Route 66 On The Air
The Westside Amateur Radio Club participates in and supports the annual Route-66 On the Air week-long special event.
This year marks the 24rth year of this great radio event. The Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club coordinates the event, and WARC operates two out of 20 stations located in cities along the old Route 66, from Santa Monica to Chicago. The event is a way to provide amateur radio operators a fun way to “Relive the Ride.” They also can relive their own memories of Route 66, and get to celebrate the highway’s rich history in making the U.S. what it is today.
Look for WARC's Special Event stations, W6A and W6B, during the next (25th Anniversery) Route 66 On The Air week, September 7 - Sept. 15, 2024:
W6A (Santa Monica, CA)
W6B (Los Angeles, CA)
Click this link for more Route 66 On the Air information
These are WARC’s QSL cards for this year’s (2023) event.

ARRL Field Day
WARC Field Day
The Westside Amateur Radio Club participates in ARRL’s Annual Field Day, which is always held on the 4th full weekend in june. Next year’s 2025 Field Day will be held on June 28-29. Check out our club’s photos from our last Field Day at:
WARC Annual Holiday Breakfast
WARC Holiday Party
The Westside Amateur Radio Club holds an annual Holiday Breakfast, which is usually held early in December. Check out our club’s photos from our breakfast by clicking on the active text below: