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Some photos of my ham radio 3D prints. Some are my own design and others I found on Thingiverse.
Thingiverse is a cooperative site for open source 3D model sharing. You can check out my profile there to see what I am designing and printing.
Many of my designs are ham radio bits and pieces for use with military surplus fiberglass mast sections. I recently bought a dozen sections on Ebay. I can use 8 sections to get my HamStick Dipole up about 30 feet an the other four for an 40/80 Meter NVIS antenna, which only needs to be about 15 feet off the ground.
A dipole center insulator from Thingiverse. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:175331
My design for a dipole insulator for fiberglass pole, with SO-238 connector. It can be installed at the top of the mast or between sections. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4542486
Dipole Insulator, close view.
One section below Hamstick Dipole. The dipole wires can double as guy wires.
Egg Insulator from Thingiverse. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3557846
Failed print that came off the platten. It shows the low volume infill.
The guy ring with dipole insulators for fiberglass mast section.
The one with the hook is to hang other centerinsulators or a balun.
My design for a Guy Ring for fiberglass mast sections. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4514957
One section down from a HAMstick Dipole.
My design for a mast top insulator for dipole or NVIS antenna. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4542494
Four holes on top and two on each side to attach wires, and holes layed out for an SO-238 UHF connector.
With guy ring, but antenna wires can also be used as guys.