2024 Virginia QSO Party

Updated 5 June 2024

The Virginia QSO Party is held during the 3rd full weekend in March.

The 2024 Virginia QSO Party will be held during the weekend of 16-17 March 2024.
          Saturday, 16 March, 1400 UTC - Sunday, 17 March, 0400 UTC and
          Sunday, 17 March, 1200 UTC - 2400 UTC.

VaQP Awards Ceremony:
Pictures of the short awards ceremony at the Manassas Tailgate on Saturday, 1 June 2024, starting at 0900.  We passed out the plaques at that time and took pictures of the plaque awardees and sponsors.    The Achievement Certificates available. 
We will mail the plaques and certificates not picked up at the ceremony within a few weeks.

Log MetaData:  The Log MetaData file contains the cabrillo header file information and the scores for the submitted logs. We believe this is the final version. Regular mail was checked on 16 April.  Might be a few more paper logs in the next mail. Updated 3 May 2024 1 May 2024.

Post-Party TidbitsComments and Soapbox after the 2024 VaQP.

Log submittal:  Here are you options to submit your log.  The list of logs submitted is updated once a day. It may take day or two for your log to show up on this list.

Announced Operations:  This is a list of announced operations in Virginia.  We hope to get coverage of all the counties and independent cities identified early.  If you are planning on operating a station in Virginia, please send an email to [email protected].   A list of "Most Wanted" counties and independent cities for fixed station operation is in the VQP Briefing.

Operating Aids:
    * John, KX4O, provides a dxcluster devoted to VQP contacts.  http://www.qsoparty.com
  * Andy, K1RA, provides a mobile tracker. 
            Map with Tracking:  https://k1ra.us/vaqp-aprs/
             Real-Tiem APRS Station call tracker list, for screen constrained deivces: 
    * Mike, N4CF, provides a Call History File for N1MM Logger+  http://n4cf.mdodd.com/vaqp-ch.html  based on the

2023 Virginia QSO Party logs.

Pre-Party Briefing:  A presentation providing information about the upcoming 2024 Virginia QSO Party, statistics from previous years, etc. Updated 6 March 2024 15 February 24.

FAQ:  Answers to a few questions not answered elsewhere. Updated 7 March 2023.

The tentative list of plaques for the 2024 VaQP has been drafted updated on 2 March 2024 31 January 2024 13 January 2024 1 January 2024
                We have one plaque that needs a new sponsor.

                We have a new plaque for this year and have redefined an old plaque from last year.  The plaque Single-Operator Single-Receiver has been split into two plaques Single Operator Single Receiver CW HF-Only and Single Operator Single Receiver SSB HF-Only. These are available only to Virginia stations.

VQP Contest Rules.  The rules are posted.  They are available in three formats (PDFHTML, and DOC).
       Comments may be mailed to [email protected].

Rule Changes.  During October and November, we considered rule changes.  We received several comments.  They have been resolved as follows:
   1) Allow self-spotting.  Concur.  We will allow self spotting.
   2) Separate SO1R plaque into SO1R/CW and SO1R SSB plaques.  Concur.  We added caveat that this is for HF-only logs and limited to Virginia Stations.
   3) Initiate a HF-only plaque. Concur.  See above.
   4) Re-evaluate Mobile, Rover, and Expedition categories.  Resolved to leave these categories as is for another year.  The objective is to provide more opportunity for non-fixed stations to earn a plaque.
   5) Clarify allowing FT-8/4 contacts.  Resolved that we require the defined elements of the exchange, i.e., call sign, RS(T), and SN.  We do not know anyway this can be currently accomplished in FT-8/4.  Also a consideration was the both parties to a contact should be aware they are participating in the Virginia QSO Party.

Contest Logging Programs.  Logging programs designed for the Virginia QSO Party always help. We accept any logs, but logs submitted electronically and compliant with any cabrillo format are preferred. The following logging programs have been used in the past and they have been modified to support the Virginia QSO Party.  We re-score all logs submitted, so it is important to ensure your log contains all the required information.
    * N1MM+ Logger http://www.n1mm.com.
    * Scott & Kimberly, N3FJP & KA3SEQ Amateur Contact Log  http://www.n3fjp.com/.
    * WriteLog http://www.writelog.com/. 

    * WA7BNM Web2Cabrillo http://www.b4h.net/cabforms/   A manual entry cabrillo file generator.  Easy to use for those with QSOs not already in a cabrillo file.  Go to the web site.  Select Virginia QSO Party.  Fill in the forms.  In the last step, the program e-mails a Cabrillo file to [email protected], with a copy to the submitter's e-mail address. 

Virginia Counties and Independent Cities: 95 counties and 38 independent cities (html format or MS Document or PDF format).

Paper Log Summary Sheets: (.pdf or .doc)  Used to record header information when submitting paper logs. This form is not required for cabrillo formatted electronic logs.

Worked All Virginia Award:  The "Worked All Virginia" award is offered by the Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club

Presentation Offer and Schedule: SPARC will give a presentation on the Virginia QSO Party to any group in Virginia.

Planning Calendar: The calendar is available for review.

Comments, questions, and recommendations should be emailed to [email protected].

Previous Virginia QSO Parties

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