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WB8HRO/TIM's Quick and Easy Method to Get Your No Code Technicians License

A Brief Introduction to Amateur Radio

WB8HRO/TIM's Quick and Easy Method to Get Your No Code Technicians License

There are numerous study methods that work this is just one of them.  Of course I think it is the best, fastest and easiest.

My wife got her Tech License after 2 weeks of study, but she is very smart and knows how to study.  I will share her study "secrets" with you.  It is not necessary to perfectly understand all the material, just to pass the test.  When you get your Tech License and get on the air there will be lots of help and the theory will come together.  There is no Morse code (CW) requirement for a Tech License.

Now for the how to:

1.  Go to a Radio Shack or online (  and get a copy of the Gordon West, WB6NOA Technician Study Guide.  You don't have to bother with the video tapes or software at the Tech License level.

2.  The big secret: read the questions and highlight the correct answer.  Read any explanation at the end of the list of answers for that question.  DO NOT read the wrong answers at this time or you'll just be "teaching" yourself the wrong answers.

3.  After you have highlighted all the correct answers go through again and read the question, then the correct highlighted answer and any explanation at the end of the list of answers for that question.

4.  Go online at and take the practice tests.

5.  When you are getting 80 to 85 % correct constantly on several practice tests go to and find a test session in your area.  If there is a contact person's telephone number call him and let him know you're coming even if it says pre-registration is unnecessary.

6.  In a week + or - after you pass your test, your callsign will be issued, go to click continue then in the Licensee Name: field type your last name followed by a coma and a space your first name followed by a space and your middle name initial with no other punctuation or spaces.  For example: CONROY, TIMOTHY D
As soon as your call sign appears you may transmit.  You do not have to wait for your paper license to come by US mail.

7.  Buy a 2 meter radio or a radio with 2 meter capability.  Buy a 2 meter antenna.  The only brands I buy are Icom, Alinco or ADI.  I usually get the best deals at HRO their customer service is great and they will usually match anyone's prices.  I never buy used radios and never factory referbs (too many horror stories) because for the prices they want used I pay a little more and get a warrantee.

If it seem highly likely that you will get your Tech License do step 7 as soon as you can.  Unless you already have a way of listening on 2 meters. You can program your 2 meter radio to scan several frequencies and listen in and get familiar with procedures on repeaters. The following links will allow you to find repeaters in the Southeastern Michigan area:

When you get on the air don't worry about doing or saying something wrong.  I have made every mistake there is to make and everyone else makes mistakes.  So what, the only person who doesn't make mistakes is the person who never (says) does anything.  After you study for and pass your Tech exam you will know enough to stay legal.  If someone ever angrily chews you out on the air for making a mistake (I haven't heard this sort of thing in years) apologize and realize that their mistake was far greater than yours and they don't even know it.  Don't even think about trying to point out their mistake on the air.  Just carry on wiser but undaunted.

By the way, you will hear a lot of hams saying 73's, this is CB talk (most of us started on CB).  73 means best regards it is already plural and on CW I have no idea how to send an apostrophe.

Very 73, Tim - WB8HRO