KB5RYO's software page

KB5RYO's Software Page

Welcome to KB5RYO's Software page..My name is
Scott Billingsley and I have placed a few of
the programs I have written here..If you find
any of them useful, drop me an Email..

Repeater Controller Version 1
This was the first controller program I wrote..
It uses the comport for control and doesn't
use a config file.

Repeater Controller Version 2
This is the second controller program..It uses
the printer port for control..It also has a
config file to set options.

Both Version 1 and Version 2 can run on just
nearly any old x86 computer..This was the reason
for writing them, use of old computers..
Because of all the old 486s coming on the
market I decided to write a third controller

This program was written in Visual Basic 3 and
runs under Windows 3.1..It uses the printer port
has a config file and has voice ID..

Now for something a little different...

Simplex Repeater
This program was written in Visual Basic 5 and
runs under Windows 95B or higher..It uses the
printer port and a Windows compatible sound card..

Crossband Repeat
This program was writen in Vusual Basic 5 and
runs under Windows 95B or higher..It uses the
printer port to control a crossband repeater...

DTMF Decode
This program was writen in Visual Basic 5 and
runs under Windows 98 or higher...It uses the
sound card to decode DTMF tones and displays them..

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Go back to the home page What I have in the shack Places to go and things to do A few pictures of the radios Repeater software

Copyright © Scott Billingsley 2001