
Station This is my shack up-stairs in my home. It occupies one other 20 square meter room. I'm 66 years old and was Extra class licensed in 1953.

Internet space I have "Internet space" at back side of Ham. The equipment are IBM Aptiva with scanner and ISDN modem etc.


I am located in northeast Hirakata which just on the border line of Osaka and Kyoto Prefectures. It is at the top of a hill(60 meters above sea-level). I can see the Osaka Plain from a window in my house. However a super high voltage line is over head. Hirakata is located in the North Eastern part of Osaka Prefecture between the two major cities of the Kansai Region, Kyoto and Osaka. Kyoto is 27 kms to the Northeast and Osaka is 21 kms to the Southwest.
Most of Hirakata is located on the plateau that extends westward from the Ikoma Mountain Range. The Mountain Range forms the border between Osaka and Nara Prefecture. Remains of prehistoric people who inhabited this area show that Hirakata has had a long history of association with the Yodo River located to the West. In terms of area, Hirakata is the ninth largest city in Osaka Prefecture as it spans 12 kms from East to West and 8.7 kms from North to South covering a total area of 65.07 square kms. The climate is mild throughout the year with fine weather most of the time.
For details Hirakata city

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