ZS4TX Bernie van der Walt, Bloemfontein South Africa
Welcome to my homepage! My amateur radio activities are mainly centered around low band DXing and a limited amount of contesting. This site includes a few stories and pictures of my station as well as links to other sites that has proven useful to me.
My station consists of an Icom IC7800 combined with an Icom 756PRO III for SO2R operation during contests. My main tower, a 30m guyed lattice, houses a 2 Element Yagi for 80m with a 3 Element Yagi for 40m on the same boom. Above the 40/80 Yagi at 33m above ground level is a separately rotatable KLM KT34XA Tribander. The tower is shunt fed for 160m.
A page for redundant equipment and components has also been added and can be viewed here: http://www.zs4tx.co.za/swopshop This page will be updated frequently.
I am the QSL Manager for 7P8Z and ST0F
My visit to the D4B Superstation in Cape Verde
Picture Gallery
IC781 Repairs at Kindergarten level!
1988 VHF Contest Square Bashing A VHF Contest expedition gone bad.
Famous visitors to my station: ZS8IR ZL8RS G3XTT & ZS6EZ
Antenna Installations (July 2001)
Updated Antenna setup for CQWW CW (November 2001) Tower 1 Tower 2
Aerial view of house and antennas (2002)
Tuning the 80m Yagi (2000)
View from tower (East)
Picture of SO2R radio setup (2004)
KT34XA Installation on main tower
Main tower antenna setup (2004) Main tower rotor setup (2004)
Equipment and components for sale/swop
Band Country Listing for Southern Africa maintained by ZS6EZ
SCK II CW & SSB Combo SO2R Contest Keyer The Super Combo Keyer provides you with full two-radio support on CW and SSB, with no external switching required. It supports most of the popular logging packages. Join the Big League with a minimum of fuss and bother!
More pictures and links will be added so please visit again!
Updated: 20 July 2009