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Do ya want to run linux?

I thought it would be a good idea to list a few distros on my site, since most new users to linux have no idea what distro to use. I found a few distros that I use all the time ,and I like to run them all . You might want to poke around on a very good site Distrowatch, might be worth a look.


"Linux is bloated"

The father of the open-source Linus Torvalds founder of the Linux kernel, made a startling comment at LinuxCon in Portland, Ore., on Monday: "Linux is bloated." it appears that with success has come added heft, heft that makes Linux "huge and scary now," according to Torvalds. Read CNETS take on this CNET LINK



My Linux  Fedora 14  desktop

Fedora is a set of projects, sponsored by Red Hat and guided by the Fedora Project Board. These projects are developed by a large community of people who strive to provide and maintain the very best in free, open source software and standards.

The central Fedora project, is an operating system and platform, based on Linux, that is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute, now and forever.

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Why should I use Fedora?

Because Fedora is the best collection of stable and innovative software available in the open source world

Looks like even big budget operations like NASA use free and open source software for their operations.



NASA is using Fedora and RHEL

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These servers run a few things at the lab, including video distribution, data processing, and web serving. Wanna know what its running?

I was happy to find out that Fedora is being used to help shuffle the above video streams around. You can get to the server here. Most of this stuff is what ends up on NASA TV

A video distribution and streaming system.

Thie blade server running Fedora which runs NASA's countdown server. So what is this server you ask? The actual time source for the launch countdown is the atomic clock but there are a few sources at NASA which sync to it and each other to provide launch services. This is one of them. Actually this is THE public facing countdown time source. ELV/RLV countdowns

Here is the source link

Excellence: Choice

Fedora Core is built to provide choice. It includes the latest versions of many software packages, including both GNOME and KDE desktop environments. Fedora Extras, a repository built entirely by volunteers, provides thousands more packages, and is enabled for use by default.

Fedora Linux Installation Notes


My Ubuntu 9.10 on the desktopExample content image


Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too!

The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Philosophy: that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.

Designed to be user friendly, the Ubuntu OS comes with built-in software for office productivity (i.e., word processor, spreadsheets and presentation applications), e-mail, calendar, chat, web browsing, photos, and more.

freedoms make Ubuntu fundamentally different from traditional proprietary software: not only are the tools you need available free of charge, you have the right to modify your software until it works the way you want it to. Many companies around the world offer technical support for Ubuntu, you can find a list of some of them in the Ubuntu Marketplace. There are many support options, from free community support to full commercial support with escalation to the core Ubuntu team.

Open suse 11.2

For rich, reliable and secure home computing, there's no better choice than open SUSE Linux 11. It features an easy-to-install Linux operating system that lets you browse the Web, send e-mail, chat with friends, organize digital photos, play movies and songs, and create documents and spreadsheets. You can even use it to host a Web site or blog, create a home network and develop your own applications. More +