Rappahannock Amateur Radio Association
Our Repeaters and Nets

 The club owns and operates two open 2-meter FM repeaters in the Northern Neck Area. Both use the club's callsign W4NNK. The repeaters are open and available to all amateurs in the local area. Please feel free to check in if you are visiting our area!

The Kilmarnock Repeater operates on 146.835 MHz with a -600 Khz offset and a CTCSS Tone of 100 Hz.

        The Bigfoot Net meets on Monday evenings at 8pm on the Kilmarnock Repeater.

The Heathsville Repeater on 147.33 MHz, -600 KHz offset, CTCSS tone 100Hz.

        The Jailhouse Net is meets on the Heathsville repeater on Wednesday evenings at 8pm

For more information about the repeaters please see the W4NNK Listing on qrz.com

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