2016 Virginia QSO Party

Updated: 9 July 2016

The Virginia QSO Party is held during the 3rd full weekend in March.

The 2016 Virginia QSO Party was held  during the weekend of 19-20 March 2016.

Certificates Mailed on 9 July 2016.  Picture of certificate mailing party.

Awards Ceremony:  The VQP awards ceremony was held at 0900 on Sunday, 19 June, at the Manassas hamfest.  Pictures and the Awards Briefing.

VQP MetaData:  This is the metadata/scores database  (UPDATED on 7 July) and the list of Multi-Op operators (UPDATED on 7 May).  This is posted to enable you to identify any mistakes in the data.  This list will be aperiodically update as it is reviewed and corrected. We have recomputed all the scores and the listed score may not match that produced by your logging program.  If you notice a mistake, please send an email to [email protected]

Post Party Soapbox.  Comments and pictures about the Party.

Tidbits and Activations:  A page devoted to comments on plans and advice in preparation for the 2016 Virginia QSO party.  Emails to [email protected] will be posted here as appropriate.

VQP Briefing: (PDF format ~10 MB ) A presentation suitable for club meetings on the Virginia QSO Party. Includes rules, Party statistics, descriptions of certificates.  This will be updated aperiodically to reflect new or changed information. Last updated on 5 Feb 16.

Plaques and Sponsors:  We have 27 plaques this year.  Many thanks to the sponsors for their time and donations.  We will have a new plaque starting in 2016.  The K4AMG Memorial Amateur Radio Club will sponsor a plaque for High Single Operator Young Adult, i.e., 19-24 years old.  This complements the Youth plaque sponsored by the same organization for 18 years old and younger.

CertificateThe certificate for the 2016 Virginia QSO Party celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Richmond Amateur Radio Club. 

VQP Contest Rules: ( html format,   MSWord format,   PDF format )

We have one major changes for the 2016 Virginia QSO Party from previous years.  We will use other stations in Virginia as bonus stations (using their own call sign) in addition to K4NVA. The bonus stations will operate in HF, be on the air for a significant period of time, (i.e., at least 4 hours on 40M) and would either 1) operate from a county or independent city with a low number of QSOs last year or 2) commemorate a special event or activity. 

Contact with each bonus station is worth 100 pts.  There are 14 bonus stations for a total of 1,400 points if all bonus stations are contacted.  All electronic logs are re-scored by the Virginia QSO Party Committee, so if your logging program does not credit the bonus points, just submit the log.  The re-scoring process will credit the points.   

The bonus stations for the 2016 Virginia QSO Party are shown in the following diagram and more information is available at Bonus_Stations/2016_VQP_Bonus_Stations_Detail.htm .

Cabrillo Files Format:  Electronic submissions  in the attached Cabrillo file format are requested.  (PDF  or HTML)

Contest Logging Programs.  Logging programs designed for the Virginia QSO Party always help. We accept any logs, but logs submitted electronically and compliant with any cabrillo format are preferred. The following logging programs have been used in the past and they have been modified to support the Virginia QSO Party.  We re-score all logs submitted, so it is important to ensure your log contains all the required information.
    * N1MM Logger http://www.n1mm.com.
    * Scott & Kimberly, N3FJP & KA3SEQ Amateur Contact Log  http://www.n3fjp.com/.
    * WriteLog http://www.writelog.com/. 

    Ham submitting logs should remember to put their club name in the header information for cabrillo files or the summary sheet for paper logs. 
      This is the only way we can credit your score to your club.

Virginia Counties and Independent Cities: 95 counties and 38 independent cities (html format or MS Document or PDF format).  

Paper Log Summary Sheets: (.pdf or .doc) Updated for 2016. Used to record header information for paper logs. This form is not required for cabrillo formatted electronic logs.

Worked All Virginia Award:  The "Worked All Virginia" award is offered by the Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club.  See their web site for additional information.

Presentation Offer and Schedule: SPARC will give a presentation on the Virginia QSO Party to any group in Virginia

Planning Calendar: The calendar is available for review.

Previous Virginia QSO Parties

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