Amateur Radio Station N3NKC Conyngham, PA FN10xx USA


The Antennas at N3NKC

HF Antennas


There are many different antennas in use at N3NKC. The main antenna for HF is a Hustler 6-BTV vertical. It is ground mounted and has a radial system under it. There are 32 radials, each 25 feet long. I chose this length based on research I did when installing. The principal behind this idea is that with the vertical being ground mounted (and being a quarterwave), the ground (earth) itself has to make up the other half of the vertical (its image). Therefore, with the vertical being 25 feet tall, I made the radials the exact length (its image) as its height. So far, it seems to work fairly well. The one thing worth noting is the use of a radial plate designed by DX Engineering. This plate makes adding radials easy. Another useful part is the 17 meter add-on kit which adds 17 meters to the vertical.

Also in use is an 80 meter dipole. This dipole is mounted low to the ground (20 ft) and is being used as an NVIS dipole. This is for close in (less than 500km) contacts. I've also had some success DXing with this antenna.

VHF Antennas

For 6 meters I have 2 antennas in use. The first is a 4 element yagi mounted at 32 feet. I use this antenna on the 746PRO. The second antenna is a KU4AB halo mounted in my attic. This little antenna has done some impressive QSOs during Summer Es on 6. It is used for spotting openings on the FT-857.

2 meters also has 2 antennas. The first is a 7 element yagi mounted at 28 feet. This is also used on the 746PRO. This little yagi by M2 has proven to work rather well for its size. The best QSO for this antenna has an ODX of 310km! Not bad considering its height and size. Secondary antenna on 2 meters is a stack of KU4AB halos. These are great for local QSOs and I've used them successfully on the LEO satellites. They are also in the attic.

70cm has 2 antennas as well. The first is a 13 element yagi mounted at 30 feet. This is used on the FT-857. The design is based on DK7ZB and is another impressive piece. ODX so far is 200km. Secondary antenna is another stack of KU4AB halos. Also mounted in the attic, they are great for the LEO sats and local QSOs.

FM and Other Antennas

For FM repeaters, I have a dual-band (2m/70cm) mobile antenna and a vertical dipole (1.25m). These antennas work well for getting me into the local repeaters. As for remaining antennas, I have a tribander for 10/15/20 meters that I'd like to put on the air and maybe something for 40 meters as well.

Some Photos

This page updated 22 Dec 2008

©2006-2009 N3NKC