RACES Logo Western Washington District 3 - ARES® & RACES ARES Logo

  1. General Info
  2. Grays Harbor County
  3. Lewis County
  4. Mason County
  5. Pacific County
  6. Thurston County
  7. City of Centralia
  8. Info Links
  9. Revision History

Welcome to our website and thank you for visiting!

Western Washington District 3 consists of five counties and one city.

This website is part of Washington ARES and should provide contact information for all of District 3. The District 3 ARES net meets every Sunday at 7:15 PM on the  BeachNet  and  Capitol Peak  repeater systems.

Leadership Name Call Sign Telephone
Western WA Section Manager (SM) Robert M. Purdom AD7LJ (253) 691-2388
Western WA Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) Monte L. Simpson W7FF (360) 633-7665
District 3 Emergency Coordinator (DEC) Steve Tomlin W7SLT (360) 970-6850
Grays Harbor County Emergency Coordinator (EC/RO) Doyle Wenzel N7UJK (360) 532-7470
Lewis County Emergency Coordinator (EC/RO) Bill Harwell AC7SR (360) 807-4704
Mason County Emergency Coordinator (EC/RO) Tom Dennis KA4VVA (360) 482-8378
Pacific County Emergency Coordinator (EC/RO) Bob Cline N7CVW (360) 665-4496
Thurston County Emergency Coordinator (EC/RO) Steve Tomlin W7SLT (360) 970-6850
City of Centralia Emergency Coordinator (EC) Bob Willey KD7OWN (360) 736-9633

District 3 Net Control Duty Roster

Month Unit
January 2025 Grays Harbor
February 2025 Lewis
March 2025 Mason
April 2025 Pacific
May 2025 Thurston
June 2025 Grays Harbor
July 2025 Lewis
August 2025 Mason
September 2025 Pacific
October 2025 Thurston
November 2025 Grays Harbor
December 2025 Lewis

District 3 Net Documents

Grays Harbor County

About Us

Grays Harbor Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AEC) volunteers provide communications support to all emergency response agencies of Grays Harbor County including the Department of Emergency Management (DEM) and other multi-jurisdictional Emergency Operations Centers/shelters. This may include using equipment and frequencies beyond the traditional boundaries of Amateur Radio on any authorized radio, which may be connected with the on-going emergency. This support may involve the use of telephone, cellular, computer, internet, e-mail, Packet/Pactor systems and in-office support of those managing the event. AEC members are not emergency communications dispatchers.

While AEC is rooted in the ARES and RACES Amateur Radio programs, changes in communication technology and the requirements needed by public safety organizations require operators to be trained in communication areas other than operations on a selected frequency of a single service.

Until the mid 90s, there were two local teams which were then combined into one larger team trained to handle all served agencies. This has created a single point of contact for these agencies to receive communication support. The Grays Harbor DEM selected the name, Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AEC).

The DEM sponsors and manages the AEC program. Members of the combined team complete the AEC membership application and are credentialed through the DEM office. This then allows members to respond as RACES if needed and are covered under the Washington State Emergency worker program when activated with a state mission number.

AEC expects its personnel to be more than just operators of radios on a "call if you need me" basis. AEC members strive to be professional communicators, who work as non-paid staff with the DEM to respond to the Emergency Operations Center or to any location necessary to maintain or enhance communications for the duration of the emergency. AEC is dedicated to working in partnership with the public-safety community to excel in the ability to provide professional emergency communications resources and services.

Auxiliary Emergency Communications members may respond with their personal equipment to set up communications most anywhere in the county and support the DEM radio room in Montesano which has communications capabilities on all Amateur Radio bands as well as Law Enforcement, fire, marine, air, transportation, PUD and state emergency frequencies.

AEC has structured five Amateur radio repeaters throughout the county, which are used to carry out its program. AEC encourages its members to first, take care of themselves, family and neighbors during an emergency, but then to think about the larger picture. We strive to recruit communicators who look beyond their hobby as Amateur radio operators and wish to serve their community by committing to AEC and its goals.

Please address requests for additional information to [email protected]


Name Call Sign Position Telephone
Doyle Wenzel N7UJK EC/RO (360) 532-7470
George Stone AC7AI AEC/EOC Radio Manager (360) 249-4526
Leslie O'Brien N7LOB AEC/NCS (360) 533-4359

EOC Contacts

Name Telephone
EOC (360) 249-3911
Radio Room (360) 964-1581

Repeater Frequencies

Frequency Tone Location Link
444.950+ 118.8 Capital Peak (Linked to KO Peak - Pacific County)
444.050+ 118.8 Elma - Minot Peak (Linked to KO Peak - Pacific County)
145.390- 118.8 Cosmopolis (Linked to KO Peak - Pacific County)
444.700+ 118.8 Neilton (Linked to KO Peak - Pacific County)
444.200+ 118.8 Ocean Shores (Linked to KO Peak - Pacific County)

Packet Stations



Department of Emergency Management

Lewis County

About Us

In section 97.1 of the Amateur Radio Service rules, the FCC describes the fundamental purpose of the Amateur Radio Service. The basis and purpose of the Amateur Radio Service include five principles:

  1. Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary, noncommercial communications service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.
  2. Continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art.
  3. Encouragement and improvement of the amateur radio service through the rules which provide for advancing skills in both the communications and technical phase of the art.
  4. Expansion of the existing revision with in the amateur radio service of trained operators, technicians and electronics experts.
  5. Continuation and extension of the amateur's unique ability to enhance good will.

This is what the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) program is all about and what each ARES unit strives for in all its members.


Name Call Sign Position Telephone
Bill Harwell AC7SR EC/RO (360) 807-4704
Eugene O'Neill AF7JM AEC (360) 747-0101
Mike Payne AC7UP AEC (360) 785-3025
James Van Ornum AE7TF AEC (360) 557-6234


Sundays, at 1845 hours, the Lewis County ARES net meets on the Baw Faw Repeater, 147.060+, 110.9 tone

Mason County

About Us

Mason County ARES is a residential responder based organization. During an emergency Mason County ARES members will remain at their residences and act as net control operators establishing community based radio nets. The purpose of these nets is to provide a temporary emergency communications system to replace a compromised traditional phone system. This will allow for the timely requests for assistance and organizing the community based self rescue efforts.

The Mason County ARES does not provide AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS to the Mason County Department of Emergency Management or the MST program. For information regarding these programs please contact the Mason County Department of Emergency Management at 360-427-9670.


Name Call Sign Position Telephone
Tom Dennis KA4VVA ARES EC/RO (360) 490-0446
John Carpenter N7HNO AEC/ARO (425) 677-0191


Amateur Radio Clubs in Mason County

The amateur radio clubs in our county are separate and apart from ARES®, yet most club members who have the time also belong to ARES. Both clubs sponsor our emergency communications effort by the funding and upkeep of their respective repeaters, each of which are dedicated to emergency use by all amateurs. Show up for a meeting when you get a chance. Each club offers excellent fellowship and plenty of activities to keep your amateur radio hobby fresh and alive.

North Mason Amateur Radio Emergency Service Club (NMARES) meets 4th Thursday at 7 PM in the Belfair area.

Pacific County

About Us

Our main EOC (callsign WA7PC) is in South Bend behind the courthouse. Our Alternate EOC (callsign W7RDR) is in Long Beach at the County Building.

The Pacific County Amateur Radio Club meets the second Saturday every month at Hunter's Inn restaurant in Naselle at 9 AM local. Talk-in frequency is 146.860.

Repeater Frequencies:

Packet Stations


Name Call Sign Position Telephone e-mail
Bob Cline N7CVW EC/RO (360) 665-4496 [email protected]
Frank Wolfe NM7R AEC - Technical/Training (360) 665-5292 [email protected]
Dick Santoro AA7NS AEC - Community Comms (541) 225-7644 [email protected]
Dan Dimick N7DRD AEC - (503)915-9400 [email protected]
Howard Auble W7HGA AEC - South Bend EOC (360) 942-8036 [email protected]
Tom Manning W7EM AEC - Long Beach EOC (360) 665-0084 [email protected]
Mark Clemmens K7MHC AEC - AHAB Siren Testing (360) 665-4807 [email protected]
AEC - Beach Cleanup

To join the Pacific County ARES and/or RACES team, send an email to Bob Cline EC/RO and he will send you the appropriate forms. We welcome anyone wishing to help our county with emergency communications.


The Pacific County Emergency Services Net meets every Thursday at 1930 hours on the Beachnet which is also linked to the Clatsop County, Oregon W7BU system 145.45 repeater.

Thurston County

About Us

Please contact Thurston County on their website at  https://www.wa7oly.org 

City of Centralia

About Us

The Centralia Amateur Radio Emergency Services Team supports the Centralia Police Department, Riverside Fire Authority and the City of Centralia's Emergency Operations Center. Our primary mission is to provide amateur radio communications to the EOC should normal forms of communications fail. Other requirements include performing windshield surveys for the Incident Commanders, delivery and placement of command and communication vehicles when requested, upkeep and delivery of deep water rescue vehicles during area floods, urban searches, traffic control and monitoring local sandbag stations.

Member training and drills are conducted the first and third Mondays beginning with an activation net at 6:30 PM on the K7CEM repeater, 145.490, -600, tone 110.9.


Name Call Sign Position Telephone
Bob Willey KD7OWN EC (360) 669-3328
Bill Knepper N7GWK AEC
Paul Barwick KE7PCB AEC
Don Lockridge AI7CE AEC


First and third Monday evening, 5:30 PM, K7CEM repeater, 145.490 MHz, -600 kHz, tone 110.9 Hz

City of Lacey

 City of Lacey Information is for historical purposes only. 

About Us

The Lacey ARES group was officially formed in 2013. Our mission is to support the City of Lacey, WA with Amateur Radio Communication during all Exercises and Emergencies. We are HF capable on all bands, 2-meter and 440 voice and 2-meter packet. If you are interested in joining a small, but energized group, please call our EC or AEC.


Name Call Sign Position Telephone
Tom Palmateer K7TCM ARES EC (360) 292-3057


Monday evenings at 7 PM on the W7PSE repeater, 145.150 MHz, -600 kHz offset, 103.5 Hz tone.

East Thurston County ARES

About Us

Please see our website  etc-ares.org 


Name Call Sign Position Telephone
Gary Hurnblad WA7SH ARES EC

Information and Links

 BeachNet  Linked Voice Repeater Network

Ocean Park (Pacific)  145.170 –600 kHz 118.8
North Cove (Pacific)  145.310 –600 kHz 118.8
North Cove (Naselle Reciever)  145.310 –600 kHz 114.8
Cosmopolis (Grays Harbor)  145.390 –600 kHz 118.8
Grays River (Wahkiakum)  147.020 +600 kHz 118.8
Megler (Pacific)  147.180 +600 kHz   82.5
South Bend (Pacific)  147.340 +600 kHz   82.5
KO Peak (Not Linked)  224.040 –1.6 MHz 118.8
South Bend (Pacific)  224.820 –1.6 MHz   82.5
Naselle (Pacific)  440.675    +5 MHz 118.8
KO Peak (Pacific)  441.675    +5 MHz 118.8
South Bend (Pacific)  442.675    +5 MHz 118.8
Minot Peak (Grays Harbor)  444.050    +5 MHz 118.8
Ocean Shores (Grays Harbor)  444.200    +5 MHz 118.8
Cathlamet (Wahkiakum)  444.300    +5 MHz 118.8
North Cove (Not Linked)  444.400    +5 MHz 118.8
Nicolai (Clatsop)  444.500    +5 MHz 118.8
Neilton (Grays Harbor)  444.700    +5 MHz 118.8
Long Beach (Pacific)  444.800    +5 MHz 118.8
Capitol Peak (Grays Harbor)  444.950    +5 MHz 118.8

Other Voice Repeaters

Baw Faw (Chehalis)  147.060 +600 kHz 110.9
Capital Peak (D3 Net)  145.470 –600 kHz 100.0
South Mtn (Mason)  145.270 –600 kHz 103.5

Packet Nodes

HolyX WA7PC-6  145.630 Pacific
Minot W7EOC-7  145.630 Grays Harbor
Neiltn W7EOC-6  145.630 Grays Harbor
SMTN N7SK-7  145.630 Mason
3sis W7SEM-7  145.630 Pierce
NICOLI WA6TTR-13  145.630 Cathlamet
GHDEM CAPTL  145.630 McCleary
KMHill WA6TTR-6  145.630 Grays River
ABERD W7EOC-5  145.630 Grays Harbor

Winlink RMS Gateways

K7HTZ-10  145.020 YES Olympia
K7HTZ-10  145.630 YES Olympia
K7IF-10  145.020 YES Lacey
KF7DJC-10  145.010 YES YES Chehalis
KF7DJC-10  145.630 YES Chehalis
N7DRD-10  145.010 YES Ocean Park
N7GWK-10  145.630 YES Centralia
N7LOB-10  145.630 YES Aberdeen
W7EFR-14  145.020 YES Sammanish
W7EFR-12  145.630 YES Sammanish

EOC Email

K7CEM-1  145.630 Centralia
W7EOC-1  145.630 Grays Harbor
KF7DJC (Winlink) Lewis
WA7MCU-3  145.630 Mason
WA7PC-1  145.630 Pacific-North
W7RDR-1  145.010 Pacific-South
WA7OLY-3  145.020 VARA FM Thurston

Revision History