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Main Page - Marcus Martins / Minas Gerais / São Paulo / BRASIL - Portuguese
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(Reproduction of this text is authorized provided the holder is preserved and mentioned - Copyright : Marcus Martins - PY4SM / PY2DD)


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Being a saint is always a gift of God for the Church and for humanity. St. Maximilian Kolbe Dabrowska , born on January 8 1894 in Zdunska - Wola city , near Lodz , Poland. His real name was Raymond Kolbe Dabrowska . Son of a poor family of working class background, but deeply religious. In 1907, at age thirteen, he entered the Seminary of the Friars Conventual Franciscans Leopoli to develop his religious vocation.

Para os estudos de filosofia e teologia foi transferido para Roma, onde se doutorou nestas disciplinas com as melhores notas. Mesmo ainda clérigo estudante, manifestou todo seu amor a Maria mãe de Jesus – Nossa Senhora, fundando o movimento de apostolado mariano “Milícia da Imaculada”. Foi ordenado sacerdote no ano de 1918, quando voltou para sua pátria, sendo designado para lecionar no Seminário Franciscano, em Cracóvia.

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In 1922, with limited financial resources, decided to found a monthly publication with the title of "Knight of the Immaculate". Other publications were also created "The Little Knight of the Immaculate", a magazine for children; the "Miles Immaculatae", a publication for priests; the "Petit Journal" published daily.

Maximilian Kolbe - Franciscan Friar left Poland going to Japan, China and India in 1930 to organize various monasteries and during his stay in Japan, was related to small commercial broadcasting stations as well as amateurs. He realized that the dissemination of religious newspapers published in Poland could have further penetration if made through the radio. So Friar Kolbe asked the government of Poland a broadcasting license. Friar Kolbe remained in Japan until 1936, when he returned to Poland with the mission to manage the Catholic monastery of Niepokalanow - the worlds largest. At the end of this year the circulation of publications has exceeded one million monthly copies, making Niepokalanow the largest publisher of Poland. Obedience to have to leave their apostolic initiatives in Japan was hard. He dreamed pass later to India and then by the Arab countries and found magazines and newspapers that propagate the devotion to the Immaculate, as penetration instrument of God's Kingdom. To see his dream realized also used the ether, becoming HAM, getting the call sign "SP3RN".

In 1937 and 1938 he used the Radio Warsaw to preach the Catholic religion. His interest in radio grew even more, its pressure also increased on the authorities to get a radio transmission license. This license was finally issued in October 1938 and immediately the works for the installation of radio station began in the city of Niepokalanow . In the first week of December 1938, using the indicative SP3RN ( Polska Stacja 3 Radio Niepokalanow ) was made the transmission of his first preaching and the second transmission took place next Sunday.

In the morning of September 01, 1939, Nazi troops invaded Poland. Father Maximilian was arrested on February 17, 1941. The Nazi military commander saw Father Maximilian religious habit dress and was furious. He gripped the crucifix of Maximilian and pulling him shouted: "You believe that" "I believe, yes," A violent blow followed the Friar Kolbe answer! Three times repeated the question and all three times Maximiliano confessed his faith. In all of them he received violent slap.

At the end of May 1941, Father Maximilian was sent to the Auschwitz extermination camp which was near Krakow, where 04 million people were murdered. After 03 months of constant suffering, a prisoner escaped that field. As punishment, the military commander has determined that 10 prisoners randomly chosen should be condemned to die of hunger. One of the drawn began to cry and say, "Woe to my wife, my poor children... "It was at this moment that the prisoner no. 16,670, the commander asked permission to replace that poor family man.  "Who are you?" She shouted the commander. "I am a Catholic Friar," replied Father Maximilian. "I accept your request and give you permission to replace him," said the commander after thinking for a few seconds. Maximilian then took his place and the ten, totally naked were placed in a tiny, damp and completely dark underground cell, where would starve. After 15 days, they survived three condemned and among them Father Maximilian. On August 14, 1941, the three were killed with a poisonous injection.

After the Second World War, it started the movement for the beatification of Friar Maximilian Kolbe. On October 10, 1982, Maximilian Kolbe was canonized by Pope John Paul II and in Franciszeck Gajowniczek opportunity that was saved by Frei Kolbe attended the ceremony giving his testimony to the heroism of their savior. Father Kolbe is considered the patron saint of hams. The National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe ( is located in the city of Chicago, in Marytown , IL. The body of Father Maximilian was cremated and his ashes thrown to the wind. In a letter predicting his death, Father Maximilian wrote: "I ask my body to be reduced to powder and scattered by the winds in the world "This was done!


On 14 August (date of death), commemorates the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe Dabrowska SP3RN , patron of hams.

Prayer - O God, inflamastes St. Maximilian Mary, priest and martyr , with love to the Immaculate Virgin and you these great pastoral zeal and dedication to others. Grant us, by his intercession, we work intensely for your glory in the service of others, so that we become like your Son to death. By our Lord Jesus Christ, you’re Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.


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Novena Prayer to Saint Maximilian Kolbe

O Lord Jesus Christ, who said, "greater love than this no man has that a man lay down his life for his friends," through the intercession of Saint Maximilian Kolbe whose life illustrated such love, we beseech you to grant us our petitions ... (here mention the requests you have).

Through the Militia Immaculata movement, which Maximilian founded, he spread a fervent devotion to Our Lady throughout the world. He gave up his life for a total stranger and loved his persecutors, giving us an example of unselfish love for all men - a love that was inspired by true devotion to Mary.

Grant, O Lord Jesus, that we too may give ourselves entirely without reserve to the love and service of our Heavenly Queen in order to better love and serve our fellow man in imitation of your humble servant, Saint Maximilian. Amen.

Three Hail Marys and a Glory be.

(Reproduction of this text is authorized provided the holder is preserved and mentioned - Copyright : Marcus Martins - PY4SM / PY2DD)