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NOTE: This website is a personal, private, endeaver and has NO official connection to PARA.
PARA  Repeater System Directory
Output Freq Input Freq CTCSS Tone Notes Location
  53.410 MHz   52.410 MHz 131.8 Hz 1,7 Valley Forge, PA
146.760 MHz 146.160 MHz 131.8 Hz 1,7 Valley Forge, PA
146.820 MHz 146.220 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Camden, NJ
146.880 MHz 146.280 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Quakertown, PA
146.940 MHz 146.340 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 West Chester, PA
146.970 MHz 146.370 MHz 131.8 Hz 3,7 Feasterville, PA
223.860 MHz 222.260 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Worcester, PA
224.940 MHz 223.340 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Valley Forge, PA
224.980 MHz 223.380 MHz 131.8 Hz 3,7 Feasterville, PA
421.250 MHz 439.250 MHz   ATV Chestnut Hill, PA
443.900 MHz 448.900 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Valley Forge, PA
919.200 MHz 907.200 MHz 131.8 Hz 4,7 Valley Forge, PA
1292.000 MHz 1272.000 MHz 131.8 Hz 4,7 Valley Forge, PA
Receive Only   52.410 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Fancy Hill, PA
Receive Only 146.160 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Camden, NJ
Receive Only 146.160 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Eagleville, PA
Receive Only 146.160 MHz 131.8 Hz 7 Sellersville, PA


Most PARA repeaters transmit a CTCSS tone of 131.8 Hz.

You will need to transmit a CTCSS tone of 131.8 Hz to access all PARA repeaters.

1 = wide area coverage repeater with multiple, voted, inputs.

2 = phone-patch facilities - Transient operators may contact a control operator for assistance.

3 = part of linked repeater system.

4 = temporarily offline for maintenance.

5 = future site.

6 = frequency/PL agile, remote 70cm base station.

7 = needs CTCSS tone of 131.8 Hz for access.

ATV = Amateur Television

PARA Multi-Use Sites

Valley Forge, PA

Worcester, PA

PARA Quadrant System Information

WebPages designed and maintained by David Zollers

Copyright � 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Last updated on 10/8/2005.

Member of   The HTML Writers Guild

You are visitor to this page since 6/3/2000.