Welcome to Amateur Radio Station WA7RF - Robert S. Fisher

You have tuned into the web page of Extra Class Amatuer Radio Operator WA7RF. My name is Robert S. Fisher and glad you stopped by. My family, home, career and hobbies keep me pretty busy so I work on these web pages as time permits. The pages are being improved, content revised and added as I can get to it. Presently there are few if any pictures and graphics. Once I get some of the information published I plan to add pictures, schematics and graphics as I have time. Please check back so you can to see the changes.

Amateur Radio is such a wonderful and diverse hobby. There are so many modes, techniques and methods that the hobby can literally take a lifetime to experience. I have either operated, experimented, built equipment for, or studied about most all of the modes and frequencies available to Hams in the U.S. I am by no way a expert in any of it but am ready to learn more and answer questions and Elmer anyone on what the hobby has to offer. I plan to spend the rest of my lifetime lesiurely building upon what experience I have. These web pages are a feeble attempt to express this knowledge and to discover more about the hobby. As I publish them I learn more about the hobby and as you read them I hope you will learn something and find the pages useful.

I share the hobby of Amatuer Radio with my lovely wife Tina, KD7MMX, Rachel my daughter, KD7MOW and son Ryan, KD7MMW. Since Ham Radio is a family affair we have a fairly extentsive assortment of equipment that we use. I am the most active but the other family members are active as their schedule allows. Please browse the following areas to learn more.

LOOK HERE!!!! Click on Link Below for BBQ and Ham Get Together.

August 3, 2002 Ham BBQ and Eyeball QSO Party

Our Stations

Our Modes and Frequencies

Our Techniques and Ham Activites

Our Favorite Links

Find me now with APRS

Again I encourage you to check back often as I will be updating often and including the pictures, links and other exciting stuff that makes a good web page. You are looking at the very first draft so things are a little boring. Please feel free to e-mail me at the link below and I hope to see ya on the air!

E-mail WA7RF

QRZ Lookup of WA7RF

QRZ Lookup of KD7MMX

QRZ Lookup of KD7MMW

QRZ Lookup of KD7MOW

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