.

26 Mar 2024

After a bit of a lull, SFI shot back up over 200 and 6m TEP to South America re-appeared. Worked PU3MIP (GF49), PP5AM (GG52), PP5AMP (GG52), CX2CC (GF15), CX7CO (GF15), LU8ADX (GF05) & LU8EX (GF05). 3 new grids.

9 Mar 2024

More 6m TEP to South America, worked PY3SOL (GG30), CX2ACB (GF25) & LU1WFU (FE64, 12,538km) for a new personal-best distance on TEP.

8 Mar 2024

First 6m TEP to South America this year, worked PP5BK (GG51) & PU5SIX (GG54) , copied lots of PY/CX/LU, furthest was LU7FIN (FF97) 11,045km.

27 Feb 2024

Another ATNO, H40WA Temotu Province worked on 20m & 17m for #323. 6m TEP to ZS re-appeared at lunchtime, first time since last Oct.

20 Jan 2024

First ATNO worked for a very long time, TX5S Clipperton Island worked on 17m for #322 and subsequently worked on all HF bands - superb DXpedition.

24 Dec 2023

Active side of the sun back into view & SFI high again, 6m F2 to NA worked VE1PZ (FN85), AC4TO (EM70) and W4TAA (EL87).

17 Dec 2023

Excellent 2m F2 tropo to the south, worked many Fs and EA1AP (IN83), EA2T (IN83), EA2DR (IN83), EA1U (IN83), EA2CDY (IN83) and EA1NL (IN52). Flag in Madeira CT9/OM3RG (IM12) but not seen.

1 Dec 2023

Phenominal 6m F2 opening to the Caribbean and Central America, stretching from CE in the south up to XE & W5 in the north. Worked TG9AJR (EK44) Guatemala for 6m DXCC #182, also worked VP9NO (FM72), HC2AO (FI07) and HC1MD/D (EI97) for a new grid/field. Copied many DX, the best ones being XE1H (DL80), XE1EE (DL90), XE1MEX (EK08), HP2NG (FJ09), CE3SX (FF46), V31DL (EK57), TI5KLH (EK70), HH2AA (FK38), V26OC (FK97), J35X (FK92), 9Y4D (FK90) - most worked before.

27 Nov 2023

After a huge dip in solar activity (SFI 118), came back up (SFI 194) and produced 6m F2 propagation to North America. Worked W8GEX & WB8ART (both EM79), copied WW1L (FN54), K3SX (FM19), K1HTV (FM18), KD2CYU (FM20), K1SIX (FN43), K1TOL (FN44), K2ZD (FN21), VE3DS (FN03), VA3LX (FN14), K9SE (EN60), W9VHF (EN71), W7JW (EN82).

17 Nov 2023

PR0T (Trinidade Isl) worked for ATNO DXCC #321, first new HF DXCC for 8 months.

5 Nov 2023

Crazy day on 6m, possibly caused by an incoming aurora. F2 to western Australia with scatter to Japan in the morning, copied VK6DH (OF88), VK6JJJ (OF78), VK6NH (OG65), JE6BHT (PM51), JG3TOV (PM73), JH4IUO (PM64). After lunch, India appeared really strong, copied VU2LBW (MK82), VU2CPL (MK83), VU2DCC (MK80). The as soon as prop started to disappear, Central America appeared: copied HP2AT (FJ09), XE1MEX (EK08) as well as numerous HK and HC stations. Unfortunately no QSOs as Acom PA had blown up the previous day :-( Extensive aurora later, visual to the south coast of the UK: GM, DL & SM stations worked on 2m CW.

3 Nov 2023

More 6m F2, DU3LA (PK05) worked in The Philippines, northern VK6s in again.

2 Nov 2023

The day I have waited for, for a very long time: strong 6m F2 to Western Australia, with an SFI of only 159. 21 years since the last decent opening to VK6. Worked VK6NH (OG65), VK6ZLX (OG65), VK6JJJ (OF78), VK6CPU (OF78)....VK6CPU is the furthest I've ever got on 6m at 14,629km.

27 Oct 2023

Incredible 6m TEP to South America, biggest opening I can remember spanning PY in the East to CE in the West. 6 new grids worked and a new personal-best distance via TEP: 12,122km. Stations worked: LU8YD (FF51), LW2EDM (FF81), CE4MBH (FF44), LU7DK (FF91), CE6TF (FF31), LU8DRH (FF81) and LU4FW (FF96).

23 Oct 2023

VK6TM (OG65) copied on 6m, first VK6 in for 21 years despite the low SFI=119.

20 Oct 2023

XT2AW (IK92) Burkina Faso worked for 6m DXCC #181, V51 & ZS6 also copied, late afternoon opening.

16 Oct 2023

First signs on east-west 6m F2: Chan & Hong Kong worked from eastern G around 0800z. Hawaii worked by CT & EA on 6m long-path. Nothing here so far, SFI still a fairly moderate 145.

11 Oct 2023

Solar max is very close, 10m & 12m in excellent form after sunset into the Pacific. On 10m worked W8S (Swains Island), 5W0LM (Samoa) and KL7YK (Alaska); on 12m worked W8S (Swains Island), E6AM (Niue) and T2C (Tuvalu).

10 Oct 2023

2m tropo still there, EA8FB (IL18) worked for a personal-best distance on 2m tropo, CT9/OM3RG (IM12) also strong (worked a few days ago). On 6m 6W/IV3FSG (IK14) Senegal worked.

7 Oct 2023

2m tropo continues, the best I've ever seen to Spain, worked EC2BBS (IN93), EA1LN (IN73), EA1MK (IN73), EA2EGM (IN93), EA2KK (IN83), EA1UQ (IN83), EA1U (IN83) and a single Swiss station HB9EFK (JN46).

5 Oct 2023

Incredible 2m tropo, worked CT9/OM3RG (IM12) on Madeira Isl for a new 2m DXCC #51. Later that evening, 6m TEP: worked LU9AEA (GF05), LU9DO (GF05), LU1EG (GF05), L71D (GF05) and CX4AAJ (GF25).

27 Sept 2023

More after-sunset 6m evening propagation, V51JH (JG77) worked, V51WW (JH81) and 6W/IV3FSG (IK14) copied.

25 Sept 2023

Nice 6m evening propagation, PJ4MM (FK52), PU1MRV (GG87), PY2DS (GG66) and PY2XU (GG66) worked, also copied 6W/IV3FSG (IK14).

3 Sept 2023

Extensive 6m TEP to South America in several phases 2 hours after sunset, CE3SOC (FF46) and LU7HN (FF88) worked, copied CE4MBH (FF44), LU1MQF (FF55), LU5FF (FF99), LU8GMM (GG02), PY4AQA (GG88), PU4JOE (GH91), PY2FRQ (GG58), PY5EW (GG46).

22 Aug 2023

A good evening for 6m TEP, CE3SX (FF46) and LU1FAM (FF97) worked, CE2EC (FG40), CE4MBH (FF44), D2UY (JI64) and ZS6WN (KG46) copied.

13 Aug 2023

Perseids meteor shower was once again poor this year, pings very short so FSK441 better than MSK144 on 2m. 2 new grids worked: CT1DOZ/P (IM69) and EA2LU (IN92).

6 Aug 2023

More 6m TEP, FR4OO (LG79) and FR4PJ (LG89) on Reunon Isl both worked.

2 Aug 2023

Evening 6m TEP back, D2UY (JI64) in strong.

25 July

More 6m propagation to Asia, worked HL4GAV (PM35), HL5PDJ (PM45), JR2HCB (PM85). 

23 July 2023

Best 6m G-JA opening of the year so far, very late in the season with very poor conx to JA this year, 13 JA QSOs focussing on working new ones. One new grid, JA2JNA in PM94. 5 HLs in too.EI & GM worked VK4FNQ. Band open for over 2 hours.

19 July 2023

Another dusk 6m TEP opening: LU8GMM (GG02) copied for a long time, no other stations.

18 July 2023

After a very quiet month for 6m Es, first TEP since May appeared to South America towards dusk: LU8GMM (GG02), ZP5RPO (GG14) and PU2MBY (GG47) worked, called by CE3SX but QSO not completed due to QRM this end, copied a lot more PYs, most already the log.

5 July 2023

PJ7FM (FK88) Sint Maarten worked for 6m DXCC #180.

1 July 2023

After 2 very quiet weeks on 6m with little long-haul DX, we finally got a good opening to the Far East: China, Taiwan & Japan worked. Best DX was BW2/JP1RIW (Taiwan, PL05 new grid), BV6KO (Taiwan, PL03 new grid), BA7NQ (China, OL63), JA7JPZ (Japan, PM98, new grid), EK/RX3DPK (Armenia, LN20 new grid).

19 June 2023

More 2m Es opening, 3 hour opening with lots of quiet periods: mainly Italy and Blakans, best DX Z32KF (KN02, 2153km).

15 June 2023

Another good 2m Es opening, again mainly to Italy, best DX LZ1ZL (KN22, 2291km). Heard lots of SVs and even TA1BM (KN40) but couldn't break the pile-ups.

13 June 2023

Extensive 2m Es, mainly to Italy, best DX LZ2CM (KN13, 2119km).

12 June 2023

Good NA 6m opening, lots W0s worked then extended to the West Coast: AH0U (CM97, CA) and W7EW (CN84, OR) worked for new grids and 6m WAS #44.

11 June 2023

First good 6m opening to Asia of the season, UK8FF (MN60, Uzbekistan) worked followed by JO4GGN (PM86), JE3GRQ (PM75) and JE2LUN (PM84).

9 June 2023

Spotty 6m opening to USA West Coast, lost of stations in for 1-2 FT8 periods, only NJ6D (DM42, AZ) worked.

8 June 2023

Nice 6m condx to Africa, worked 9J2REK (Zambia) on CW.

5 June 2023

Major 2m Es opening to YU/YO/HA/OE/OK, 21 stations worked with a low yagi, best DX YO7FWS (KN24, 2131km) and LZ2CM (KN13, 2119km).

3 June 2023

6m open to Caribbean, VP2MKP (Montserrat, FK86) worked for 6m DXCC #178, V26OC (Antigua, FK97) worked for 6m DXCC #179.

2 June

Extensive 2m tropo opening, lots of DLs worked, best DX SP3NYF (JO72, 1194km) and OK8QC (JN89, 1312km).

30 May 2023

First good 6m opening to Asia this season, worked EX0DX (MN72), EX8MLE (MN72), UK8OM (MN51and copied the first weak JAs. 2m Es to Ukraine, copied UR3EE (KN88) and UT9UR (KO40).

And finally, 35 years after hearing the first signal from Australia, VK is in the log: 30min opening to VK8 and VK8AW (PH57) worked for 6m DXCC #177, VK8MS (PH57) also copied but QSO incomplete.

29 May 2023

6m opening to South America for 4 hours until sunset, copied CE2SV (FF47), CE3SX (FF46), ZP5DBC(GG14), ZP9HTL (GG24), PY2XB (GG66), PY5EK (GG43), PU4TNT (GH80), PU2MBY (GG47), PY2TIM (GG68), PY6BK (HH07), PU4JOE (GH91), worked PY2VA (GG66), PY2ZS (GG66).

28 May

Another good 6m opening to South America but coax SWR issues (water ingress) prevented FX, copied CE3SX (FF46), XQ3MCC (FF46), CE3SOC (FF46) and CE3/CE0YHF.

25 May 2023

Another good 6m opening to Brasil. Worked PY2XB (GG66), PY5CC (GG54), PY5EK (GG43), PY4AQA (GG88).

24 May

D2UY (JI64, Angola) worked for 6m DXCC #175, CE2FV (FF47 Chile), worked for 6m DXCC #176 and a new personal-best distance on 6m, 11,589km.

13 May 2023

6m opening to Brasil that lasted 6 hours on and off. Worked PY2XB (GG66), PY1WS (GG87), PU2TXZ (GG57) and PY5EW (GG46). Many other PYs seen but for only 1 or 2 periods.

8 May 2023

3B9FR (MH10) Rodreguez Isl worked for 6m DXCC #174, 3B8s also in but worked before.

7 May

D2UY (JI64) into the UK on 6m but couldn't break the pile-up.

24 Apr 2023

Spoke too soon, 6m fireworks! 3B8FA (LG89) worked for 6m DXCC #173, also worked 3B8CW (LG89). Later copied my first-ever CEs on 6m: CE2SV (FF47), CE3SX (FF46) and XQ3SK (FF46) - all 3 are further than I've ever worked on 6m before, CE2SV is 11,590km away. PY5EW (GG46) and V51JH (JG77) also popped up.

23 Apr 2023

A poor Apil on 6m so far: based on previous solar cycles and the last 6 months, was expecting more. Finally saw some DX today, a CQ from 3B8FA (LG89).

9 Apr 2023

T30UN West Kiribati worked on 10m ATNO DXCC #320.

31 Mar 2023

First new 6m DXCC of the year, 3C3CA (JJ43) Equitorial Guinea worked for 6m DXCC #172.

23 Mar 2023

More 6m F2 & TEP, D4K (HK76) worked, V51MA, ZS6WAB & ZS6WN copied.

10 Mar 2023

XV1X (OK33) Vietnam received on 6m for 30mins around 10am, he was also receiving me but worked before on Es so not called. This was the first F2 propagation to Asia for 21 years, last opening Feb 2002, SFI 179 today..

5 Mar 2023

More 6m TEP, a good opening to S.AFrica: ZS6NJ (KG33), ZS6WN (KG46), ZS6OB (KG44) worked

3 Mar 2023

Strong 6m F2 to Mali, TZ1CE in for over an hour up to +26dB on FT8 and worked, 3X1A also in weakly -19dB.

27 Feb 2023

Strong 6m F2/TEP, ZS6NK worked on FT4.

21 Feb 2023

Extensive 6m F2/TEP opening, just caught the very end. Lots of signals on skewed path 220 degrees, flag in VO1FOG on this heading, also D4L. Copied WW1L, N6AR, WP4G, FG8OJ, J79WTA, 9Y4D, TT8SN.

18 Feb 2023

6m TEP season has started, been into southern Eu the last few days and today made it up here, ZS6AYE (KG54) worked, also copied ZS6NJ (KG33), ZS6WAB (KG46) and TZ4AM (IK52). TZ4AM 599 on CW.

7 Feb 2023

3Y0J (Bouvet Isl) worked on 17m CW for an ATNO DXCC #319, tough as they only had 100W and wires but nice propagation peak on 17m and 15m just after the UK sunset.

15 Jan 2023

First 6m DX of 2023 and first Africa opening since 7th Nov: TR8CA (JJ40) Gabon worked, WM2XEJ also in on 40MHz. Probably the result of a significant rise in solar activity, SFI has been above 200 for 3 days amd is 228 today.

26 Dec 2022

FT8WW (Crozet Isl) worked on 20m for an ATNO DXCC #318, subsequently worked on 30m and 15m too.

16 Dec 2022

First winter 6m opening for over 20 years, SFI=166 just enough to open the band: WW1L (FN54) and W4FZ (FM18) worked, also copied AB1OC(FN42), K4AWN (FM17), KD3CQ (FM18), K1TEO (FN31), WO2T (FN20), AB4SF(FM17), KA1W (FN31), WA2FZW (FN20), K2ZD (FN21), W3CC (FN20), W3UR (FM19), N1DG (FN42), all in a small cluster of squares on the east coast.

14 Dec 2022

H44SHF (Solomon Isl) worked on 20m long-path for an ATNO DXCC #317.

24 Nov 2022

K8H (American Samoa) worked on 20m for an ATNO DXCC #316.

15 Nov 2022

T33T (Banaba Isl)  worked on 20m for an ATNO DXCC #315, also copied on 17m and 15m, all long-path. Thanks Dom! ZS6WAB/B 8m beacon in for an hour at lunchtime again.

8 Nov 2022

5V7RU  in again on 6m around 1500z, followed by PY2XB and PY1MHZ an hour later just before sunset.

7 Nov 2022

D4L (HK76) in on 6m around 1654z, huge signal from WM2XEJ on 40.680MHz, S5 on the meter and up to +26dB on FT8.

5 Nov 2022

EL2BG (IJ46) finally worked for 6m DXCC #171. 5V7RU, TZ4AM and TT8SN all in as well around 1400z. Later PV8DX (FJ92) and PV8ABH (GI58) copied around 1600z.

4 Nov 2022

TZ4AM  and EL2BG both copied on 6m quite strong but not worked, 5V7RU (JJ06) worked, On 40MHz ZS6WAB copied 439, WM2XEJ EM83 on FT8 up to +17dB.

30 Oct 2022

ZS6WAB 40MHz beacon in at 1300z 559 on the Hexbeam, and up to +16dB on FT8 on the 6m yagi.

22 Oct 2022

TY0RU, TZ4AM and V51JH all copied on 6m.

18 Oct 2022

More 6m propagation, TY0RU Russian DX'pedition to Benin (JJ16) and TT8SN Chad (JK72) both worked, 3B8FA Mauritious and EL2BG Liberia missed.

17 Oct

More 6m TEP, PY2XB (GG66) worked, LU/CE/CX also about but not making it into IO81.

16 Oct

With 6m hotting up decided to put the (shorter) 6m beam back up: took off an element to make it 5 ele to allow full rotation. Glad I did, ST2NH (KK65) Sudan worked for 6m DXCC #170, wow, never seen before. And 21 uears since I worked any 6m DX in October, this cycle is already better than the last one. Later TT8SN and TZ4AM both in 559 on CW, and ZD7BG on FT8 +11dB (all worked before). Then V51WW (JH81) too, worked.

14 Oct 2022

Solar cycle still rising, peaked at SFI 161 earlier in the week, bands very good today: ZL worked on 12m and lots of VKs and JAs on 10m FT4. Southern Eu had a 6m opening to VK6 and VK8.8m South Adrican beacon ZS6WAB/B on 40.675 copied on the HF Hexbeam up to 559.

29 Aug 2022

Huge jump in solar flux, went from 128 yesterday to 252 today, although looks like an anomaly due to a solar storm, back down the next day.

I just took the 6m yagi down for the winter, although it can be put back up rapidly. First new DXCC of the winter HF season worked, ATNO #314 4W/JH2EUV in Timor-Leste on 20m, also worked on 15m a few days later.

21 Aug 2022

Surprising late-season 6m Es opening to NA, worked K4RW (EM92), K4ESE (FM04), W4GX (EL98), NN4X (EL98), K4RX (EM70), K8ROX (EN80), AC4TO (EM70)  and VE1PZ (FN86).

14 Aug 2022

Perseids meteor shower not so good again this year, hard work on 2m, best reflections well after the peak on the 14th. Some new 2m grids: SQ5GVY (KO02), SM3LGO (JP83) and SM4LMV (JO79), furthest OH4LA (KP02) 1905km.

12 Aug 2022

6m Es season comning to a close, some flags in VO1 & W1 but no QSOs, single hops Es to Spain.

7 Aug

Good polar Es on 6m, worked JX/LB4MI (IQ50) on Jan Mayen Isl and LA5II (JP99) for a new grid square. Patchy 6m NA opening, a few QSOs made.

6 Aug 2022

6m opening to JA, lots JAs and HLs in at the peak but unstable, worked JH4CPC (PM64) - nevere heard/worked JA on 6m in August before. 4S7AB (NJ07) heard on 6m for the first time ever. UN7NTV (MN42) and UN7P (MN69) provided 2 new grid squares. Was out all evening but some lucky Gs and EIs work NH6Y (BL10 HI), VE7s also in I am told.

5 Aug 2022

6m opening to NA, unstable but open right across to the West Coast, PSKr flags in WA ID CA AZ. W9RM (DM58 CO) provided a new grid square.

1 Aug 2022

6m opening at dusk to Colombia, HK3O and HK3X (both FJ24) worked. 

31 July 2022

Short late-season 6m opening to the mid-west USA, WQ0P (EM19) and N0CWR (EM27) worked, also copied XE2X (EL06).

27 July 2022

New DXCC worked on 2m #50, Market Reef OJ0DX (JP90) via meteor scatter. Also worked two YVs on 6m, YV5NEA and YV4DR, both FK60.

22 July2022

6m JA opening in the morning, 4 JAs worked, Nice 2m Es opening to Spain, several new grids worked: EA7GNO (IM86) and EA7ACI (IM77). Missed CN8LI who would have been a new 2m DXCC, couldn't break the pile-up.

20 July

After another lull in condx, 6m opening up again, nice NA opening with 2 new grids worked: W7CP (EM97) and VE2LOA (FN59).

17 July

Back after summer holiday. Short 2m tropo opening to northern Spain, worked EA2XR (IN83), EA1HRR (IN83) and EB1FNS (IN73).

7 July2022

Big 6m opening to Japan, first decent one of the season: 14 JA QSO inc JA7KHQ and JA7RAK in QN00 for a new grid. UT1FG/MM provided yet another wet square, IM53. KL7HBK AK worked into eastern England, ON/PA/DL but nothing here.

6 July 2022

And more 6m action again...UT1FG/MM provided another wet square, IM26. Good NA opening right across to W0 area, several new grids worked: K9MU/P (EN46), KX8G (EN74), W9DR (EM78), XE3N (EL60). Highlight of the day was FP/KV1J (GN17) Saint Pierre & Miquelon Isl for 6m DXCC #169. Opened up to NA again later, some lucky stations were copied in HI - copied some VE4s, worked K7CA (DM26, NV) for 6m WAS 43 and grid 900. Re-opened close to midnight here, worked K5XI (DM09 AZ), K7MAC (DN14 ID), K6KLY (CM87 CA), K5HK (DM09 NV) and KH7Y (CM98 CA).

5 July2022

UT1FG/MM provided 2 more 6m wet squares,  HM98 and IM08. And a surprise short opening to South Africa, ZS6NK (KG46) worked.

4 July2022

Mid-season lull on 6m, very little Es for over a week. So it was good to get some DX in again and work UT1FG/MM in HM89 for another new wet square.

23 June 2022

It's not very often you work 2 new fields on 6m in one day, and it happened again! Late afternoon opening to Kazakhstan, UN7JX (NN19) and UN7DAT (NO00) worked. Also copied in China OL63 at a respectable -12dB, but it was gone midnight there so most people probably asleep.

19 June 2022

It's not very often you work 2 new fields on 6m in one day, so today was special: BA7NQ (OL63) and BG6CJR (OM90) worked, also JA5AUC (PM63). Propagation peaks were very short so you had to be quick, 6m was open on and off to Asia for several hours.

16 June 2022

6m opening to Asia, 9N7AA Nepal seen for the first time but not strong enough, peaked -10dB, -16 and lower most of the time, propagation favoured DL/PA/ON.

15 June 2022

Spotty 6m JA opening in the morning, only JL8FGB worked for a new grid QN03. Later good opening to tje Caribbean & Central America, worked KP4JFR (FK68), HC2FG (FI07), HK6F (FJ24), KP2BH (FK77 and FG/F6HMQ.

13 June 2022

New DXCC V31MA (EK58 Belize) for 6m DXCC #168.

12 June 2022

Possibly the best-ever 6m opening to the USA, from mid-day until midnight and past (I went to bed). Coincided with a US digital contest so 50.313 and 50.323 were both rammed solid, also great activity on CW. 46 QSOs with NA, mainly selective looking for new grids. Too many stations to list, here were the new grids: KG5JJ (EM26), NQ0W (EM27), KK0L (EM28), W5SUM (EM32), N0LWF (EN10), N8OKR (EN73), AA7A (DM52 AZ), WM5L (DM91), K9DR (DN62 WY) and WB7CJO (DN71 WY). AZ and WY were new states taking the 6m WAS total to 42. XE2JS (DL68) and XE2CQ (DM12) couldn't hear me. Some Gs worked KL7 Alaska but I'm unable to beam full north with my big yagi due to trees, so not heard.

11 June 2022

Strong 2m Es opening, worked I7CSB (JN71), IZ7UMS (JN81), 9H1GB (JM79), Z31TU (KN02), YU5C (KN02), 9A3TN (JN85), LZ1GHT (KN12), 9A4MZ (JN85), 9A7BKU (JN85). KN02 & KN12 were new grids and Z3 North Macedonia was a new 2m DXCC. Missed a ZA that was about on the band.

10 June 2022

One of those frustrating days you often get in the Es season, with lots of stations heard on 6m but few worked due to unstable condx. Just 1 QSO JE2DZC (PM84), lot of other JAs copied, also DS2JJV (PM37, S.Korea), DU3LA (PK05, Phillipines), DU7/PA0HIP (PK10, Phillipines), BD7IS (OL63, China), BA7IO (OL73, China), VR2CH (OL72, Hong Kong).

9 June 2022

First decent 6m JA opening of the year, worked JH6CDI (PM86), JH0HZO (PM97), JN1JFC (QM06). Also copied BU2FF (PL05, Taiwan), (OL99, China), BG6CJR (OM90, China), BA4SI (PM01, China and DU7/PA0HIP (PK10, Phillipines). Highlight of the day was first signal received in Australia, VK8AW (PH57) copied me as reported on PSKr, nearly 14,000km. Unfortunately he wasn't in the shack. Later severla large USA openings inc some West Coast, W6UC and W6RR in CA worked. New USA grid N4DW (EM86).

8 June 2022

Multi-hop 6m Es to Asia, PSKr flags in BV3UF (PL04), JS6TWW (PL55) and DU6/PE1NSQ (PK10) but no QSOs. EI worked VK8. Later, bits from USA and Scandinavia worked KL7 Alaska bu nothing here, although did manage OH7EBY for a new grid KP43.

7 June 2022

Another frustrating day on 6m Es, not in the propagation zone for the really good stuff but some useful QSOs made: ER5GB (KN45), TA4/PE2M (KM66) and 6 x UNs including UN7ECA (MO52). 4L4CR (LN21) Georgia was a new DXCC, 6m DXCC #167.

6 June 2022

Frustrating day on 6m Es, received some nice DX from Asia but no QSOs: BG4KXB (OM95), BD4SDX (OM80) and JR6FC (PL36). Band trying to open to the USA West Coast late afternoon but had to QRT early, just as I powered off the PA a load of DX appeared such as AA7A (DM43 AZ), VE6TA (DO33), VA6DX (DO32) and some W6s in CA.Consolation prize was working N5NA (DM92) for a new grid.

3 June 2022

Extensive European 6m Es stretching down to the Gulf, worked 9K2HS and A65IN. Later band trying to open to NA, managed to catch UT1FG/MM in wet square GM58 for a new field and grid. Also a brief 2m Es opening to southern Spain, EA7ALL (IM88) and EA7BHO (IM87) worked.

1 June 2022

First 6m multi-hop Es to North America,  late in the season. VO1s very strong on SSB, highlight was Coast Rica TI5/N5BEK (EJ79) for a new field and grid. Band still open at midnight local time.

28 May 2022

First 6m multi-hops Es to the Caribbean, worked VP2EIH and PJ4/KA1R.

27 May 2022

First JAs of the year copied on 6m, JG1KYL (QM05) and JN1GTG (PM95). In the evening, an extensive opening to PY via TEP: worked PY2BL (GG67), PU2JOE (GH91, new field), PY2XB (GG66), PY2CT (GG67) and PU4MHO (GG79). Lots of other PYs copied and a single LU, LU8GMM in GG02, 10,406km distance.

26 May 2022

6m TEP: 7Q7CT (KH66) worked, not a new one but nice to get rapid LotW.
24 May 2022

6m TEP: 7Q7CT (KH66), C5C (IK14), PY2BL (GG67) and ZD7MY (IH74) all copied. At the same time Es opening to the Caribbean, PJ4MM (FK52) worked and several WP4s copied.

22 May 2022

6m TEP  to southern Africa tonight, V51WW (JH81) copied for an hour up to -04dB and a PSKr report in ZS4TX/6 (KG47) but no QSOs.

20 May 2022

6m TEP again to the South Atlantic, really pleased to find UT1FG/MM in IH87 grid (#850 on 6m), also worked ZD7JC in IH74, the 3rd ZD7 station this week on 6m.

19 May 2022

6m TEP has occured every evening for the last 7 days in the 2 hours before UK sunset. ZD7 in most evenings, with a mixture of South America and Africa. Missed an opening to Chile last Monday as was out.

15 May 2022

More 6m TEP: ZD7MY & ZD7BG, both IH74 St Helena, worked. Strong signals, ZD7BG was up to +14dB on FT8.

14 May 2022

A late start to the Es season due to catching Covid. First "proper" 6m TEP for 8 years to South America, FY5KD (GG54) worked, also copied PP5BK (GG51), PY2WOT (GG76) and PY1MHZ (GG98). Caribbean also in, copied 9Y4D and FG8OJ.

21 Apr 2022

Starting to think about 6m, some UK and EI stations have already had Es links into TEP and worked South Africa and South America. My Hexbeam doesn't have 6m on it, but tunes up with a reasonable 1.8 SWR, a bit of Es was around to EA/CT so managed to work a few stations.

11 Apr 2022

HD8D on the Galapagos Isl did a great job of giving me HC8 on my missing WARC bands 30/17/12m, just got lucky with the propagation: it's great that solar activity has increased, but the downside is that there is increased geomagnetic activity, and April has seen a lot of solar flars and auroras. So good and bad days on HF.

9 Apr 2022

Just like busses, you never get a new pone for months and months then 2 come along together. Another ATNO, JG8NQJ/JD1 (Minami Torishima)on 17m CW. DXCC # 313.

8 Apr

FW1JG (Wallis & Futuna Isl) worked for an ATNO, a nice find on 20m just after sunrise. DXCC #312.

30 Mar

South Pacific in on 12m the last few days, Fiji worked (3D2US) and Norfolk Island (VK9DX).

1 Mar 2022

10m has been really excellent this Spring, today is was open right across to the USA West Coast with a number of W6 and W7 in.

19 Feb 2022

Been spending a lot of time on 30m recently: suffered very high noise levels for the last 9 months making DXing impossible, the levels have now dropped so I'm back on the band, although noise is still relatively high. Finally managed to work Antoine 3D2AG.

6 Feb 2022

10m on form, KG6DX and VR2XYL worked on 10m.

30 Jan 2022

Sunspot cycle really improving, ZL4as and ZL3NB worked on 12m: band now opening occasionally into the South Pacific, still searching for the elusive 3D2s on this band.

29 Dec

The 10m Long Path openings have occured most days right through the Christmas holidays, always the same time around 1130z-1300z, and to roughly the same region...although it depends who is active/listening as it's quite late in the evening at the DX end, and long after sunset, so most hams wouldn't naturally look on 10m at this time. Most openings seem to have focussed aound SE China, Hong Kong and the southern Japanese islands. The NCDXF beacons have been useful, have copied VR2B/B a few times with others in the region not coming in. Today was a highlight as JD1BMH popped up on CW from Ogasawara Isl  and was worked, I've been chasing him on other bands but really didn't expect to hear or work him on 10m. Also worked BG7IEJ on FT8 from China, and heard VR2ZQZ on SSB from Hong Kong although fairly week.

22 Dec 2021

An amazing V/UHF tropo opening towards F/HB9/DL/I thanks to a large High Pressure system positioned over Europe, maybe the best I've ever seen in 38 years on the 2m band (no 70cm here). 32 DX QSOs made, 3 with Italy and 4 HB9. First time I've ever worked Italy on 2m tropo. Best DX IW2DOY (JN45) 1132km, other notable QSOs were IK2JUG (JN45) 1113km,  IW2DOY (JN45) 1110km, DF9NP (JN58) 999km. One new grid square, F4CYH in JN26.

21 Dec 2021

Solar activity continues to climb, SFI 132 thanks to some new sunspots which is opening up 12m and 10m nicely: lots of VKs worked on 10m, and the Darwin 10m beacon VK2VF/B on 28.268MHz has been in regularly. Even saw a ZL on 10m FT8, first one of the new cycle. One interesting observation: have not seen any JAs on the Short Path, but several JRs from Okinawa have appeared on Long Path around 1200z, well after the path to Asia has closed and around 10pm local time in Okinawa,, so well past sunset. This has happened on 3 consecutive days, with several stations worked, but no mainland JA. and no signals on the Short Path. Wondering what is happening: could it be enhanced sunrise propagation to PY/LU lining up with some TeP or Es to JR? Have not seen this before.

29 Oct 2021

A really great week of HF radio, solar flux above 100 and the higher bands wide open. Great to work some VKs on 10m again. The low bands also performing, 80m vert back up and worked 3DA0WW and HD8M. Hard to know which band to be on sometimes, the Russian group 3DA0RU and then 7P8RU are doing a fine job but struggling to find them on 80m.

8 Oct 2021

Finally worked Alaska KL7SB for WAS on 15m, nice to do it on CW too, and confirmed on LotW. Now onto 12m, the only higher band I'm still chasing WAS.

Sept 2021

Solar activity increasing again with SFI 100 for several days. This day in particular was good with 12m open into the Pacific (4F3OM, Phillipines) well after their sunset, and West Coast USA in on 15m. Even got an FT8 flag in Alaska on 15m but no one active.

29 Aug 2021

Nice high pressure weather system established to the north of the UK producing excellent 2m tropo to Scotland and Norway, LA9AKA (JP20) and LA6GKS (JO29) worked to give me my 300th grid square on the 2m band.

26 Aug 2021

Surprised just how good HF is with the rising solar cycle, 3D2AG and 3D2USU in Fiji both worked on 15m. Coming back onto HF after summer, 30m suddenly has very high noise levels, S7-9, probably local internet-over-copper installations: this is a big problem in our towns and cuities, it's now appeared right out here in the countryside. DXing is going to be hard on 30m from now on.

21 Aug 2021

6m yagi taken down and Hexbeam put back up ready for autumn and winter, seems to be working finr: 3D2USU on Fiji worked on 20m and 17m.

18 Aug 2021

3rd consecutive day of 2m tropo to the Canary Isl worked EA8BPX (IL18) and EA8CXN (IL18) on SSB, and EA8FB (IL18) on FT8. A CT3 was around but propagation didn't reach here.

16 Aug 2021

Excellent sea tropo down to the SW, working EA1 on 2m  when seeing Cornish stations working EA8, suddenly EA8JK (IL18) pops up and gives me not only my furthest ever 2m tropo QSO (2895km), but my furthert on 2m ever, beating previous Es distances.

14 Aug 2021

Perseids meteor shower once again started really poor, no QSOs completed up to the 12th Aug, however 4 new grids worked on 2m the 13th and 14th: OG3Z (KP11), LA1KUA (JP50), HA6VV (JN97) and ES2NA (KO19),

4 Aug 2021

Getting towards the end of the 6m Es season now, lost the path to the Far East but still some NA/SA in, nice opening swinging between the northern part of NA and NA. P41E Aruba worked, not a new DXCC but nice to get a rapid LotW confirmation.

2 Aug 2021

A surprisingly late-season 6m opening to California, N6CA (DM03), K6FG (DM04), W6TOD (DM15) and XE2OR (DL98) received but antenna developed a fault resulting in hi SWR plus approaching thunderstorms meant no QSOs. Earlier in the day worked a few USA inc WA9PIE (EM13) before the fault appeared.

12 July 2021

More 2m Es, not as extensive as yesterday with rapid fading, bext DX LZ2CM (KN13) 2105km. Taking a break now for a few weeks for holidays.

11 July 2021

Spotty 6m openings to JA and USA, followed by a large 2m Es opening into central Eu, 26 QSOs made, best DX UR5WCE (KN29) 1858km.

July 2021

Large 6m opening to JA and HL, highlights were 8N4OLP (PM86), 6K5YIA (PM45), JR6DM (PL36 Okinawa) and HA8ISU (QN23).

July 2021

What a day: the best day of this Es season by far. Woke up to find AP2AM (MM63) Pakistan on the band, worked before the PA had warmed up with 70W: 6m DXCC #165. At lunctime we had 6m Es to the Caribbean and USA , HH2AA (FK38) Haiti worked. Then 2m Es opened to 9A/S5/I area, best DX SV8PEX (JM99) Greece at 2186km. Later on, another large 6m USA opening.

July 2021

The northerly Es path was absent early in the season but is much better now, worked JW4PUA (JQ78, Svalbard) on 6m.

July 2021

6m Es to Taiwan and Japan, BV3UF (PL04) worked for 6m DXCC #164, also worked BV7KL (PL02) and some JAs.

July 2021

Early 2m Es to Italy, mainly JN61, best DX IU8MHC in Sicily JM78 at 2066km.

July 2021

Another good 6m opening to the West, got K7ULS (DN41 Utah) after failing yesterday, other highlights were K0BK (DN99 Kansas), AG0N (DN81 Nebraska), NK7I (DN18 Idaho and W7MEM (DN17 Idaho). But the real surprise was VE6TA (DO33 Alberta), I've never seen VE6 on 6m before and never expected to work it.

July 2021

Finally a good 6m opening to the West, to W8/9/0 areas of USA. One of the best openings I've experienced in 33 years on 6m, lots of W0s in, 13 new USA grids worked: best were ND0B (EN07 North Dakota) and KM0T (EN13 Iowa). Called K7ULS (DN41 Utah) but despite being a solid -15dB he couldn't hear me.

30 June 2021

First big 6m opening of the season to Asia, lots of JAs and HLs in, at one time over 15 JAs on screen. Highlights were BH4SCF (PM01), JR6FC and JS6SCO (both PL36 Okinawa), and 3 more South Korea: HL5OC (PM45), HL3GOB (PM36), DS4EOI (PM37).

29 June 2021

6m conditions finally improving on the northerly path, opening to Japan and South Korea, DS2JJV (PM37) worked for 6m DXCC #163. Been chasing South Korea for 3 years on Es so good to finally get this one. Propagation to Africa later and XT2AW popped up from Burkino Faso, exchanged reports but not sure if QSO complete due to fading.

25 June 2021

After a poor week of Es, the band finally opened and picked up a few useful new grids: TA1CM (KN30), TA5FA (KM77), YO9IAB (KN25) and UR4LRG (KO80).

24 June 2021

Short pinpoint 6m opening to South Korea, copied HL3GOB and was called by DS4EOI but signals faded: would have been another new DXCC.

21 June 2021

One of my mottos in summer is "always check 6m just before going to bed"  and today it didn't disappoint. Got in late from evening band practice and found 6m open to the USA and Caribbean, worked J79WTA (FK95) for 6m DXCC #162. 5th new DXCC of the season, perhaps it isn't such a bad one?

20 June 2021

 6m DXCC #161 5Z4VJ Kenya (KI88), a big thankyou to Andy for coming onto 6m, and what a signal +9dB on FT8. Fast LotW confirmation too.

19 June 2021

6m flitting between Asia and USA, small opening to JA worked JA7WSZ (QM07, UK9AA (MN41) and later some USA stations but nothing spectacular.

18 June 2021

More 6m Es to Asia, UN6LEI (MO22), UN5GV (MN83), TA6B (KN81) and US1VS (KN58) worked. Also had PSK reporter flags in Taiwan BV3UF (PL04) and BU2FF (PL05) but no QSOs. Opening to NA later, pleased to work XE2AT (DL81) for a new personal distance record to the West, just beating my old best K7JA in California DM03. Also copied an XE on the Baja peninsula DL44.

17 June 2021

First extensive 6m Es USA of the season, best DX WQ5S (EM13) with KK8X providing a new grid EM99.

16 June 2021

6m Es to Asia, T6AA (MM44) Afghanistan worked for DXCC #160.

12 June 2021

Pinpoint 6m Es to the Dominican Republic, lots of HIs copied, HI8K and HI8T worked..

9 June 2021

6m Es to India again, VU2CPL (MK83) worked.

 June 2021

6m Es USA, WU1ITU was a good find in FN67, new grid in the top corner of the USA.

6 June 2021

Short 6m Es opening to JA, first of the season: only JR5JAQ (PM86) worked, several others copied, all over in 10 minutes.

June 2021

More 6m Es to NA/SA, highlights worked were  VO1III (GN08), P43A (FK52), HK3PJ (FJ34).

June 2021

6m Es to India in the morning, VU2BGS (MK83) worked. Followed by a good central/south America opening in the evening, worked YV5NEA (FK60), YV5IUA (FK60), HC1E (FI09), HC1BI (FI09), HC1HC (FI09), HC5VF (FI07) and HK6RF (FJ24).

2 June 2021

6m Es to the south-west, best DX 6W1TA (IK14) and PV8ABC (FJ92).

1 June 2021

Pinpoint 6m NA opening, worked K0GU (DN70), N5DG (EM20) and K9RX (EM84).

25 May 2021

Excellent 2m Es to I, YO, OK, OM,UX, 9H. 3 stations in Ukraine worked (very unusual on 2m Es), best DX YO4GJH in KN35XG (2325km).

20 May 2021

Strong 6m NA opening, very early in the day, VO1CH S9 on SSB. FN73 worked as a new grid (VE1JBC).

19 May 2021

Another large 6m NA opening but I wasn't around today.

18 May 2021

Huge 6m opening across the Atlantic lasting over 7 hours, swinging between NA, SA and the Caribbean. Two new DXCCs worked: Curacao #158 (PJ2BR) and Barbados #159 (8P). Also worked VP2EIH, PJ4DX, PJ4EVA, PJ2MAN and a lot of W4s. Copied several HCs and a PY too.
17 May 2021

Short 6m Caribbean opening, WP4G and KP4EIT worked.

15 May 2021

First 6m NA QSOs of the season, mainly W4 area.

14 May 2021

First signals across the pond on 6m this year, FT8 flags in VO1 plus VO1HP and VO1CH received. Very early in the season for transatlantic, might be the earliest opening to NA here in an Es season.
10 May 2021

Back on 6m and first sigs from outside Eu this season, nice opening to the Gulf with lots of A6 stations on inc A61DD in LL85 for a new grid. Will be spending most of my radio time on 6m and 2m now until Aug.
1 May 2021

Last few days on HF before taking down the Hexbeam and replacing it with the 6m yagi for the summer, FB condx over the pole to Alaska and Hawaii on 20m around our breakfast time.

9 Apr 2021

Another ATNO, JG8NQJ/JD1 on 17m CW from Minami Torishima JD/M for DXCC #311. Another rapid LotW, mni tnx Take-san.
14 Feb 2021

Finally got Fiji on HF for an ATNO, DXCC #310. Thanks to Phill 3D2TS for patience, tried for a long time on 30m then QSY'd to 40m, just about made it as well after sunrise here. Rapid LotW too, thanks!
13 Dec 2020

Nice to get back onto 2m Meteor Scatter in the Geminids meteor shower, really quite good this year, highlights were OY9JD (new square and DXCC), SA6BUN (JO78 new square) and OH6HFX (KP14 new square and new MS ODX at 1998km).

9 Dec 2020

Was begining to think 2020 would be the first year I'd not worked a new DXCC, thankfully finally got an ATNO: E51WL North Cook Islands on 17m FT8 at sunset.

30 Nov 2020

The new solar cycle is finally underway after an extremely long minimum, over 2 years. And what a start! As we say here in the UK "zero to hero" in a very short space of time. After the solar flux initially rose off minimum in October, it's kept going and going, got to 100,  passed it, and ended up at SFI=116 on 30th November. That is INCREDIBLE. To put that in context, the first peak of the last solar maximum was only around 120, and the second peak only 160: this time the sun has got to almost that level in 2 months.

21 Sept 2020

The amazing 2m tropo continues, two new squares worked  OZ1HS (JO56) and SM1HOW (JO97) plus YL2GC in KO26 at 1776km, 3km short of my tropo personal best worked 3 days ago.

17/18 Sept 2020

Extensive 2m tropo to the East., lots of OZ/SM/SP/DL stations worked and a new all-time 2m tropo distance for me: OH1OP in KP10, 1779km.

11 Sept 2020

Autumn 2m tropo to the south, EC1A and EA1MX worked, both in IN73.

24 Aug 2020

Some late-season DX on 6m, Kazakhstan in on the 23rd and east-coast USA on the 24th, best DX K4AWM in FM17 with the opening hugging the coastline, no stations decoded inland.

15 Aug 2020

The Perseids meteor shower seemed poor on 2m this year, but had an excellent 2m tropo duct into LA/SM/OZ and worked a number of stations on FT8, with several new squares: JP20 (LA9AKA), JO49 (LA5VSA) and JO47 (OZ5AGJ). SM4GGC (JO69) was worked on FT8 and later copied quite strong on SSB

25 July 2020

After a fairly quiet week, some nice 6m Es into central Asia inc UN9L and UN7LAP. both in MO13.

23 July 2020

Another 6m dusk opening to Ecuador and Colombia, 3 x HC and 2 x HK stations copied, worked HC5VF (FI07).

15 July 2020

6m dusk opening to Ecuador just as it was getting dark, 3 x HC copied but no QSOs.

13 July 2020

Early morning 6m opening to JA, a few new stations worked.

11 July 2020

Another good 6m USA opening including some W0s.

8 July 2020

OX3LX (GP38) worked, his signal has been in quite a bit the last few days.

2 July 2020

Good 6m USA opening to the southern states, 7 new grids worked inc XE2X (EL06) which was the best DX.

1 July 2020

Short patchy 6m opening to JA. Later in the day Z81D South Sudan popped up, exchanged reports but could not complete the QSO with RR73 as the band faded, came back up then faded again. That will probably be the got-away of the 2020 season.

27 June 2020

After a fairly quiet week, pinpoint 6m opening into PM01 China: BG4QOJ, BH4TVU, BD4SBN and BD4SS worked, all confirmed on LotW within 24 hours. Japan and South Korea also in, including PL36 Okinawa.

22 June 2020

6m West Coast opening, worked K7JA (DM03), W6TOD (DM15), AD6D (DM22), N6WS (CM95), N6JV (CM98).

20 June 2020

Another 6m JA opening, 2 worked. Called by HL3GOB which would have been a new DXCC but deep QSB and QSO lost, 4 HLs copied but none worked.

18 June 2020

Large 6m opening to JA, the second-best ever here with 28 JAs logged: best DX JE6AZU in PM51, 9,662km.  PM51, PM52 and PM96 were new JA grids. Followed by a good opening to the USA in the afternoon.

14 June 2020

JT1CO Mongolia (OO20) worked for 6m DXCC #157.

13 June 2020

After a poor week with little Es, good opening to Asia: Japan, Chain, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Phillipines all in but not QSOs completed due to rapid fading and QRM. Called by BA8MM (OL36) but don't think QSO was complete. PSKreporter flag in DU6/ PE1NSQ in PK10 but again no QSO, at 11,703km this is the furthest my 6m signals have ever been received.

7 June 2020

JA opening in the morning and USA East Coast opening later. J69DS St Lucia worked for 6m DXCC #156.

4 June 2020

Spotty opening to JA, JA2BRI worked (PM84).

31 May 2020

The last day of the amazing month of May 2020 and it did not disappoint. Small 2m Es opening, S55OO and S50TA worked, both in JN76. Followed by a 6m West Coast opening to W7 and VE7. N7WW, W7FI, KE7SW and N7KSI in CN86 and CN87 worked, also copied more W7s, VE7DAY (CO70) and VE7SNC (CO84).

30 May 2020

TT8SN worked on 6m SSB, found alone calling CQ at S9. Not a new DXCC but useful to have Chad confirmed on LotW.

29 May 2020

Huge 2m Es opening, the biggest I have ever seen. Started at lunchtime with IH9YMC (JM56) off the North African coast worked, went a bit quiet, then resumed mid-afternoon and was open for 2.5 hours. Worked I, IT9, 9A, E7, YO, HA, OM, EA6 with 5 new grids. Best DX YO6DBA in KN36BA, 2160km.

26 May 2020

XV1X Vietnam worked for 6m DXCC #155: 10,121km the furthest I've ever got on 6m Es. Found Eddy CQing down the bottom of the FT8 band about +250 struggled to complete and then signals came back. The magic band! Also worked UN7MAU (LO51) and UN3GX (MN83) along the same path.

20 May 2019

2m Es worked 9H1GB, 9H1CG, IT9ZSB, IT9DBF and IW9CTJ. 9H Malta was a new DXCC on 2m

6m multi-hop to UN6T Kazakhstan in the morning and W4AS in the afternoon: first 6m USA QSO of 2020. Also got Rx in DM65 New Mexico but a very brief opening, just several minutes.

19 May 2020

EY8MM Tajikistan worked for 6m DXCC #154. I normally average 2 new DXCCs on 6m per year so I've already hit my annual target in mid-May.

18 May 2020

6m Es season starts with a bang, 7Z1SJ Saudi Arabia worked for 6m DXCC #153. Lots of stations in from the Gulf, all really strong.

11 May 2020

Hexbeam down and 6m yagi back up for the Es season. Big surprise - PV8AZ worked! Wasn't expecting that so early in the season, the aerial must be working.

31 Dec 2019

Major European tropo opening on VHF the last few days  so a good opportunity to test the IC7400 hi-stablity crystal on FT8. Made lots of DX QSOs to France, Spain, Germany, Sweden and Denmark - maybe the most OZ stations I've ever worked in a single event. Best DX eastwards was SM7EGM (JO65, 1117km) and to the south EA2BFM (IN83 970km). Also good to work UT1FG/MM in JO65.

29 Dec 2019

Been focussing on 80m the last few months, pleased to get finally Hawaii (K2GT) and Alaska (KL2R) on the band taking me to 47 US states confirmed on 80m. Some great Pacific DX too, nice to get called by Michel FO5QB in French Polynesia on Christmas Day, and to see some of the JA 6m ops on 80m at their sunset.

19 Aug 2019

Have been struggling to make FT8 QSOs on 2m due to drift with the Icom IC7400. Just installed the hi-stablity crystal and did some tests, the drift has gone so now able to make FT8 QSOs just in time for the autumn tropo season.

15 Aug 2019

Thoughts are definately turning back towards HF as the Es season closes. Worked TO5M for 80m DXCC#201 and, thanks to a LotW upload by T2J Tuvalu, I now have 300 DXCCs confirmed on LotW overall out of 307 worked. Perseids meteor shower was once again very disappointing, seems like the good times of this shower are gone. Still some Es about, very late opening on 10m last night past 10pm local time, also USA was worked from G on 6m last night and JA was into southerm EU this morning - extremely late in the season for this type of propagation.

11 Aug 2019

Perseids meteor shower starting to peak, worked C37MS for a new DXCC on 2m.

8 Aug 2019

Disappointed not to work CY9C on 6m, propagation almost made it here I got 5s of signal. Other G/GI/EI to the west had propagation, maybe next time. On the plus side I did wotk them on 80m for DXCC 200 on that band.

30 June 2019

You wait 27 years from first hearing JA (JA4MBM via F2 in 1992) to actually completing a QSO, then you work JA twice in one week. Spotty JA opening, worked JF2WXS (PM85) and JA9SJI (PM86).

29 June 2019

USA West Coast in - W7KNT (DN26, MT) and K6SRZ (CM88, CA) worked, copied but not worked N6NU (CM87). Worked a few other new US grids in the mid-west too..

25 June 2019

6m DXCC #152  JA at last! Been trying to work JA for a long time, many unsuccessful QSOs in FT8 and JT65 via Es and CW via F2 back in 2001. Finally we had the big opening, 33 JA QSOs! In the right place at the right time, and I'd taken the right day off work for once. 15 grids worked, all new: PM53, 63, 64, 74, 75, 84, 85, 86, 95, 97, QM05, 06, 07, 08 and QN02.

24 June 2019

Peak of the Es season is here, West Coast in and VE7 copied for the first time: VE7PS (DN09) and W7EW (CN84) copied but no QSOs. Propagation shifted later in the evening with a good opening to the East Coast 11pm-1am local time, got some new VE2 grids. 

17 June 2019

6m DXCC #151 VU2NKS (MK69), in for 30mins and very strong at times. 9K2GS also worked.

8 June 2019

First real DX on 6m this season worked 9G2HO Ghana, not a new DXCC though. Surprisingly JJ06 was not a new grid, worked before 5V7JG in 1992 on F2!

1 June 2019

Bit of a slow start to the Es season but first 2m Es of 2019 worked to southerm Italy: IK7LMX (JN80) and IK8EVE (JN71). 4 2m Es events in this region so far, this is the first I managed to catch.

31 Apr 2019

80m has been my main focus all winter, was aiming to get to 200 DXCCs worked on the band but didn't quite malke it  - 199 in the log as the short nights arrived.

20 Aug 2018

The Es season keeps on giving, 2 new grids on 6m: LL48 (9K2YM) and KN20 (SV7GBR). Extensive Es right across Eu with 49.740 video very strong.

23 July 2018

More amazing 6m Es to the USA, started with the usual W1/2/3 then moved down to W5, and then onot W6 and W7. Lots of 6s and 7s in, completed with N6CA (DM03) for my first Californian on 6m. Also a new record distance for me to the West.

21 July 2018

Incredible 6m opening to the Far East,  BV3CE and BV3UF forom Taiwan copied. along with HS3LSE and HS3ANP from Thailand. First time I've ever copied those 2 DXCCs, no QSOs made but a HS5 did copy me.

15 July 2018

First JA opening of the season (very late), copied a number of JA in SW Japan and was received by JH6NKZ, JH6VXP and JE6KYA all in PM53 but still no JA QSO. Received South Korea for the first time, DS3EXX (PM36). 

Late evening opening to the Caribbean and Central America, worked Columbia for the 8th new DXCC this season: HK4SAN (FJ26) for 6m DXCC #149 (153 inc deleted) and another new record distance for Es to the West 8,263km. Feels like the best Es season ever for long-haul DX.

8 July 2018

The most amazing 6m Es to the USA I've experienced in 30 years on 6m. Lots of W0s and W5s in, with some W6s and W7s. 9 new grids worked inc XE2OR (DL98) and K0EU (DM79) taken me to 680 grids worked on 6m. XE2OR was a new record for me to the West on Es, breaking the 8,000km mark. A shame not to work N6CA or W6TOD as both were consistent signals.

7 July 2018

New DXCC on 6m - Republic of Kosovo, Z68M, DXCC #148 (152 inc deleted).

2 July 2018

An unusual summer visit to HF to work KH1/KH7Z Baker Island for an ATNO and DXCC#307.

17 June 2018

Another incredible day on 6m: band opened early to the USA then propagation moved down to the Caribbean, with stations active that weren't on earlier in the week resulting in 3 new DXCCs:  Bermuda (VP9NM), Cayman Islands (ZF1EJ) and Turks & Caicos (VP5DR), taking me to 148 DXCCs on 6m (152 inc deleted ones). J3/G0VJG and HH2JR were other good ones but not new DXCCs.

15 June 2018

First 2m Es of 2018 for me, worked LZ2PI (KN23) for a new DXCC on 2m. Also worked A71EM on 6m for DXCC #145. A great day!

13 June 2018

After a 9 hour multi-hop Es opening into the Caribbean, finally got two new DXCCs on 6m that I've been seeking for a long time: Haiti (HH2MK) and Anguilla (VP2ETE), taking me up to 144 current DXCCs on 6m.

2018 Es season is completely the opposite of 2017: this year lots of USA & Caribbean, no Asia at all. 2017 lots of Asia JA/BA/DU hardly anyUSA & Caribbean.

26 Dec 2017

Good fun on 80m FT8 the last few days, some nice USA West Coast contacts:  N5CR (CN88 WA), WA7LNW (DM37 UT),  N6GP (DM13 CA),  N6ED (DM06 CA). Copied but not worked 5W1SA (AH46).

23 Oct 2017

3C0L peaked up nicely on 10m CW for DXCC #305. 10m has been crazy today, VK9VKL worked on FT8 earlier and a load of YBs in, SFI only 77.

4 Sept 2017

Nice surprise, making a few QSOs on 30m FT8 (first venture back onto this band since the Spring) and came across RI1ANO - it was only after I worked him that I realised he was an ATNO South Shetland DXCC #304.

14 Aug 2017

Successful Perseids 2017, focussed on 2m and worked 6 new grids: OZ1CT (JO75), SM5TSP (JP90), OH1ND (KP00), EI9E (IO61), LB8DC (JP60) and F8DYR (JN07). Poor end to the Es season, no 2m Es in July and Aug and only limited 6m Es.

18 July 2017

After 3 long weeks of virtually no Es, the band is back again. Worked TZ4AM (IK52) for 6m DXCC #143. Band  also opening up to the USA, VO1HP in on the new FT8 mode.

16 Jun 2017

Incredible early-morning opening to Japan. JT65 screen full of JAs about 3kHz wide, 4 copied my signal: JA0MRW (PM96), JA5EXW (PM63), JH4ALY (PM54), JA6CRP (PM53). Sadly JA still eludes me, no QSOs. However I spotted BA4SI (PM01)  CQing and completed a QSO for 6m DXCC #142.

6 Jun 2017

S01WS Western Sahara (IL46) worked for 6m DXCC #141. JH6VXP (PM53) copied on JT65, first time I've ever copied JA on multi-hop Es. A good first day back in the UK after a holiday in EA6.

13 Mar 2017

DXCC #303 - 3D2AG/P on 20m CW. Decent signal on the Hexbeam but ATNO's getting real hard now.

13 Feb 2017

Finally got an ATNO on HF, XX9D Macau for DXCC #302 - been chasing that one for a long time.

18 June 2016

UK8OM Uzbekistan (MN51) worked for 6m DXCC #140. EX8M Kyrgyzstan (MN62) also worked but not a new DXCC.

13 June 2016

6m opening to the West Coast USA, copied NA6L (DM12, San Diego) and KF2T (DM25, Nevada) on JT65. Unfortunately no QSOs made as opening very short, no East Coast in either.

27 May 2016

TY2AC Benin (JJ16) worked for 6m DXCC #139

22 May 2016

R6KA Russia (KN75 Crimea) worked for 6m DXCC #138

2 Oct 2015

Incredible 2m tropo event between the UK, northern EU and the Baltics. Best DX was YL3AG (KO06WK, 1638km), 5 QSOs exceeded my all-time tropo distance on 2m. But best of all was hearing RA3LBW's CQ from KO64 at a magnificent 2225km - sadly he had a wall of EUs go back to him, and by the time he's cleared the list he'd faded here, but a few Gs further east managed to work him. A very rare event indeed, been DXing on 2m since 1983 and never heard an event this good, the high presuure producing the propagation was a long ellipse extenmding from the UK right across to Russia.

Here's how the Swedish beacon SK6VHF sounded - never ever heard it here before.

8 July 2015

Worked Turkey on 2m Es!!! TA1D in KN41LB, 2653km, only 2 of us in G achieved this, the other station who did it was on the east coast with a much bigger station. Very, very pleased.

22 Jun 2015

9K2MU Kuwait for 6m DXCC 137 on 6m.

22 Jun 2015

At last, some very welcome 2m Es: IZ8WGU (JM88AQ), IZ8UFO (JN70DV) and IK8TVG (JN70EU).

1 Dec 2014

It's been a busy, busy year - not that much time for radio and even less time to update this website.

Managed to have a play in CQWW CW last weekend, 10m band single-op high power. On and off operation due to lots of other things going on, but managed over 450 QSOs and 103 DXCCs, nice to break DXCC on one band in a weekend. Although I managed my first 100 on 10m a long time ago, just short of 200 DXCCs confirmed via LoTW on 10m.

9 Aug 2014

After 31 years on and off 2m, I finally bit the bullet and purchased an amplifier, so am now QRO with 400W. Looking forward to the Perseids meteor shower.

25 June 2014

The fun on 6m continues: J38DR Grenada for 6m DXCC 136.

22 June 2014

CO8LY Cuba for DXCC 135 on 6m, also a new Grid Field FL. A bumper year so far, 5 new 6m DXCCs and not even any F2 propagation.

18 June 2014

FS/K9EL St.Martin for DXCC 134 on 6m.

20 May 2014

More Es/TEP, two new 6m DXCCs tonight - 9J2BO (KH44) and ZD7VC (IH74), now 133 DXCC on 6m.

5 May 2014

5th May seems to be a special day: just like last year, we had a great 6m Es/TEP opening into South America. Worked LU5FF, PY2OC, PY2HN, PY2YP, PY2RN, PY2ND and ZP6CW for a new 6m DXCC #131. LU, PY and ZP confirmed on LoTW the next day too.

6 Apr 2014

Finally managed an ATNO on HF - A35V (Tonga) on 10m CW, DXCC #289.

5 Apr 2014

After a long 12 year wait, we finally got some 6m F2 into the UK: C5YK and 6V7SIX/B. As 6m has been so dead, my 6m yagi is down, so these were received on my HF vert. Looks like we might get one final shot at Solar Cycle 24, it's second peak seems to have started delivering the goods, so the 6m yagi will go back up tomorrow.

5 Jan 2014

Another 2 new squares on 2m via MS during the Quadrantids meteor shower, JO99 (SM0NKZ) and JP80 (SM5EPO), nice start to VHF in 2014.

14 Dec 2013

4 new squares worked via MS in the Geminids Meteor Shower: JN95 (9A4V), KN05 (YU7PA), KO15 (LY2BUU) and IM67 (CS7/PD0HNL). 2m squares total now 200, 2m map updated

13 Aug 2013

A fairly average Perseids meteor shower this year, with no real peak but some good bursts including some nice visual meteors. 5 new grids on 2m: IN95 (F5GXX), JN87 (OE4VIE), IO55 (EI9E/P), JP40 (LA0BY/P), JP73 (SA3AZK), bringing my 2m total to 196 worked, all with a fairly average station (100W and 9 ele).

29 June 2013

TJ3SN Cameroon worked on 6m Es/TEP: 6m DXCC #130

17 June 2013

A45XR Oman worked on 6m multi-hop Es: 6m DXCC #129

13 May 2013

Another day of good Es assisted TEP on 6m. Worked FR4NT (LG78) late afternoon, then another opening at dusk, heard ZD8VHF/B (first time ever), PY2XB, D2EB and CE3SX.

5 May 2013

My lucky day - just put the 6m yagi back up for the summer Es season and managed to catch the best Es/TEP link-up here for over 10 years. Opening to LU/PY lasted over an hour with some strong signals at times, stations worked: LU5FF, PP5XX, PY1RO, PY2OE, PY2XB, PU1KGG, PY1VOY, PY1NB, PY2WC, PY2VA. Four new grids (FF99, GG55, GG66, GG87) and one new field (FF). And 5 of them were confirmed via LoTW within 1 day.

7 Apr 2013

Took part in CQ WPX SSB last weekend with the Vulture Squadron Contest Team M0VSQ. Great fun, 2144 QSOs in total, which we hope will give us a win in the multi-op high-power section (England). And I just found out that I won CQ WW SSB last autumn (single-op, all-band, high power, England) operating as M0VSQ - nice!

26 Mar 2013

Thanks to XR0YG (Easter Isl) have now got the magic 100 LoTW confirmations on all the HF bands I'm active on (80m-10m). All-time new DXCCs are getting hard to find now, but managed to get one this morning: T2YY (Tuvalu).

18 Mar 2013

Nice tropo and aurora propagation on 2m lately. Via tropo worked HB9QT (JN47) and DF2GZ/P (JN47), via aurora worked GM4ILS (IO87) and GM4VVX (IO78), all with a 9 ele hastil;y strapped to a 20ft scaffold pole and 100W.

22 Dec 2012

A bit more success on 2m in the Geminids meteor shower, 3 new grids: UR7D (KN18), EA1RJ (IN71) and DG3YEV (JN68). The shower wasn't the best, with no real defined peak, although condx and activity were up.

10 Sept 2012

Spent a bit of time updating this website: both the 50MHz page and 144MHz page have been updated with the latest maps of grid squares worked, after the summer Es and Meteor Scatter activity.

2 July 2012

Although single hop Es this year has been pretty poor, the 6m multi-hop Es has been amazing, I'd say one of the best years. Now we're at the peak of the Es season, some really great ones have been worked: EX9T (MN82, Kyrgyzstan), UN3M (LO61, Kazakhstan), JW7QIA (JQ68, Svalbard), 1A0C (SMOM), FJ/W6JKV (FK87, St Bathelemy). 6m totals now 128 DXCC, 593 grids.

14 Jun 2012

The fun on 6m continues, just managed the work my furthest into the USA in 25 years on the band: K0GU in DN70. Already confirmed on LoTW too :-)

11 Jun 2012

I've always had a soft spot for the 6m band, but it's been a bit frustrating in recent years as I've "worked it all" - not literally, it's just been very hard to work anything new. So I finally got round to upgrading the 6m station: have now got a long-boom 6 ele G0KSC yagi and 400W.

It's already paying dividends in this years Es season: quite a few new grid squares, a new DXCC (A6, Dubai), and last night I worked 24 W/VE stations in a multi-hop event across the pond. In comparison to my old setup (100W and 5 ele yagi), I'm getting through much better now, only a few US stations failed to hear me last night. And it's noticable that the longer-distance stations (SV, 4X, UT, W, VE) are all much louder than previously. A good result :-)

22 Jan 2012

Nice to get another contest winner's certificate in the post for the 2011 WPX SSB Contest, single-band 10m entry: not bad with a cheap, converted CB yagi :-)

Also finally caught up with my QSLing, lots of cards have gone off to the bureau, some direct ones waiting to go.

24 Dec 2011

Thanks to D4C for uploading his log, I now have 80m and 5 Band DXCC via LoTW. Had over 100 on 40, 20, 15 and 10m for some time but 80m has been harder to crack, got there in the end though.

Nice start to the Christmas DX season, worked KH6MB and KH7Y on the 40m greyline this morning, also ZL2ALJ on 12m just after sunrise.

17 Dec 2011

Busy period leading up to Christmas, with the ARRL 10m Contest and the Geminids meteor shower.

ARRL 10m contest was fun, conditions not as good as a few weeks ago but still some nice DX: BD7NWF, HS0ZCW, T6MO, T6RH, JS6RGY (only JA), VK6IR (only VK), 5R8IC, ST2AR, 3V8SS, DV1/JO7KMB, FM/F6AUS, V25R. And good to work S21B in Bangladesh outside the contest for an all-time new DXCC.

Then up onto VHF (2m) for some meteor scatter in the Geminds meteor shower. Four new squares on 2m: JO61 (DD0VF), JN49 (DJ9EV), JO64 (DL4KUG) and KP12 (OH2ZZ), with OH also being a new DXCC.

4 Dec 2011

Christmas has arrived early, just got a new amplifier, so can now run 400W on 6m as well as all the HF bands. Looking forward to some 6m F2, hopefully next year. In the meantime, it seems to be working well - ZL2ALJ just answered my CQ on 12m, thanks Tony!

26 Oct 2011

First, thanks to the T32C expedition for a great job: despite their container of kit not arriving, they still managed to put a good signal into the UK on most bands. Got them on all bands 40m-10m, particularly pleased with the 10m and 12m QSOs as it really didn't look possible until the sun went into overdrive just before the expedition started. A little disappointed not to get the on 80m but few UK stations did, I did hear them one morning, but right in the noise. Still, being on 80m at sunrise did allow me to work TX7M (Marquesas Isl, also in the Pacific).

A3WS (12m/17m) currently down and replaced by the 4 ele 10m yagi, to take advantage of the superb 10m propapagtion. Probably going to be swapping these two aerials around throughout the winter, could do with something to cover all bands.

18 Sept 2011

Latest new 'toy' is a Cushcraft A3WS yagi, 3 elements on 12m and 17m. It's been sat on the floor of my garage for the past 2 years, following purchase from a local ham. Decided to put it up 3 weeks ago, now that solar activity is rising.

It works well, particularly on 12m: DX worked in the past few weeks includes YB1ALL (Indonesia), 8R1AK (Guyana), TG9AHM (Guatemala), H77REX (Nicaragua), EP4RF (Iran), ET3BN (Ethiopia), T6MO (Afghanistan), VK6LC (Austalia), HL5BLI (S.Korea) and BU2AQ (China), plus lots of Japanese and Americans. And even heard ZL via Long Path the other night just after dusk. Very pleased with this new antenna, particularly as it's not up very high.

26 Aug 2011

Nice surprise in the e-mail today: I won the 2011 RSGB 50MHz Trophy Contest (6hr Single Op Fixed). Been a long time since I won a VHF contest, and I didn't have a particularly formidable station, just 100W and a 5 ele at 25ft. Use of CW and some Es definately helped.

15 Aug 2011

After the usual "summer recess" from radio (family holidays, kids off school, just generally enjoying being outdoors in fine weather) I finally got back to ham radio with the Perseids meteor shower.

Just prior to this, I experienced the most amazing 2m tropo in almost 30 years on the band. The sea path between SW UK and EA8/CT3 supports a tropo duct several times per year, but never gets far inland. I've operated /P from the UK coast and these sea paths are really amazing, but usually die a few miles in from the coast: this time it reached me, and I was able to hear the CS3BTM/B via the tropo path (ironically, I'd heard this beacon just a few weeks ago for the first time via Es). In the UK, due to it's small size, nowhere is more than approx 70 miles from the sea, but my home is just this distance (about as far as you can get inland) so it is extremely unusual to pick up the sea path - this is the reason VHF is so interesting, there is always something new.

Back to the Perseids, the shower was pretty poor this year: didn't seem to be a large peak, no long 30s reflections as in previous years, just short, weak pings. Did however manage to work 5 new grid squares: EA2AGZ (IN91), SP2HPD (JO94,) SM7FWZ (JO77), DG0VOG (JO60) and OK1DIX (JO70).

1 July 2011

And another good 2m Es opening, with two new DXCCs on 2m: E73LM and SV1OAA. First time I've ever heard Greece on 2m, some people were managing to work 4X Israel.

That's 4 major 2m Es openings this summer, and I've worked Russia, Greece and Canary Isl - easily the best 2m Es season since I've been a ham (1983).

11 June 2011

Just worked RV3YM on 2m Es with 100w for a new DXCC and square on 2m. My second-best DX ever on 2m in nearly 30 years on the band (Es to EA8 was the best, a couple of years ago).

25 Apr 2011

Another good week on 10m, helped by being off work for Easter Hols. Best DX: 9W2WPZ, CO6CAC, BD7NWS, VK6AJ, 9W2ESM, TJ3AY, 5V7CC, 9M2RDX, TO2FH, FJ/OH2YL, HS0ZBS, YB3IZK, XU7ACY, E21YDP, 9N7DX, 5R8UI, J39BS....phew!

Best of all, heard two ZL stations on 10m long-path last night around 2100z, first time I've heard ZL on 10m and still need to work it.

1 Apr 2011

Another superb week of 10m propagation, solar flux has been above 100 for 6 weeks or so (peaking at 155) which has really opened up the high bands.

10m highlights:
Sat/Sun - WPX contest, NH7O (Long Path), FY8DK, 4K8M, RF9C, VK6FDX, VK9CF
Tue - PJ4LS, W0YR
Weds - V44KAI, VP5/W5CW, VE2CSI (Zone 2), K4ADR
Thu - YI9NS, YB1ALL, 4K4K, RW9LL

21 Feb 2011

Fantastic few days on 10m, the band really responded to the increased solar activity (SFI kept going up to 125), especially on Fri.

Sun - 4Z4RT, CX2TQ, LW9DHR
Mon - PY3YD, J88DR, VP8LP

14 Feb 2011

After a bit of a stall, the sun has finally woken up again - SFI=107 today, a new record high for Cycle 24 and the first time over 100. Hopefully we'll see 10m opening in response to this.

11 Feb 2011

Nice low-band condx over the last week or so, with the following DX worked on 80m: V31YN, EX2A, VK6HD, 5N7M, S9DX, ST2AR, TF3SG and BU2AQ. Heard VP8ORK but just too close to the noise floor.

6 Feb 2011

Bands are starting to liven up a bit as spring approaches with some nice DX: VP8ORK, XT2RJA, S9DX, D44TBE, JW8AJA, TJ3AY and 1A0KM.

The solar cycle seems to have stalled, with the SFI stuck in the 80s and not much happening on 12m or 10m. Did manage to hear the VP8ORK expedition briefly on both these bands at dusk though, so somer glimmer of hope.

24 Dec 2010

Our morning greyline on 40m continues to be superb, with lots of QSOs with JA, ZL and VK - many thanks for all the QSOs and I've met some really interesting people, such as the JA with the vimtage Ducati motorcycle and the UA0 in a lighthouse overlooking the sea to Japan. And of course Mike ZL1BVB, who has called me every day.

Christmas is almost upon us, so I'll be off the radio for a few days, but expect me back on the 27th looking for 40m DX between 0800-0900z around 7.007 CW.

21 Dec 2010

Thankyou to JA2FTL, PY6JRP, ZL3PAH, JA7CDK, JA2HNP ZL2ALJ, ZL1BVB, JA1KZP, VK3EGN, AB4KJ, JR2BPV, JA1BWD and JF1CBT for one of the most amazing hours on the radio: I called CQ on 40m and you guys came back, much to my surprise. Fantastic condx on 40m this morning at our dawn, apologies to those who I missed.

My Christmas holidays have just started and we've had 5 days of snow here, so I won't be going far from the shack for the next 2 weeks, and should be on the low bands at my dusk and dawn, 0800z and 1630z, to catch the Greyline.

17 Dec 2010

Geminids meteor shower was fun again this year: condx seemed better than last year, but with a less pronouned peak, as QSOs were made over 3 days. Longer DX too, heard several Ukranian stations on MS for the first time.

Worked YU7PAA (KN04), DJ2QV (JN58), F6DFR (JN24 - new), LY4U (KO24), US2WY/A (KN29 - new). All with 70W to a 9 ele yagi running FSK441.

Screenshot of my QSO with US2YW/A on the 144MHz MS page.

12 Dec 2010

ARRL10m Contest - 144 QSOs (mixed CQ and SSB).

Bit of a struggle at times due to marginal condx, but the band was great when it did open up. DX included VK6IR, VK6AJ, HS0ZGQ, XU7FMZ, CW5W, VU2DSI, ZS6BRZ, Z21DXI, VP5CW, WP3C, HK3O, HI3TEJ - who says that 10m is dead?

29 Nov 2010

CQWW CW contest - all band, low power, 917 QSOs in total.

Great condx, hard to know which band to be on at times e.g. as the MUF rose rapidly after dawn I skipped 15m and went straight to 10m to find a 9V station from Singapore, although my 100W wasn't enough to bag him. Also some loud stations from Japan and China on 40m at our mid-day, which was a surpise, I'd only QSY'd there to catch some local Europeans.

21 Nov 2010

10m band continues to improve and seems to be open most days, though mainly in the morning and to the East. The band is right on the edge, openings are short but there have been some very strong signals. Could still do with just a few more sunspots, SFI peaking in the low 90s then dropping back into the 80s, once we get SFI above 100 then the band should be better.

Stations heard and worked include HZ1PS, FR5EC/P, ZS6X, ZC4LI and HS0ZIN. The Oman beacon A47RB has been regularly heard around 1000z.

1 Nov 2010

CQWW SSB Contest - decided to do a 10m single-band entry. Unfortunately conditions dipped down from earlier in the week but still managed to make 150 QSOs. Some strong signals too inc lots of Russians and South Americans. Didn't work the USA, other gotaways included a VK6 and a HS0, but still promising that the band was opening up.

Setup - Icom IC7400, Hunter amp (300W), 4 ele monoband yagi

26 Oct 2010

Solar flux back up in th 90s and 10m has been opening up the past few days with some great DX...even managed to work the USA when I got home from work. First time that we've had this sort of consistency on 10m this solar cycle.

29 Sept 2010

Nice surprise in the post - winner's certificate for the 2009 CQWW SSB Contest, 80m single-band entry.

27 Sept 2010

First event of the contest season CQWW RTTY - beat last year's score, with over 800 QSOs in the 100W all-band section, good to hear 15m so busy and even some activity on 10m.

Great to catch HC8/K6AW from the Galapagos Isl on 10m as he was warming up for the contest, must've been some side-scatter off TEP: there was some TEP on 10m in the contest, but straight down into S.America. Also some Es - the 10m yagi is still working well and has proved to be a sound investment, may take it down shortly to try out the 17/12m yagi I bought second-hand a few months ago, and put it back up when we get a few more sunpsots.

30 Aug 2010

Look like autumn (fall) is on it's way, HF bands starting to liven up again:

40m: J28AA (Djibouti)
30m: KH6ZM (Hawaii), 9X0TL (Rwanda)
20m: A61AS (Dubai), HZ1GW (Saudi Arabia), JY5HZ (Jordan)

14 Aug 2010

Extremely successful Perseids meteor shower, 15 QSOs on 2m FSK441 with 10 new squares, with a relatively QRP setup: 70W to a 9 ele yagi. Bit of a strange shower, didn't seem to be any major defined peak, made QSOs over 5 days, although better around 11/12/13.

New squares: JO80 (SP6NXG), JN35 (IK1MTZ), JN03 (F6DRO), JN23 (F1HQM), IO89 (GM0HTT), JN79 (OK1MDK), JN45 (IW2HAJ), JO59 (LA0BY), JN00 (EB5AL), JN13 (F5ODA).

31 July 2010

Testing my 2m gear out in preparation for Perseids meteor shower, tried a random MS QSO with HA2ZV in the afternoon: a couple of good pings but meteors not good and we couldn't complete, reports exchanged but just missed the final 'RRR's. Frustrating, but not bad considering both of us had single yagis and lowish power. Hopeful of making a few QSOs in the Perseids, starting next week.

9 July 2010

Back from my travels, put my 2m yagi up and 1 hr later caught a nice Es opening into Italy and Croation. 3 new grid squares worked: JN65, JN74, JN83.

7 July 2010

Been working away most of the early part of the summer, so missed most of the Sporadic E season. Have managed to catch a few mutli-hop Es openeings on 10m into the USA and Caribbean.

20 Apr 2010

Not a lot of time for radio of late, just the odd few QSOs, but have managed to get a 10m yagi at last: a Sirio SY-4, built for the 27MHz CB band, which I modified for 10m using Eznec modelling data from SV9OFO. Have caught a couple of openings in the last few days, it seems to work fine, signals are typically 3-5 S points up on the 4BTV vertical with the yagi at 25ft, with many reasonable signals on the yagi inaudible on the vertical.

Solar conditions seem to have taken a dive, after a few promising months the solar flux has dropped back into the 70s and stayed there. Good job the Sporadic E season is just round the corner, let's hope for some increased solar activity later in the year, ready for the autumn DX season.

22 Mar 2010

BARTG RTTY was fun, it's not usually a DX contest but managed some good ones, highlight was being called by 2 Alaskan station on 40m at our dawn. I usually keep to 100W for RTTY but I ran the amp for this one, so 300W, making 420 QSOs.

40m: Al9A(Alaska), NL7V(Alaska)
20m: KH6ZM (Hawaii), AL9A (Alaska), KL5E (Alaska), YB0PAH (Indonesia)
15m: VK6HZ (Austalia), YB8EL (Indonesia)

Took time out to pick up a couple of good ones, ZK3OU on 30m (Tokelau) and VP8DNA on 15m (Falkland Isl).

14 Mar 2010

RSGB Commonwealth "BERU" Contest - condx not as good as expected, plus some technical problems inc high SWR on 15m, all of which made it hard work, but a couple of 10m QSOs at the end made up for it: VK6DXI and VK6LW ... didn't expect that.

21 Feb 2010

12m has been fantastic the last week, thanks to the increased solar activity (SFI has been mid-80s or higher every day). Lots of DX inc 5X1BH, D2CQ, TL0A, ZP6CW, J38XX, 3B8DB, A61RJ. Heard VKs the last 2 days inc VK9X Christams Isl but a bit too weak to get with the vertical.

15 Feb 2010

Phew, just finished WPX RTTY, gave a real serious effort this year. 840 QSOs and the first real signs that we've come off the bottom of the solar cycle: 20m open to the whole of the US inc KH6 well after dark, 15m open to Japan and Asia in the morning and US inc West Coast in the afternoon, and even a few F-layer sigs on 10m. My (claimed) score of 1,271,476 points would have won the low power section in 2009 (when I came 2nd with 635,964 so I've doubled my score) , but as condx were up this year it may not be a winner, we'll have to wait and see.

9 Feb 2010

Focussed more on DX'ing than contesting in the last few weeks, superb condx now that the sunspot cycle is finally taking off, and we're heading towards the Spring equinox:

80m - R1FJM (Franz Joseph Land), J79CBS (Dominica), HI3TEJ (Dom. Rep), PY2XU/PY0F (Fernando De Noronha), J28AA (Djbouti)
30m - V85SS (Brunei), KH6MB & KH7XS (Hawaii), VK3XU (Australia), R1ANP (Antartica)
17m - 9M2MT (W.Malaysia), JL1MWI (Japan), A61BK (UAE)

With Cycle 24 at a new high (SFI 95), looking forward to the CQ WPX RTTY in 4 days time.

30 Jan 2010

Another busy month: some contests (ARRL RTTY RU, BARTG RTTY Sprint, RSGB AFS Contests), some DX, and some unusual but very welcome Es on 10m and 12m over 4 or 5 days.

80m - VP8DMN (Falkland Isl), TX3D (Austral Isl)
40m - KH6MB (Hawaii), TX3D (Austral Isl)
30m - 7P8BA (Lesotho), T6AG (Afghanistan), VP8DMN (Falkland Isl), OR4TN (Antartica)
17m - XW3DT (Laos), ZD7FT (St.Helena Isl)

Also been having a play with WSPR. Amazing what 5W can do, have been heard in VK on 30m and 40m, and this morning a W7 heard me on 80m just after our dawn.

4 Jan 2010

End of another busy Xmas holidays, plenty of time spent on the radio, mainly dawn and dusk on 80m (thanks for all the new US states) and 30m, plus the ARRL RTTY RU contest.

80m - JD1BLY (Ogasawara Isl), JA7BXS (Japan), JT1CO (Mongolia), AA7A (USA AZ)
30m - JT1BH (Mongolia), ZL2AGY (NZ), HS0ZBS (Thailand), 9M2TO (W.Malaysia)

Unfortunately just couldn't find time for the RSGB VHF Xmas Cumulatives, nor the Quadrantids meteor shower, so no 2m activity this Xmas.

23 Dec 2009

Just had one of those "magic" QSOs that reminded me why I love amateur radio so much. Had a spare 10 mins after a day out with the family in the freezing cold (-4C at 10am) so sat in the shack, not much happening on any of the bands, tuned to 30m and heard a weak CQ, which I thought was a VK7, but he faded out. So decided to call CQ up the band, and was answered by K6III in California - not particularly rare, but when the band is dead and you have a fairly ordinary set-up, a signal like that coming up out of the noise is what makes this hobby special.

22 Dec 2009

Now on a nice 2-week Xmas break, and settled WX in the UK so I can leave the 80m vertical up. Having great fun on 80m: JT1CO, JA7BXS, ZL3NB, UN9M, plus lots of US inc a few new states. Hoping to get some West Coast before the end of the holiday.

7 Dec 2009

Now active on the 30m band for the first time (well, I had one QSO with a friend in ZD8 many years ago).

Added a new top section complete with 30m trap to the Hustler 4BTV....which is now a "7BTV", 10/12/15/17/20/30/40 all on one aerial with a single feed :-) Seem to be working great: DU, XV, 9M all in the first few days.

30 Nov 2009

CQWW CW Contest - a fairly casual effort, utilising whatever free time I could find over the weekend. Didn't start so good, shack PC failed on Thurs necessitating a hasty XP re-build, just got there in time. Condx seemed a bit worse than of late, although 15m was in good form to the USA.

Highlights....as usual, all with the verticals:
80m - NP4Z, 8P5A, FM5CD, 6Y1V, HC8GR
15m - 9J3A, VK6AA, V47NT, A25NW, HC8GR
10m - No signals this time

10 Nov 2009

Solar activity has dropped back a bit, although the Solar Flux hasn't dipped below 70 for nearly a month. Consequently HF has continued to be pretty good, with great condx to the Far East and Pacific early in the mornings (0700-1000z).

Highlights....as usual, all with the Vertical:
40m - P29NI (Papua New Guinea)
17m - BD5BAJ (China), VK4BX (Australia), DS1REE (S.Korea), 8Q9LM (Maldive Isl), JT1AS (Mongolia)
15m - VU2XO (India), DU3MEL (Philippines), BX2AAL (Taiwan), Z21BB (Zimbabwe), ZD7FT (St.Helena)
12m - VR2PX (Hong Kong), 5N0OCH (Nigeria), ZS2EZ (S.Africa), VQ9LA (Chagos Isl)

26 Oct 2009

CQWW SSB Contest - decided to do a single-band high power entry on 80m (319 QSOs), but condx so good on 15m and 10m that I made a few "checklog" QSOs on these bands too....over 150, including a few new DXCCs on 15m.

80m - VP5T (Turks and Caicos Isl), 8P5A (Barbados), 4U1UN (UN HQ New York)
15m - B1Z (China), VR2YYW (Hong Kong), HT2V (Nicaragua), AA4V/VP9 (Bermuda)
10m - 9K2HN (Kuwait), ZS9X (S.Africa)

Excellent higher band condx are a result of increased solar activity, solar flux peaked at 76 in the past few days, even this modest improvement allowed 15m to open extensively, and even 10m to open up too. Again, it finally looks like the new solar cycle is starting to increase after such a long wait, although seasonal effects certainly have a part to play, Oct is always one of the DX months (fantastic F2 to Pacific on 6m many years ago).

18 Oct 2009

Amazing what difference a few sunspots can make, the solar flux only dipped into the 60s for 4 days this time and has been in the 70s most of the time, feels like the new solar cycle is on the increase. HF feels like the best it's been since 2005.

Great condx to the Pacific on a number of bands in the last few weeks, 17m has been busy, and even 15m has been open to JA and VK.

New ones:
40m - TX5SPA (Austral Isl), FK8CP (New Caledonia)
20m - V8JQM (Brunei), TO7RJ (Mayotte)
17m - 9K/K6PAU, ZL4IV, lots of JAs
15m - HS0ZIN, TY1MS, 3B8CF, 3 x JAs in the JARTS RTTY contest

28 Sept 2009

CQWW RTTY Contest - decided to have a relatively serious go at it this year with my lower power (100W) setup.

Set a target of 500 QSOs and got 737, 15m much busier than expected and quadruple the usual QSOs on 80m thanks to the loan of a vert, rather than the usual low dipole. Hard work on 15m due to low power - heard but missed JA, E21, VU, V5, and several YBs.

Thanks to Simon G4SGI for loan of his Cushcraft 40/80m vertical, it really made a difference, even though I only had time to lay out 8 radials.

13 Aug 2009

Perseids meteor shower - my 4th major meteor shower since starting out with FSK441 on 2m.

Condx not quite as good as predicted, but still bagged a few good QSOs with some nice strong reflections, the best being LY2WR in KO24.

Really could do with a pre-amp on 2m, location here is decent enough and aerial high, but 150ft coax run is not helping, even if most of it is LDF5-50.

14 Dec 2008

Geminids meteor shower - 2m FSK441. Reflections better than expected, nice defined peak and some new grids on 2m.

F1DVP (JN12), EA1CKL (IN82), IZ5ILX (JN54), TK5EP (JN41), S54T (JN75), F1NSR (JN33), I3VWK (JN55).

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