Activities Archive


Monthly Meetings

12/6/04 - Cancelled due to inclement weather.  See you at the 2004 QSY Holiday Party!

"Huh?  Elected to WHAT?"11/1/04 - Wow - November already!  As the winds of late fall and early winter blow, so do the winds of change at the QSY Society.  After introductions, John N2XE announced that Dennis NC2F, who along with Ken N2OBY was elected QSY co-coordinator for the coming year(s) at the October meeting, has reconsidered and decided that he will not be able to assume the position.  That being the case, John requested nominations for a replacement.  Mike KC2HUV was nominated, and by unanimous vote was elected to join Ken as co-coordinator.  Don't forget to congratulate Mike and support these two dedicated members as they shepherd the QSY flock into the new year.

N2XE checked in with Shirley N2SKP to see if she'd been enjoying the Vibroplex "bug" (semi-automatic key) which she'd been presented with at the October meeting.  The answer was a resounding "YES!"  Shirley's been having a lot of fun, and anyone who'd like to hear her, or better yet have an actual CW QSO, can look for her on 80 meters.

The next "QRP in the Park" will be held on Saturday, 11/20 from 10:00 am - 3:00 or 4:00 pm at Schlathaus Park in the Town of Wappinger (intersection of routes 93 (Myers Corners Road) & 94 (All Angels Hill Road).  If you're a QRP aficionado or interested in why one would want to be, make sure to stop by!

N2XE recounted how he took part in this year's Boy Scout "Jamboree on the Air" (JOTA) while camping, despite being caught in snow and rain...

Frank W2IIX discussing the Marconi book.Frank Lauria W2IX (aka "The Machine") discussed a book he recently read about Guillermo Marconi, which emphasized the personal side of the inventors life.  He found the book very interesting, and recommended it to anyone that has an interest in Marconi.  The subject then moved to a brief roundtable discussion of Nicola Tesla and his legacy.

Shirley N2SKP offered a brief description of "eQSL", the online contact verification system, and suggested that those who QSL check it out.

ENY Section Manager Pete Cecerre N2YJZ advised everyone that the section web page is being redesigned, and that he welcomes any suggestions and ideas for the new site.

The QSY holiday party will be held on Sunday, December 19th from 5:00 pm -10:00 pm at the East Fishkill Community Center.  Click here for details.

Julian WA2WMJ hosted a presentation on the "Off-Center-Fed Dipole" antenna (OCF).  He discussed the theory behind it's multi-band operation and offered tips on construction.  Following the "OCF" discussion, Julian displayed his homebrewed j-pole for the six-meter band.  That's right - a six-meter j-pole.  It was impressive, to say the least.

Speaking of j-poles, ENY Section Emergency Coordinator Frank Stone KB2YUR announced that the "j-pole building party" in preparation for the Empire State Games will probably be held on a Saturday in January.  As the community center is not an ideal place to build these, it looks as though a QSY "field trip" will be called for.  Details to be announced as they are firmed up.

The 50/50 was won by Nick N2QZ, while the door prize of a license study guide was won by Shannon Petersen (no call).

10/4/04 - If you missed the October QSY meeting, you missed a lot!  John N2XE began the meeting by welcoming everyone.  He also thanked Frank Stone KB2YUR, ENY Section Emergency Coordinator, who was in attendance for the section's response during the recent Pike County, PA flood emergency.  John was among the ENY hams who was deployed to the affected area in order to provide communications support for our neighbors to the west.  The border region between Pike County and Orange County, NY suffered serious flooding as a result of the hurricanes which devastated Florida.  John characterized the operation as performing "flawlessly" from his perspective.  While real emergencies such as this usually help identify areas which can benefit from more training (and this one did), it was good to hear this characterization from one of the participants.

After introductions, John orchestrated the passing of the coveted QSY "Radio Amateur of the Month" from Janet KC2LUR (who came close to forfeiting it earlier in the month when she almost failed to produce it on demand) to Bill KC2LIX.  Bill has become very active in QSY activities, is always ready and willing to help his fellow hams, and recently took part in the Dutchess County ARES activation for the Pike County flood.

As the end of the year is rapidly approaching, N2XE called for nominations for next year's club co-coordinators.  The two nominees were Ken N2OBY and Dennis NC2F.  As no further nominations were made, John then called for a vote.  The result was unanimous, therefore Ken and Dennis will assume the responsibilities from N2XE and KC2EKI come January.  Please support them as they guide QSY into the new year.

Roy KC2DMH reviewed September's ARRL VHF QSO party which was held at Bear Mountain (see write-up below and photos in the Gallery).  He reported that aside from minor glitches with the antenna rotors, everything went well and a good time was had by all.  Roy was especially appreciative of the great turnout for breakdown Monday morning.  It really helps when cleanup after an event is as well attended as setup and operating.  Goals for next year's event include better planning, operation on more bands, and more tools!  As a side note, Shirley N2SKP actually ran the Empire Slow Speed net from the contest location.  Way to go Shirley!

Jim K2CSS reported the following score (broken down by band) for the contest:

  QSY Society ARRL September VHF QSO Party Results


Band QSO Points Multipliers
6 Meters 226 29
2 Meters 154 24
70 Centimeters 65 18
23 Centimeters 12 8
Totals 457Contacts / 546 QSO Points / 79 Multipliers = 43,134 Points  

Another "QRP Day" might be in the works, perhaps in October.

ENY SEC Frank Stone KB2YUR was present to thank QSY for volunteering to build "J-Pole" antennas in preparation for the 2005 Empire State Games.  He's purchased the material for ten units, and now a date just has to be set for a building session.

John N2XE (prompted by the September VHF contest) presented a forum on "guy lines".  His very thorough presentation covered the different types of rope, and their differences in construction, materials and suitable applications.  He also discussed the proper care of ropes in order to maintain their usability and safety.  John stressed the fact that one must choose the appropriate rope for the task it will be asked to do.  He also demonstrated a number of useful knots, again each one having a specific purpose.

With everyone at this point thoroughly bound and secured, John had a captive audience for what would be the high point of the evening...  He began by relating how a number of years ago he'd written a magazine article about a Vibroplex Champion "bug" (semiautomatic keyer).  The keyer which was the subject of the article was not unique, nor a special model.  However, he had mentioned the units' serial number.  Soon he was receiving many offers for the bug from collectors who were willing to speculate that the article would boost the value of that particular key.  What John had paid $15.00 for at a hamfest was now fetching offers of $300.00!  The point of John's story was that sometimes something which seems quite ordinary on the outside can be worth a great deal more...

On that note John and Julian WA2WMJ presented Shirley N2SKP with the very same bug as special award on behalf of both them and the QSY Society as a whole for all that Shirley has accomplished both personally and for the club.  John made an analogy between Shirley and the keyer, describing her as "an ordinary person doing extraordinary things."  Whether working hard at multiple jobs, volunteering at the Red Cross, volunteering as Affiliated Club Coordinator, long-distance running, and keeping QSY together when there were barely half a dozen members, Shirley manages to do it all with a smile on her face.  "Thank you for giving QSY life, inspiration and keeping it going..." said John, adding that he wants to hear more of her "Golden Fist" on the air.  Be sure to congratulate Shirley when you see her!


Brenda N2TTO announced that she would be taking sign-ups for this years "Pumpkin Patrol", to be held on Saturday & Sunday the 30th & 31st.



N2XE reminded all that MBARC raffle tickets are still available.

The 50/50 was won by Pat KB2IZO.

9/7/04 - The meeting began with John N2OXV relinquishing the coveted QSY "Radio Amateur of the Month" trophy and passing it to the September winner Janet KC2LUR.  Janet is one of those members who is always busy behind the scenes and ready to lend a hand where needed.  Congratulations Janet!

Stu WA2BSS made a rare appearance, and as those who regularly listen to the Mt. Beacon 146.970 repeater can attest to, if Stu's around a litany of announcements is bound to follow.  True to form, he provided the following list of upcoming events:

        9/11 - Saratoga County RACES Hamfest - Ballston Spa

        9/26 - Mt. Beacon ARC picnic.  11-4 - Tymoor Park, Unionvale.  RSVP by 9/20 to Stu, Rich N2ZKX or Cathy KC2BUW.       

        10/9 - Northern NY Section Convention - Lake Placid

Rich N2ZKX jumped on the announcement train with a couple of his own:

        The MBARC has installed a new remote receiver on Mt. Beacon in an attempt to regain some of the performance lost due to the activation of the high-power TV transmitters near the main site.  The input frequency will remain 146.370MHz, but the PL for the new receiver is 123Hz.  The 100Hz PL will still work for the main receiver, but users west of the site should get into the machine better using the new PL.

        MBARC Raffle tickets are still available at $5.00 each for the December drawing.  The grand prize is an Icom IC-706 MkIIG HF-UHF mobile rig.  See Rich or Dennis NC2F for tickets.

        Volunteers are needed for the 2004 Sullivan County Road Rally.  Contact Rich for details.

Janet KC2LUR discussed her recent adventures in tower-climbing, along with mentor Roy KC2DMH.  She's taking to it very well and recently assisted in the work done on Mt. Beacon.

Roy discussed the upcoming ARRL VHF contest, to be held the weekend of 9/11-12.  The plan is to camp at Bear Mountain, however at meeting time Roy had still not received final written permission for us to use the site.  As he does not believe there will be a problem, he asked for volunteers to stay overnight Sunday into Monday in order to allow operating until the end of the contest at 11:00 pm Sunday.  Breakdown Monday should be accomplished by noon.  In a worst case scenario Roy generously volunteered to host the event in his backyard.

Stu inquired about reviving the QSY weekend breakfast meetings, which haven't been held in a while.  If enough interest is expressed they could start again.

ENY Section Manager Pete Cecerre N2YJZ announced some administrative and personnel changes within the section.  Mike Scalia KC2HUV has been appointed the new Section Traffic Manager.  Ken Akasofu KL7JCQ has stepped down from the position of Section Emergency Coordinator, and Frank Stone KB2YUR has been appointed as his successor.  Ken Gross N2OBY has been appointed Southern District Emergency Coordinator, filling the vacancy left by KC2HUV's move to STM.  Lastly Dennis Healy NC2F has been appointed Central District Emergency Coordinator.  Administratively, the counties comprising the Southern and Central districts have been reapportioned in a more logical manner.  The Southern District is now comprised of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties, while the Central District includes Columbia, Greene, Sullivan and Ulster counties.

Bill KC2LIX reminded everyone that the next ARES/RACES in-person meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9/15, at 7:00 pm at the Pleasant Valley firehouse on Rt. 44.  This will be the last in-person meeting before the October Simulated Emergency Test (SET).

In a mix of nostalgia and entertainment, a video showing the construction of the recently demolished repeater shack on Mt. Beacon was shown.  More than a few tears were surreptitiously wiped away before the lights came back up...

Julian WA2WMJ demonstrated the capabilities of an HT transmitting through a copper j-pole antenna.  As has been previously mentioned, Frank KB2YUR is looking for a number of hams interested in building approximately twenty of these antennas for use at next year's Empire State Games.  The date for the antenna-building party will be announced soon.

The 50/50 was won by Tara KC2LXY.  Marty N2HCS won the door prize of a Motorola chest harness.

8/2/04 - The August meeting began with an announcement by Club Coordinator John N2XE that the QSY team which participated in July's "Flight of the Bumblebees" QRP event placed 10th nationally.  Congratulations gentlemen!

N2OXV holding QSY Ham of the Month Award.Following on the heels of that news was great news of another kind:  The announcement that John N2OXV has been declared QSY's "Radio Amateur of the Month".  Many may not know that John is the trustee of the 147.045 repeater, which is part of the Mt. Beacon ARC repeater system and available for use by all.  John is one of those hams who is always busy in the background working on things which benefit local hams; though one of his more visible contributions is the way he regularly brings his service monitor to QSY meetings for members to test there equipment with.  Congratulations John on a well-deserved award and thanks again for all that you do!

On Sunday August 15th the Tri-State Amateur Radio Association (TSARA) will be hosting a hamfest in Matamoras, PA.  Roy KC2DMH would like to use this as another occasion to sell-off surplus equipment to raise money for the club.  Dennis NC2F, Ken N2OBY and Mike KC2HUV have volunteered to assist Roy, but any and all who would like to help are welcome.  Check the QSY Calendar for information regarding where and at what time we'll be meeting on the 15th.

The ARRL September VHF QSO Party will take place September 11-12, and Roy KC2DMH is spearheading a serious attempt at contesting immortality.  The operating location will be at Bear Mountain State Park, as in previous years.  However, unlike earlier events, this year the team plans to operate through the entire contest period.  As this contest runs through 11:00 P.M. Sunday evening, in years past breakdown would start earlier in the afternoon, resulting in a much shorter event and resulting lower score.  Complicating matters is the fact that the gates to the campsite are closed earlier in the evening, effectively locking participants in for the night.  Having said that, Roy is looking for people who are willing to stay overnight Sunday into Monday.  Keep in mind that the setup for this event is more involved than for Field Day, as five towers will need to be transported and erected, as well as broken down.  Only serious applicants need apply!  Volunteers for station captains are:  John N2XE (1296 MHz), Roy KC2DMH (450 MHz), Mike KC2HUV (144MHz) and Ken N2OBY (50 MHz).  There will be a pre-event meeting/equipment shakedown at Roy's house sometime in August.

A number of QSY members celebrate birthdays this month, including Colleen KC2HUT, Finn WB2UWU, Ken N2OBY, Dylan (guest, no call) and Marcella (no call).  Their friends and fellow QSY members surprised them all with a couple of yummy birthday cakes which were devoured by all.  Thanks for the surprise from all of us to all of you!

Speaking of WB2UWU, Finn was kind enough to donate a 2M j-pole antenna to the club.  It has yet to be decided whether it will be raffled off or kept as part of the club's operating stock.  Thanks Finn!

KC2HUV holdng scorched radio cover.This month's technical presentation started out with a black cloud over it (literally), but ended with a silver lining.  The week prior to the meeting, Mike KC2HUV's Icom IC-746 Pro suffered damage from a lightning strike when a fast-moving storm crossed over his QTH.  He had disconnected the antennas from the radio, but not the power supply from the wall.  Apparently that's where the current entered, destroying a circuit board containing two RF chokes.  Surprisingly no damage was sustained by the power supply itself.  No onto the silver lining:  Where everyone figured the radio would have been damaged beyond repair, especially when seeing the scorched cover and burned circuit board, it KC2HUV Radio fund.turns out this is not the case.  The technical gurus here at QSY employed a test procedure whereby they checked Mikes rig in stages, moving from one circuit or component to the next.  This approach, in concert with N2OXV's aforementioned service monitor, resulted in the determination that the only damage was to the board with the chokes.  The good news is that the replacement only costs about $70.00 - the bad news is that it will take three months to get here from Japan!  Apparently Icom is the U.S. doesn't stock any of these...  Oh well - better than having to buy a new rig, right Mike?

On the "Health & Welfare" front, N2SKP reports that Bob Shisler KC2ARL is ok.  Contact Shirley for more information.

The 50/50 raffle was won by Bill KC2LIX; but that wasn't all to be given away this month, as a couple of door prizes found their way home with folks.  Shirley N2SKP was the proud winner of a crystal (I have no idea what frequency), and Rich N2ZKX went home with a length of RG58 coaxial cable (with connectors!!!).

As QSY has always encouraged youngsters to get licensed, a special gift of an ARRL handbook was presented to Dylan, a guest of Janet KC2LUR, who hopefully will put it to good use studying for his license.

While on the subject of prizes, the Mt. Beacon ARC is holding another raffle.  Grand prize is an Icom IC-706 MkII G HF-UHF base/mobile transceiver.  First prize is a Yaseu VX-150 HT, while third is a subscription to CQ Amateur Radio magazine.  500 tickets are available at $5.00 each, so get yours while they're still available!  The winners will be drawn at the December MBARC in-person meeting/holiday party.  You need not be present to win.  To purchase tickets contact Dennis NC2F ([email protected]), Rich N2ZKX ([email protected]) or Adam KC2DAA ([email protected]).

Lastly, in preparation for the 2005 Empire State Games, Frank KB2YUR has proposed a group "2m J-pole build", to be coordinated on the QSY end by Mike KC2HUV.  The goal is to build ten antennas, which should be no problem for even a small number of volunteers.  If you're interested, contact Mike at [email protected].  A date will be determined once some volunteers are heard from.

Don't forget - the 2004 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) will be held the first weekend of October!  All ARES/RACES members should plan to take part.

7/6/04 - Club Coordinator John N2XE kicked off the July meeting by announcing that the July "QSY Ham of the Month" is Mike KC2HUV.  In addition to Mike usual participation in QSY activities, he did an outstanding job coordinating last month's Field Day, filling in admirably for Roy KC2DMH.

John continued with a review of Field Day, announcing that "it was great - possibly the best yet."  From the antenna setup to power generation to logging, there were no major hitches or surprises.  Finn WB2UWU brought a copy of the Newschannel 6 piece covering the event.  Don W2PTF reported that Ralph Holt, Town of Wappinger Commissioner of Recreation, was pleased with our use and care of the site, and invited us back again next year.

Roy KC2DMH announced a number of upcoming events in July.  These include a group trip to the Sussex Hamfest, another "QRP Outing," the annual Putnam County 4H Fair, and the "Flight of the Bumblebees."  See the QSY Calendar for dates and details.

Roy also announced that if there is enough interest, he will reserve the Bear Mountain site for this September's VHF/UHF contest, which will be held on 9/11-12.  Though the contest runs until 23:00 Sunday night, the group usually breaks down much earlier in the evening.  However, if enough "hard-core" operators are willing to stay overnight Sunday, we can make a more serious attempt.  Keep in mind that this is a serious effort, with five towers going up.  Therefore, there will be more work taking everything down done by less people; so anyone who is serious about committing to the full period of the contest should let Roy know as soon as possible.

Frank W2GIO hosted a technical presentation regarding a home-brewed omni-directional, horizontally-polarized antenna for two meters.  The design is essentially three dipoles attached in a circular configuration.  It exhibits a flat SWR with approximately 4db gain.  This antenna offers an alternative to a beam for those with space considerations.

The question was raised regarding the use of scanners in vehicles.  All were reminded that the amateur exemption from the NYS mobile scanner law does NOT cover separate handheld scanners.  It only applies to amateur radios which are capable of receiving public service frequencies.  However, don't get caught with police frequencies actually programmed into the radio.  Click here for a related article which includes a link to the NYS Vehicle & Traffic laws.

Lastly, the 50/50 was won by Bill WA2AHR.

6/7/04 - After the usual round of introductions, John N2XE surprised Ken N2OBY (webmaster for this site) by Ken N2OBY receives the June HOTM Trophy from N2XE.naming him QSY's "Radio Amateur of the Month" for June, 2004.  A new tradition inaugurated with this months' award is the presentation of the HOTM "trophy" - a PL-259 connector of dubious origin, which the recipient is pledged to always have in his/his possession at all times.  Should said recipient fail to produce the trophy when challenged by a QSY member, the title is to be rescinded immediately...  ;-)

A more involved discussion of preparations for the upcoming Field Day were discussed, details to be posted here shortly.  While many of the usual cast of characters will be absent this year, most of the required items have been sourced and volunteers assigned for many of the needed tasks, including meals.  Two things which anyone planning to attend can bring are chairs & beverages (no alcohol please, as it is not permitted on site).

Rich N2ZKX - QSY Ham of the Month for April 20044/5/04 - The meeting began as usual with introductions all around, before John N2XE introduced Rich Otis N2ZKX as the first ever "QSY Society Ham of the Month."  John made bestowed the honor upon Rich in recognition of his hard work, never-ending enthusiasm and ceaseless devotion to amateur radio and his fellow hams.  In his usual style, Rich took the opportunity to solicit volunteers for the upcoming "Rally New York" which will be help on 4/17 in Sullivan County.

Preparations for Field Day 2004 were discussed.  FD co-coordinators Mike KC2HUV and Ken N2OBY will be posting a breakdown of positions, equipment and supplies needed here on the QSY website so that volunteers can check the status and volunteer via email if they desire.  Check back periodically to see how you can help.

Those present voted to have QSY represented at this summer's Putnam County 4H Fair, which will be held on 7/23.  Roy KC2DMH has volunteered to coordinate.  This event has been a lot of fun over the last few years and the tradition is sure to continue.

Other upcoming events include the "Big E" Exposition in Massachusetts (9/12-9/28) and the next "QRP in the Park", to be held on 4/24 at a new location:  Pelton Pond in Fahnstock Park.

N2XE's antenna modeling presentation projected on the wall.This months' technical presentation was an introduction to antenna modeling software, presented by John N2XE.  The particular product which John focused on is EZNEC, by W7EL.  To learn more about this particular program, purchase it or download a trial copy, visit


N2TTO, N2KPM, N2SKP & K2ROBA pleasant surprise for all was the appearance of QSY Society "Founding Father" Len N2KPM, sightings of whom have been scarce lately.  It was great seeing you Len - don't be a stranger!

Lastly, Shirley N2SKP picked up where she left off last month by winning her second 50/50 raffle in as many months.   Will she make the hat trick next month?  Come to the next meeting on 5/3, or read about it here afterwards!

N2XE welcoming all to meeting.3/1/04 - John N2XE reported that the "QRP Day" on 2/7 was a lot of fun despite the cold weather.  The next meeting will take place on 3/20/04, again at Schlathaus Park in Wappinger.  A series of "QRP hikes" are also planned for spring - Roy KC2DMH will have more information at the April meeting.

Shirley N2SKP advised those present that the treasury is "ok".  She reminded everyone that donations are always welcome.  Shirley also discussed the club's insurance arrangements for Field Day.

KC2DMH caught unaware...Roy KC2DMH discussed QSY's representation at the upcoming Orange County ARC hamfest on 3/14.  He has received some offers of equipment, and reminded all that any member participating in the QSY table will be able to bring and sell their own items at no cost (except admission) to them.  At the time of the meeting only three members had volunteered:  KC2DMH, N2OBY and KC2HUV.  See the QSY Calendar for more details.

Field Day - During the February meeting KC2DMH had informed the club that due to work commitments he would be unable to organize QSY's Field Day 2004 effort.  At this month's meeting N2XE announced that Dennis NC2F had volunteered to take the lead.  KC2HUV, N2XE & N2OBY have volunteered to assist Dennis with the organization and planning.  Hopefully the four of them will be able to make up for Roy's absence...  As Field Day weekend approaches expect the call to go out for more volunteers.  This years' event will again take place June 26th-27th, at the Greystone Estate, Wheeler Hill Road, Wappinger.

N2SKP informed us that the ARRL web site has a great CW resource page for those who are interested in learning the mode.  Links on the page make possible to copy code over the internet.

N2XE introducing everyone to an HF vertical antenna.John N2XE continued his series of technical presentations with a lesson on HF vertical antennas.  Relevant points covered included the use of loading coils and the relationships between physical length, impedance, SWR & bandwidth.  As usual, John had his portable HF vertical set up outside the building; a home-brewed antenna which covers 160m-10m.  Everyone present was invited to come out and examine the antenna, along with the selection of interchangeable loading coils.

Colleen KC2HUT announced that the Mt. Beacon ARC hamfest ("Beaconfest"), will be held on 4/18 at Tymoor Park in the Town of Unionvale.  Many QSY members are also MBARC members, and Colleen asked for volunteers to help staff the event.  Anyone interested can contact her at [email protected].

N2SKP calculating her 50/50 winnings...The 50/50 raffle was won by Shirley N2SKP.

2/2/04 - It may be February, but the subject of Field Day has already come up!  Roy KC2DMH informed us that he will not be able to spearhead the planning and setup this year due to work commitments.  He's looking for one or more volunteers to assume the responsibility for planning and coordination.  It's a big job, but many members with lots of Field Day experience will be available for help and support.  Anyone interested should contact Roy ([email protected]).  Don W2PTF reported that the Town of Wappinger would welcome us back, and may be able to provide restroom facilities for us.  They may also consider our request for permission to have a campfire.

N2YJZ presenting charter to N2XE.Pete N2YJZ presented John N2XE with QSY's original charter document, which he obtained from Len N2KPM, one of QSY's founders.  Click here for a close-up look at the charter.



1996 QSY Meeting AnnouncementOn a related note, check out this blast from the past - an announcement published in a local paper back in 1996 for an early QSY meeting.  Thanks to Brenda N2TTO for providing it.


N2SKP & certificateContinuing the certificate theme, Shirley N2SKP displayed the one issued to QSY by the ARRL acknowledging our contribution to the Spectrum Defense Fund.  Click here for a close-up look at the certificate.



KC2HUV birthday cakeDuring the break everyone wished Mike KC2HUV a happy birthday and ate an awesome birthday cake baked by desert-meister Rich N2ZKX - who claimed to have used five (yes FIVE) pounds of frosting...  I'm sure the sugar rush kept some members up all night in the shack...


John N2XE announced that there will be another "QRP Day in the Park" this Saturday, 2/7, at Schlathaus Park in Wappinger.  See the write-up of November's event farther down this page to get an idea of what it's about.  As long as the weather cooperates it should be a lot of fun, as well as an opportunity to experience HF, QRP and CW operating all at once!  (Yes, there will be HF phone operating too...)

Of course there was a discussion about the ARRL's license-restructuring proposal.  The general consensus was that the Leagues' proposal goes just a bit too far, by both grandfathering current Technicians to General without a test and by authorizing significant HF privileges to new Novice licensees with just a fairly simple test.  For more information, click here to read the actual proposal.

Other Activities

Vinnie KR2F and his son Michael calling CQ.11/20/04 - "QRP In The Park" - Despite the grey chilly day and drizzle, a group of dedicated hams gathered at Schlathaus Park in Wappinger for some QRP fun.  Low-power guru and outgoing club coordinator John N2XE brought along both SSB and CW rigs, including some beautifully made homebrew pieces.  Hang around with John for a while and this QRP stuff can become contagious!  Among those who came to play regardless of the weather were Bill KC2LIX and his son Matthew; Vinnie KR2F and his son Michael; Mike KC2HUV and his daughter Angie; Shirley N2SKP; Julian WA2WMJ and Ken N2OBY.  More pictures can be found in the Gallery.

Brothers-In-Arms9/11/04-9/13/04 - ARRL September VHF QSO Party - Recipe for success:  A group of highly motivated QSY members, a mountain, three towers, four bands, warm days, cool nights, plenty of food and drink, a pinch of insanity, shake (don't stir), and what do you have?  A KILLER QSY contest weekend!

The previous couple of weeks prep work paid off as the QSY "go team" hit the road early Saturday morning and met at the site, high atop Bear Mountain, and high above the Hudson River.  We're very fortunate to have the Palisades Interstate Parks Commission as hosts, and special thanks must go to Mr. Peter Gulliver, Bear Mountain State Park Manager, as permission to camp on the mountain is rarely, if ever, granted.  Making things interesting is the fact that once the rangers close the gate leading to the top of the mountain as sundown, there is no coming or going until the next morning!  That being the case, a number of the participants had made firm commitments to stay overnight Sunday, which allowed operation through the end of the contest period, which was 11:00 pm Sunday.

Janet & Roy up on the tower.After some last minute on-site changes to the original plan, work commenced under the direction of QSY spiritual leader and all-around good-guy Roy KC2DMH and everyone got busy.  Start time for the contest was 1:00, but a couple of snags during setup had it looking as though we might not make it, but we were able to have one band on the air in time.

Matt K2YS doing aerial work.The antenna setup consisted of three towers:  two 30-footers set at the highest point on the mountain, one topped by stacked 70cm. beams, the other with the stacked 2m beam and 1.2GHz dual-boom "flame-thrower", while the 6m beam on a 30' tower was about 50 yards away.  Janet KC2LUR has spent a lot of time this summer climbing towers, and this training paid off as she spent quite a bit of time assisting Roy with antenna setup.  Matt K2YS single-handedly mounted the 6m beam on it's tower, the event being his initiation to tower work.  John N2XE and Jim K2CSS also spent their fair share of time in the air.  Thanks to all of them, for without their feats of derring-do we wouldn't have had as much fun or scored as well as we did.

By 4:00 pm all stations were on the air, and within a couple of more hours everyone was well into the swing of things.  The bands were actually cooperating with us, 6m proving to be the workhorse.  1.2GHz was actually very productive (as far as microwaves go), giving us a number of multipliers.

Dinner was as potluck, with the usual camping fare supplemented by lasagna provided by Jim K2CSS and Tara KC2LXY, who brought enough food to feed an army.  Actually, with all their kids they DO have to feed an army...  Bill KC2LIX contributed a cast-iron pot of homemade Manhattan clam chowder, which was polished off in the middle of the night by operators looking for something warm and tasty to ward off the chill in the air.  Activity was steady throughout the evening, and it wasn't until after dark that anyone took a break and wandered over to the scenic lookout for a rare nighttime view of the lower Hudson Valley.

WTC Memorial Lights 9-11-04As anyone who has been to Bear Mountain during a normal weekend can tell you, the views are spectacular, and the area equally crowded.  Overnight camping there is a unique experience, and that night we were treated to quite a sight as we could clearly see New York City lit in all its' glory fifty miles to the south.  Making the experience bittersweet was the fact that the date was the third anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on our country, and from the top of the mountain we were witness to the illuminated tribute emanating from the site of the former World Trade Center.  It was inspiring in both it's beauty and what it represented, leaving us awed, humbled and reflective...

Upon our return to the campsite our reverie was broken by the sounds of radios in full contest mode!  Frank W2IX arrived Saturday afternoon and kept operating at one position or another for the entire contest, earning the nickname "The Machine"  "Have headset will travel" might be his personal mantra...  Thanks for the points Frank!

The machine working the night shift.Eventually most folks drifted off to sleep (except maybe for "the machine"), as evidenced by the contest log.  However everyone was up and at it early Sunday, while K2CSS & Ken N2OBY prepared the usual QSY camp breakfast of biscuits & sausage gravy.

Operation continued throughout the day and into the night, with lots of folks coming and going to visit and or operate.  As the Adirondack Trail passes right across the top of Bear, we had many hikers passing through the site, most of which couldn't help but to stop and inquire as to what the towers and radios were doing up there!  Assured and sometimes intrigued by our explanation, they continued on their way, perhaps some future hams among them...

Some of the breakdown crew.After a second night of sleeping under the stars, everyone set to work Monday morning breaking down the stations, towers, antennas and camping gear.  Things went smoothly until late in the morning as we were ready to leave, when it was learned that the only available trailer hitch didn't fit the trailer which K2YS had generously left with us.  After a delay while Mike KC2HUV and Roy drove down the mountain to find the right size ball, the last of the group finally hit the trail heading home.

When all was said and done, it was a fantastic weekend!  Everyone had a great time, over four hundred contacts were made totaling over forty-thousand points, we experienced camping in a unique location and witnessed a beautiful, moving, national tribute.  What's left to say, but "same time next year"!!

PS:  We learned why it's called "Bear Mountain".  Ask someone who was there all about it...

(More pictures can be viewed in the Gallery.)

Roy, Dennis & Xen8/15/04 - TSARA Hamfest - "Hurricane be damned!"  That was the motto adopted by intrepid QSY members KC2DMH, KC2LIV, NC2F, N2OBY & KC2MMY as they met VERY early and traveled together to the Tri-State Amateur Radio Association hamfest in Matamoras, PA.  Truth be told, it only drizzled for the first half-hour of the trip, and once the group arrived on-site it remained dry all day.  This hamfest is relatively small, and primarily attracts tailgate-style vendors.  Unfortunately many of them chose to heed the forecast and decided not to show.  Still, a great time was had by those who did make the trip, including Shirley N2SKP who won a door prize of a bag of porcelain insulators.  Other QSY members who showed up were WA2AQH, W2GIO WA2WMJ & KC2LUR. When all was said and done, spiritual leader/chief horse-trader Roy KC2DMH had successfully sold quite a bit of gear, netting QSY nearly $100.00.  More pictures from the day can be found in the gallery.

rattlesnake7/25/04 - "Flight of the Bumblebees" - (From John N2XE)  What a wild day! A major solar proton event pretty much took out HF communication so we decided to consume large quantities of adult beverages. Then the rattlesnake rambled into camp...  More later!

Click here for pictures.


Julian, Ken & Shirley7/24/04 - Putnam County 4H Fair - The end of July means one thing for QSY members - the Putnam County 4H Fair!  The weather surprised us all by turning out to be a glorious summer day despite the forecast, and once again a good time was had by all, with a number of regulars back for another appearance.  This years participants included (in no particular order):  Ken N2OBY, Julian WA2WMJ, Shirley N2SKP, Mike KC2HUV & Colleen KC2HUT (and their harmonics, Angie & Laura), Finn WB2UWU and his beautiful wife Lilli, Pete N2YJZ & Heidi, Janet KC2LUR, Bill WA2AHR, Roy KC2DMH and last but not least Rich N2ZKX, who came to the rescue with a soldering iron and power strip.  This guy takes preparedness seriously and is always ready for ANY situation!

While we didn't have an "official" special event station and call, we did operate under the QSY club call - K2QS.  Both HF and VHF stations were up and running, though the noise level from all of the activity at the location made operating a bit tough.  While the number of radiograms initiated by visitors was lower than in past years, overall activity and interest was up.  The club table received many visitors, a number of which were former hams. 

Special thanks must go to Roy KC2DMH, who was generous enough to loan the crew both the HF and VHF radios, as well as coax and accessories.  Without his assistance the day wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful or fun...  Thanks Roy!

Pictures from the event can be viewed by clicking here.

7/16/04 - "QRP Outing" - (From Roy KC2DMH)  A very successful fun-filled QRP in the park was experienced by John, N2XE, Callie-Ann (John's dog), and Roy, KC2DMH.  Donna, a hiker traveling to the Torrey Memorial, stopped in and shared some very pleasant conversation - after being assured that we were not communicating with our al Queda friends in the middle east...

Access to the Stockbridge Mountain Shelter was only a 55 minute walk, through a scenic portion of the Long Trail, to a summit elevation of 1,321 feet.  Good food was enjoyed by all, from cheeses, smoked sausages, and sandwiches to exceptional beverages.  Callie-Ann, who managed to remove a whole smoked sausage stick from our stone table and disappear around the side of the shelter, (and remain completely undetected) appeared to be concerned we had not carried more water.  15 or 20 QSO's were made, with one memorable 40 meter contact following up with an "EQSL" upon my return home.

6/26/04-6/27/04 - "Field Day 2004" - A Field Day write up requires a page of it's own, so click here and prepare to relive the experience...

This page was last updated on Saturday April 01, 2006                                            Copyright 2003 - 2006 The QSY Society