(See also Band Plan and Bay Area Repeaters below)
Tactical Nets
Frequency assignments depend on availability & area served.
Frequencies followed
by a "-" or "+" indicate repeater offsets, otherwise frequency is simplex.
PL as noted.
Some of these
repeaters may be linked as needs arise.
Weekly Nets - Wednesdays:
18:30 hrs.-
First Responders tone-out test and net.
19:00 hrs. -
RACES, SARS and VIP joint net.
Activation Assignments for Napa
County and the City of Napa
Command |
Command |
441.800 + (151.4) |
441.675 + (107.2) |
Tactical |
Tactical |
441.800 + (131.8) |
146.820 - (103.5) |
Staging/Info |
147.180 + (151.4) |
Packet |
145.030 |
Sonoma Co. | 146.730 - (88.5) | 145.350 - (88.5) |
Lake Co. | 147.675 - (88.5) |
Marin Co. | 147.330 + | 146.700 - |
ARRL Nat'l Calling | 146.520 | 145.695 |
7,240 KHz |
Hospital Net | 145.550 | ||
HF Local Emerg. | 7,245 (day) | 3,915 (eve.) | Listen on the hour |
HF to State | 7,230 (day) | 3,992 (eve.) | 3,552 (AMTOR) |
used within the Operational Area are coordinated by the RACES Chief Radio
Officer who resolves interference problems within the Area. UHF and VHF frequencies
are ideal for the distances and terrain in Napa County, and are used to their
full potential with mountain top repeaters. If a designated repeater is
off the air, use the output frequency on simplex. Relay traffic if necessary.
When the repeater comes back on the air, it will be obvious by the tone.
When choosing additional simplex frequencies to use, choose the highest frequency practical for your needs. Use UHF (220 or 440 bands) if you can, and if line of sight is available (e.g. across town). The higher the frequency, the greater need for line of sight transmission. If line of sight is not available (e.g. from one valley to another) VHF (2 Meters) will work better than UHF. Directional antennas can be very helpful. |
Napa Operational Area and Local Emergency Repeater Assignments:
is the primary frequency for all RACES emergency operations in Napa County.
The tactical call is: "Napa County RACES" or "WCO System for Napa County"
or other as deemed necessary. This frequency is used for the Wednesday RACES
Nets and many public service events.
147.180 is the secondary frequency for all RACES operations in Napa County. This frequency is often used for personnel and equipment requests and tracking. The tactical call is "Napa TAC" or as above when linked with 441.800. |
HF Band Plan
Napa Operational Area and Local Emergency Coordination Frequencies: (LSB = Lower Side Band)
7245 KHz LSB - Primary Daytime 40 Meter frequency. Listen on the hour if phones are down.
3915 KHz LSB - Primary Nighttime 80 Meter frequency. Listen on the hour if
phones are down.
ARRL National Traffic System (NTS) Frequencies: (The main usage of the following frequencies is for Health and Welfare Traffic. NTS is capable of transmitting hundreds of messages a month per trained operator. If it is determined that Health and Welfare traffic needs to be passed, notify the NTS resource personnel. NTS staff can pick up messages at shelters. Or messages may be transmitted to them using simplex).
14345 KHz USB - Primary frequency for traffic to the Eastern US. Nets @ 1030 and 1430.
7275 KHz LSB - Daytime NTS Net @ 1530.
3598 KHz LSB - Nighttime NTS Net to Southern California @ 1915.
3630 KHz LSB - Nighttime NTS Net @ 1900.
3705 KHz LSB - Nighttime NTS Nets @ 1945 and 2030.
General HF Frequencies:
7240 KHz LSB - National ARRL 40 Meter calling frequency.
3856 KHz LSB - ARRL National Traffic System Net for Northern California (Mission
Trail Net)
State Emergency - Primary Coordination Frequencies: (These frequencies are used by the California Emergency Services Net for weekly tests and periodic exercise. If they are occupied, check 10 KHz above or below the stated frequency.)
7230 KHz LSB - Primary Daytime Amateur Radio Frequency (40 Meters)
3992 KHz LSB - Primary Nighttime Amateur Radio Frequency (80 Meters)
3552 KHz LSB - Primary AMTOR Frequency
1987 KHz LSB - Alternate Nighttime Amateur Radio Frequency (160 Meters)
National Emergency - RACES Frequencies designated by the FCC:
1987.0L State RACES 160 meter voice primary
3545.5L State RACES Amtor/CW
3992.0L State RACES 80 meter voice primary
3960.0L State RACES 80 meter voice secondary
3997.0L State RACES 80 meter voice for military station contact & coordination communication
3999.5L State RACES 80 meter voice Tertiary
7097.5L State RACES CW/Amtor
7120.0L State RACES CW/Amtor
7248.5L State RACES 40 meter voice Primary
14050.0 State RACES CW/Amtor
14220.5 State RACES 20 meter voice Primary
Go to Top
Bay Area Repeaters
Napa County
Atlas Peak (SW) |
440.050+ 127.3 |
Calistoga/Mt St. Helena |
147.180+ 151.4 |
Mt. St. Helena |
440.050+ 151.4 |
Mt. St. Helena |
441.900+ 151.4 |
Napa |
441.800+ 151.4 (Or use PL 131.8 to talk to Sacramento) |
Napa |
146.655- 88.5 |
Napa |
444.175+ 151.4 |
Mt. Vaca (SE) |
147.000+ 136.5 |
Sonoma County & Mendocino Coast
Fort Bragg | 146.820- 103.5 |
Pt. Arena Light |
146.610- 88.5 |
Anchor Bay |
147.825- 103.5 |
Sea Ranch |
147.945- 88.5 |
Bodega Head |
146.670- 88.5 |
Point Reyes |
145.170- 88.5 |
Bolinas |
224.880 |
Geyserville |
442.505+ 100.0 |
Guerneville |
Mt Jack. 145.190- 88.5 |
Hessel |
440.125+ 107.2 |
Mt. Jackson |
146.940- 88.5 |
Mt. Jackson |
223.760- 85.4 (linked to 224.820 in San Rafael & 444.775 in Santa Rosa (PL=100) |
Mt. Jackson |
440.775+ 100.0 |
Petaluma (See Santa Rosa) |
Rohnert Park Cotati (See Santa Rosa) |
Santa Rosa - Sonoma Mtn. |
145.350- 88.5 |
Santa Rosa - Sonoma Mtn. |
146.730- 88.5 |
Santa Rosa - Sonoma Mtn. |
146.910- 88.5 |
Santa Rosa |
146.955- 88.5 |
Santa Rosa |
223.900- 85.4 |
Santa Rosa - Sonoma Mtn. |
224.480- 88.5 |
Santa Rosa - Sonoma Mtn. |
441.375+ 88.5 |
Santa Rosa |
440.200+ 88.5 |
Santa Rosa (N) |
444.750+ 82.5 |
Sebastopol |
224.960- 100.0 |
Sonoma Valley |
146.205+ 88.5 |
Lake County
Clearlake Oaks |
146.385+ 88.5 |
Cobb/Loch Lomond |
441.350+ 100.0 |
Lakeport/Kelseyville |
441.100+ 100.0 |
Mt. Konocti |
146.775- 88.5 |
Mt. Konocti |
441.425+ 100.0 |
Lower Lake |
146.895+ 88.5 |
Upper Lake/Hntr Pk |
147.675- 88.5 |
Marin County
Mt. Tamalpais |
147.330+ 179.9 |
Mt. Tamalpais |
146.700- 179.9 |
Mt. Tamalpais |
443.250+ 179.9 |
Novato/Big Rock |
147.330+ 203.5 |
San Rafael |
147.330+ 173.8 |
Terra Linda/Sn Pedro |
443.525+ 82.5 |
Tiburon |
147.330+ 192.8 |
W. Marin/Mt Barnby |
147.330+ 167.9 |
San Francisco
Ft. Miley |
145.150- |
Pacifica |
146.925- 114.8 |
Palo Alto |
145.370- |
San Francisco |
146.790- 114.8 |
San Francisco |
147.105+ 103.5 |
San Mateo |
146.850- |
East Bay
Alameda County |
147.240+ Linked to: 444.200 (107.2) - San Leandro 147.120 - Livermore 145.43 (100.0) - Livermore 224.740 - Livermore 441.125 (100.0) - Fremont(Sheriff's Comm.) |
Contra Costa County* |
147.735- 103.5 |
Danville * |
145.410- 103.5 |
Berkeley Hills * |
145.490- 103.5 |
* All 3 frequencies are linked.
Bay Area Hospitals |
147.060+ 85.4 |
Utility Coordination |
224.920- 85.4 |