Listing of ARRL files on

This is a locally generated copy of as of August 1995, with links added.
Please also see the original, as this copy, while convenient, isn't necessary current.


ares1.gif     "Amateur Radio Emergency Services logo, negative image" 9k

ares2.gif     "ARES logo, positive image" 9k

arrl1.gif     "ARRL Diamond logo, negative image" 5k

arrl2.gif     "ARRL Diamond, positive image" 5k

nts1.gif      "National Traffic System logo, positive image" 783k

nts2.gif      "NTS logo, negative image" 783k

ssc1.gif      "Special Service Club Logo, negative image" 16k

ssc2.gif      "SSC logo, positive image" 16k     "Archive of all the above logos" 1584k

pub/hamradio/qst-binaries:   "QEX Jul 93 - No Tune 222MHz Transvrtr by Zack Lau, KH6CP" 448k  "QST Oct 94 - A CW Stamp IDer by Pat Bunn, N4LTA" 3k   "QST Jun 94 - CW practice by Ted Herrman, AE8G (Strays)" 13k   "QST May 95 - Weekend DigiVFO by Jay Craswell, WB0VNE" 314k    "QST Sep 92 - Low Cost DSP by Dave Hershberger, W9GR" 32k  "QST Jun 95 - DTMF to RS-232 Converter by KG7SG", 300k  "QST May 94 - ES-PROP by James Roop, K0BI (W.A. 50 MHz)" 144k  "QST Oct 93 - Hamcalc 9.6 by George Murphy, VE3ERP (Strays)" 47k

hp48pack.pgm  "QST May 94 - N4QN's HP-48 Packet Calculator" 4k  "QST May 93 - 10 GHZ transverter by Zack Lau, KH6CP" 252k    "Update to Morse.exe - see" 96k   "QST Jul 94 - North Shadow Basic program (TC column)" 23k  "QEX Jan 94 - Frequency Counter program/Pascal Source" 11k   "QST Feb 94 - The QSOcorder by Steven Reyer, WA9VNJ" 15k   "VE's Exam Session Registration Form (postscript)" 30k    "QST Jul 94 -  Talking Morse Computer by Ken Staton, KD6LHB" 197k  "QST ??? 93 - Text to CW to EPROM by Nick Ciarallo, VE2HOT" 42k   "ARRL Volunteer Examiner Manual - 1994 edition" 105k  "QST Jan 94 - Inexpensive SSTV System by Ben Vester, K3BC" 662k      "VE's assistant software - Volunteer Exams Well Done" 782k  "QST Jun 95 - A Talking Repeater controller by LW2EET" 18k     "QST Nov 93 - Crystal filter design by Dan Halbert, KB1RT" 5k

               (See Feedback column on page 81 and original article by 

                Wes Hayward, W7ZOI in May 1982 QST)

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver (Email Info-Server files):

help.txt      "Help on using the ARRL Automated Email Server" 5k

hq-email.txt  "List of HQ Email addresses" 13k

index.txt     "Listing of files available from [email protected]" 46k

summary.94    "How many of each file were sent in 1994" 22k

summary.95    "How many of each file have been sent so far in 1995" 18k

realarrl.txt  "Editorial by KA1CV about what is the REAL ARRL" 3k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/ard (ARRL Radio Designer files):

ard.txt       "Information on the ARRL Radio Designer software" 10k

exrf9501.txt  "ARRL Radio Designer Optimizer example" 8k

exrf9503.txt  "ARRL Rad Designer file for March 95 QST" 9k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/bbsfiles (text files from the ARRL BBS):

10-10inf.txt  "10-10 International Net information" 2k

147000.fcc    "FCC news release of 144 stations being fined" 1k

160meter.txt  "160 meter operation - antennas etc." 4k

capdoc.txt    "Excellent description of Civil Air Patrol" 49k

ebarc.mou     "East Bay CA memorandum of understanding with Red Cross" 9k

emerg.bbs     "The use of packet radio for emergency communications BBS." 9k

event.txt     "Special Events Communications do's and don'ts" 9k

fujita.txt    "Tornado rating system -- useful for SKYWARN operations" 795

glossary.pkt  "A packet radio glossary of terms" 7k

hfbands.txt   "Breakdown of users of HF spectrum" 7k

hurrican.txt  "Excellent hurricane tracking article" 9k    "A packet radio overview by NM1D" 14k

prb1.fla      "Florida Version of PRB1 antenna ordinance law" 3k

quake.txt     "Lessons learned from 1989 California earthquake" 13k

rusares.txt   "Press release from Moscow re Russian ARES" 3k

sadstory.txt  "Tongue-in-cheek tower-accident tale of woe :-)" 2k

wallsign.txt  "Humorous sign for visitors to the ham shack :-)" 2k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/bibliog (article bibliographies):

bibliogaltpwr.txt    "Alternate power" 4k

bibliogamtor.txt     "AMTOR Articles" 4k

bibliogant16040.txt  "Antennas, 160-40 Meter" 9k

bibliogant3010.txt   "Antennas, 30-10 Meter" 7k

bibliogantcurt.txt   "Antennas, curtain type" 2k

bibliogantjpole.txt  "Antennas, J-Pole" 5k

bibliogantlimsp.txt  "Antennas, limited space" 9k

bibliogantlog.txt    "Antennas, log periodic" 3k

bibliogantloop.txt   "Antennas, Loop" 11k

bibliogantmatch.txt  "Antennas, Matching" 3k

bibliogantmobil.txt  "Antennas, Mobile" 3k

bibliogantrot.txt    "Antenna Rotators" 2k

bibliogantswitc.txt  "Antenna Switchers" 2k

biblioganttheor.txt  "Antenna Theory" 5k

bibliogantvee.txt    "Antennas, Vee" 3k

bibliogantvert.txt   "Antennas, Vertical" 6k

bibliogantvhf.txt    "Antennas, VHF and up" 7k

bibliogapple.txt     "Computers, APPLE" 2k

bibliogatari.txt     "Computers, ATARI" 2k

bibliogatv.txt       "Amateur Fast-Scan Television (ATV)" 3k

bibliogbasconst.txt  "Basic Construction" 14k

bibliogbaselect.txt  "Basic Electronics" 19k

bibliogbattery.txt   "Batteries, Nicads and Chargers" 4k

bibliogbc221.txt     "BC-221 Freq Meter articles"

bibliogbicycle.txt   "Bicycle Operating" 1k

bibliogbioeff.txt    "Bio-effects of RF Energy" 5k

bibliogcbconv.txt    "CB Conversion to 10 Meters" 2k

bibliogclover.txt    "Clover (Digital Protocol)" 2k

bibliogcoax.txt      "Coax cables and feedlines" 4k

bibliogcollins.txt   "Collins equipment" 2k

bibliogcompgen.txt   "Computers, general" 4k

bibliogcontest.txt   "Contesting" 2k

bibliogcrystal.txt   "Crystals" 2k

bibliogctcssbib.txt  "Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System" 3k

bibliogdfing.txt     "Direction finding, Radio (RDF)" 4k

bibliogdiverse.txt   "Diversity Reception" 1k

bibliogdrake.txt     "Drake Equipment" 3k

bibliogdsp.txt       "Digital Signal Processing" 2k

bibliogdtmf.txt      "DTMF - tone decoders" 3k

bibliogecho.txt      "Echoes (includes LDE)" 2k

bibliogeme.txt       "Earth-Moon-Earth Communications" 19k

bibliogesd.txt       "Electro-static discharge" 2k

bibliogfax.txt       "Amateur FAX/WEFAX" 7k

bibliogfiber.txt     "Fiber Optics" 1k

bibliogfilteraf.txt  "Filters, audio" 4k

bibliogfilterif.txt  "Filters, IF" 3k

bibliogfilterrf.txt  "Filters, RF" 3k

biblioggrounds.txt   "Grounds" 6k

biblioghandicap.txt  "Handicap (suitable equip.)" 4k

bibliogheath.txt     "Heathkit" 3k

biblioghistoric.txt  "Historical References" 3k

biblioghmbrwcmp.txt  "Homebrew Components" 4k

bibliogibm.txt       "Computers, IBM" 2k

bibliogic.txt        "Integrated Circuits" 2k

bibliogicom.txt      "ICOM equipment & mods" 2k

bibliogkenwood.txt   "Kenwood equipment and mods" 17k

bibliogkeyer.txt     "Keys, keyers and keying" 7k

biblioglghtnbib.txt  "Lightning" 4k

biblioglight.txt     "Laser Communications" 1k

bibliogmfj.txt       "MFJ products" 1k

bibliogmicrowv.txt   "Microwave Operation" 2k

bibliognbvm.txt      "Narrow Band Voice Modulation" 1k

bibliogoscope.txt    "Oscilloscopes" 7k

bibliogpackbib.txt   "Packet Radio" 5k

bibliogpactrbib.txt  "Pactor (Digital Mode)" 1k

bibliogpcbrd.txt     "Printed circuit boards" 4k

bibliogprog.txt      "Computers, Programs" 3k

bibliogprojacc.txt   "Station Accessories Proj." 2k

bibliogprop.txt      "Propagation" 7k

bibliogpublic.txt    "Public Service communications" 2k

bibliogpwrsupp.txt   "Power Supplies" 6k

bibliogqrp.txt       "QRP - Articles on low power" 4k

bibliogradastro.txt  "Radio Astronomy" 3k

bibliogrcvrhf.txt    "Receivers, HF" 8k

bibliogrcvrvhf.txt   "Receivers, VHF and up" 5k

bibliogremote.txt    "Remote Control" 3k

bibliogrfi.txt       "Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)" 7k

bibliogrfipcmkr.txt  "RFI, Pacemaker" 2k

bibliogrptr.txt      "Repeaters" 6k

bibliogrtty.txt      "Radio TeleTYpe (RTTY)" 22k

bibliogsafety.txt    "Safety" 4k

bibliogsarex.txt     "Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment" 2k

bibliogsatbib.txt    "Satellite (amateur)" 46k

bibliogspeech.txt    "Speech Processing" 2k

bibliogspread.txt    "Spread Spectrum" 4k

bibliogsstvbib.txt   "Slow-Scan Television" 1k

bibliogsurface.txt   "Surface Mount Devices" 2k

bibliogsurplus.txt   "Surplus Equipment" 3k

bibliogswr.txt       "SWR/Power Meters" 5k

bibliogsynth.txt     "Synthesizers" 4k

bibliogtentec.txt    "Ten Tec products" 2k

bibliogtesteqpt.txt  "Test equipment" 13k

bibliogtime.txt      "Time Signals" 1k

bibliogtower.txt     "Towers/tower safety" 5k

bibliogtrs.txt       "Computers, Radio Shack" 2k

bibliogtv.txt        "Television" 17k

bibliogup.txt        "Computers, microprocessor" 8k

bibliogvic.txt       "Computers, VIC and Commodore" 2k

bibliogvlf.txt       "Very Low Frequency (VLF)" 3k

bibliogwarc.txt      "WARC Band equipment" 4k

bibliogweaksig.txt   "Weak signal reception" 1k

bibliogxmtrhf.txt    "Transmitters, HF" 10k

bibliogxmtrvhf.txt   "Transmitters, VHF and up" 7k

bibliogyaesu.txt     "Yaesu equpipment and mods" 2k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/circ (information on ARRL publications):

circacp4.txt      "Antenna Comp. Vol 4 press release" 3k

circarrlcat.txt   "Catalog of ARRL Publications - commercial content" 49k

circhfdig.txt     "Your HF Digital Companion press release" 2k

circjoin.txt      "How become an ARRL member" 3k

circpacket.txt    "Packet: Speed, More Speed and Applications p.r." 2k

circradiod.txt    "ARRL Radio Designer software press release" 4k

circrfdesign.txt  "Radio Frequency Design press release" 2k

circservices.txt  "A condensed list of ARRL membership services" 22k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/clubs (ARRL Affiliated Clubs):

clubs.ak      "Amateur Radio clubs in Alaska" 1k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Alabama" 2k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Arkansas" 3k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Arizona" 3k      "Amateur Radio clubs in California" 18k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Colorado" 2k

clubs.ct      "Amateur Radio clubs in Connecticut" 4k

clubs.dc      "Amateur Radio clubs in the District of Columbia" 1k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Delaware" 2k

clubs.fl      "Amateur Radio clubs in Florida" 8k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Georgia" 4k

clubs.hi      "Amateur Radio clubs in Hawaii" 1k

clubs.ia      "Amateur Radio clubs in Iowa" 3k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Idaho" 1k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Illinois" 6k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Indiana" 6k

clubs.ks      "Amateur Radio clubs in Kansas" 3k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Kentucky" 2k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Louisiana" 3k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Massachusetts" 5k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Maryland" 4k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Maine" 2k

clubs.mi      "Amateur Radio clubs in Michigan" 7k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Minnesota" 4k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Missouri" 4k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Mississippi" 2k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Montana" 2k      "Amateur Radio clubs in North Carolina" 4k

clubs.nd      "Amateur Radio clubs in North Dakota" 1k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Nebraska" 2k

clubs.nh      "Amateur Radio clubs in New Hampshire" 2k

clubs.nj      "Amateur Radio clubs in New Jersey" 6k

clubs.nm      "Amateur Radio clubs in New Mexico" 2k

clubs.nv      "Amateur Radio clubs in Nevada" 1k

clubs.ny      "Amateur Radio clubs in New York" 12k

clubs.oh      "Amateur Radio clubs in Ohio" 9k

clubs.ok      "Amateur Radio clubs in Oklahoma" 2k

clubs.or      "Amateur Radio clubs in Oregon" 3k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Pennsylvania" 10k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Puerto Rico" 1k

clubs.ri      "Amateur Radio clubs in Rhode Island" 2k      "Amateur Radio clubs in South Carolina" 2k      "Amateur Radio clubs in South Dakota" 1k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Tennessee" 4k

clubs.tx      "Amateur Radio clubs in Texas" 10k

clubs.ut      "Amateur Radio clubs in Utah" 1k      "Amateur Radio clubs in Virginia" 4k      "Amateur Radio clubs in the Virgin Islands" 1k

clubs.vt      "Amateur Radio clubs in Vermont" 1k

clubs.wa      "Amateur Radio clubs in Washington" 5k

clubs.wi      "Amateur Radio clubs in Wisconsin" 5k

clubs.wv      "Amateur Radio clubs in West Virginia" 2k

clubs.wy      "Amateur Radio clubs in Wyoming" 1k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/contests (ARRL Contest Scores, Forms and Rules):

10ghz.frm     "ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest Form" 2k

10ghz.rls     "ARRL 10 GHz Cumulative Contest Rules" 3k

10ghz.scr     "1994 ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest Results" 2k

10m.frm       "ARRL 10-Meter Contest entry form" 2k

10m.rls       "ARRL 10-Meter Contest rules" 7k

160m.frm      "ARRL 160-Meter Contest entry form" 3k

160m.rls      "ARRL 160-Meter Contest rules" 4k

160m.scr      "1994 ARRL 160-Meter Contest Results" 19k

cal-95.txt    "1995 ARRL contest calendar" 1k

dx.frm        "ARRL DX Contest entry form" 3k

dx.rls        "ARRL DX Contest rules" 10k

eme.frm       "ARRL International EME Competition Form" 3k

eme.rls       "ARRL International EME Competition rules" 3k

eme.scr       "Results, 1994 ARRL International EME Competition" 6k

entry.inf     "ARRL Contest Entry Information" 8k

fd-media.txt  "Media release to promote your FD operation"

fd.frm        "ARRL Field Day Form" 5k

fd.rls        "ARRL Field Day rules" 13k

georgia.txt   "Georgia QSO Party Rules" 1k

hoot.txt      "QRP-ARCI Hoot Owl Sprint Rules" 880

iaru.frm      "IARU HF World Championship Form" 2k

iaru.rls      "IARU HF World Championship rules" 13k

iaru.scr      "1994 IARU HF World Championship Results" 29k

janvhf.frm    "ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes Form" 2k

janvhf.rls    "ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes rules" 11k

janvhf.scr    "1995 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes results" 34k

junvhf.rls    "ARRL June VHF QSO Party rules" 11k

michigan.txt  "Michigan QSO Party Rules" 1k

novss.frm     "ARRL November Sweepstakes Form" 3k

novss.rls     "ARRL November Sweepstakes rules" 8k

novss.scr     "Results, 1994 November Sweepstakes" 85k

nr.frm        "ARRL Novice Roundup Form" 3k

nr.scr        "1995 ARRL Novice Roundup results" 6k

rtty.frm      "ARRL RTTY Roundup Form" 2k

rtty.rls      "ARRL RTTY Roundup rules" 6k

sections.abv  "ARRL and Canadian section abbreviations" 4k

sepvhf.rls    "ARRL Sept VHF QSO Party rules" 11k

skn.frm       "ARRL Straight Key Night Form" 1k

skn.rls       "ARRL Straight Key Night rules" 880

sprints.frm   "ARRL Spring Sprints Form" 2k

sprints.rls   "ARRL Spring Sprints rules" 1k

uhf.frm       "ARRL August UHF Contest Form" 3k

uhf.rls       "ARRL August UHF Contest rules" 8k

vhfqso.frm    "ARRL June and Sept VHF QSO Party Form" 2k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/digests (Digests of QST articles):

qstdig01.93   "Digest (summary) of the articles in January 1993 QST" 37k

qstdig02.93   "February 1993 QST Article Digests" 39k

qstdig03.93   "March 1993 QST Article Digests" 37k

qstdig04.93   "April 1993 QST Article Digests" 36k

qstdig05.93   "May 1993 QST Article Digests" 40k

qstdig06.93   "June 1993 QST Article Digests" 41k

qstdig07.93   "July 1993 QST Article Digests" 30k

qstdig08.93   "August 1993 QST Article Digests" 34k

qstdig09.93   "September 1993 QST Article Digests" 31k

qstdig10.93   "October 1993 QST Article Digests" 42k

qstdig11.93   "November 1993 QST Article Digests" 48k

qstdig12.93   "December 1993 QST Article Digests" 42k

qstdig01.94   "January 1994 QST Article Digests" 45k

qstdig02.94   "February 1994 QST Article Digests" 49k

qstdig03.94   "March 1994 QST Article Digests" 52k

qstdig04.94   "April 1994 QST Article Digests" 45k

qstdig05.94   "May 1994 QST Article Digests" 36k

qstdig06.94   "June 1994 QST Article Digests" 43k

qstdig07.94   "July 1994 QST Article Digests" 47k

qstdig08.94   "August 1994 QST Article Digests" 52k

qstdig09.94   "September 1994 QST Article Digests" 57k

qstdig10.94   "October 1994 QST Article Digests" 56k

qstdig11.94   "November 1994 QST Article Digests" 50k

qstdig12.94   "December 1994 QST Article Digests" 49k

qstdig01.95   "January 1995 QST Article Digests" 47k

qstdig02.95   "February 1995 QST Article Digests" 43k

qstdig03.95   "March 1995 QST Article Digests" 40k

qstdig04.95   "April 1995 QST Article Digests" 46k

qstdig05.95   "May 1995 QST Article Digests" 52k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/ead (SAREX and School programs):

educate.txt   "Are you involved in Amateur Radio education?" 725

jota.txt      "Information for the 1995 Jamboree On The Air" 10k

newcall.txt   "A new ARRL service - find out your new callsign" 682

newmodes.txt  "Try some new radio modes - here's how to learn more" 664

prospect.txt  "How to get your Amateur Radio license" 2k

sarex-ap.txt  "SAREX Application Form for educators" 5k

sarex.1       "Updated SAREX Support Services for educators" 3k

sarex.2       "SAREX flight hardware and mission objectives" 8k

sarex.3       "Updated future and past SAREX missions (hams in space)" 7k

sarex.4       "Brief summary of SW radio frequencies for info about SAREX" 1k

sarex.7       "SAREX STS-59 Fact Sheet (April 1994)" 7k

sarex.qsl     "SAREX QSLing information" 1k

sarexfaq.txt  "Frequently Asked Questions about SAREX" 30k

source.txt    "ARRL SourceBook for the Disabled" 76k

sts70fct.txt  "Fact Sheet for SAREX mission STS-70" 10k

sts71fct.txt  "Fact Sheet for SAREX mission STS-71" 8k

video.txt     "Videos available from the ARRL" 6k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/evp (ARRL Organizational material):

assoc.txt     "ARRL Articles of Association" 10k

bylaws.txt    "Bylaws of the ARRL" 32k

director.txt  "ARRL Board of Directors addresses/phone numbers" 5k

hampromo.txt  "Public-relations info about Amateur Radio" 7k

iarulist.txt  "IARU Societies addresses" 59k

minutes.brd   "ARRL Board of Directors 1/95 meeting" 49k

rulereg.txt   "Rules and Regulations of the ARRL" 30k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/faqs (Usenet Frequently Asked Questions):

6mfaq.txt     "Frequently Asked Questions about 6 Meter Operation" 12k

applfaq1.txt  "FAQs on Apple II computers, part 1 of 2" 32k

applfaq2.txt  "FAQs on Apple II computers, part 2 of 2" 47k

audio1.txt    "FAQs about audio file formats, part 1" 47k

audio2.txt    "FAQs about audio file formats, part 2" 48k

ausfaq.txt    "FAQs of Australian hams" 34k

bookfaq.txt   "FAQs about Technical Books" 15k

cbfaq1.txt    "Introduction to CB FAQs" 11k

cbfaq2.txt    "Getting started in CB" 30k

cbfaq3.txt    "Communicating with CB" 10k

cbfaq4.txt    "Common CB technical questions" 15k

congress.txt  "Phone and Fax numbers for Congress" 35k

digifaq.txt   "Packet Radio Questions and Answers" 38k

dspfaq1.txt   "FAQs about Digital Signal Processing, part 1" 66k

dspfaq2.txt   "FAQs about DSP, part 2 (Hardware)" 40k

dspfaq3.txt   "FAQs about DSP, part 3 (Operating Systems)" 16k

dspfaq4.txt   "FAQs about DSP, part 4 (FTP Sites)" 5k

elecfaq1.txt  "Electrical wiring FAQ, part 1" 58k

elecfaq2.txt  "Electrical wiring FAQ, part 2" 54k

elmers.a-j    "Amateur Radio Elmers Directory, part 1 of 2" 41k

elmers.chg    "Changes to the Elmers Directory since last update" 18k

elmers.inf    "Info about the Amateur Radio Elmers Resource Directory" 14k

elmers.k-z    "Amateur Radio Elmers Directory, part 2 of 2" 46k

elmers.ndx    "Quick-search index of the Elmers list by topic" 15k

faqindex.txt  "Index of FAQ files available by FTP" 11k

faqinter.txt  "Internet Frequently Asked Questions" 5k

hamfaq1.txt   "Introduction to the FAQ and Amateur Radio" 27k

hamfaq2.txt   "Amateur Radio Organizations Services and Info Sources" 50k

hamfaq3.txt   "Amateur Radio Advanced and Technical Questions" 34k

inetmail.txt  "Inter-Network Email Guide (How to)" 30k

internet.svc  "List of some of the services available on Internet" 86k

neflea.txt    "New England area Hamfests and Flea Markets" 9k

oldtimer.txt  "Old Time Radio Newsletter FAQ" 20k

rttyfaq.txt   "FAQs about RTTY operation" 33k

satfaq.txt    "FAQs on Amateur Satellites" 34k

scanfaq.txt   "Scanner FAQs" 29k

scanfreq.txt  "How to find scanner frequencies" 26k

swl_am.txt    "SWL AM/FM DXing FAQs" 25k

swlfaq1.txt   "Info about" 3k

swlfaq2.txt   "SWL FAQs and info" 27k

ukham1.txt    "FAQs from part 1 of 2" 26k

ukham2.txt    "FAQs from part 2 of 2" 22k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/fsd (Info. on the ARRL Field Organization):

badge.frm     "ARRL Leadership Officials badge form" 11k

clubpres.txt  "Club President's Workbook" 51k

ecapp.txt     "Emergency Coordinator application" 2k

eccert.txt    "The ARRL Emergency Coordinator's Certification course" 11k

files.bbs     "Files available on the ARRL land-line bulletin board" 101k

freqcoor.txt  "Repeater Frequency Coordinator List" 16k

guidlin.acc   "Guidelines - Affiliated Club Coordinator" 1k

guidlin.asm   "Guidelines - Assistant Section Manager" 1k    "Guidelines - ARRL Bulletin Manager" 3k

guidlin.dec   "Guidelines - District Emergency Coordinator" 2k    "Guidelines - ARRL Emergency Coordinator" 2k

guidlin.lgl   "Guidelines - ARRL Local Government Liaison" 2k

guidlin.nm    "Guidelines - ARRL Net Manager" 1k

guidlin.obs   "Guidelines - ARRL Official Bulletin Station" 3k

guidlin.oes   "Guidelines - Official Emergency Station" 1k

guidlin.oo    "Guidelines - ARRL Official Observer" 2k

guidlin.ooc   "Guidelines - Official Observer Coordinator" 2k

guidlin.ors   "Guidelines - ARRL Official Relay Station" 2k

guidlin.pic   "Guidelines - Public Information Officer" 2k

guidlin.sec   "Guidelines - Section Emergency Coordinator" 3k

guidlin.sgl   "Guidelines - ARRL State Government Liaison" 2k    "Guidelines - ARRL Section Managers" 10k

guidlin.stm   "Guidelines - ARRL Section Traffic Manager" 2k    "Guidelines - ARRL Technical Coordinator" 2k

guidlin.ts    "Guidelines - ARRL Technical Specialist" 1k

hamfests.txt  "The ARRL coordinated hamfests and conventions" 46k

hfestpln.txt  "Hamfest and Convention planner" 51k

hiram.txt     "How to use the ARRL Field Services BBS" 848

howto.nts     "Info on sending NTS traffic via packet" 14k

itslegal.txt  "What is legal in emergency communications" 26k

leadersh.req  "FSD Form 124 Leadership Officials Req. Form" 5k

message.frm   "FSD Form 218 NTS Amateur Message Form " 11k

netdir95.txt  "1995-1996 ARRL Net Directory (very large file)" 263k

pshr.txt      "ARRL Public Service Honor Roll criteria" 1k

radiogrm.txt  "ARRL Numbered Radiograms" 19k

redcross.txt  "Statement of Agreement between the ARRL and Red Cross" 10k   "ARRL Special Service Club initial application" 4k  "ARRL Special Service Club renewal application" 3k

training.air  "ARRL Monitoring System training info" 6k

trans.rel     "ARRL Radiogram Transmission/Relay procedures" 9k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/msd (DXCC, Awards, ARRL HQ Tours, Directions):

awards.txt    "Info about ARRL operating awards" 7k

cnsv1.qsl     "Countries not served by the QST bureau" 2k

contest.dat   "Standard format for ARRL contest log submissions" 1k

dir.hq        "Visiting ARRL HQ - directions and tour information" 5k

dxcclist.txt  "Official ARRL DXCC list plus notes" 35k

dxccrule.txt  "The ARRL DXCC awards program regulations" 28k

fieldrep.txt  "ARRL DXCC Field Checkers" 50k

incom.qsl     "Instructions for incoming QSL bureau" 7k

in-out.qsl    "Combined instructions for incoming and outgoing bureaus" 14k

itucalls.txt  "List of ITU callsign allocation blocks" 9k

outgo.qsl     "Instructions for outgoing QSL bureau" 6k

tour.txt      "An electronic tour of ARRL Headquarters" 29k

vuccapp.txt   "ARRL VUCC award info and application" 8k

w1aw.skd      "W1AW schedule of transmissions and operation" 2k

wac.frm       "Application form for WAC award" 1k

wac.rls       "Rules for the Worked All Continents award" 2k

was.rls       "Rules for the ARRL Worked All States awards program" 4k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/newsltr (Amateur Radio's Newsletter):

ltr14n01.txt  "The ARRL Letter Jan 12 1995" 22k

ltr14n02.txt  "The ARRL Letter Jan 26 1995" 19k

ltr14n03.txt  "The ARRL Letter Feb 13 1995" 17k

ltr14n04.txt  "The ARRL Letter Mar 01 1995" 25k

ltr14n05.txt  "The ARRL Letter Mar 24 1995" 18k

ltr14n06.txt  "The ARRL Letter Apr 03 1995" 22k

ltr14n07.txt  "The ARRL Letter Apr 17 1995" 22k

ltr14n08.txt  "The ARRL Letter May 03 1995" 23k

ltr14n09.txt  "The ARRL Letter May 16 1995" 22k

ltr14n10.txt  "The ARRL Letter Jun 07 1995" 22k

ltr14n11.txt  "The ARRL Letter Jun 20 1995" 23k

ltr14n12.txt  "The ARRL Letter Jul 11 1995" 21k

ltr14n13.txt  "The ARRL Letter Jul 20 1995" 22k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/qex (QEX Magazine Indexes and files):     "10-GHz preamp PCB layout QEX 12/92 (Postscript)," 55k

qex_indx.88   "Index of the articles in QEX from 03/88-02/90" 16k

qex_indx.90   "Index of the articles in QEX from 03/90-02/91" 11k

qex_indx.91   "Index of the articles in QEX from 03/91-02/92" 10k

qex_indx.92   "Index of the articles in QEX from 03/92-02/93" 9k

qex_indx.93   "Index of the articles in QEX from 03/93-12/93" 4k

qex_indx.94   "Index of the articles in QEX from 01/94-12/94" 6k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/qst (QST Magazine Indexes):

qst_indx.89   "Index of QST articles for 1989" 42k

qst_indx.90   "Index of QST articles for 1990" 51k

qst_indx.91   "Index of QST articles for 1991" 50k

qst_indx.92   "Index of QST articles for 1992" 50k

qst_indx.93   "Index of QST articles for 1993" 55k

qst_indx.94   "Index of QST articles for 1994" 54k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/rib (Regulatory Information):

3rdprty.txt   "Countries that the US has 3rd Party Agreements with" 1k

93-305.rpt    "ARRL Report on Preferred Callsigns (93-305)" 15k

94-124.txt    "FCC NPRM on frequencies above 40 GHz" 80k

94-32.txt     "FCC NPRM on microwave reallocations" 63k

97113.txt     "New FCC Rules part 97.113 (permissable communications)" 3k

addresse.fcc  "FCC Field Office addreses - by state/county" 16k

allocate.txt  "Amateur Frequency Allocations" 4k

bandplan.txt  "ARRL Recommended Band Plans" 11k

callsys.txt   "FCC Fact Sheet 206 - call sign assignment system" 4k

fcc93-85.txt  "FCC Docket on Packet message forwarding" 3k

fcccmnts.txt  "How to submit comments on an NPRM to the FCC" 5k

hjres199.txt  "Congressional Joint Resolution supporting Amateur Radio" 3k

hr2626.txt    "Amateur Radio Volunteer Services Act of 1993" 4k

hr73.asc      "House Resolution Bill #73 text" 2k

part97.txt    "FCC Rules Part 97" 135k

pr93-305.txt  "Vanity call sign FCC Report and Order" 24k

prb-1.txt     "FCC preemption of state and local regs" 24k

protect.act   "The Amateur Radio Spectrum Preservation Act" 2k

pub-util.txt  "List of State Public Utilities Commissions (for RFI)" 9k

recip.txt     "US/ worldwide reciprocal operating countries list" 2k

rib.txt       "ARRL Reg. Info. Branch services and information - list" 1k    "FCC news release on Vanity call signs" 2k

vanity.txt    "FCC NPRM 93-305 Rules to implement a vanity call system." 19k

vc.txt        "Legal help - ARRL Volunteer Counsel addresses" 20k

vce.txt       "Volunteer Consulting Engineers (for tower engineering help)" 3k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/tech (Technical Information from the ARRL):

address.txt   "Lots and lots of ham/electonic company addresses" 18k

aguide.cii    "How to become an ARRL publications author" 42k

antsind.txt   "Indoor and limited-antennas - QST Lab Notes Dec 1992" 17k

argosy.txt    "Hint re: Ten Tec Argosy tuning stability problem" 2k

ax25.txt      "AX-25 protocol" 66k

bestrig.txt   "Tips on choosing a new radio (What Rig Should I Buy?)" 17k

bio.txt       "Additional information on Bioeffects" 23k

bioeffec.txt  "Information about RF safety" 29k

catvi.txt     "Info about cable TVI" 4k

cnc14ann.txt  "Announcement of the 14th Computer Networking Conference" 1k

codetips.txt  "Tips on improving your Morse code speed de KA1CV" 6k

confindx.txt  "Index to ARRL C.N.C./Digital conferences" 31k

curtis.txt    "Pinouts for the Curtis 8044 keyer IC series" 2k

dipmtsr.txt   "Places to buy 'grid' dip meters" 1k

dspfut.txt    "Some ideas on the future of DSP by KE3Z" 4k

dspvendr.txt  "Sources for DSP components and technology" 1k

ellers.bas    "BASIC program for the July 1994 QST article" 1k

emcstds.txt   "Brief description of EMC standards and standards bodies" 6k

emerg.pwr     "Emergency power - From QST Lab Notes column - sources" 6k

fcctele.txt   "FCC Telephone Interference Survey" 25k

fcountsr.txt  "Where to get parts for ARRL Handbookfrequency counter" 1k

fence.txt     "Info on EMI from hidden fences (for pets)" 1k

ftp.txt       "How to ftp - a list of a few 'hammy' ftp sites" 5k

genuu.bat     "Batch file that creates UUDECODE.EXE" 52k

grease.txt    "Listing of Anti-Oxidant products (for antennas, etc.)" 6k

hamplate.txt  "How to get a ham-radio license plate by state" 5k

heathpts.txt  "Direct telephone/address for Heath Parts Order Desk" 3k

history.txt   "Information about ham-radio history items" 4k

hp48pack.pgm  "Program to use HP 48 calc for packet" 3k

keys.txt      "Sources for code keys, keyers and practice oscillators" 2k

kits.txt      "List of companies that sell kits" 20k

lasersrc.txt  "Retail sources for LASERs and LASER equipment" 663

lightnin.txt  "KE4ZV discussion about lightning and roof-top towers" 23k

manuals.txt   "Sources for equipment manuals + schematics" 23k

manw7fg.txt   "W7FG Vintage Manuals Co Catalog - ascii version" 24k

mcicomp.txt   "How to send mail between Internet and MCI and CompuServe" 3k

microbib.txt  "Bibliography of articles on microwave" 7k

micropts.txt  "Sources of parts for microwave projects" 2k

morse.txt     "Handy operating aids for Morse code" 9k

mosfet.txt    "Sources for dual-gate MOSFETS - sub 40673" 1k

pack-int.txt  "Internet-Amateur packet gateway info" 5k

pcboard.txt   "Where to get prototype PC boards and supplies" 14k

pcx.txt       "Schematic Symbols from October 1993 QST, ZIPped and UUENCODED" 27k

pktintro.txt  "A brief introduction to packet radio" 7k

pll.bib       "Short bibliography about phase-lockloop oscillators" 2k

pr-sum.txt    "Summary of Product Review test results" 6k

prodrev.txt   "Product Review list from QST" 56k

propprgm.txt  "Descriptions and places to buy propagation software" 6k

repair.ham    "Companies known to repair ham equipment" 2k

resource.txt  "Gateways between Packet and the Internet" 57k

rfiaudio.txt  "How to solve interference to audio devices" 14k

rfiauto.txt   "How to solve automotive interference problems" 58k

rfigen.txt    "How to solve an EMI/RFI problem - QST Lab Notes 1/92" 37k

rfiignit.txt  "Information on Auto Ignition Interference" 3k

rfilamps.txt  "Interference to and from touch-to-switch lamps" 6k

rfipamp.txt   "ARRL RFI Consumer Pamphlet" 14k

rfisourc.txt  "Where to buy filters - EMI-proof telephones etc." 13k

rfisourc.txt  "Where to buy filters - EMI-proof telephones etc." 13k

rfitel.txt    "How to solve a telephone EMI/RFI problem" 22k

rflamp.txt    "Info about EMI potential of RF-powered lamps" 4k

satfreqs.txt  "Active Amateur Satellite Frequencies and modes" 4k

satguide.txt  "Guide to Amateur Satellite comunications" 13k

sect.txt      "ARRL Section Abbreviations" 3k

software.txt  "Where to find ham-radio software - QST Lab Notes" 22k

solarpan.txt  "Where to buy solar panels" 2k

stores.txt    "Listing of local Amateur Dealers by state" 4k

substitu.txt  "How to make parts substitutions - QST Lab Notes" 14k

talist.txt    "Listing of ARRL Technical Advisors" 8k

tcp.txt       "General info about TCP/IP and AMPRNET" 20k

tetrode.txt   "Info on using tetrodes as triodes" 5k

tis-list.txt  "List of paper files available from ARRL TIS" 8k

tis.txt       "Desc. of ARRL's Technical Information Service" 3k

tnetwork.bas  "Program to design tunet T-networks" 22k

topomaps.txt  "Where to buy topographical maps" 4k

toroid.txt    "Possible ways to identify unknown toroids" 3k

tubefaq.txt   "FAQs on operating tubes grounded grid" 5k

tubes.txt     "Where to buy xmit and receive vacuum tubes" 5k

tvi.txt       "Info about EMI and RFI to TVs, VCRs and Cable TV systems" 14k

uwave.txt     "List of sources of microwave parts and microwave bib." 15k

vhfindex.txt  "Index to the ARRL VHF Conference Proceedings since 1987" 29k

vxo.txt       "Notes on the ARRL Handbook VXO transmitter by WJ1Z" 2k

xtalfilt.txt  "Companies that sell crystal filters" 698

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/techmisc (Misc. Technical Info. from Usenet):

2010.txt      "Info on repairing RF stage of Sony ICF-2010 SW receiver" 3k

6-mdup.txt    "Six meter duplexer construction" 8k

6mbeaceu.txt  "Six meter beacons in Europe" 1k

af4klist.txt  "Brian Carling's list of parts and kits mfgs" 29k

arrlsec.txt   "ARRL Section list for Field Day" 11k

awg-cur.txt   "Current rating of wire by AWG size" 3k

bbs.txt       "List of ham-radio land-line bulletin boards" 29k

beac10m.txt   "Listing of 10 meter beacons" 7k

bikemail.txt  "BMHA Internet mailing list" 1k

bmhainfo.txt  "Info on Bicycle Mobile Hams of America" 2k

boat-faq.txt  "FAQ for the amateur Boat-Anchors mail list" 6k

books.txt     "Listing of some good Amateur Radio references" 9k

boom-rf.txt   "Hazards of RF near explosive/detonation devices" 11k

buffalo.ftp   "List of ham radio files on" 10k

calls.txt     "USA Callsign prefix assignments (all services)" 5k

canada.txt    "US Automatic Reciprocal operation in Canada" 7k

carploop.txt  "Construction article about indoor SWL antenna" 11k

catvfreq.txt  "Cable TV frequencies (for RFI)" 16k

cbfreq.txt    "Citizen's Band channel frequencies" 1k

cept.txt      "List of countries that honor C.E.P.T. licenses" 1k

code.bas      "Program to practice Morse via PC speaker" 1k

comprfi.txt   "Tips to fix computer RFI" 32k

concom1.txt   "The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 1" 8k

concom2.txt   "The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 2" 8k

concom3.txt   "The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 3" 8k

concom4.txt   "The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 4" 25k

concom5.txt   "The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 5" 9k

concom6.txt   "The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 6" 16k

concom7.txt   "The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 7" 8k

connect.txt   "RF connector losses at UHF frequencies" 4k

county.txt    "List of USA counties - for county hunters" 34k

cq-faq.txt    "FAQ for the CQ-Contest mail list" 7k

ctcss.txt     "Info on Continuous Tone Coded Subaudible Squelch" 3k

dbmtutor.txt  "Tutorial on dBm" 10k

diplexer.txt  "Schematic (text) for 2m/70cm diplexer" 2k

dsp-93.txt    "TAPR/AMSAT joint DSP kit announcement" 10k

dspbib.txt    "Bibliography of DSP articles and books" 2k

dspbook.txt   "Review of a popular DSP book" 3k

dspti.txt     "Texas Instruments DSP BBS phone number" 751

dtmffreq.txt  "DTMF Frequencies" 5k

dx-faq.txt    "FAQ for the DX mail list" 8k

end-nicd.txt  "The End of the Nicad - by Scott Ehrlich, WY1Z" 3k

fccftp.ndx    "Index of files available on" 9k

fccftp.txt    "Information on the FCC FTP site (" 2k

foneclrs.txt  "Telephone Cable Color Code" 9k

g3ruhbib.txt  "Bibliography of articles by G3RUH" 22k

gmrs.txt      "GMRS Frequencies" 1k

gpssrc.txt    "Sources and info for Global Positioning Systems" 20k

ground.txt    "Information on grounding your station" 6k

groups.bas    "Prog. by N0SS - creates random char text for CW practice" 2k

ham-serv.txt  "Info on the GRAFex Ham file server" 3k

hamhome.txt   "Tips on making a house ham friendly" 14k

hammail.txt   "Listing of Ham Radio email lists" 12k

hf-fax.txt    "Listing of HF Fax frequencies" 26k

hr-more.txt   "Ham Radio and More talk show station list" 3k

ieeemail.txt  "Email services for IEEE members" 52k

intermod.txt  "Information on intermodulation" 15k

iotainfo.txt  "Contact address for Islands On The Air info" 616

ismfreq.txt   "Idustrial Scientific and Medical frequencies" 1k

kepfmt.txt    "Explanation of Keplerian numbers" 3k

ld-echo.txt   "Information on Long-Delayed Echos" 1k

logic-ic.txt  "Differences between logic IC series" 5k

mailordr.txt  "List of Mail Order electronics companies" 31k

mars.txt      "Information on the Military Affiliate Radio System" 4k

mininec.hlp   "Help on using the Mininec program (ant modelling)" 10k

mods-oak.ftp  "Radio mods avail by ftp from" 32k

modsftp.txt   "Radio mods ftp sites" 3k

multiant.txt  "Article about ladder-line type multi-band antenna" 4k

n8emr.cb      "How to use the N8EMR Internet/telephone Callbook server" 2k

n8emr.txt     "How to use the N8EMR land-line BBS" 1k

nasafreq.txt  "NASA frequencies for SAREX information" 6k

neda.txt      "Contact information for the North East Digital Assoc." 491

nicad.txt     "Information on the care and use of nicads" 30k

nicadchg.txt  "Nicad charging information" 7k

pactor.txt    "Description of Pactor (HF digital protocol)" 11k

pcbhbrw.txt   "How to make your own PC boards at home" 43k

pcdiag.txt    "IBM PC Diagnostic codes" 19k

phonetic.txt  "Info. on foreign Ham phonetics" 14k

pltones.txt   "PL Tone frequencies" 1k

qrp-info.txt  "QRP-ARCI and other QRP club addresses" 3k

qrpaward.txt  "QRP-ARCI Awards Program" 3k

qrpclubs.txt  "Listing of QRP clubs, US and foreign" 30k

qrpics.txt    "Source of popular ICs in QRP designs" 3k

qrprigs.txt   "Descriptions and sources for several QRP rigs" 1k

rfitel.att    "Telephone RFI - Bell System Practices" 10k

rfitel.fcc    "FCC Bulletin on Telephone Interference" 10k

rptrgemv.txt  "How to use a G.E. MVP rig as a VHF repeater" 11k

satrigs.txt   "Radios for satellite communications" 3k

sca.txt       "Information on Sub-carrier service" 5k

softamig.txt  "Amiga software sources" 1k

softmac.txt   "Where to find MAC ham-radio software" 40k

softrtty.txt  "PC Programs for decoding RTTY" 42k

softsat.txt   "Satellite software available from Amsat" 17k

solinfo.txt   "How to interpret the Daily Solar Data posts" 26k

sstv.txt      "Info about slow-scan television" 36k

store-sf.txt  "San Francisco area ham stores" 12k

swannet.txt   "Swan HF Users Net information" 11k

swl-addr.txt  "Addresses for short-wave broadcast stations" 32k

swlabbr.txt   "Common abbreviations for shortwave listening" 20k

swlchart.txt  "Handy chart for shortwave listening" 4k

swrigrev.txt  "Reviews of shortwave rcvrs by various people" 66k

taprftp.txt   "TAPR FTP site information" 2k

taprinfo.txt  "Tucson Amateur Packet Radio general information" 16k

taprlist.txt  "TAPR Email Lists" 728

taprnews.txt  "TAPR Internet news" 3k

taprserv.hlp  "How to use the TAPR file server" 3k

taprserv.ndx  "Index of files on the TAPR server" 2k

tel-stds.cdn  "Canadian Telephone Standards" 6k

tel_line.txt  "Tel Modem Line Noise FAQ" 32k

tesla.txt     "Where to get info about Tesla coils" 11k

tube-ger.txt  "Pinouts for some German wartime tubes" 4k

tubedata.sum  "Summary of transmit tube data" 14k

tvich18.txt   "Info on TVI from Cable Ch 18" 31k

usaburo.txt   "USA (only) QSL Buro" 2k

wb3ffv.txt    "Info on the WB3FFV Internet BBS" 4k

wefaxfrq.txt  "Frequencies for HF Weather FAX" 933

wwvinfo.txt   "General information about WWV" 19k

wwwsites.txt  "List of Amateur Radio World Wide Web sites" 2k

yellsht.txt   "Address of Ham Trader Yellow Sheets" 865

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/vec (License Exam information):

610instr.txt  "Using FCC Form 610: license changes, renewal, lost etc." 10k  "Updated Advanced pool - effective 7/1/95" 154k

advanced.txt  "Advanced Pool - Expires 6/30/95" 146k

contact.fcc   "How and WHEN to contact FCC - phone #s and addresses" 4k

examaccm.txt  "Exam accommodations - for disabled applicants" 5k

examexmt.txt  "Morse code exemptions for severely-handicapped applicants" 4k

examinfo.txt  "Examinations - what to bring - VEC/FCC requirements" 11k

examnews.txt  "Exam-procedure changes - ARRL VE Express Newsletter" 14k

exams.txt     "Current exam schedule info - updated bi-weekly" 77k

extra.txt     "Extra Pool - Expires 6/30/96" 146k

general.txt   "General Pool - effective 7/1/94" 82k

improve.vec   "News release on ARRL VEC program improvements" 2k

locked.out    "Outdated and defective questions (See April 94 QST)" 353

lost-lic.txt  "Instructions on replacing a lost license" 2k

novice.txt    "Novice Pool - effective 7/1/93" 92k   "What is required to become a Volunteer Examiner" 4k

tech.txt      "Technician Pool - effective 7/1/93" 76k

vecslist.txt  "List of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators" 1k

pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/w1aw (W1AW Bulletins and descriptions):

w1aw1995.des  "W1AW Bulletin descriptions for 1995" 6k