Park Amateur Radio Club Awards Ceremony Team |
Gordon Miller, NQ4K, welcomed attendees to the 2016 Virginia QSO Party Awards Ceremony. |
Bill Robbins, KJ4VTH, is the VQP plaque manager. |
Eric Carlson, AJ4LN, recorded the ceremony. |
Ray Mullins, KD4RSL, immortalized the event on film. |
Gary Rinker, K4SRX, assisted with the presentation of the plaques. |
The presentation of
the plaques. |
(no photo) The plaque for the Single Operator Young Adult (19-24) was sponsored by the K4AMG memorial Amateur Radio Club and was not awarded due to no entries. |
John Kanode, N4MM, (on left), assisted by Gary, K4SRX, presented the plaque for High DX Station sponsored by the the North Shenandoah DX Association to Bengt Thorbjornsson, SE5L, from Sweden (not present). |
Bill, KJ4VTH, presented the High Virginia Mobile Multiple-Operator plaque sponsored in memory of Jim Purks, KF4PQL(SK) to Robert Rodriguez, KJ4NXG, and Charles Altman, KK4SQZ, (not present). |
Craig Buck, K4IA, (from RARA) and Gary, K4SRX, presented the Outside Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque sponsored by the Rappahannock Amateur Radio Association (RARA) to John Wulf, K4FT, from Kentucky (not present). |
Bill, KJ4VTH, presented the Single Operator Digital Mode plaque sponsored by Chris Walter, KI4CBF, to Gary Yohe, WR4PS (not present). |
Gary, K4SRX, and David Robinson, KJ4LHP, presented the High Single Operator VHF-Only plaque sponsored by the Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society to Spencer Packard, K4IMP and Benjamin Packard, N3FQ (not present). |
Bill, KJ4VTH, presented the Outside Virginia Phone/Mixed QRP plaque sponsored by Dave Williams, K7HMP, to Dave Edmonds, WN4AFP (not present). |
Gary, K4SRX, presented the Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque sponsored in memory of Virtnam Veterans by George Marsh, K4GAM, to Don Baucom, K4YND. |
David Robinson, KJ4LHP, (on right) presented the High Single-Operator Novice-Tech-Rookie plaque sponsored by the Richmond Amateur Radio Club to Daniel Shields, KM4HTW. |
Gary Crawford, K0ZR, (from LARG) and Gary, K4SRX, presented the High Virginia Single-Operator CW Low Power plaque sponsored by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group to James R. Dudley, K4ORD (not present). |
The High Virginia Single-Operator Phone/Mixed QRP plaque was presented by Tom Kirby, KJ4FUU, representing the sponsor, the Alexandria Radio Club, W4HFH, to Ross Primrose, N4RP, from Fauquier (not present). |
Gary, K4SRX presented the High Virginia Mobile Single Operator plaque sponsored by the Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club in memory of Joe Imburgia, KI4LXT(SK) to Tom Zeltwanger, KG3V (on left). |
The High Single Operator Virginia Counties and Independent Cities Contacted plaque was presented by the sponsor Tom Zeltwanger, KG3V, and Bill, KJ4VTH to Mark J Wilson, K1RO, from New Hampshire (not present). |
The High Outside Virginia Single Operator plaque was presented by Tom Kirby, KJ4FUU, representing the plaque sponsor, the Alexandria Radio Club, W4HFH, and Gary, K4SRX, to Mark J Wilson, K1RO, from New Hampshire (not present). |
Bill, KJ4VTH presented the High Virginia Expedition plaque sponsored by the Alamance Amateur Radio Club, K4EG, to Samuel (Tony) Swindler, N4TGR (not present). |
The High Single Band Plaque was presented by Gary, K4SRX, and Kevin, WB0POH, (on right) representing the the plaque sponsor, the Vienna Wireless Society, to Craig E Buck, K4IA (on left). |
John Kanode, N4MM, (on left) representing SVARC, and Bill, KJ4VTH, presented the High Virginia Single-Operator Phone High Power plaque sponsored by the Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club to Carissa Ferguson, KJ4EZA from Virginia Beach (not present). |
(no photo) In a seperate ceremony, the High Single Operator Youth plaque sponsored by the K4AMG Memorial Amateur Radio Club was presented to Carissa Ferguson, KJ4EZA, from Virginia Beach. |
Jeff Fuller, WB6UIE, and Bill, KJ4VTH, presented the High Virginia Single-Operator Phone Low Power plaque sponsored by John Heartney, KG4NXT, to Matt Shelburne, W4GO (not present) |
Bill, KJ4VTH, presented the plaque for Single Operator CW High Power sponsored by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group to Jeffrey E Crawford, K0ZR. |
Gary, K4SRX, presented the High Multiple Operator Single Transmitter plaque sponsored by Morgan Phenix, K4RHD, to Station W4KKN operated by Mike D Kowalsky, AC8Y (not present), Jerome S Svinicki, K8LF (present accepting plaque),and Benjamin D Kowalsky, KM4OQO (not present). |
Bill, KJ4VTH, presented the High Virginia Single-Operator Low Power plaque sponsored by Don Sambol, K7CS to Richard Zwirko, K1HTV from Culpeper. |
John Huggins, KX4O, on right, presented the High Single-Operator Virginia QSOs Only plaque sponsored by to Richard Zwirko, K1HTV, from Culpeper. |
John Kanode, N4MM, (on left) and Gary, K4SRX, present the High Virginia Single-Operator High Power plaque sponsored by the North Shenandoah DX Association to Robert Morris, W4MYA, from Goochland (not present). |
Gordon Miller, NQ4K, (on right) presented the High Multiple Operator Multiple Transmitter plaque in memory of Jim Purks, KF4PQL(SK) to Station KW4VA from Clarke county represented by Andy Zwirko, K1RA. |
Gary, K4SRX, (in red shirt) and Kevin, WB0POH, on right representing the plaque sponsor, present the High Club - Combined Score plaque sponsored by the Vienna Wireless Society to the Fauquier Amateur Radio Association repeesented by (from left) Mike, KA4PRU; Karen, W4KRN; Andy, K1RA; John, KX4O; Don, KG3V; and Rich, K1HTV. |
John Huggins, KX4O, (on right) and Gary, K4SRX, (in red shirt) present the High Club - Virginia QSOs Only plaque sponsored by to the Fauquier Amateur Radio Association, represented by (from left) Mike, KA4PRU; Karen, W4KRN; Andy, K1RA; Don, KG3V; Rich, K1HTV; and John, KX4O (on right). |
Thank you for participating in the 2015 Virginia QSO Party. |
And other members of
the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club who were
present offering their
support. |
Monte, KV4KS. |
Bill, KC4ATU, past president of SPARC. |
Dick, W2YE. |
Duane, K4UW. |
Don, K4YND |
Kevin, WB0POH. |
Charlie, K3SR. |
Jim, AF4MO, (in middle). |
See you on the air in 2017! |