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Main Page - Marcus Martins / Minas Gerais / São Paulo / BRASIL - Portuguese

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DXismo - ShortWave - FM / AM 
( Reproduction of this text is authorized provided the holder is preserved and mentioned - All Rights Reserved - Marcus Martins - PY4SM / PY2DD / ZW4SM )

Initially a brief commentary on the shortwave: They are the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to frequencies between 3 and 30 Mhz Its main feature is the spread of national and international radio communications (shortwave broadcasting) , amateur radio (ham radio) and mobile stations shipping over long distances. Dxismo or SWL of The shortwave is the activity of listening stations of national and international radios "savoring and enjoying" the broadcast programs such as news, sports and music, among others. The DXista or SWL (as it is called the radio listener) can send letter for broadcasters heard with your signal report, comments and suggestions. Broadcasters always thank the correspondence received by sending brochures, giveaways and the QSL card issuer.

Discuss in more detail based on our experience in the practice of this charming hobby, we practice for over 30 years and still excites us and distracts... At first advise the radio-listener using a receiver capable of receiving at least in the short wave bands of 25, 31 and 49 meters as well as the medium wave... So, they may be heard and distant locations stations and get used to it gradually to acquire a practice that may justify the purchase of a more powerful receiver and more "bands", more sensitive and will facilitate those "more laborious and difficult hunt." The principle should be chosen the nearest stations, preferably national with its signals always very strong and slowly, slowly, more distant stations; parallel will get used and better understand the problems of propagation, noise and interference of all kinds, best times and etc.

Discuss in more detail based on our experience in the practice of this charming hobby, we practice for over 30 years and still excites us and distracts... At first advise the radio-listener using a receiver capable of receiving at least in the short wave bands of 25, 31 and 49 meters as well as the medium wave... So, they may be heard and distant locations stations and get used to it gradually to acquire a practice that may justify the purchase of a more powerful receiver and more "bands", more sensitive and will facilitate those "more laborious and difficult hunt." The principle should be chosen the nearest stations, preferably national with its signals always very strong and slowly, slowly, more distant stations; parallel will get used and better understand the problems of propagation, noise and interference of all kinds, best times and etc.

There are these stations the "listeners clubs" through which it is possible to change many details interesting publications, postcards and etc. As a general rule the main activity of DXista is to cooperate voluntarily with the radio stations, developing and sending them the radio reception reports.

But first we must understand that radio waves are electromagnetic waves that are produced when electric charges come into oscillation or vibration. The waves are energetic pulses that propagate in space carrying energy. Examples of these waves: radio waves, TV, mobile, internet, ultrasound, microwave, x-rays, etc. Electromagnetic waves have been described mathematically by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in the nineteenth century. It was based on the equations of scientists: Coulomb, Ampere, Faraday and Gauss, giving them a new vision and forming a set of four equations that demonstrate the interaction between the electric field and magnetic field and its relations with the voltage and electric current. These equations have come to be known as Maxwell's equations and are the basis of electromagnetism. Maxwell also proved that light is an electromagnetic wave and that all electromagnetic waves propagate in vacuum at the speed of light (c = 3108 m / s). If we have an electronic circuit able to make the vibrating loads, ie, a frequency oscillator which leads to a transmitter and we connect this to an antenna, important phenomena take place... The antenna which is the most important equipment for both reception as for transmission, produces an electromagnetic disturbance that propagates through space at a speed of 300,000 km / seconds.


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Vibrations or "waves" of this frequency then have a length of 300 meters. Then associate with a frequency value a wavelength that is simply calculated by dividing 300 million by the frequency value in point: Y = 300,000,000 / f (where "Y" is the wavelength at (meters) and " f" frequency in hertz (cycles per second). See then that if the frequency is 10.000.000Hz (10Mhz or 10 MHz), we will have more waves occupying the same space of 300,000,000 meters, where the wavelength associated is only 30 meters. Similarly, for 100.000.000Hz (100Mhz) will have a wavelength of only 3 meters. For higher frequencies have then a time shorter wave length or "shorter". An division between the different frequencies allows a separation that are long waves, medium and short wave, which exhibit different behaviors when they propagate through space. Thus, waves of 100kHz to 500kHz approximately calls are long wave (LW). These waves they have a very high penetration, tending to spread along the ground and, unless using very high power, do not go too far. As these waves can penetrate the sea water with relative ease and the sea from spreading is favored, the navies of many countries use these frequencies for communication with submarines ships.  

In Europe these waves are also used to commercial radio stations, since the medium-wave range that is typically used for this, in that region is very congested. Usually seasons of great powers that are "local" services and operating in frequencies of Long Waves (OL). In Brazil, this band is used for guidance of aircraft approaching airport system. It hears a signal code that identifies the airport (tuning these tracks you will hear a series of "beeps" in Morse code with Airport acronym) and allows the plane to find even under bad weather conditions. Next comes the range of 500KHz to 1600KHz corresponding to wavelengths of 600 meters and 187.5 meters which corresponds to the call waves Medium (OM).

This band in all countries is used only for commercial broadcast stations (OM). The signals of these stations do not normally have a very high penetration, so its spread during the day is restricted to a maximum of 100 or 200 kilometers. During the night some phenomena come into play as we shall see, and these waves can reach hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. The length of these waves is relatively large and allows them to bypass certain obstacles, such as mountains and metal structures, thus facilitating their capture in locations where other signals (FM and TV for example) do not reach well. As the scope "fixed" signs this range does not go beyond a few tens of kilometers and relies heavily on the transmitter power, the OM is used only for local services. Finally we got to stretch from 1600KHz the 50MHz corresponding to wavelengths from 187.5 to 6 meters. Waves are "much shorter" that precisely correspond to what we call Shortwave or OC. This track is quite extensive, and therefore need to make an additional division. The signals of different frequencies in this range have different lengths and propagate differently, depending on many factors, such as:

Time = It is known that the sun influences the propagation of waves acting directly on the ionosphere and atmospheric electricity. The ionosphere is a region of the upper atmosphere between 80 and 400 kilometers high in that form regions or sub- layers (designated by letters) which reflect radio waves, but only certain shortwave frequencies and tracks, depending its altitude. Reflecting these ionized layers (charged electricity ) and also on the ground (or the sea) , the waves can travel great distances such as from one country to another or even go around the world. That's why in the range of shortwave can, in favorable conditions, capture stations from other continents.

Solar activity = (this factor is important) if the sun is not " calm", if there are disturbances on its surface such as explosions, stains, etc., and it rushes in cycles and some 11 years, is released on the earth a true "rain" of electrified particles that can even destroy, for a time, the ionosphere layers interrupting the propagation of short waves. This ability to achieve great distances with shortwave, thanks to its reflection in the ionosphere, is leading the man to use them in various types of services such as: global reach of broadcasting, amateur communications (hams), utilities, military, and maritime communications between aircraft.

Upon hearing the signs of a shortwave radio in the then we encounter strange things well: in addition to broadcasting stations that broadcast programs in many different languages ​​(depending on your country), also heard signals like running machines... These signals correspond to telex machines or even fax - simile that can spread from one country to the other news and pictures that are decoded by special machines. We can hear resins encoded in Morse code which, being continuous and provided with less detail, are less subject to interference problems and can reach farther than the spoken word.

The ships use the telegraph signals to communicate. We can also hear signals that correspond to voices "shuffled" we cannot understand even adjusting and tuning the receiver. These are signals SSB (Single Side Band), which is a method of "focusing " the signal power , yielding over range and occupying less space in the frequency range . To "decode" these signs and listen well the talk you need a special receiver or a device called BFO.

As we are seeing the scope of each track shortwave depends on several factors... Note that there is a division in types of issue and pre-set frequency limits, know though these limits are constantly monitored by the authorities and that violate them by issuing which is not allowed, it can lead to seizure of the equipment. That is why always warn those wishing to use long wave transmitters, medium, short, or FM about the dangers of their use without knowledge, permission or illegally!

Distribution table and use of radio frequencies
Frequency in KHz Use / Services   Frequency in KHz Use / Services
9 a 19,95 Radionavegação   129.750 Aeroporto São Paulo
19,95 a 20,05 Padrão frequência e horário   130.000 Aeroporto de Lins
70 a 72 Radionavegação   130.300 Aeroporto Alpinópolis MG
72 a 84 Radionavegação fixa e móvel   130.500 Aeroporto de Araçatuba SP
73 Radioamador (Inglaterra)   130.550 Avião-Avião SP
84 a 86 Radionavegação   132.100 Torre Aeroporto de Anápolis GO
86 a 90 Radionavegação fixa e móvel   132.100 Congonha Final
90 a 130 Radionavegação fixa   132.500 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro
136 Radioamador (Inglaterra)   133.700 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro
110 a 160 Radionavegação móvel marítimo   130.800 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM
150 a 285 Ondas longas (LW)   130.900 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM
160 a 190 Fixa   131.000 GOL Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM
190 a 285 Radionavegação aeronáutica   131.100 GOL Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM
285 a 315 Radionavegação marítima   131.800 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife
315 a 495 Radionavegação aero/marítima   133.300 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM
495 a 505 Socorro móvel   133.800 Aeroporto Porto Velho
505 a 525 Móvel Radionavegação aeronáutica   135.670 Esquadrilha da fumaça
525 a 1.625 Radiodifusão ondas médias (MW)   135.750 Aeroporto Cumbica SP
540 a 1.710 Radio AM   137.500 Satélite Meteorológico NOAA 10 e 12
1.625 a 1.800 Radionavegação aeronáutica   137.620 Satélite Meteorológico NOAA 9 e 11
1.800 a 1.850 Radioamadorismo 160 mts   138.000 a 143.600 Fixo móvel
1.850 a 2.000 Móvel radiolocalização   140.520 Policia federal
2.000 a 2.173,5 Móvel marítimo   142.230 Policia Federal
2.086 Telefonia marítima   143.600 a 143.650 Pesquisa espacial
2.173,5 a 2.190,5 Socorro marítimo   143.650 a 144.000 Fixo móvel
2.190,5 a 2.300 Fixo móvel marítimo   144.000 a 144.049 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Reflexão Lunar
2.300 a 2.495 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas (SW) 120 mts   144.050 a 144.100 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Emissões Piloto
2.495 a 2.505 Horário frequência padrão   144.100 a 144.190 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Reflexão Lunar
2.505 a 3.155 Fixo móvel aeronáutica   144.200 a 144.290 Radioamadorismo 2 mts DX
3.155 a 3.200 Fixo móvel exceto aeronáutica   144.300 a 144.470 Radioamadorismo 2 mts DX Nacional
3.200 a 3.400 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 90 mts   144.475 a 144.500 Radioamadorismo 2 mts - chamada
3.205 a 3.395 Radio ondas curtas 90m   144.500 a 144.600 Radioamadorismo 2 mts TX em SSB
3.452 Aeroporto Salvador   144.600 a 144.890 Radioamadorismo 2 mts TX SSB Repet
3.479 SSB Aéreo Brasília   144.900 a 145.190 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Comunicados
3.479 Aeroporto Belém   145.200 a 145.500 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Repet FM
3.500 a 3.800 Radioamadorismo 80 mts   145.500 a 146.000 Radioamadorismo 2 mts  digi Satélites
3.800 a 4.750 Fixo móvel diversos   146.000 a 146.370 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Repet FM
3.950 a 4.000 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 75 mts   146.400 a 146.580 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Comunicados
4.072 Socorro Internacional   146.600 a 147.390 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Repet FM
4.125 SOS Atlântico sul   147.420 a 147.570 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Comunicados
4.750 a 4.995 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 60 mts   147.600 a 147.990 Radioamadorismo 2 mts Repet FM
4.995 a 5.003 Frequência padrão e horário   148.000 a 150.050 Fixo móvel
5.005 a 5.060 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 60 mts   149.130 Policia Guarulhos
5.060 a 5.900 Fixo móvel diverso   149.130 Policia Mogi
5.526 Aeroporto Belém   149.770 Policia civil Mogi das Cruzes
5.559 Aeroporto Criciúma SC   150.000 Satélite Wefax
5.565 Aeroporto Salvador   150.470/151.950 RPT AERONÁUTICA IV COMAR
5.710 Aeroporto Alpinópolis MG   151.610 Aeronáutica IV Comar
5.950 a 6.200 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 49 mts   151.790 Aeronáutica IV Comar
6.550 Aeroporto Araçatuba SP   151.870 Aeronáutica IV Comar
6.603 Aeroporto Brasília   151.990 Aeronáutica IV Comar
6.200 a 7.000 Fixo móvel diverso   154.190 Policia de Lins
7.000 a 7.300 Radioamadorismo 40 mts   154.730 Policia Garra
7.300 a 7.350 Radiodifusão   155.310 Copon Leste SP
7.350 a 9.400 Fixo móvel diversos   156.100 Tráfego marítimo
8.816 Aeroporto Criciúma SC   156.525 Iate Club
8.843 Aeroporto Altamira PA   156.750 Telestrada
8.855 Aeroporto Belém   166.615 BPM
8.861 Aeroporto Salvador   166.590 2 BPM
9.500 a 9.775 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 31 mts   166.750 19 BPM
9.900 a 9.995 Fixo   166.770 8 BPM
9.995 a 10.005 Frequência padrão horário   166.790 21 BPM
10.005 a 10.138 Fixo móvel aeronáutico   167.030 16 BPM
10.042 Aeroporto Altamira PA   167.430 1 BPM
10.057 Aeroporto Brasília   167.510 14 BPM
10.096 Aeroporto Belém   167.570 17 BPM
10.138 a 10.150 Radioamadorismo   167.750 25 BPM
10.150 a 11.160 Fixo móvel aeronáutico   167.850 BPM
11.160 a 12.100 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 25 mts   167.790 AB
12.100 a 13.570 Fixo móvel diversos   167.970 5 BMP
13.352 Aeroporto Brasília   168.090 31 BPM
13.570 a 13.870 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 22 mts   168.150 BPM
13.870 a 14.000 Fixo   168.170 6 BPM
14.000 a 14.350 Radioamadorismo 20 mts   168.290 17 BPM
14.350 a 14.990 Fixo   168.510 BPM
14.990 a 15.010 Frequência e horário padrão   168.630 16 BPM
15.010 a 15.100 Móvel aeronáutico   172.650 Copom Lins (Repetidora)
15.100 a 15.800 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 19 mts   173.310 Dersa
15.800 a 17.480 Fixo móvel marítimo   174.000 a 180.000 Canal de TV (7)
17.480 a 17.900 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 16 mts   180.000 a 186.000 Canal de TV (8)
17.900 a 18.068 Fixo móvel diversos   186.000 a 192.000 Canal de TV (9)
18.068 a 18.168 Radioamadorismo 17 mts   192.000 a 198.000 Canal de TV (10)
18.168 a 18.900 Fixo móvel marítimo   198.000 a 204.000 Canal de TV (11)
18.900 a 19.020 Radiodifusão   204.000 a 210.000 Canal de TV (12)
19.020 a 19.995 Fixo móvel marítimo   210.000 a 216.000 Canal de TV (13)
19.995 a 20.010 Frequência horário padrão   216.000 a 220.000 Fixo radiolocalização
20.010 a 21.000 Fixo   220.000 a 225.000 Radioamadorismo 1,3 mts
21.000 a 21.450 Radioamadorismo 15 mts   225.000 a 328.500 Fixo móvel diversos
21.450 a 21.850 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 15 mts   234.000 TX para Localização de emergência
21.850 a 24.890 Fixo móvel diversos   243.000 Emergência Militar Aeronáutica
24.890 a 24.990 Radioamadorismo 12 mts   328.500 a 400.050 Radionavegação Aeronáutica
24.990 a 25.010 Frequência horário padrão   400.050 a 400.150 Horário e frequência padrão
25.010 a 25.550 Fixo móvel diversos   400.150 a 410.000 Móvel satélite
25.550 a 25.670 Radioastronomia   410.000 a 430.000 Fixo
25.670 a 26.100 Radiodifusão Ondas curtas 11 mts   430.000 a 440.000 Radioamadorismo 70 cm
26.100 a 26.960 Fixo móvel e meteorologia   440.550 Votorantim
26.870 Rádio Taxi   452.525 Policia Civil
26.960 a 27.610 Faixa do cidadão 11 mts   454.675 Rádio Taxi
27.610 a 28.000 Fixo móvel meteorologia   456.125 Aeroporto Congonhas
28.000 a 29.700 Radioamadorismo 10 mts   456.225 Aeroporto Congonhas
31.350 Rádio aviso   456.275 Aeroporto Congonhas
33.480 Bombeiros   456.325 Aeroporto Congonhas
38.760 Radio Taxi (Leste Taxi)   456.335 Taxi
38.770 Rádio taxi   456.350 TV Gazeta
38.820 Radio Taxi (Cooper Taxi)   456.880 RB
38.900 Radio Taxi (Lig Taxi)   456.900 Rádio Taxi
39.020 Bombeiros   456.990 Copon
39.020 Policia Militar   457.325 PM Jundiaí
39.120 Radio Taxi (Chame Taxi)   457.500 Policia Rodoviária
39.180 Policia Militar   457.575 Aeroporto
39.500 Policia rodoviária   457.900 Cepol
39.750 Policia rodoviária   462.562,50 TalkAbout UHF
41.236 Móvel marítimo   462.575 SP10 Motorola ch1
41.000 a 47.000 Canal de TV (1)   462.587,50 TalkAbout UHF
44.318 Iate Club   462.612,50 TalkAbout UHF
46.610 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 1 BASE   462.625 SP10 Motorola ch2
46.630 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 2 BASE   462.637,50 TalkAbout UHF
46.670 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 3 BASE   462.662,50 TalkAbout UHF
46.710 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 4 BASE   462.675 SP10 Motorola ch3
46.730 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 5 BASE   462.687,50 TalkAbout UHF
46.770 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 6 BASE   462.712,50 TalkAbout UHF
46.830 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 7 BASE   462.775 Rádio Taxi
46.870 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 8 BASE   463.450 Constran
46.930 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 9 BASE   464.375 Rota
46.970 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 10 BASE   464.825 SP10 Motorola ch7
47.100 Policia rodoviária   466.675 Copon
47.580 Policia rodoviária   467.562,50 TalkAbout UHF
49.670 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 1 MONOFONE   467.587,50 TalkAbout UHF
49.845 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 2 MONOFONE   467.612,50 TalkAbout UHF
49.860 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 3 MONOFONE   467.637,50 TalkAbout UHF
49.770 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 4 MONOFONE   467.662,50 TalkAbout UHF
49.875 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 5 MONOFONE   467.687,50 TalkAbout UHF
49.830 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 6 MONOFONE   467.712,50 TalkAbout UHF
49.890 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 7 MONOFONE   467.762 SP10 Motorola ch8
49.930 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 8 MONOFONE   467.812 SP10 Motorola ch9
49.970 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 9 MONOFONE   467.850 SP10 Motorola ch10
49.990 FM-Telefone s/ fio Canal 10 MONOFONE   467.875 SP10 Motorola ch11
50.000 a 54.000 Radioamador 6 mts   467.900 SP10 Motorola ch12
54.000 a 60.000 Canal de TV (2)   467.925 SP10 Motorola ch13
60.000 a 66.000 Canal de TV (3)   468.750 Constran
66.000 a 72.000 Canal de TV (4)   469.262 SP10 Motorola ch14
72.000 a 73.000 Fixo móvel diversos   469.500 SP10 Motorola ch15
74.600 a 74.800 Radioastronomia   469.550 SP10 Motorola ch16
75.200 a 76.000 Fixo móvel diversos   470.000 a 476.000 Canais de TV UHF 14
76.000 a 82.000 Canal de TV (5)   476.000 a 482.000 Canais de TV UHF 15
76.000 a 108.000 Radiodifusão   479.290 Cepol
82.000 a 88.000 Canal de TV (6)   479.450 Cepol
88.000 a 88.100 Faixa de Broadcasting FM   482.000 a 488.000 Canais de TV UHF 16
88.100 a 107.900 Radio FM   484.040 Copon
108.000 a 117.975 Radionavegação   484.062 Copon
109.300 ILS GRU   488.000 a 494.000 Canais de TV UHF 17
110.700 ILS GRU   491.130 Palácio do Governo
112.000 VOR DME CPQ   494.000 a 500.000 Canais de TV UHF 18
112.300 Aeroporto Rio Branco   500.000 a 506.000 Canais de TV UHF 19
112.800 Aeroporto de São José dos Campos   506.000 a 512.000 Canais de TV UHF 20
112.900 Aeroporto Tefé AM   512.000 a 518.000 Canais de TV UHF 21
113.000 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro   518.000 a 524.000 Canais de TV UHF 22
113.300 Aeroporto Pelotas   524.000 a 530.000 Canais de TV UHF 23
113.600 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro   530.000 a 536.000 Canais de TV UHF 24
114.200 Aeroporto de Urubumpunga SP   536.000 a 542.000 Canais de TV UHF 25
114.900 Aeroporto Manaus Ponta Pelada   542.000 a 548.000 Canais de TV UHF 26
115.200 Aeroporto Manaus   548.000 a 554.000 Canais de TV UHF 27
116.900 Aeroporto de Recife   554.000 a 560.000 Canais de TV UHF 28
117.975 a 138.000 Móvel para satélite   560.000 a 566.000 Canais de TV UHF 29
118.100 Aeroporto Cumbica   566.000 a 572.000 Canais de TV UHF 30
118.100 Torre Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   572.000 a 578.000 Canais de TV UHF 31
118.300 Base aérea de Santos   578.000 a 584.000 Canais de TV UHF 32
118.350 Aproximação Aeroporto 2 de Julho - AM   584.000 a 590.000 Canais de TV UHF 33
118.400 Aeroporto Cumbica   590.000 a 596.000 Canais de TV UHF 34
118.500 Aeroporto de Porto Alegre   596.000 a 602.000 Canais de TV UHF 35
118.700 Aeroporto de Congonhas   602.000 a 608.000 Canais de TV UHF 36
118.700 Aeroporto Santos Dumont   608.000 a 614.000 Canais de TV UHF 37
119.000 Aeroporto de Porto Alegre   614.000 a 620.000 Canais de TV UHF 38
119.100 Aproximação Aeroporto 2 de Julho - AM   620.000 a 626.000 Canais de TV UHF 39
119.300 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   626.000 a 632.000 Canais de TV UHF 40
119.300 Aeroporto Salvador   632.000 a 638.000 Canais de TV UHF 41
119.350 Aeroporto Sta Maria RS   638.000 a 644.000 Canais de TV UHF 42
119.900 Aeroporto Rio Branco   644.000 a 650.000 Canais de TV UHF 43
120.000 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro   650.000 a 656.000 Canais de TV UHF 44
120.400 Aeroporto Cumbica   656.000 a 662.000 Canais de TV UHF 45
120.550 Aeroporto de Porto Alegre   662.000 a 668.000 Canais de TV UHF 46
120.700 Aeroporto de Pirassununga Academia   668.000 a 674.000 Canais de TV UHF 47
120.800 Aeroporto Uberaba MG   674.000 a 680.000 Canais de TV UHF 48
121.000 Aeroporto Galeão   680.000 a 686.000 Canais de TV UHF 49
121.300 Busca e Salvamento AM   686.000 a 692.000 Canais de TV UHF 50
121.300 Aeroporto Bauru   692.000 a 698.000 Canais de TV UHF 51
121.350 Aeroporto Santa Maria RS   698.000 a 704.000 Canais de TV UHF 52
121.500 Emergência Aeroporto 2 de Julho - AM   704.000 a 710.000 Canais de TV UHF 53
121.600 Aeroporto Marte   710.000 a 716.000 Canais de TV UHF 54
121.650 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   716.000 a 722.000 Canais de TV UHF 55
121.700 Aeroporto Porto Alegre   722.000 a 728.000 Canais de TV UHF 56
121.800 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro   728.000 a 734.000 Canais de TV UHF 57
121.900 Controle de Solo Aeroporto 2 de Julho   734.000 a 740.000 Canais de TV UHF 58
122.400 Aeroporto de Pirassununga Academia   740.000 a 746.000 Canais de TV UHF 59
122.900 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro   746.000 a 752.000 Canais de TV UHF 60
123.100 Busca e Salvamento Aeroporto 2 de Julho   752.000 a 758.000 Canais de TV UHF 61
123.300 Instrução Aeronáutica   758.000 a 764.000 Canais de TV UHF 62
123.400 Comunicação entre aeronaves   764.000 a 770.000 Canais de TV UHF 63
123.400 Aeroporto Brasília   770.000 a 776.000 Canais de TV UHF 64
123.500 Instrução Aeronáutica   776.000 a 782.000 Canais de TV UHF 65
123.695 Aeroporto Curitiba PR   782.000 a 788.000 Canais de TV UHF 66
123.800 Aeroporto Manaus   788.000 a 794.000 Canais de TV UHF 67
124.550 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   794.000 a 800.000 Canais de TV UHF 68
125.100 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   800.000 a 806.000 Canais de TV UHF 69
125.300 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   806.000 a 823.040 Fixo móvel
125.400 Aeroporto Manaus   869.040 a 891.480 FM Telefonia Celular Estação Base
125.450 Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   902.000 a 928.000 Radioamadorismo 33cm
125.700 Aeroporto Porto Velho   931.712,50 Tele mensagem
126.300 Torre Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   931.912,50 Tele mensagem
126.300 Aeroporto Manaus   1.227.600 GPS Sistema Posição Global
126.900 TASA Aeroporto Dois de Julho Recife AM   1.240.000 a 1.300.000 Radioamador 23cm
127.150 Aeroporto Congonhas   1.575.420 GPS Sistema Posição Global
127.600 Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro   1.691.000 Satélite Meteorológico Meteosat 3
127.655 Aeroporto Cumbica SP Meteorologia   2.401.143 Satélite Oscar 16 / Broadcast Packet
128.400 Aeroporto Manaus   2.401.220 Satélite DOVE-Oscar 17 / 1200 Bps
128.900 Aeroporto de Porto Alegre   2.401.500 Satélite Oscar 11 / 1200 Bps
129.200 Aeroporto São Paulo      

In other ranges of use we have different types / services as can be seen in the table above. The frequencies between 50 and 100MHz are not affected appreciably by the ionosphere, so not being reflected, cannot exceed the skyline. Thus, its reach this limited to a 200 km depending on the existence of mountains, hills and the proper placement of the antenna. In the 54MHz band can possibly occur reflections that carry signals far, but this is not a very common phenomenon. Some radio amateurs use the moon successfully as "natural reflector" sending the signal toward him and taking him back too far, even on another continent! A range of 50 to 100MHz (and above) then it is very used for communications within walking distance (TV and FM). These frequencies longer correspond to what we call VHF (Very High Frequency) or very high frequencies, with waves whose length nearly as small as only 3 meters (100MHz). Frequencies above these are also used in various types of communications, including microwaves having such small lengths which are not expressed in meters, but in centimeters.

There are many portable or desktop transistor receptors that have short wave bands able to tune to stations in the intervals between 120 and 13 m wavelength, corresponding to 2,4Mhz approximately 25MHz. There are also old (and excellent) radios valve (table) that have extended ranges and with great sensitivity reception on shortwave, enabling listening very distant stations, very easily. Some of these receivers have in your dashboard a scale where some countries seasons are marked. It is possible that this marking cannot apply to the present day, because there have been many changes in frequencies of these stations, as well as the appearance of others in recent years, but it serves to indicate how sensitive such radios.



Using a radio that has the range of shortwave and when to do it to get the best results? Surely everyone who has a radio with shortwave band and had the opportunity to turn it on at dusk or night could hear relatively strong emissions in Portuguese. These issues, however, account for only a few strongest stations that are captured without further resources and which is not the most interesting to explore. Are large stations with hundreds of thousands of watts of power as the BBC London, Radio Voice of Russia Voice of the United States, Germany's Voice, Radio China International, among others, who run their antennae to Brazil at certain times and thus can be heard with special programs in Portuguese or Spanish. These stations have "international services" driving programs for certain countries on their tongues, in the most favorable time for the reception. Many of them have programs in Portuguese directed to Brazil that can be heard easily.

dxswl.gif (3952 bytes)

To listen to commercial stations that have weaker signals, amateurs and public services, we need to take a "little help" to the receiver using a good external antenna. The simplest type of external antenna is an extended wire (inside or outside) 4-40 meters in length, which must be isolated at the tips. For connecting the receiver can use an alligator claw that will be attached to telescopic antenna or place of external antenna input. If the receiver has no place to connect the antenna , we can make a link irradiation consisting of a box with a coil 4 to 10 turns, where one end binds to the downward edge of the external antenna and the other to earth, and the receiver is placed inside this box .

Please note that the connection to the land is very important to improve reception. This connection can be made at the negative pole of the batteries (in the case of portable receivers with telescopic antenna) , is holding a wire to be connected to any metal object in contact with the ground, for example a water pipe or miter aluminum door or window.

The purpose of the antenna is to capture as much of the energy radiated by the station and take it by wire to the recipient. This antenna, located above the house, away from electric wires, also prevents noise pickup and interference that impair reception. Fluorescent light bulbs, cars and engines radiate signals in the shortwave band that can harm the reception of very weak signals. Next storms are also a source of interference and danger should not these occasions connect to the receiver. With the approach of the external antenna storms must be disconnected from the receiver in order to avoid possible damage to it.

 ts950.gif (8699 bytes)

As already explained, the short waves are strongly influenced by the sun, it means that there are times when the resins can go further, depending on their frequency and location. In Brazil, the best times to monitor (in terms of tracks) are the following:

1,6MHz 5 MHz -Stations located more than 500km from your home may be better tuned after 17 hours (when the sun is setting) and before 8 AM. This gives you all night to explore the range. In other times you can capture relatively close and powerful stations. Of tropical waves range nearby cities radio stations will be captured during the day and eventually some amateur band of 80 meters.

5 to 11MHz - During the day you can pick up signals of relatively strong stations until 1.000Km. However, after 16 hours and up to 9 hours of the following day can be heard far away stations from other countries / continents, if the tracks are used in 49, 31 and 25 meters. During the relatively close hams day can be heard on 40 meters as well as some public services.

11 to 25MHz - This band can be explored throughout the day, but at night is that we got the best results. During the day on the tracks 19, 17 and 13 meters can be picked up powerful international stations with good signals.

Turning on your receiver at the chosen time of "exploitation", always have at hand a notebook. If you hear an international broadcast station with programs in Portuguese or even in language you can understand, write down the frequency, time, station name and a little program that you heard, for example:

20h - Musical prefix,

20h02 - News,

20h10 - Music etc.

Give also technical note to the quality of reception. For this there is the International Code "SINFO" wherein each letter represents a characteristic which takes a score of 1 to 5. Thus "S" means the signal intensity (Signal Strenth) , "I" indicates interference, "C" It means noise (Noise), "F" means fading (Fading) and "O" means general assessment (Overal merit) . If you then assign station we picked up the note SINFO = 45344 means that listening was a station with a strong signal without interference some noise, some fading and a good overall rating. The table below will help you give your note:

S = signal intensity: (1 = very weak - weak = 2 - regular = 3 - 4 = strong - very strong = 5)

I = interference: (1 = extreme - strong = 2 - regular = 3 - 4 = small - no = 5)

N = noise: (1 end = - = strong 2 - regular = 3 - Small = 4 - no = 5)

F = fading: (1 = very strong - strong = 2 - regular = 3 - 4 = little - no = 5)

O = overall assessment: (1 = very bad - bad = 2 - regular = 3 - 4 = good - excellent = 5)



If you write a letter to a station that caught saying what he heard, frequency, program data, time, inform the SINFO code of your reception, and then indicate what kind of receiver and antenna used, this can result in an interesting hobby... Ask season will confirm that your listening report with the official QSL card of the season - QSL is used code verification means. Each station has a postal type card she confirms you’re listening. These cards are beautiful and constitute an excellent collection. If you really think about being a "serious dxista" of shortwave, buying a "Digital" receiver can be interesting. Satellite receivers as Grunding and Transglobe Philco are some simple options, too old receivers (the valves) and were used by radio amateurs, are excellent for sensitivity and selectivity (able to separate nearby frequencies stations), they can be purchased, such as : Collins, National, Signal Corp, Delta, Hallicrafters, etc.

There are very old receivers like the BC348 type that has over 40 years of age, having been used in aircraft type C -47 ( DC-3 ) in World War II and which has excellent sensitivity. On the Internet and in major Sunday newspapers can, on occasion, find ads of such receptors, some even for very affordable prices! The receiver in question ( BC348 ) has six frequency bands, covering 200KHz to 18MHz and uses valves. It also has filter crystal to improve the selectivity and BFO which is an oscillator that helps receive telegraph and SSB signals.

Reproduction of this text is authorized provided the holder is preserved and mentioned - Copyright - Marcus Martins - PY4SM / PY2DD / ZW4SM

Tuning station of radio from the Middle East in OM
By Sarmento Campos - Rio de Janeiro -
An important aid component in the search for distant radio is knowledge of the Gray Line, which in Portuguese means "gray line". As we can see in the satellite picture below, in the area where the transition occurs from day to night, the propagation conditions change significantly allowing practicing some interesting tapping both dawn and dusk.

Anoitecendo.jpg (26610 bytes)

(Internet Photo ) - 17h41mim site of Rio de Janeiro

As an example, in Rio de Janeiro have been reported listening stations of Saudi Arabia in Medium Wave - 1512 kHz - at dusk. At this time, Saudi Arabia is dawning, making it conducive to propagation of waves Medium to Brazil. During this period, are dramatic changes occurring in the ionosphere, while in Saudi Arabia for example, is dawning, the "D" layer of the ionosphere - which is the lowest layer and that just absorbs low-frequency radio signals - is brewing. And in Brazil, in this case in Rio de Janeiro, the "D" layer is rapidly deteriorating, and is forming the layer "F" superior, providing the refraction of radio waves. During this transition the ionosphere, is the phenomenon of "pushed" the transmitter signal located in Saudi Arabia, to the Rio de Janeiro. Between the period of about 17:30 to about 18:45 - depending on time of year, summer or winter - the window spread to Medium Waves, in particular, opens to the Middle East. It is in this period where there is the tuning of these stations with really amazing sign.

To better understand all about Dxismo Shortwave:

Visit : Propagation         -         visit also: DX         -         visit yet : Rays - Storms


Using a shortwave radio and in the event to listen to medium wave, especially a communications receiver, shows that a set of skills is important to obtain maximum performance, and this requires time and effort.

A point to be understood is that the receiver cannot do everything alone. A good receiver must be connected to a good antenna system. And as we can see with the study of propagation, reception conditions represent the most important part in determining whether you can hear a station.

Selecting the proper bandwidth is something to be learned over time. It is possible, for example, to tune an AM signal of 6 kHz wide using a 2.7 kHz without resorting to ECSS filter technique. This is done by tuning order to receive the original AM carrier and a piece of one of the sidebands. This results in an audio "cut" and loss of fidelity, but can mean the difference of a readable sign and no identification. Using PBT / VBT or filter "notch" to achieve better results is something that needs to be learned with time and practice.

There are several "tricks" that are learned in practice. Sometimes the best reception of an AM signal can be obtained by tuning the displacement of a kHz carrier frequency. The best way to learn these techniques is trying different combinations of various controls using local stations. Try tuning to a strong local station using the USB or LSB mode your radio. Try adjusting the RF gain control and use different bandwidths available. It is easier to learn in strong signals like these than with weak signals in crowded bands.

A modern communications receiver AOR- 7030 +



Remember that the ANTENNA is the most important equipment for the reception and transmission of radio waves!

Medium Waves, portable radio uses an internal antenna ferrite that is directional, so when engaged an external antenna, in addition to increasing the signal strength in the desired frequency, can reduce interference from other stations.

GENERAL RULES FOR DX PRACTICE - The following is a review of how to use a communications receiver, or even a portable receiver that can apply the ECSS technique for DX practice:

1. Ascertain the time of listening which the most favorable times for the region of interest.

2- In favorable times, seek tune and verify that this "coming" any station in the region that want to listen. If so, continue on this track, negative attempt if after a while, until you hear the easiest.

3- Preferably use external antenna (if possible cut for the band you want to hear), directed to the area where is located the station's antenna - use dipole antenna or long wire 1 / 4 of the band or a frame loop antenna.

The following are some tips to use a modern receiver, whose procedures could be adapted to other receptors, including laptops have the above features.

a) Select the SSB mode;

b) Position the Pass band Tuning button on the center position of the USB or LSB;

c) Adjust the gain of RF - Radio frequency, the minimum gain position;

d) Select the AGC - automatic gain control, the slow position;

e) Activate the signal amplifier button - pre-amp;

f) Activate the button NB - Blank Noise - noise limiter;

g) If available, set the NOTCH Filter - cavity filter;

h) Select a narrow filter, bandwidth around 2.8 to 1.8 kHz;

i) Start tune into stations in the chosen band slowly, and the band go looking for the characteristic whistle carrier and existence of broadcasting in AM; once located a station, perform fine tuning trying to eliminate the whistle (zero beat the sideband mode). If you do not get audio readable at the time, you should note the frequency for some time after re-tune it because the propagation conditions can improve;

j) When it finds a weak signal but audible, we began to use all features of the receiver to make it more readable and clear as possible:

k) Set the RF gain and the audio volume;

i) Using the PBT control – Pass band Tuning - at one end of the USB or LSB, and slowly going downtown to the other end where the audio is usually more understandable;

m) Write down in a notebook what you are listening to, recording the frequency, time and the conditions of reception using the SINPO code;

n) To register something interesting, you should use a tape recorder, preferably coupled to the receiver and record readable excerpts;

o) And finally, record the capture in the log book.


The SDR (Software -Defined -Radio) - as the name suggests, is a composite software defined radio to a frequency converter circuit and a computer program (software). The computer program allows you to process the signals in the frequency conversion and make their demodulation, for example in AM, SSB, FM and etc.

These signals are available on the Internet and can be processed by your computer and thus enable them to be heard in real time.

Click below SDR = > tune in and listen to several bands and amateur radio contact (live)

SDR - PY2PE (ao vivo)     /     SDR - PY2ASG (ao vivo)     /     SDR - PY4VE (ao vivo)     /     SDR - PU7OJE (ao vivo)

SDR - PI9CAM (ao vivo)     /     SDR - G7CKX (ao vivo)     /     SDR - C31CT (ao vivo)     /     SDR - DJ3LE (ao vivo)

 SDR - K2SDR (ao vivo)     /     SDR - PA3FWM (ao vivo)     /     SDR - RV3DLX (ao vivo)     /     SDR - YO3GGX (ao vivo)

Below commercial radio links, click and listen to live:

Brasil - Rádio Alvorada FM - Belo Horizonte - MG

Brasil - Rádio N. Sra. Aparecida - SP - 820, 5.035, 6.135, 9.630, 11.855 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Bandeirantes - São Paulo - 840, 6.090, 9.645 e 11.925 Khz

Brasil - Rádio BandNews 89.5 FM – Belo Horizonte - MG

Brasil - Rádio BH 102 FM – Belo Horizonte - MG

Brasil - Rádio Bons Tempos - São Paulo - Webradio

Brasil - Rádio Caçula - Tres Lagoas - MS - 1.480 Khz

Brasil - Rádio CBN BH 106.1 FM – Belo Horizonte - MG

Brasil - Rádio CocaCola - São Paulo - Webradio

Brasil - Rádio Globo – Belo Horizonte - MG - 1.150 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Globo - SP - 1.100 e 6.120 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Globo AM - RJ - 1.220 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Guaiba - Porto Alegre - RS - 720, 6.000 e 11.785 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Igreja da Paz – Fortaleza - CE - Webradio

Brasil - Rádio Inconfidência - Belo Horizonte - MG - 880 e 6.010 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Itatiaia - Belo Horizonte - MG - 610 e 5.970 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Mais Louvor - SP - Webradio

Brasil - Rádio Nacional - 6.180 e 11.780 Khz

Brasil - Rádio Rio-Mar - Manaus - AM - 1.290, 6.160 Khz e 9.695 Khz

Brasil - Rádio SARA - Gospel - Varginha - MG - Webradio

Brasil - Rádio Tres Lagoas FM - Tres Lagoas - MS

Rádio ACLO Chuquisaca - Sucre - Bolivia - 600 Khz

Radio ACLO Potosi - Bolivia - 680 Khz

Radio Okapi FM 103.5 - Kinshasa - Congo

Radio Altiplano - Santa Cruz de La Sierra - Bolivia - 820 Khz

Radio Antena-1 102.7 FM - Nicosia - Chipre

Radio Argentina - Buenos Aires - Argentina - 570 Khz

Radio BBC - Londres - Inglaterra - 3.390, 5.955, 6.135, 9.525, 11.710, 11.765, 11.855, 13.700, 15.215, 15.390, 17.860 Khz

Radio BBC 1 97 FM – Londres – Inglaterra

Radio BBC-4 - Extra Digital FM – Londres - Inglaterra

Radio BBS FM 88.1 - Bhutan National Radio - Bhutan

Radio Buenos Aires - Argentina - 1.350 Khz

Radio Callao - Lima - Peru - 1.400 Khz

Radio Cabo Verde FM - Praia - Cabo Verde

Radio Carinhosa - Bogota - Colombia - 610 Khz

Radio Cielo - Lima - Peru - 1.010 Khz

Radio Cooperativa - Santiago - Chile - 740 Khz

Rádio DWELLE - Alemanha - Web

Radio Expectador - Montevideo - Uruguay - 810 Khz

Radio Exterior da Espanha - Madrid - Espanha - 9.620 Khz

Radio Falkland Islands Service 88.3 FM - Stanley - Ilhas Malvinas

Radio Family - USA - 9.955 e 13.695 Khz

Radio Fides Cochabamba 95.1 FM - Bolivia

Radio Fides La Paz - Bolivia - 760 Khz

Radio Fides Santa Cruz 94.7 FM - Bolivia

Radio Fides Tarija 89.1 FM - Bolivia

Radio France Intl - Paris – França - 17.660 e 21.690 Khz

Radio GABZ FM 96.2 - Gaborone - Botzwana

Radio HCJB Global - Quito - Equador - 6.160, 9.745, 11.920, 12.020 e 15.295 Khz

Radio Jesus 91.9 FM - New York - USA

Radio KBS World - Coreia do Sul - 9.605 Khz

Radio Miami Internacional - WRMI - USA - 9.955 Khz

Radio MIX FM - Caracas - Venezuela

Radio MIX FM - Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Bolivia

Radio Mundial - Caracas - Venezuela - 550 Khz

Radio Okapi FM 103.5 - Kinshasa - Congo

Radio OUAGA 105.2 FM - Burkina Faso

Radio RAS 102 FM - Torshavn - Ilhas Faroe

Radio Romenia Internacional - Bucareste - Romenia - AM - 7.325, 7.335, 9.525, 9.730, 11.800 Khz

TV - Novo Tempo - Brasil

TV - Rádio Globo AM Studio - RJ

Click and Listen on- line (real time): Amateur / Navy / Police / Aviation / Railways

Local Description Service
Anchorage Anchorage Elmendorf AFB ATC Aviação
Anchorage Anchorage International Airport Aviação
Argentina Ezeiza Airport Tower / Baires CTR Aviação
Barnstable Cape Cod Area Aviation Aviação
Bernalillo Albuquerque International Airport (KABQ) Aviação
Brasilia - BRASIL Brasília Airport Tower Aviação
Brevard Kennedy Space Center Communications Aviação
Camden Camden County Airport's UNICOM Aviação
Chippewa Chippewa County International Airport - KCIU Aviação
Cochrane District Montreal Center / Timmins Aviação
Cochrane District Timmins, Kapuskasing, Cochrane, and Iroquois Falls Airports Aviação
Cochrane District Toronto Center / Timmins Aviação
Czech Republic LKTB Brno-Turany Airport Aviação
Dallas Mesquite Metro Airport - HQZ Aviação
Durham Raleigh-Durham Airport ATC - RDU Aviação
Erie Erie County Area Aircraft Aviação
Florence Florence Airport Aviação
Forsyth Smith Reynolds Airport Aviação
Halifax Halifax Stanfield International Airport - CYHZ Aviação
Hamblen Moore-Murrell Airport (KMOR) Tower Aviação
Hamilton Chattanooga ATC and Atlanta UHF ATC Aviação
Hamilton John C Munroe Hamilton International Airport Aviação
Hand Central South Dakota ATC - East and East Aviação
Henderson Memphis and Nashville Airport's Aviação
Hillsborough Tampa International Airport KTPA Aviação
Indonesia Adisucipto Int. Airport Approach - JOGJA Aviação
Indonesia Adisucipto Int. Airport Tower - JOGJA Aviação
Indonesia Juanda International Airport WARR Tower Aviação
Kern Bakersfield Air Traffic Control Aviação
King SeaTac (SEA) International Airport Aviação
McIntosh Eagle Neck Airport Unicom Aviação
Mesa Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT) and Denver Center Aviação
Miami-Dade MIA Center Miami ARTCC Aviação
Miami-Dade Miami International Airport Aviação
Monroe KROC International Airport Aviação
Nash Rocky Mount-Wilson Airfield Aviação
New York (City) La Guardia Airport Class B TCA Aviação
Norfolk (City) Chambers Field Naval Station Norfolk - KNGU Aviação
Norfolk (City) Norfolk International Airport Aviação
Philadelphia Northeast Philadelphia Airport - KPNE Aviação
Pike Pike County Airport - Hatcher Field Aviação
Pima Tucson International Airport Aviação
San Francisco/Mateo SFO Airport and Oakland Center Aviação
Sweden Trollhättan and Säve Tower, Sweden Marine 16, 71 and Sweden Coast Guard Aviação
Tarrant Dallas / Fort Worth Area Aviation Aviação
Virginia Beach (City) Norfolk International Airport - ORF Aviação
Washington Brenham Airport Aviação
Waterloo Waterloo International Airport Aviação
Waterloo Toronto Centre West Satellite Sector ATC Aviação
Waterloo Waterloo International Airport Aviação
Waterloo Toronto Centre West Satellite Sector ATC Aviação
Waterloo Toronto Centre West Satellite Sector ATC Aviação
Waterloo Waterloo International Airport Aviação
Wayne Detroit Metro Airport Aviação
Chile Sismo 24 Control Bombeiros
Waterloo Canwarn Severe Weather Network Defesa Civil - Clima
Monmouth Citizens Band Radio Channel 6 Faixa Cidadão
Charlton CSX Railroad in the greater Folkston area Ferroviária
Columbia CP Rail Sunbury Subdivision Road Ferroviária
Halton Milton Area CN-CP Rail Ferroviária
Ottawa VIA Rail - Ottawa Downtown Station Ferroviária
Red Deer CP and CN Rail - Red Deer Area Ferroviária
Antigua e Barbuda  Antigua and Barbuda Marine Ch. 16 Marinha
Hudson Northern NJ and NY City Area Marine Marinha
Ireland Louth Area Marine Marinha
Nova Scotia Sea Marine Ch 16 Marinha
St. Louis Duluth Harbor Marine Marinha
Wayne Detroit River Area Marine Marinha
Adams 147.525 Mhz Simplex Allstar Link Network RF Gateway Radioamadorismo
Albemarle/Augusta KG4HOT 224.3000 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Alexander WD4LCF 145.4500 Mhz Repeater - Blue Ridge Skywarn Radioamadorismo
Alexander/Cleveland W4BFB 145.2300 MHz Charlotte Regional Skywarn Repeater Radioamadorismo
Alexander/Davidson W4SNA Linked Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
Algoma District VE3SNS 145.470 MHz Sault Ste. Marie Repeater Radioamadorismo
Allegan Allegan County ARC 147.240Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Alleghany 29.6000 MHz FM - Amateur Remote Base Radioamadorismo
Alleghany 52.5250 MHz Amateur Remote Base Radioamadorismo
Allegheny KF2CHP 443.4000 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Anne Arundel W3VPR 147.075 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Anoka W0YFZ 146.670 MHz ACRC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Arapahoe WB0TUB 146.6400 Khz Denver Radio League Repeater Radioamadorismo
Arizona Eastern Arizona ARS Repeater System (EAARS) Radioamadorismo
Arkansas Central Arkansas Radio Emergency Net (CAREN) 146.940 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Arkansas W5BXJ 443.5000 Mhz and KJ5YJ 145.3100 Mhz Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Arkansas/Garland W5RHS SKYWARN Repeater 147.120 Mhz Radioamadorismo
Ashland Ashland County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Atenas - Greece SW1G - Reflector 045 Port C 431.2375 MHz Radioamadorismo
Barnstable W1SGL 146.730 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Barnstable/Plymouth SE Massachusetts Amateur Radio, Marine and Air Radioamadorismo
Barren KY4X 146.94000 MHz Skywarn Repeater Radioamadorismo
Bas-Saint-Laurent VE2RXY 145.4500 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Bas-Saint-Laurent VE2SLJ 147.105 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Baxter 3.987.5 Mhz Amateur Radio Radioamadorismo
Bay/Midland/Monroe W8FSM 442.350 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Belknap W1JY CNHARC Amateur Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Bell N5ZXJ 145.3100 MHz Bell Repeater Radioamadorismo
Benton K7CVO 146.780 MHz Mary's Peak Repeater Radioamadorismo
Berkshire K1FFK 146.9100 MHz NoBARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Bernalillo W5MHG 147.465 Simplex and Echolink Node Radioamadorismo
Bexar KB5UJM 442.350 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Bexar KF5FGL 146.840 Mhz Downtown San Antonio Repeater Radioamadorismo
BG - Statewide LZ0PLD 438.8000 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Bibb Macon Amateur Repeater AA4RI 145.4300 Mhz Radioamadorismo
Bladen W4PDE 146.7450 MHz Dillon Repeater Radioamadorismo
Bonneville K7EFZ 146.640 MHz Eagle Rock ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Boone W5NWA Skywarn Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Boulder W0IA 146.760 MHz Boulder County ARES Repeater Radioamadorismo
Bradley Cleveland Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Breckinridge KY3O 147.060 Mhz and KG4LHQ 443.325 Mhz Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Brunswick/Marlboro W4PDE 146.7450 MHz Dillon Repeater Radioamadorismo
Buchanan Northwest/North Central Missouri Linked System Radioamadorismo
Bulgaria LZ0GEO 438.9000 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Burleigh W0ZRT Central Dakota ARC Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Butler/Harvey/Clay KS0LNK 443.100 MHz K-Link Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
CA - Santa Barbara K6TZ 146.7900 MHz Santa Barbara ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Cache AC7O 147.200 MHz Cache County IRLP Repeater Radioamadorismo
Caddo/Tillman SWIRA Linked Repeaters and SKYWARN Spotters Radioamadorismo
Caldwell Western Kentucky Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Capitale-Nationale VE2RIG 146,880 MHz Repeater and Echolink Node 39339 Radioamadorismo
Capitale-Nationale VE2RQR 146.610 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Carson/Washoe SNARS W7TA Linked Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Cass WØILO RRRA Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Centre K3CR 145.4500 MHz Penn State ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Champaign K9CU 146.760 Mhz and K9SI 444.100 Mhz Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Cherokee WB4NWS 145.430 MHz Mt. Oglethorpe Repeater Radioamadorismo
Churchill/Lyon Sierra Nevada ARS - GSR/Mt Davidson Linked System Radioamadorismo
Clark W7LT 146.840 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Clark/Dallas/Lincoln W5BXJ 443.5000 Mhz and KJ5YJ 145.3100 Mhz Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Cleveland Echolink and 147.5650 MHz Simplex Repeater Radioamadorismo
Cloud/Osborne/Ottawa KS0LNK 444.850 MHz K-Link Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
Colbert/Madison N4IDX 146.9600 MHz Bankhead ARC Repeater and Skywarn Net Radioamadorismo
Cook AIRA Echolink Node 1458 Radioamadorismo
Cortland K2IWR 147.180 Mhz Cortland Repeater Radioamadorismo
Cortland KB2FAF 442.8500 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Coweta K4NRC 147.165 Mhz BGMRC Skywarn Repeater Radioamadorismo
Crawford/Erie W3MIE 145.130 MHz Meadville ARES/RACES SKYWARN Repeater Radioamadorismo
Crawford/Lawrence W9EAR 443.925 MHz EARS Amateur Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
Cuyahoga Cuyahoga County Skywarn System Radioamadorismo
Cuyahoga WR8ABC 146.7600 Mhz Cuyahoga County Skywarn Repeater Radioamadorismo
Cuyahoga WR8ABC 146.880Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Dallas Central Iowa Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Dane MidWest Amateur Severe Storm Tracking Response Center Radioamadorismo
Davidson AF4TZ 146.670 MHz Nashville Repeater Radioamadorismo
Del Norte Del Norte County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Delaware/Pickaway W8AIC/R 146.760 MHz Central Ohio Severe Weather Net Radioamadorismo
Denmark OZ3DMR 434.8875 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Denton W5FKN - Denton County ARA 145.170Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Denton W5NGU Denton County ARC and Skywarn 146.920 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Deschutes KC7DMF 444.450 MHz Central Oregon Repeater Radioamadorismo
DeSoto KD5CKP 147.255 MHz Olive Branch ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Dodge KD0EFC 146.6700 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Door Door County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Douglas K0USA - AkSarBen ARC 146.940 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Douglas KC0YUR 442.950 MHz Heartland Repeater Radioamadorismo
Douglas/Harrison/Mills N0NHB 146.655 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Dufferin VE3ZAP 443.875 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
DuPage K9ONA - Chicago Six Meter Club Repeaters - 146.970, 224.820 and 443.300 MHz Radioamadorismo
Dutchess N2VRO 440.3000 Mhz, and KC2OBW 927.6500 Mhz Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Edmonton VA6EFR 445.825 MHz D-STAR Gateway Radioamadorismo
El Paso KB0SRJ 146.970 MHz Pikes Peak FM Association Repeater Radioamadorismo
El Paso Wide Area Network Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Ellis Dallas Area Amateur Radio Radioamadorismo
Erie KB5ELV 442.150 MHz Echolink/Allstar linked Repeater Radioamadorismo
Erie W3GV 146.610 MHz Erie ARES/RACES SKYWARN Repeater Radioamadorismo
Erie WB2JPQ 444.150 MHz Repeater and IRLP Reflector 9050 Radioamadorismo
Forsyth KB4SVP-L Echolink Node Radioamadorismo
Franklin Central Ohio ARES Groups Radioamadorismo
Fulton K2JJI - Fulton County 146.700 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Gage/Jefferson KC0MLT 145.3400 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Genesee KC8KGZ - 146.520 Simplex and 147.260 SkyWarn Repeater Radioamadorismo
Genesee 147.260MHz Skywarn ARPSC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Germany  DB0TT 438.650 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Germany DB0CJ 438.8750 MHz Amberg Repeater Radioamadorismo
Germany DB0EE 145.6625 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Gila W7ARA 147.3600 MHz Mt. Ord Repeater Radioamadorismo
Grand Traverse W8TCM Cherryland ARC Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Grant WA4ZKO 444.425 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Greene N0NWS 145.490 MHz Southwest Missouri SkyWarn Severe Weather Net Radioamadorismo
Greene N2LEN Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
Greene Southwest Missouri Linked Repeater System - SMLRS Radioamadorismo
Greene W0EBE SMARC Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Grundy NQ4Y 145.410 MHz Echolink 2043 and MTEARS WX Repeater Radioamadorismo
Hall Hall County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Hancock Hancock County SKYWARN 147.150mhz Radioamadorismo
Harris Saltgrass Link System Radioamadorismo
Harris SETECG - SE Texas Emergency Communications Group Radioamadorismo
Hartford KB1AEV Northern Connecticut Linked Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Hartford New England D-STAR Radioamadorismo
Hennepin 14.3000 Mhz HF Nets Radioamadorismo
Hennepin Metro Skywarn - South Metro Area Radioamadorismo
Hennepin N0BVE 145.450 MHz HandiHam Repeater Radioamadorismo
Henry Henry County Skywarn Radioamadorismo
Henry KI4FVI 146.715Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Highland KD8RWK 443.0750 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Hockley WB5EMR 146.880 MHz Hockley County ARC SKYWARN Repeater Radioamadorismo
Howard Kokomo ARC W9KRC Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Imperial/Riverside PAPA System D-Star Reflector 12 Radioamadorismo
Ireland EI2CCR 145.675Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Ireland EI2MOG Echolink Gateway Radioamadorismo
Isle Of Wight WT4RA 147.1950 Mhz Isle of Wight Repeater Radioamadorismo
Itália - Monte Amiata IR5AA 145.5875Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Jackson Kansas City SkyWarn Net Radioamadorismo
Jackson WX5ASA 444.650 MHz Altus Skywarn Weather Spotters Radioamadorismo
James City KB4ZIN 146.7600 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Jefferson 146.5500 Mhz Denver Area Simplex Radioamadorismo
Jefferson Harrison, Jackson, and Hancock Counties Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Jefferson W4CUE 146.8800 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Johnson Johnson County ARES Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Johnson Warrensburg Area ARC 146.880 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Kaufman Kaufman County Area 147.420Mhz Amateur Simplex Radioamadorismo
Kent W8LRC 145.2700 MHz Lowell ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Keweenaw K8MDH 147.3150 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
King Sammamish Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
King WW7PSR 146.960 MHz PSRG Radioamadorismo
Knox K8EEN 146.790 MHz, and KD8EVR 442.100 MHz Repeaters Radioamadorismo
KY - Laurel KE4GJG 147.1800 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Lake K9SA SUHFARS 443.2500 MHz and KA9VZD 145.2900 MHz Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Lake W9LJ 147.000 and 442.075 MHz Merrillville Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Lamar WB5RDD 146.760Mhz Paris Repeater Radioamadorismo
Lapeer Lapeer County Amateur Radio Radioamadorismo
Lauderdale KQ4RA 444.6500 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Lincoln/St.Louis/Charles St. Charles County Storm Spotters Radioamadorismo
Livingston Livingston County D-STAR Repeaters K8LCD-C/B/G and W8LIV-C/B/G Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles DARN Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles K4ELE Amateur Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles K6HOG 445.040Mhz Contractor Peak Repeater Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles K6HOG Toms International Talking Society Club Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles K6MWT 147.4350 MHz Los Angeles Renegade Repeater Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles N7YMM 449.6800 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles W6NUT 147.4500 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Los Angeles/Orange WD6FZA - PAPA System Analog Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Lucas W8HHF - Lucas County 147.270Mhz SKYWARN Repeater Radioamadorismo
Macomb K8UO 147.1800 MHz USECA Repeater Radioamadorismo
Macomb KC8UMP 443.6250 MHz Mt. Clemens Repeater Radioamadorismo
Manitoulin District VE3RMI 147.270 MHz Manitoulin Island Repeater Radioamadorismo
Maricopa Maricopa County and Queen Creek Area Amateur Radio Radioamadorismo
Maricopa W7ARA 147.240 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Maricopa W7ARA 147.360 MHz ARA Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Maricopa W7ARA 444.300 MHz Repeater and IRLP 7620 EchoLink W7ARA-R Radioamadorismo
Maricopa WB7TJD Superstition ARC Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Marion K9XV 224.800 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Marion NF9K 441.0250 MHz and W9AMT 441.2000 MHz DMR Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Marion W9ICE 442.650 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
McHenry KK9DX 145.4100 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
MD - Carroll N3KZS 146.8950 MHz Repeater Link System Radioamadorismo
Medina W8VPV 147.270 MHz Summit County and Area Skywarn Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Mercer KE3JP 146.445 MHz Greenville Repeater Radioamadorismo
Miami K9ZEV 147.345 MHz Miami County ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Miami W8FW 145.230Hz Miami County ARC Radioamadorismo
Miami-Dade 14.300 MHz Maritime Mobile Service Network Radioamadorismo
Middlesex WB1GOF 146.9550 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Milwaukee K9MAR 442.050 MHz Repeater - Hispanos Conference Radioamadorismo
Milwaukee N9GMT FM38 Repeater Group Radioamadorismo
Milwaukee WI9MRC 146.910 MHz Milwaukee Repeater Club Repeater Radioamadorismo
Mineral Amateur Radio Repeater 147.390 N8RCG Radioamadorismo
Minnehaha Sioux Empire ARC Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Monterey Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Montgomery Montgomery County AREA/RACES Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Morrison Central Minnesota Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Morrison Little Falls Fire and Miorrison County Amateur Radio and Public Safety MA Radioamadorismo
Multnomah K7RPT 147.040 MHz Portland Metro Area Repeater Radioamadorismo
Multnomah N7EXH 146.980 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Muskegon K8WNJ 146.820 Mhz Muskegon County Skywarn-ARES-RACES Repeater Radioamadorismo
Muskegon WD8MKG 147.320 MHz North Muskegon County Skywarn-ARES-RACES Repeater Radioamadorismo
Nassau Nassau and Suffolk County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Navarro Central Texas Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
New York (City) KQ2H 449.225 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Newton Newton County WA4ASI Repeater Radioamadorismo
Niagara VE3PLF 444.7250 MHz D-STAR Repeater Radioamadorismo
Nolan KE5YF 444.775 MHz and KC5NOX 145.250 MHz Sweetwater Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Oakland W8FSM 224.620 MHz Holly Repeater Radioamadorismo
Oconee K4WD 145.290 MHz KTARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Ogemaw K8OAR 146.940 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Ohio Cincinnati Area Skywarn (WARN) WB8CRS 146.880 MHz Radioamadorismo
Oklahoma WX5OKC Amateur Repeater 145.410MHz Radioamadorismo
Oneida Oneida County Amateur Repeaters and Fire Radioamadorismo
Orange AA6DP 147.0900 Mhz Catalina ARA Repeater Radioamadorismo
Orange Central Carolina Skywarn - 146.880MHz Radioamadorismo
Orange WD6AWP 448.040 MHz Orange County Skywarn Repeater Radioamadorismo
Osceola N4ARG 444.45000 MHz Kissimmee D-Star Repeater Radioamadorismo
Ottawa K8DAA 147.060 MHz Holland Skywarn Repeater Radioamadorismo
Ottawa W8CSO 145.490 MHz SKYWARN Repeater Radioamadorismo
Outaouais Reseau Radio Amateur VE2REH Radioamadorismo
Outaouais VE2CRO 146.7450and 443.9500 MHz Club de Radio Amateur de L'Outaouais Radioamadorismo
Palm Beach Ft. Lauderdale Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Palm Beach Palm Beach County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Pendleton/Kenton WB8CRS Cincinnati Area Skywarn (WARN) 146.880 MHz Radioamadorismo
Peoria W9UVI 147.0750 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Peoria WX9PIA 444.050 Mhz Amateur Repeater Radioamadorismo
Pickens WX4PG Pickens County Races and Skywarn Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Pima Amateur Radio Repeater System K7ICU Radioamadorismo
Pima BART Amateur Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Pinellas W3YT 146.865 MHz Treasure Island Repeater Radioamadorismo
Pocahontas HAMTALK Link System Radioamadorismo
Polk K4LKW 147.3300 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Polk Polk County Amateur Radio, Trains and Aircraft Radioamadorismo
Polk WC4PEM 146.985 MHz ARES Repeater Radioamadorismo
Prince William W4BRM 448.2250 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Pueblo K0JSC Fun Machine Linking System Radioamadorismo
Pulaski K5NSX 145.1700 MHz Natural State Xperimenters Repeater Radioamadorismo
Pulaski K5NSX 442.6500 MHz DMR Repeater Radioamadorismo
Quebec/Provincewide VE2CWQ ARC CanWarn Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Rapides Alexandria and Pineville Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Rede Amateur - Dallas Ham Radio Group - 80 mts - 3.819 Khz - Dallas - TX Radioamadorismo
Rhode Island KA1RCI Rhode Island Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
Richland Richland County Skywarn Net Radioamadorismo
Rockland N2ACF Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Sacramento N6ICW 147.195Mhz Repeater and IRLP Node 7650 Radioamadorismo
Saginaw N8UT 442.500 and 147.320 MHz Saginaw Repeaters Radioamadorismo
San Benito N6SBC 147.315 Mhz Hollister Repeater Radioamadorismo
San Bernardino W6BA 146.790Mhz Yucca Valley Area Repeater Radioamadorismo
San Diego Fallbrook Amateur Club Repeaters and CAL FIRE Radioamadorismo
San Diego K9KAO 449.500 MHz SCRAP Repeater Radioamadorismo
San Diego WF6OCS 144.5050 MHz Oceanside CERT Repeater Radioamadorismo
Sanilac W8AX 146.860 MHz Thumb ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Santa Cruz  Santa Cruz and Monterrey area - Ham Radio Repeaters Radioamadorismo
São Paulo - BRASIL PY2PE - BRASIL  DSTAR Reflector 018  Radioamadorismo
Sauk Sauk County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Sebastian WD5MHZ 442.425 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Sedgwick Sedgwick County RACES WA0RJE 146.940 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Sedgwick W0UUS 146.8500 MHz Wichita ARC Radioamadorismo
Simcoe VE3RAG 147.000 MHz Barrie ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Slovenia Slovenia Echolink Repeaters - S55USE - S55UTR - S55UZA Radioamadorismo
Somerset KC2VRJ 902.0500 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Somerset W2QW 146.6250 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Spain ED5YAA 145.700 MHz R4 URAB Repeater Radioamadorismo
Spain ED5YAG 439.4000 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Spain ED8ZAB 438.46250 MHz DSTAR Repeater Radioamadorismo
St. Bernard KB5AVY Linked Repeater System Radioamadorismo
St. Clair K4SCC 145.1300 Mhz ARES Repeater Radioamadorismo
St. Louis St. Louis County SkyWarn 146.9400 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Stark W8NP 147.1800 MHz Massillon ARC and WA8GXM 53.0500 Mhz Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Statewide Central Indiana Skywarn Repeater Net W9ICE 146.970 MHz Radioamadorismo
Statewide CMEN Mi5 MotoTRBO Network Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Statewide D-STAR Reflector 14 Radioamadorismo
Statewide D-STAR Reflector 30C and W9ICE 441.4500 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Statewide W9WIN Linked Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Statewide WIN System Amateur Repeater Network Radioamadorismo
Statewide Worldwide Amateur HF Nets Radioamadorismo
Strafford Strafford County ARES Radioamadorismo
Suffolk W2TOB 440.250 MHz Dstar Repeater Radioamadorismo
Suffolk W2YMM 927.3125 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Suffolk WR2UHF 444.700 MHz and IRLP 4700 Radioamadorismo
Sweden Malmo Skane Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Sweden SL6ZAQ-S 434.56250 MHz D-STAR Repeater Radioamadorismo
Sweden Swedish West Coast Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Tarrant K5FTW 146.940 Mhz Tarrant County RACES/ARES - SKYWARN Radioamadorismo
Tarrant W5NRV 145.330 MHz NE Tarrant County Repeater Radioamadorismo
Texas Caprock Intertie Link System Radioamadorismo
Tompkins Tompkins County Amateur Repeaters and Simplex Radioamadorismo
Travis Austin Metro Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Uvalde AB5JK 444.600 MHz Repeater and 147.570 MHz Simplex Link Radioamadorismo
Virginia Beach (City) Virginia Beach Special Event Radioamadorismo
Virginia Beach (City) W4KXV 146.970 MHz Virginia Beach Repeater Radioamadorismo
Wake Carolina 440 Hub/441.725 Mhz Raleigh Radioamadorismo
Wallowa KB7DZR 147.000 MHz Joseph Repeater Radioamadorismo
Walton Walton County Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Wapello WA0DX 147.2850 MHz Ottumwa ARC Repeater Radioamadorismo
Warren W2WCR Linked Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Washington Amateur Repeater WM4T 145.110Mhz Radioamadorismo
Washington Brenham Area Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Washington Washington County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Washington/Marion WA7ABU 145.190 Mhz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Washoe KA7ZAU 146.895 MHz and 224.700 MHz linked Repeater System Radioamadorismo
Washoe N7TGB 443.1750 MHz Sun Valley Repeater Radioamadorismo
Westmoreland KA3BFI 147.225 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Wichita Wichita County ARES Storm Spotters Radioamadorismo
Williamson AI5TX 443.675 MHz Armadillo Repeater Radioamadorismo
Winnipeg VE4UHF 444.000 MHz Repeater Radioamadorismo
Wood Wood County ARES Skywarn 146.790Mhz KD8BTI Repeater Radioamadorismo
Yamhill W7RXJ 146.640 MHz McMinnville ARC Repeter Radioamadorismo
Yellowstone Yellowstone County Amateur Repeaters Radioamadorismo
Brant Haldimand and Brant Counties Ontario Provincial Police Segurança Pública
Bruce Grey and Bruce Counties Area Public Safety Segurança Pública
Centre-du-Quebec Victoriaville Surete du Quebec Police Segurança Pública
Chicago Chicago Police Department Segurança Pública
Chicago Chicago Fire and EMS Segurança Pública
Chile Bomberos Santiago Segurança Pública
Chile Monitoreo Alerta Temprana Chile - CIMATCHILE Segurança Pública
Chile Red De Telecomunicaciones Chile Conectados - Cimatchile Segurança Pública
Haldimand / Brant  Haldimand and Brant Counties Ontario Provincial Police Segurança Pública
Halifax  Halifax Police and Fire and RCMP Segurança Pública
Hastings  Hastings County Public Safety Segurança Pública
Lambton  Lambton Country OPP and EMS Segurança Pública
Montreal Montreal City Police Segurança Pública
Peru Arequipa Volunteer Fire 1 Segurança Pública
Peru Arequipa Volunteer Fire 2 Segurança Pública
Peru Ilo Volunteer Fire 2 Segurança Pública
Peru Lima Volunteer Fire 1 Segurança Pública
Peru Lima Volunteer Fire 2 Segurança Pública
Peru Lima Volunteer Fire 4 Segurança Pública
Peru Moquegua Volunteer Fire 2 Segurança Pública
Peru Tacna Volunteer Fire 2 Segurança Pública
Slovenia Murska Sobota and Maribor Fire / EMS Segurança Pública
Waterloo Waterloo Regional Police Segurança Pública