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What is amateur-radio...

(Reproduction of this text is authorized provided that the authorship is preserved and mentioned - Copyright: Marcus Martins-PY4SM/PY2DD

"No major project can be sustained without that great ideas inspire. Our moral vision of humanity, as a whole family, has to grow fast enough to match up with the physical fact of a world United by science and technique and decreased by open new horizons of sidereal spaces".

"We chose these words to start our page about amateur radio, because they are in line with our ideal of amateur radio that is well serve all radio amateurs, future colleagues and the community at large on a common commitment of efforts in order to truly contribute to achieve a United World in science, technique and decreased by open new horizons of Peace, Harmony and understanding".

A question is necessary at this time, after all, what is amateur radio?

The amateur radio is a hobby, as its own name indicates. Is practiced universally and, thus, is subject to rules and regulations which are discussed and approved international conventions which, in turn, are ratified by countries that are participating, including Brazil. Officially is widespread as an amateur service, designed to encourage and develop the expertise of persons duly qualified and licensed by the competent authorities, are interested in the study of radioeletricidade and its application in intercom communications service under personal and pecuniary interest-free.

Therefore, the amateur radio is the activity of people trained in the field of intercom communications amadorísticas, which are improving as they operate their stations, in a practice for the more accurate individual training, as well as throw themselves to the technical investigation, social exchange with Exchange personal messages that do not have commercial, political or racial nature, and even encouraging the social interaction of all the peoples of the world.

To connect your equipment, amateur radio can bring into your home the voice of distant people, residing in distant countries, with whom he will hold talks as if it were a visit, addressing various subjects allowed by legislation, making new friendships or renew the already acquired. In Brazil, the radio amateurs receive support and guidance from Labre-Brazilian League radio amateurs and are supervised by the Ministry of communications, through the National Telecommunications Agency-ANATEL. Being special-purpose reserve of the armed forces, the radio amateurs may be called upon to provide services of public character, in emergency cases, such as public calamity or disaster, when they will be putting in evidence their knowledge and operating skills, qualities that acquire from day to day, and also participating in national and international contests and contestes, occasion in which the reasoning of the operator is put into evidence, a real chain of Scouting.

The amateur radio is an incessant activity. At any time of the day or night, in all parts of the world, there are always several radio amateurs with their equipment connected and talking with others, in the radio they reserved, in an intense tingle with light stations, exchanging information, bringing distant and unknown people, saving lives, to mitigate the sufferings of hearts distressed by the lack of news of loved onesby sending medicines or providing the consignment. The amateur radio is all this and much more: it is the one eternal and spontaneous brotherhood among peoples that the approaches further, unites them and makes them more human.

Without doubt, it is very nice to be amateur radio!

It is obvious that the radio amateurs have been and continue to be the pioneers in the area of telecommunications. Were responsible for remarkable progress in electronics. Developed antennae, receivers, transmitters and all the technology related to its operation. Nowadays technical superlatives are sophisticated telecommunications, including telecommunications via computers and astronauts often remain orbiting around our planet.

The increasing complexity of electronics, no longer gives the experimenter loose those opportunities to discover new techniques, circuits and components. This is today under the sophisticated and expensive research labs maintained by industry and by official scientific bodies. However, this same sophistication and complexity of Electronics came to create a problem: it has become impossible for a person to do anything other than specialize, although very high level, in one or two sectors of the broad field of communications. Nevertheless it is highly necessary for the people involved in a large and complex task have a clear perception, based on my own experience, all the basic elements of which depends on your activity. This is of particular importance to people situated in the administrative and executive levels.

In a radio communications system, they will have to have practical and theoretical capacity in wave propagation radioelétricas, design and construction of transmitters and receivers, construction and adjustment of antennas, Electrotechnics, project and Add-ons, choice of frequencies and understanding for your job and use, coordination of all these sectors. Only the amateur radio is capable of this! ...

There are also great demands on the reliability of operation and the absence of disturbances in other radio communications and services in all of these services except amateur radio, these tasks are distributed among experts, and in spite of their great skill, are released physically and mentally, acting in different areas, such as national and international conferences of radio communications, Government, universities, private Laboratories, factories, maintenance and Service Centers, the transmitting and receiving radio stations away from operations centers, inspection bodies, the traffic terminals of communications systems...

How to combine all these activities with mira a common goal and a final result effective? Sometimes through a painstaking process and uneconomical of hits and errors until you get an effective operating system ... and in other cases, there may be a key person, a telegraph operator, for example, whose performance in a previous phase of the development of radio has made possible to learn the multiple facets of the service. However such people belong to an endangered strain; become more and more difficult to obtain. You can't, because count with this option. And here comes the goal of our comment: need people with experience of the amateur radio service.

It is not by mere coincidence that these people are in such amount in important positions of the telecommunications industry. This is due to the fact that they have, in the world of telecommunications, something that others do not have: the knowledge gained in his contact with the amateur radio!

Behold, the amateur radio deals with all the sectors already mentioned: and if we do not do efficiently, it simply will not be able to a statement, let alone win a contest or work DX stations. He is not a specialist who understands much of a single industry, in fact, has a panoramic view and quite sharp communications system.

And to finish: so is that in addition to lead people to a professional vocation, the amateur radio provides them with a unique opportunity to acquire knowledge and experience of integral and integrated radio systems ... Thing in today's world it is impossible to achieve by any other means. And this technology, which in rádioamadorísticos is viewed with indifference of everyday things, can be invaluable to the community and the Country.

And most developed nations that much has been, both in normal times, such as in emergency situations. So we can conclude that it is important that the characteristics that make the amateur radio valuable to all over the world are perceived, because one of the things that has changed in recent times in telecommunications is that the amateur radio became a storehouse of a talented and very special people.

The amateur radio emerged in Brazil in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais in the year 1909. It is said that the first Brazilian amateur using the call sign SB-3Ig after BZ-1M and finally PY5AG - He called Livio Moreira Gomes (17.06.1876 - 06.07.1946) - A telegraph operator who worked in the Department of Posts and Telegraphs of. This time it was very difficult to buy a piece of equipment, so Livio set up his own transmitter with 2 valves 6L6. A few years later came Democritus Seabra - SB-2AJ in Rio de Janeiro. Watch worth in our research the fact that some foreign magazines devoted to amateur radio, reporting that the first Brazilian amateur possessed the call sign SB-2SP - Leonardo Yansey Jones Junior whose transmitter had the power of 50 watts, followed by fellow Severino Justi - BZ -2AB, João Sampaio Goes - BZ-2AF, Julio Boccolini - BZ-2AE, João Ramos Baccarat - BZ-2AJ, Georges Corbisier - BZ-2AD, César Yazbek - SB-2AG, John Levy da Silva - SB-2AL. The amateur radio continued to grow in Brazil emerging new colleagues: Tyrteu Rocha Viana - SB-3QA in Rio Grande do Sul, the Silveira Gomes Arquelao - SB-9AA and Benedito Ramos Lima - SB-9AB both in Minas Gerais, Tito de Araujo Xavier - BZ-5AA ​​in the state of Pernambuco, Antonio Silva Lima - BZ-1AV in Sao Paulo and Roberto Camelier - SB-7AA in the state of Pará.

By circular No. 01 of the IARU - International Amateur Radio Union established April 18 as the World Day of Amateur Radio , to be the founding date of the international body.

Below are some important hams:

Akio Morita - Fundador da Sony - JP1DPJ – Falecido (Silent Key)

Amyr Klink - Navegador - PY2KAK

Alberto Lopes - Almirante - CT1VV

Anastacio Somoza Garcia - Ex-Presidente da Nicarágua - YN1AS – Falecido (Silent Key)

Arthur Collins - Fundador da Collins Radio - W0CXX – Falecido (Silent Key)

Barry Goldwater - Senador norte americano - W7UGA – Falecido (Silent Key)

Bhumibol Adulyadej - Rei da Tailândia - HS1A

Blaine Hammond - Astronauta norte americano - Piloto do ônibus espacial Discovery - KC5HBS

Carlos Menem - Ex-Presidente da Argentina - LU1SM

Carlos Ferreira - Executor da primeira operação de SSTV de Svalbard, EU-044 - JW9PJA

Chet Atkins - Guitarrista - WA4CZD – Falecido (Silent Key)

Curtis LeMay - General SAC USAF – W6EZV – Falecido (Silent Key)

Dennis Tito - Primeiro turista no espaço - KG6FZX

Dirk Frimout - Astronauta - ON1AFD

Edgar Roquette-Pinto - Pai da radiodifusão brasileira - SB1AG – Falecido (Silent Key)

Émile Lahoud - Ex-Presidente do Líbano - OD5LE

Francesco Cossiga - Ex-Presidente de Itália - I0FCG – Falecido (Silent Key)

George Pataki - Ex-Governador do Estado de Nova Iorque - K2ZCZ

Grégoire Kaylbanda - Ex-Presidente de Rwanda - 9X1A

Hassan II de Marrocos - Rei de Marrocos - CN8MH – Falecido (Silent Key)

Helen Sharman - Astronauta inglesa - GB1MIR

Howard Hughes - Piloto, engenheiro, bilionário excêntrico - W5CY – Falecido (Silent Key)

Hussein Talal - Rei Hussein da Jordânia - JY1 – Falecido (Silent Key)

Jerry Linenger - Astronauta norte americano - KC5HBR

Joe Walsh - Guitarrista da banda americana The Eagles - WB6ACU

John Huston - Ator e diretor de cinema - 6UK – Falecido (Silent Key)

Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr. - Prêmio Nobel de Física 1993 - K1JT

Juan Carlos de Borbon - Rei de Espanha - EA0JC

Junior Torres de Castro - Radioamador inventor do satelite Dove-Oscar 17 - PY2BJO

Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira - Ex-Presidente do Brasil - PY1JKO – Falecido (Silent Key)

Keizō Obuchi - Ex-Primeiro Ministo do Japão - JI1KIT – Falecido (Silent Key)

Mamoru Mohri - Astronauta japonês - 7L2NJY

Marcos Cesar Pontes - 1º astronauta brasileiro - PY0AEB

Marco Antonio Fontoura Hansen - Geólogo - Primeiro radioamador a transmitir da Antártida - PY3AEE

Marlon Brando - Actor - FO0GJ – Falecido (Silent Key)

Maximiliano Kolbe - Mártir - Santo da Igreja Católica – SP3RN – Falecido (Silent Key)

Noor Hussein - Rainha da Jordania - JY1NH

Owen Garriott - Astronauta norte americano - W5LFL

Patty Loveless - Cantora country - KD4WUJ

Paul Tibbets - Piloto do Enola Gay - K4ZVZ – Falecido (Silent Key)

Priscilla Presley - Atriz - N6YOS

Qaboos bin Said Al Said - Sultão de Oman - A41AA

Rachel de Queiroz - Escritora e romancista brasileira - PT7ARQ – Falecido (Silent Key)

Rajiv Gandhi - Ex-Primeiro Ministo da Índia - VU2RG – Falecido (Silent Key)

Reinaldo Leandro - Membro do Parlamento Andino - YV5AMH

Roger Mahony - Cardeal da Diocese de Los Angeles - W6QYI

Sako Hasegawa - Fundador da Yaesu - JA1MP – Falecido (Silent Key)

Scott Redd - Almirante Ex-Comandante 5ª Esquadra USN - K0DQ

Steve Wozniak - Fundador da Apple Inc. - WA6BND

Thor Heyerdahl - Membro da Expedição Kon-Tiki - LI2B – Falecido (Silent Key)

Tokuso Inoue - Fundador da Icom - JA3FA

Ulf Merbold - Astronauta alemão - DP3MIR

Walter Cronkite - Jornalista - KB2GSD – Falecido (Silent Key)

William Halligan Sr. - Fundador da Hallicrafters Co - W9WZE – Falecido (Silent Key)

Wilson Greatbatch - Criador do marca-passo - W2QBO – Falecido (Silent Key)

Yuri Gagarin - Cosmonauta russo - Primeiro homem a viajar pelo espaço - UA1LO – Falecido (Silent Key)

(Reproduction of this text is authorized provided that the authorship is preserved and mentioned - Copyright: Marcus Martins-PY4SM/PY2DD


 "About 2,000 years in Nazareth, a man brought together twelve friends and conveyed a message".

The QTC was relayed by these twelve people and has given back to the world.

Galvanized and still galvanizing generations.

This operator did not have equipment. Its transmitter was the heart. But the message went through centuries, remaining current, lively and exciting because it was full of love. As one man and his twelve companions have the same device. And if we want our message to be heard and retransmitted have to give her the same tonic, that is, love on how often and how frequently.

Love in listen, LOVE in the talk. Love for the unknown of "first" and to demonstrate that love in "cardboard" submitted.Loving, serving, serving, loving, because "we are ALL BROTHERS" (transcribed text of a QSL Card from PY2BUY)