Photographs by Lora, WD8LPN, of her "little puppies", flowers, and butterflies. Steve (ex-KA8PTW), Alisca, and Curtis still near Clio, MI.
(Yes, another former EMT, Skywarn spotter, active in ARES and RACES, disaster relief, etc).
(Page not complete).
Read about the EN83 HSCW Operation from
Steve's place in Michigan.
(Page not complete).
W8WN, a.k.a. Shelby the Superfluous - no, radio isn't all he's into!
If you really want to be bored, follow these links for his work in the LCT, Vent, Illusions, etc etc.
(Page still under construction).
NINE picture pages of the Colorful Living Christmas Tree, with behind-the-scenes shots, technical information (e.g.,130 AC Amps going into the lights for the Tree proper, 10,000 watts of audio).
Click on funnel for 1997 KY Ohio River flood and Magnolia KY tornado touchdown report.
Information on ordering the ARES CAP
More pages later. More ARES, severe weather, disaster, and other files planned.
From the "Really strange" department:
Click for a look at the Y2K Bug! (77K) Aren't you glad we missed it?
Click to download an Executable program that can be used as a game or screen saver, entitled saddam.exe. (It's name is a description of the program). (304K) (Authors unknown)
Unauthorized biography of Shelby Ennis! Read this quick, before he finds it and deletes it!
73, Shelby, W8WN, Elizabethtown, KY, EM77bq - E-mail,