What is Amateur Radio?

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Amateur Radio is a hobby that knows no boundaries. With the aim (in the UK) of self-training in wireless communications, whether your interest is in world-wide communications, chatting to local amateurs or perhaps you are interested in space communications, Amateur Radio is the hobby for you.

It is a licensed hobby and in the UK currently there are three stages of licence. For more information see our courses page.

Amateur Radio involves making contacts with other radio amateurs around the world, how you do this and when is entirely up to you so long as you stay within your licence restrictions.

It is a unique hobby that can create friendships around the world that are unparalleled to any other, can most people say to their friends at work that last night they had a friendly chat with Jim in Melbourne and Stan in Wellington?

The methods and modes of amateur radio are almost unlimited and radio amateurs are constantly at the fore-front of science, pioneering new communication techniques, if amateur radio didn’t exist then there would not be any mobile telephones! Whether you prefer talking to sending Morse Code to transmitting your own television pictures, the hobby is wide open to you.