High Performance Communications Receiver
AKA, The Progressive Receiver

Original design by W7ZOI and K5IRK.
My version of the Progressive Receiver was built following the schematics and text found in the 1982 ARRL Handbook, section 8-37ff.
The original article is found in QST November 1981.
The ARRL has the 1990 Handbook article, pp. 30-8 to 30-15, available in PDF format.
"Improvements" and modifications by Dana "Mike" Michael, W3TS, and AA3SJ.

This receiver is just too good to be ignored!
Thus, the purpose of these pages is to encourage those who might want to construct the receiver, and to provide information regarding our design. Feel free to use anything in these pages to help you build this very satisfying project, but please remember to give proper design credit, especially to W7ZOI, K5IRK, and W3TS.

Here are some photos of my Progressive Receiver as it "progressed."

Photo 1: Initial Stages of Layout and Construction with completed stages identified.
Photo 2: The receiver after having just finished the 40 meter converter, again with completed stages identified.
Photo 3: Temporary front panel installed.
Photo 4: The 30 meter and 20 meter converter oscillators on the lower side of the sub-chasis.

Final Photo!

Well almost final. Homebrew rigs are never finished, accrording to my elmer, Mike, W3TS.
This photo is of the receiver installed in the Ten Tec enclosure with a permanently arranged front panel. Probably the most nerve wracking part of the work was making the cuts in the expensive enclosure, but I'm happy with the final form.

Controls are (from left to right):
Across the top: preselector, S-meter, main tuning, and a K1MG counter.
Across the bottom: phone jack, audio gain and on/off switch, rf gain, crystal filter switch, audio filter switch, band switch, and LSB/USB switch.

The design features of our Progressive Receiver.

Most of these modifications were developed by W3TS, "Mike."

Description and General Comments
Construction Layout Ideas
Oscillator Mixing Scheme
Broadband 80 Meter Bandpass Filter (SPRAT)
Preselector Tuning Circuit
Relay Activated Band-Switching
Additional IF Amplification To Compensate For CW Filter Loss
Some Notes on Installing the K1MG Clock / Counter Kit

Where I Purchased My Components

Helpful Advice Sent To Me From Other Hams