About N3NKC

Who is N3NKC?

N3NKC is John Nemeth, born 21 November 1980. I work as a computer technician and I build and install computer Language Labs; which takes me all over the world. Licensed first in September of 1992 as a Technician class, this is when I obtained my callsign. In early 1994 I upgraded to the Extra class, however I kept my Technician class callsign as I think it has a nice sound to it on CW. I enjoy working CW, 6m, and slowly breaking into weak signal VHF/UHF work.

Where is N3NKC located?

ARS N3NKC is located in Conyngham, PA; grid square FN10xx. Coordinates are: 40.99 N 76.06 W; 1100 ft (335 m) AMSL. Conyngham is about 40 miles (65 km) southwest of Scranton, PA, 100 miles (160 km) northwest of Philadelphia, and 56 miles (90km) west of the New Jersey state border.

What bands are you on?

I am active on HF bands 80-10 meters, VHF bands 6-1.25m, and UHF 70cm. I have all mode capability on 80-2m & 70cm, while 1.25m is only FM. I mainly listen around 80 and 40 meters in the CW portions searching for new DX and saying hello to those I have talked to already. Lately I have also been listening around the 6m and 2m SSB calling frequencies, trying to spot some of those openings.

What is your station setup?

Currently I have an Icom IC-746PRO for HF/6m/2m all mode activities, a Yaesu FT-857 for 70cm all mode and 6m omni spotting, and a Kenwood TS-520se as HF secondary. For FM I have an Icom v8000 for 2m, Icom IC-37A for 1.25m, and a Kenwood TM-732A for 70cm. Antennas are: HF is a Hustler 6-BTV vertical ground mounted with 32 radials 25 ft long and 17 meter add-on kit from DX Engineering. 6m DXing is a Hy-Gain 4 element Yagi up 30 ft and omni is a KU4AB halo mounted in my attic. 2m has an M2 2M7 7 element yagi up 28ft and omni has stacked KU4AB halos also in the attic. 70cm uses a 13 element DK7ZB design homebrew yagi (waiting to go on tower) and omni has stacked KU4AB halos in the attic. The omnis also work quite well for satellite work. VHF & UHF FM is a Comet CA-2x4SR dual band mobile antenna in the attic as well. 220 uses a homebrew vertical dipole.