OE3MZC ham radio pages-- also visit WEB-RECEIVERS online !!

         OE3YCB and OE3MZC

Barbara´s and Mike´s Station in Purkersdorf, JN88CE

Mike doing some repair work on elevation rotator
To be QRV on all bands from 1,8Mhz ... 2,4Ghz in many different modes we use the following antennas: 
long wire with smart tuner (SGC) on 160m,80m,40m and higher. 
4 Element Mosely beam covers 5 bands ( 20m,17,15,12,10m) with 8dbd gain 
Satellite modes: 
uplink  70cm 435,5Mhz SSB/CW, 19 Element Cross Yagi Tonna 18dbd, 150 Watt 
downlink 2m 145,9 Mhz SSB/CW, 10 Element Cross Yagi 12dbd, 180 Watt
Elevation rotator Yaesu G 500A (0-180deg.) and some RX-Pre-Amplifieres with low noise figure ( 0,9db ) are essential for OSCAR satellite operation. An omnidirectional X7000 Diamond 3 band radiator is used for VHF/UHF repeater QSOs. Filters allow full duplex operation despite the high power and high sensitivity of the system. About 20 Watt into a 35 Element Tonna Yagi are used for ATV (FM-televison) on 23cm band , a 1m dish points a 2,4 Ghz signal to the local ATV-repeater.
all rotating parts are made of aluminium to keep weight at minimum
Log periodic , very cheap as TV-antenna
Two log periodic antennas are mounted for multipurpose ( VHF,UHF,TV,AIR,PR,SAT) covering 145Mhz...1,2Ghz with 8dbd gain. 

Azimuth rotator KENPRO KR1000  with 450deg. turning radius makes DX-operation very convenient. 
Preferably you should not use AIRCOM cables because it suffers from the two rotators. 

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