W5ECO - Houston ECHO Society - Calendar
Calendar of Events - 2025
- Monday, February
10 meeting - wrap up of Houston Marathon by Lee
Gaspard WA5QXE - 7 p.m. at Red Cross on Southwest Freeway near Kirby.
Dinner before the meeting at Goode Company, corner of Westpark and
Kirby). Also open nominations for 2025 officers.
March tbd
April tbd
May tbd
June tbd
July tbd
club meeting is Monday, July 22 at the Red Cross. Guest Speaker is Gail
Close K5GAC, who will bring us an update on the amateur radio
community's active hams and working relationship with the hospital
community. We will discuss field day results and we will discuss plans for the 50th anniversary special event station.
January 8 meeting - discuss Houston Marathon, 50th anniversary and if time, presentation on unusual call signs.
Previous meetings in 2023
- January
9, 2023 general meeting - we will have updates on Houston Marathon,
Work Bouvet and discuss possible presentations for the year. We will
meet at 7 p.m. at Red Cross. Prior to meeting we will eat dinner at
Goode Company. Zoom link will be emailed.
- February
13, 2023 general meeting - presentation by Rick K5GZR on six meters.
Prior to meeting we will eat dinner at Goode Company. Zoom link will be
emailed. Nomination of officers
- March
13, 2023 general meeting - presentation by Peyton KE5ZDZ plus others on
"Autopsy of 3Y0J." Prior to meeting we will eat dinner at Goode
Company. Zoom link will be emailed. Officers will be elected at this
10, 2023 general meeting - we will view a short YouTube video of the
hamfest by Ham Radio 2.0 and then have a short discussion by Peyton
KE5ZDZ on saltwater/Texas City dike operating ideas. Also start
discussing Field Day ideas and 50th anniversary ideas.
August 14 - speaker Brian Shircliffe AD5OS on Bluetti batteries.
September meeting - Monday, September 11 - September presentation on Zoom by Ed WX2R about eclipses and ham radio- ZOOM ONLY no in person meeting
October 2023 - presentation is by Sean Linkenheimer N5LNK - Parks on the Air (POTA)
November 13 presentation is on Zoom by Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA on propagation. He
retired in October 2013 after 41 years as an RF design engineer with
Motorola and then with Raytheon (formerly Magnavox). He designed
solid-state RF power amplifiers. We will meet in person as usual or you can join us on Zoom.
December dinner and gift exchange tba