From the Upper Peninsula of Michigan along the South Shore of Lake Superior ~ Station K 8 L O D
The Hiawatha Amateur Radio Association (HARA)
monthly meeting is the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM, and is held at the Marquette County Health
Department building, lower level. It's located just east of the Michigan State Police Post on Highway
US-41 between Marquette and Negaunee.
Anyone who has an interest in electronics, radio theory, communications, and serving the public is
welcome. Let Amateur Radio open up an whole new world to you. Explore many operating modes
including voice, television, several computer generated digital modes, and yes, even Morse code.
Communicate around the corner or around the world!
Amateur Radio is a licensed radio service. To earn a license requires passing examinations regulated by
the Federal Communications Commission, and we can guide you through the learning process. The members
and officers of the HARA are interested in sharing our enjoyable and interesting hobby with anyone who is
curious about Amateur Radio and communications. Please join us!
Welcome to the World of Ham Radio. Need
more information?
1) What is Ham Radio
2) Licensing-Education-Training
Special Notes for HARA members:
The Standing Wave - Current and Past Club Newsletters available here.
HARA Live Audio Stream
Listen to the Marquette - Alger County Ham Radio Repeater System... Streaming Repeater Audio from KE8IL and
Please read... To support Microsoft and Apple operating systems, we now use the Broadcastify link to
receive Live Streaming Audio. Click on the large button below. Use the start/stop audio controls on the
Broadcastify website, but remember there is a limited amount of traffic on the site, and there may be long
periods of inactivity.
Make sure the timer in their audio control box is running. If it isn't counting minutes and seconds,
you need to click the start icon...just like on a CD player. Happy listening.
Hiawatha Amateur Radio Association
The Hiawatha Amateur Radio Association was formed to facilitate the exchange of information and general
cooperation among members, promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, further
the exchange of information and cooperation between law enforcement and emergency preparedness personnel,
lessening the burdens of government
providing much needed communications in times of emergency and or disaster, as well as to be of service to
the community at large, and to conduct club programs and activities so as to advance the general interest and
welfare of amateur radio.
Back in 1932, a group of 15 amateurs decided to
form an Amateur Radio Club. It was the first of its kind in Marquette County, known as the Marquette
Radio Assn. In 1933, they became chartered with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and were renamed the Hiawatha Amateur Radio Association of Marquette
County. The club has the original charter as well as a certificate acknowledging 50 years of ARRL
In 1935, the club sponsored the Michigan State Convention of amateur radio operators. The club also
sponsored the 1st U.P. Hamfest.
Club photo links!
Club History Photos (1)
Club History Photos (2)
Club History Photos (3)
Club History Photos (4)
Club History Photos (5)
List of Early U.P. Hams from 1930
The Old and The New
Name That U.P. Ham
Our WEBSITE Archive - Past Activities
HARA Club Officers
President: Tom Perry, KE8TPT
Vice-President: Brad Mattson, KE8TPS
Treasurer: Mike Beltz, KD8JIR
Secretary: Scott Machalk, WU8H
Board Members
Lou Gembolis, KG8NK
Dave Thomas, KD8DRF
Jim Belles, N8NAV
To submit articles for the Standing Wave club newsletter, contact Jim Belles, N8NAV at:
( n8nav1 at charter dot net ).
HARA membership? New member or need to renew your membership? Dues can be mailed to the:
Hiawatha Amateur Radio Association
P.O. Box 1183
Marquette, MI 49855
Dues annual rate structure:
Single $15.00, Family $20.00, Associate $10.00
Family associate $15.00, Student $7.50.
HARA Bylaws
Community Service
American Radio Relay League
For Amateur Radio News and Features...ARRL
ARRL Incoming QSL Service
ARRL Outgoing QSL Service
ARRL Michigan ~ Serving amateur radio
operators throughout Michigan.
Repeaters and Comm Nets
Link to Map of Upper Peninsula Repeaters: ( Click
here )
PDF of all local area comm systems: ( Click
here )
Call-sign, Rptr Xmit/Rx Freq - Tone - Location
K8LOD, 147.27 / .87 - 100 Hz PL - Marquette
Welcome to AllStarLink
AllStar Help and Support
AllStarLink (node number 48579)
Echolink (node number 420942 or K8LOD-R)
AllStar and Echolink information can be reviewed at:
KC8BAN, 147.195 / .795 - 100 Hz PL - Grand Marais
KE8IL, 146.97 / .37 - Marquette (How To Echolink )
K8LOD, 146.91 / .31 - Ishpeming
K8LOD, 146.82 / .22 - 100 Hz PL - Ely Township
K8LOD, 146.64 / .04 - 100 Hz PL - Gwinn
KC8BAN, 145.410 / 144.810 - 100 Hz PL - Wetmore
KE8IL, 444.800 / 449.800 - Marquette
KB0P, 442.200/447.200 (CC1), DMR Digital Voice, TS2= U.P.TG (31268), TS1= open - Marquette.
Look for Information and instructions at:
K8LOD, 443.450 / 448.450 - 100 Hz PL - Marquette - Central Linked System HUB for Marquette, Alger, and Luce
K8LOD-3, 144.390 - APRS Digi Marquette
The linked system consists of (west to east) 146.820, 147.270, 443.450, 146.640, 145.410, and 147.195
147.27 MHz Repeater Sunday Night Net - 19:00 local
3.921 MHz Upper Peninsula Net ( ) - 17:00 local
daily plus noon on Sunday
Informal Friday night net on 10 meters at 19:00 local on 28.396 USB
Amateur Radio License Exams (V.E. Testing)
License exams: Exams are held throughout the year at the Marquette County Health Dept. Bldg (lower
level), U.S. 41 just east of the Michigan State Police Post. You MUST preregister at least by the
Tuesday evening preceding the Saturday test date. Test dates are listed below. Contact Rich,
N8GBA at 249-3837, [email protected] or Greg, KI8AF at [email protected].
Please arrive one-half hour early for test sessions to give time to process applications. Testing
applicants should bring the following items with them: two pieces of I.D. (one being a photo I.D.), their
original license and one clear copy of that license if applicable, completed form 605 (one will be provided
if you don't have one), pencils, calculator and the test fee of $15.00. Please have the correct fee as
examiners do not carry change. You must have an FRN (see Important Information below), and provide a
valid email address. Please contact the individual(s) listed to confirm date(s), location(s), etc.
Applying for a new Amateur Radio license? Recent changes by the Federal Communication Commission now
require an applicant to obtain an FRN (FCC Registration Number) before sitting for your exam.
Register in CORES (COmission REgistration System) and
receive your FRN (FCC Registration Number) before sitting for your exam to ensure your new license is
processed quickly and easily through the FCC's ULS (Universal Licensing System). To conduct business
with the FCC, you must register through FCC CORES and be assigned an FRN. This number will be used to
uniquely identify you in all transactions with the FCC.
View the FCC web page New Users guide to
ULS for step by step instructions on the registration process or the
Commission Registration System Video Tutorials page for videos that help guide CORES users through a
variety of situations.
Operating Activities ( 2025 )
January 2nd - Monthly club meeting.
January 24th-25th Noquemanon Ski Marathon
February 6th - Monthly club meeting.
February 13th-17th U.P. 200 Dog-Sled Race
February 13th-16th Midnight Run
February 15th Jackpine 30
March 6th - Monthly club meeting.
March 8th - License exams... See testing and contact information above.
April 3rd - Monthly club meeting.
May 1st - Monthly club meeting.
June 5th - Monthly club meeting.
June 14th - License exams... See testing and contact information above.
July 3rd - Monthly club meeting.
August 7th - Monthly club meeting and HARA ANNUAL the Sands Township Hall.
September 4th - Monthly club meeting.
September 13th - License exams... See testing and contact information above.
October 2nd - Monthly club meeting.
November 6th - Monthly club meeting.
December 4th - Christmas Dinner/Party
December 13th - License exams... See testing and contact information above.
Useful and Educational WEB Sites
1. FCC
Amateur Radio Section.
2. Antenna Reference Material
Build a real antenna.
3. Baluns
What they do and how they do it.
Learn Morse code (CW) online for free!
5. Echolink
Introducing EchoLink
6. E-Ham Dot Net
Articles, Forums, News, Reviews, etc
7. AD5X
Useful Accessories and Ideas
Online Propagation
9. Earth
10. QRZ - This is a must have site.
11. A Ham's Guide
To RFI, Ferrites, Baluns and Audio
Interfacing ~ A Must Read!!!