KD6PAG - Organizations

Some organization active in amateur radio include:

American Radio Relay League

The American Radio Relay League (
ARRL) is the largest ham organization in the United States and as well providing excellent publications and services, also represents our interests before the FCC and other governmental bodies. Via Oak.Oakland.Edu's FTP site, they have an excellent archive of useful information that is highly recommended. Locally, there is a hypertext copy (not necessarily the most recent) of index.txt. Their WWW service includes a online version of the ARRL Newsletter


AMSAT-NA (the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation) publishes the AMSAT Bulletinand also archives and keeps a reasonably current copy of SpaceNews which is editted by John A. Magliacane, KD2BD. The ARRL also keeps a listing of Amateur Radio Satellite Frequencies.

Tucson Amateur Packet Radio

Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR) has done alot of pioneering work in packet radio. They also maintain an FTP archive at FTP.TAPR.Org which has much useful information. They have an excellent introduction to amateur packet radio in their packet radio FAQ(frequently asked questions).


Newsline has a WWW edition, if you don't receive it over the air at a convenient time for you locally.

Texas A&M University Amateur Radio Club

If you don't have your license yet (or want to upgrade), the official question pools are on-line and therein, W5AC, the Texas A&M University Amateur Radio Club, will even generate a sample examination for you (thanks to KC5KSD ).

Northern California Packet Association

Northern California Packet Association (NCPA co-ordinates packet operations in the northern part of the state. They have local band places for VHF and above, which include provisions for spread spectrum operations. They also maintain on-line Meeting Announcements.

International Digital Radio Association

International Digital Radio Association (formerly
ADRS or the American Digital Radio Society) is relatively new to the Web but have improved considerably with time. Unfortunately, they seem to assume you have an IBM-PC compatabile machine to read many of their files (in .ZIP format), but there's alot more than doesn't require unZIPping. (The GNU version of 'zcat' will read most of them. 'MacGzip' will do likewise, but you'll have to changes its default extension from the standard '.gz' to '.zip'. Don't forget to change it back. The latter assumes Netscape, your milage may differ.) Especially recommended is Technical Aspects of Selected Digital Topics. This site is a must read if you're serious about packet.

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