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   Focus On..........

Club Membership Initiative - During the February SCARS monthly business meeting an initiative was introduced to begin actions to increase the club membership.  Several methods were discussed and all attending were in agreement that the time had come to focus on strengthening SCARS through a membership drive.  In conjunction with the Membership Initiative, the club will also embark on a public awareness campaign to increase the visibility of SCARS and Amateur Radio in Douglas County.
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New Club Website - As a part of the Membership Initiative and the public awareness campaign, the Skint Chestnut Amateur Radio Society introduces their new website.  Hosted by qsl.net, the new website will serve as an informational device for both club members and the general public interested in Amateur Radio in Douglas County, Ga.

What in the world is a Skint Chestnut? - As this article explains, Skint Chestnut was a large chestnut tree in Douglas County that was used by Indians as a landmark.  The tree stood on land that rose above the surrounding area and was easily seen from a distance, especially with the bark removed.  Douglasville was known as Skint Chestnut until 1875 when the Georgia Assembly formally established the town with its present name.  To learn more about the history of Douglasville visit the City of Douglasville website.

The Amateur's Code - Originally written in 1928 by Paul M. Segal W9EEA, the Amateur's Code is as applicable today as it was then.  Describing what it means to be an Amateur Radio Operator, the code emphasizes good Ham Radio practices and details what is expected of an operator.  A copy can be found here.

eQSL - Electronic QSL'ing is now a possibility. eQSL offers the opportunity to exchange QSL's without the normal fees and long wait for the post office to do its work.  They don't call it 'snail mail' for nothing.  Use the link below to see if you already have an eQSL waiting for you. 

  Enter your callsign to see if you have an eQSL waiting!

Member Spotlight

Marcus Bailey KF4YSD - Also known as "The Master of Disaster", Marcus is one of the club's most active members.  The ARES Emergency Coordinator for Douglas County is profiled this month on the March Member Profile Page.